Newmarket Era , June 17, 1921, p. 2

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word or for a for weh word On a cent wort for wohuMcq Inser- ww will for booking i i A I For gale Hen house Apply Dunn Andrew St Fop Sale Nelson Range la- good con dition no reservoir Apply to Mary Niagara SU Town Ells M Ire- Professional St Newmarket C Scot Nurse Raglan O To Rent Suite living rooms with conveniences In of Toronto Building Sec Miss at Wesleys O Watch between lie and Canes Factory on Jul Reward for return flee to Era Girls Blue Serge Coat on side road notify Miss G Silverman Albert Phone 1620 Reward THE RIGHTO OF The has as sumed control of the Lake of to Woods water power until time as concurrent legislation can be pars ed by the two provinces Ontario and Manitoba- But as Mr points out even if concurrent legislation were adopted the works would still remain according to the of the Ottawa administration works for the general advantage of Canada- This phrase sounds very very plausible but all the same is a piece of unmitigated bluff much the same Ihe State in I oh to Calls Srnond In geographically to the State of New York and the Province of Que bec as the Lake of the Woods Is to Wanted Lady or Gentleman In the Town of to handle the Products Big profits All or spare time Write us today J Co Out Salesman Wanted Sell OH Grease Paint Specialties All or part time Commission basis Should have car or rig Samples free for the profitable terms Deliveries Ontario no duty or June- Mills K Gn of In a lion against race track gambling at liic Toronto Methodist conference said weekend that was even Invading the Melh- and It Is gelling Into the pulpits Patronage of racing by the gov ernment was giving a to gambling on racing and II was a grave danger to the state He declared that Hon Mr was our change Cleveland Riverside Ohio Refining from FOR BALE RENT Brick house on Joseph Ave all con veniences Including garage Imme diate possession Apply Box Newmarket orbs TON TRUCK For local and long distance hauling hogs and calves taken to Toronto Give it a trial A P RUSSELL Newmarket Phone would be thought by people or tho United States If were to assume control of Lake for the general advantage of that province The attitude assumed by Government In this matter i absolutely untenable and Is nothing but a piece of preelection byplay As Mr says If the Dominion Government were permitted lb as sume the powers It has undertaken in connection with Ihe Norman Dam at the outlet of the Lake of he Woods it could follow the same procedure with reganT to practically every other source of- power In Ontario But lii ere no doubt that tho people of the province will line up and stren uously resist any such barefaced scheme to deprive them of their herit age Editorial Notes with Increased municipal taxes looming up ocreascd sales tax lax the dear knows what oilier tax a return lo peony postage would be welcomed by the citizenship of Canada assailed because ho was trying to force the law The resolution brought In by committee on social Service was car ried It read as follows This enters Its em phatic protest against prelection afforded the business of gambling on race tracks by the law We call at tention Ihe that according to returns made lo the government by the Jockey club of the province the sum of nearly was wag ered the race tracks of Ontario during 1920 More serious thai economic waste the fact that this business Is a menace to the moral and social life of the community and a source of temptation lo the Inexperienced and the weak Inasmuch as the supreme court of Ontario has recently decided that the provincial government has no power to prohibit Ihe business of race track gambling we out that the whole responsibility rests upon the dominion authorities We therefore call upon Ihe dominion government to place lle business of on race track on a level with all oilier forms of gambling thai place being outside the law Mr and Mrs weekend at Keswick with cloak of re- daughter Mrs Mil ford Rye Bond HAMILTON m Real Estate Dealers Fire SON Insurance TRADE in FOR A Bunch of good straight Utile Pigs over six weeks old P R No 2 Newmarket Phone I LEONARD Formerly of SlouthendonSea Eng land afterwards of Ontario Newmarket Toronto The above named or any person hav ing knowledge of his present address or his death with dale and place Is requested to communicate at with Thome and Limmcr Soli citors Nelson Street England The WarHnflated the price of un skilled and everything else ac cordingly When labor down other things will find their normal level When labor disputes yield lo reason and arbitration Instead at strikes everybody will be better satis fied and the prosperity of the country Is assured The Liberals are still In power hi Saskatchewan A provincial elec tion on Thursday of last week re lumed Premier Martin to power by a lolal of SO seats out of The Premier had majority In The Conservatives are almost wiped Mrs Sarah the only woman In field was elected for in a fourctfrmired conical In which are defeated a Conservative an and a She sal in the last Legislature