Newmarket Era , June 17, 1921, p. 3

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it ieito pleas Part Ave Ave Your Phone picnic be held Ltnnox Will as year at Island instead of Jack- was previously Ureal Pacing looks a fin TUP fl Track Street will be by Saturday night were working In of yesterday morning i will he continued to the Endeavor w a very good the Tuesday attendance evening Miss gave very help ful Vr of addressed the Out Mr also will he no meeting next week account of the Strawberry Festival Womens Institute The June Meeting of the Institute nil be held the Friends Meeting House Yang St Stop and will Join inU meeting Mrs from the department will be and address the ladles on topics of the day on Mon day Juoe at Standard Time The ladies are cordially In vited to attend Sec the Precise by eft Stairs- over on the 2nd Floor Together with Shop J POSSESSION GIVEN OCTOBER 3rd Up CLEARING OUT BELOW WHOLESALE PRICE Voting on The ratepayers of Newmarket will vote on two bylaws on Monday the of July One Is for the pur pose of raising by deben tures fop the purchase of property and erection of a new School in St Andrews Ward arid the other Is to raise for the purchase of the Lewis Bush for a Town Park Methodist Church Sunday June in Class Meeting In toe Public worship The p in Sunday School p Public worship Rev A McNeil of Richmond Hill Rev I I Lawrence pastor Masonic- Tuscan Lodge fleeted the following Christian Church Replaced On the of May two large plate glass windows in Town were broken by stones thrown by motor cars pass ing along the street at a swift pace One was hi Bowsers Grocery and Ihe other In Kiotos fruit store They were both replaced this week by the insurance company The car were going so fast that the numbers could not be distinguished and consequently the owners got free of the cost Intermedial The I will have a baseball police Thursday evening at oclock on the Public School grounds Prospect street The regular meeting will be held on Thursday evening June at the home Of Miss St at oclock The topic Success will taken by Mabel and Heeling will be in charge of Annie officers at their last meeting M PrltcharM John J Patterson Treasurer J Hill Chaplain Rev Lawrence Secretary Burnett Auditors Geo and Geo Young Narrow Escape morning lad across he slreel In of and was Knocked down by a pacing Fortunately he foil the wheel and reaped with only a few bruises Since is possible to cross street anywhere now parents must warn their children looking for passing cars Remember many of lliem are going as faat as a railway A summons has been Issued for the and titer is likely lo be 1 Next Sunday morning at Rev J Hall of Dayton Ohio a former pastor In Newmarket wall preach here and in the evening Mrs Alice Morrill President of Die De nominational Womens Foreign Board from will give an address The delegates of the Newmarket Church who are In attendance at the Keswick Conference In addition the Pastor are Mayor Eves Mr and Mrs Mr Mrs Homer and Mrs Nell Morion Strawberry Festival Dont miss the first garden party of the season In Newmarket The ladies of the Christian Church are making preparations for a grand Straw- Sport at Newmarket This afternoon commencing at oclock Aurora and Newmarket Juniors will cross slicks on the lads by berry Festival on the grounds adjoining joiir presence the Church next Tuesday evening Tomorrow afternoon there will be Supper for which ladles excel Double Header which will be worth will he served from- to followed Commencing at oclock a L splendid entertainment of songs match will take place and orchestral music ween Richmond Hill and Newmarket at oclock by an ffiMJate match between the All rivals Aurora and Newmarket The Aurora pets will have Machell the home nl and an expecting hi a keen strenuous twohour They are anxious to win so prepared to the Stars at Aurora on the 1st of July Rut the Newmarket team IJM as keen for victory and it will struggle from be- to end Dont miss this iiont forget the horse races at marker on Die 1st of July with A full of other sports Music body welcome friends and meet your Decoration pay Next Sunday will be Decoration Day at Newmarket Cemetery The people of Newmarket have always taken good care of the Cemetery it only requires a few words to remind of this Occasion hi order to have a good response The procession will form on thi Market Square at and proceed the Works Lawn where Ihc Haines Memorial will be suitably decorated and then march to the Cemetery where the customary ad dresses will delivered and various organizations will decorate the graves of members A of the friends Interested anticipated year with The Notes Literary Society held Its meeting for the current evening June loth Morton In the chair Juqitort Import was by Wdham and showed Hie to have a balance of one dolLrs in the hank moved that as this was the geneM mealing the members of e Society express their re- Taylor Miss Haines are leaving the school motion was by in iod carried a short synopsis of Society up a Written Purple paper- open Jvs and a Practice On Monday evening the Com panies had a very satisfactory the corner of Prospect Avenue and Timothy streets There was a splendid turnout of the men when the whistle blew and the hose was I Id In fairly KOnd lime but a more practice will make an The practice Is a good thing forthf men to learn their places It was expected that the new Fire Truck would he here for this occasion hut It did not arrive till about oclock p Chief Doyle went after and Is quite proud of lis appearance Childrens Day Sunday June 1 was observed as annual Childrens Day at Christian Church The church was very appropriately and decor ated with flowers ferns and potted A pleasing feature was the presence of two birds that sang cheerily The church was filled at both service lo Helen to the by Ihe Sunday School scholars which wASvone of the best ever given the different parts all being well taken The program consisted of choruses J by the Girls Choir duett by Misses Irene Penrose and Mabel Mcnar by Miss Leila Belfry and a entitled The Hearts of At the evening service very Impressive pantonine Nearer My to Thee was given by nix girls A large of fering was taken for Home Missions New A new Fire Motor with host and chemical attachments has been added to Fire Hall this week at a cost of It Is decor ated a bright red fire gong and Will carry two firemen It Ik ex- that unlet service will llngdsh a blaze hi any part of the Town before much damage can be done It was sometimes a slow lo a fire with the handdrawn and horsedrawn hose reels although good service has been rendered In the past Newmarket has been fortunate without fires and It Is hoped that record may be continued The new motor Fire Truck places Newmarket among the foremost Towns of Ihe Province In the matter of Fire Equipment Schedule Heeling week during moving the wir then gave a piano Hah called upon and to present p Kntraiice Scholarships to Margaret 1ft lpln won in school year Wi wrin School and were to l l1 ftwwjrf Championship won by John P v representing Mr Pear- the program the Baseball Town League June Town vs Co 21 CanyDavis 27 Town vs If O Go vs July CaneDavis vs Town P Co vs S vs Town vs S vs Town CineDavis vs M Town vs CaneDavis Hi vs M Co August Town vs M vs Cane- Davis g Town vs S Co vs vs Town M Co vs If AH games at p in stand ard time named teams to choice of TABLE SILVER MOST USEFUL A very wedding was celebrat