Fall Term Opens AUGUST 1ST Shorthand Typewriting retpondence Spelling Rapid Busi ness English General Office BEGIN WITH THE HEW TERM Ask for particular rates etc your now If possible Newmarket Branch Bank of Toronto Block Properties for One brick house on Church St One brick clad house on Arden Ave Ope double house an Tocurnseh One rough cost house on Ono frame house and five lots on Court St Firelclass garden soli lit acres in pas ture Will eel cheap I have also a small barn on my Lot which have no use for Will sell cheap for quick sale BURROWS Real Box ft Newmarket Everybody should feel It a duty and privilege be of use In his or her neighborhood The community Is what in public enterprise In what direction do your lay How can you help the municipality or organizations carrying on public work These are questions thai be able to answer to Is faction and go to you should your own eat- in Ihe preparation of for municipal been notified mat Part be used this to Voters Lists clerks have ill will year The list of per sons cnlltlcd to vole at elections the Legislative Assembly is only printed when directed by the Election Officer of the Province This is to avoid the expense of pV unless an election to be Dallas Despatch Texas Like the rest of us Canada has had a hard Jolt from worldwide busi ness depression But on the aver age Canadas in belter shape than Tho Stales Theres nothing magical about it Canadas high prices broke the same month as ours May And Canada is subject to the same funda mental laws of economics as United States Hut the drop In the value of Cana dian money in terms of American money noted as a protective tariff and as bonus on exports Take Canadian money at 10 per cent discount in our- financial mar That meant that Canada had pay more of tier own dollars when she bought foreign goods than when her money was at par It also meant that the Canadians worth of goods brought him about In Canadian money when he wold goods to us That export bonus was cream for Canada The Import depreciation caused Canadians to get busy and begin manu facturing own in stead of Importing So dont crow too loudly when you read thai ihe American dollars Is at a premium In foreign markets for instance worth in Argentina The Is the country whose money goes below Its has a decided advantage In foreign trde for Internal or home prices dont rise enough to absorb the difference Thats the reason the low value of the German mark Is working In favor of German manufacturers and helping enable them to undersell their com petitors alt over the world QOOO OIL COMPANY IN RECEIVERS HANDS Mr and Mrs Albert Stork and Miss Mae motored to Hamilton md Grimsby Beach on Sunday Blake Hewitt wife and daughter of Toronto spent Sun day with his brother Mr Bolt Hewitt Harold Boyd Sam of New- York spent Sunday with the uncle Mr Herbert Boyd Rev Lawrence Is to preach sermons at Victoria Square on Sunday afternoon and evening Mrs Deacon of Winnipeg Is visiting her sister Mrs Mason for a week or so Airs Mason entertain ed a few ladies Tuesday evening to meet her The many friends of Mrs Reg Stallard will he pleased to learn thai she has returned home from the Toronto after undergoing a serious operation Hon J Davis was In Quebec week attending the meet ing of the Canadian Manufacturers Association which was the most suc cessful in he history of this The many friends of Mr Klddwill be pleased lo learn that he lias so far recovered from his recent critical illness that the trained nurse Miss Johnson left for Toronto on Tuesday WILLIAM Who will speak at Chautauqua on Seeing Life Whole Dr Morris Mills Mr and little Miss Kathleen Patterson of Fulls paid a call to friends in Town on- Sunday on way to visit the formers parents Mr and Mrs Ceo Mills near Mrs J Murphy left on Monday to attend session of llie Assembly of Ontario which is being held in Brant ford She has been appointed Deputy Presi dent of Metropolitan District Mrs Moss has gone to Detroit for two or three weeks to visit her daughters Mrs A and Mrs A Miss Ruby Moss of Ihe Montreal Bank also ac companied her mother to Detroit on her vacation Mrs Melville Clark and Mrs Al bert Mills accompanied their Mrs Ceo Mills of to Toronto on Friday lo attend the Com mencement Exercises at Convocation Hall her son Dr Oscar Mills being one of the graduates Mr graduated with FirstClass Honors In Political Science in his fourth year at Toronto Uni versity and has left lo spend the summer as Purser on the on the Lakes prior lo en tering law Hall In Toronto this fall Our Toronto Letter A distinguished physician a man to whose credit lay ihe unravel ling of many mysterious crimes died last week hi the of Dr Arthur Jukes Johnson chief coroner for To ronto since 1903 Death followed an Illness of several Norman Moston a school boy of was accidentally shot right hand and through the side of his body avenue school when he attempted to pull a revolver loaded with six from the hand of another school boy Eleven persons were Injured In accidents In the city during the week end Strawberries wholesale were down lo 10V a box on Tuesday Last yen at this lime they a box Representatives of the United Farm ers Club of York county and the La- Representation Committee met Tuesday night at the Labor Temple to formulaic plans for action in West York and other constituencies at Ihe Dominion election people were killed by Autos on streets of the City last year We have farms in airseotlons of York County equipped and uptodate and at a price to suit everyone We also have houses In all parts of the town Now Is th time to buy Call and Inspect our list before purchasing The demand for both houses and farms Is Increasing We are equipped to give you the best possible service and list your property with us HAMILTON SON e were Ihls For Or LANDS FOR OF TAXK8 WILL BE HELD District Ho Council Chamber Richmond Hill on Saturday June a ro District No a Town Hall Au rora on June- 1921 a p in Dietlet No Municipal Hall Village of Sutton on Saturday June p in Treasurers Office of York Toronto June J On Ihe authority of high officials of railway companies the statement in made that railway wages will be reduced per f holds the record for early potatoes in Milton district hiring dug the first on Mr Pardee P West Lamb- ion on his return from parliamentary duhes Ottawa was interviewed by a press reporter and he stated that there wan much dissatisfaction with the Government which is spending In a moat extravagant wanner Hun this sake tax continued has created much opposition The Government also took a very unfair stand in regard to into rail way matters it would grant a com mittee of Inquiry but only such as the Government saw fit to be Investigated This would ally prove farcical the Government cannot hope to return lo power and they will hold onto office long as they can before bringing on a general election This Is in contrast win Ihe Ideals of Liberalism which em brace the building up of the country on secure foundations the develop ment of Ihe natural resources of the Dominion the curtailment or of expensive and burdensome en terprises and the expansion of Cana dian trade with other countries It Is only by such means that the huge debt which now faces the nation can be out and Ihe country resume proper pace in the march of pro gress Dallas Despatch Texas Tex June The Montreal Oil Company a corporation under the laws of Texas but composed largely of Cana dian capital Is In the hands of a re ceiver It was announced today William president of the Texas Tool and Supply Company Is the receiver Officials of the company declared today that the receivership would probably be lifted within CO days The Montreal Company operated a Henderson lease three and a half miles west of a tOacre lease of the WalkerCald well Iract a halfmile north of the Henderson lease and a Harris tract Caddo which produced one of biggest wells of field Operations of the company have been dlsarous was said because of had encountered In drilling promising Mr and Mrs John K Salter Newmarket wish to an nounce the engagement of their sec ond daughter Hazel Laura to Mr Eugene KReley only son of Mr and Mrs J M Kite Icy Sharon the marriage to lake place the latter pari of June The and Mrs Jackson spent liic weekend In the City with their son Mr W Jackson who leaves this week on trip down Iho Gulf of St Lawrence He will visit all melerologlcal stations lest and correct all Instruments and ascertain If all Instructions arc being carried properly OFFERING OF HUMAN CAUSE OF IN INDIA MACHINE QUFJ8 DESTINED FOR IRELAND Taken on a Warrant J I Arms to Ihe of mid comprising nearly modern machine guns alleged lo have been stolen for shipment lo Ire land were by the local po lice here laic this afternoon The arms were seized on a search warrant issued on complaint of Frank Williams of who declared in the affidavit on which the warrant was issued that the arms had been stolen from hint on Juno When sergeants J Cornelia and John Realty of the Police presented the warrant to Geo of the Cosmopolitan Ship piny steamer East Side he informed them thai Ihe arms had been lunicd over to the United Stales Customs The guns were located on a truck on Ihe pier and taken in charge by the police over protest of Ihe Custom Lightning struck the clock lower of the city hall doing con siderable damage Sail Lake City Utah June Two known dead the probability of least six others dead In the debris more than twentylive Injured many others unaccounted for and a properly loss of nearly Was the toll of the fire which started Saturday night at oclock at Ihe plant of the Utah Oil Refining Company when a bolt of lightning struck a tank con taining 1500000 gallons of gasoline distillate Carriages Strollers GoCarts and I A Wheel We have them In many different designs at attractive prices ROADHOUSE ROSE FURNITURE MAIN ST NEWMARKET FIRST NORTH OF THE HM I STOCK ISSUE WANTED A reliable brokerage house is In position underwrite an issue of from 1 to of an established and growing Canadian Corporation Communicate with us by wire or phono at our expense CORPORATION A GENERAL INVESTMENTS Limited INVESTMENT SECURITIES King Street East Toronto Phone Main MOTOR OAR WRECKED of Pour a Comments of Exchanges Toronto Sun Do the farmers of province who have been denied Hydro power by Beck think that he Is worth per day Well that Is what he Is getting largely fixed by himself Why 4mmle exclaimed toe of a precious eon arc you not ashamed to stupid no to her at and tell her you are sorry Auntie said the little fellow Im awfully sorry you are so stupid Juno most mir aculous escape death was ex perienced by a motor parly constat- of Lynch Port Mrs If Whitney and Mr and Mra It A Barker of Montreal when the ear In which they were driving was hit by a flyer travelling miles an hour on the Michigan Central Hall- road at Pearsons Crossing In Iho township of Mr Lynch who was driving the car had approached the crossing care fully as the road leading to the was obscured by a bush He saw a long freight train approaching and so stopped his engine When the freight had gone past he put his en gine In motton and started the tracks but the passenger train had come up behind freight unseen by the motorists and hit the ear force of Impact tore off the engine and the front wheels and utterly destroyed the front of the auto but not one of the of the car was hurl In the least Simla India June A Govern ment report on the serious riot which look place recently in the village or In agency slate It was caused by the of hu man saorlflees During the disorder seven persons were killed and ten wounded The village which Is the home of any members- of the ancient seel of became greatly excited over the refusal of ihe lo pay the several revenue contributions Se poys sent- lo enforce collection the reporl says and found the Charays had followed traditional methods of bringing vengeance of heaven upon the slate by burning an old woman alive She had been placed upon a pyre which was lighted by her near- cat relatives When the at tempted to rescue the vil lagers opposed them with knives and swords wounding several soldier The thereupon fired a volley into the crowd which the attempt at rescue lo save the woman scattered but came too late Fine DESTROYS QUANTITY OF Midland June 14 Fire last night about threequarters of a million feet or lumber in the Midland yards of Geo Mason Co A heavy northwest wind fanned the flames a seething but the cutting of the elevated tramways and blowing up of several plies of lumber with dynamite saved iW rest of the con tents of the yard estimated feet from destruction The lumber belonged to the Robert law Lumber Co of and Mason Co Newmarket to Mr and a son June Mrs Richard May Colllru year old Of died suddenly from cause Robertson In Newmarket June 14 lo Mr and Mrs a son In Newmarket June to Mr and Mrs Frank Both- well a son The Altar At Road Baptist Church Toronto Sat Bessie Eleanor daughter of Mrs and the late Win River Ont to Preston Thompson son of JohnWm and tho tale Mrs Thompson Thornton Rooer8mlih At Armltago June by Smith Miss Smith of Mr and Mrs J Smllh Mr Norman Rogers of Newmar ket TH Tomb York At Keswtok June 2nd Mrs Alice York aged at Cemetery Stouffvllle on Sun day morning June Eliza beth Funeral service at her late resid ence on Tuesday June at p m Interment at Ceme tery Roadhouse Rose to to try on up PHONE Lot us make you Comfortable in a COVERED BUGGY CARRIAGE OR AUTO Prompt Reasonable a A BOYD Prop on Phone Promptly Attended to IMPROVED ffW DEED cent on the field score In of trie method reversed the award being based on per on the bin score and per wot the field score- All agricultural Ihe same kind of crop To money under subvention Ihe Dominion subscribers Id Instance and the province YORK RADIAL BOARD The Dominion Department- of Agri culture through the Seed works In active cooperation with Ihe are eligible lo conduct provinces In the of improving competitions provided Ihe grain and field seeds Money Is pro- entering docs not conduct a to pay prizes In standing Held competition In the same season crop competitions at seed fairs end provincial seed exhibitions and in combined seed crop and seed competitions The last named is a recent Introduction has two dis- phases the first consisting of a standing field crop the second of threshed and cleaned To Bat iced which seed produced the Company- the fields of the first phase Is Judged in the granary of the competitor Ottawa June Seoator competitions must have at least fit- Robertson minister of labor has teen entries In each end the found a- pointed a board of to J- Hon seed used must be of approved vesllgalo the wage dlsputa origin The minimum ihe Toronto and York Radial Ril V seed that competitors must Us hiolormen and prepared lo to qualify for Allan Purvis has been appointed awards are wheat barley with and corn each bushels lhg the company and Louis oats bushels Held beans 25 W representing men All bushels clovers and timothy board members live In Toronto and potatoes bushels sessions of the board will be awards except In the case of pota- there toes are made on a ol per cent on the bin nd per atra Ada maim Big Field Day at Newmarket on July j J AjifttitflWira itfrf f K

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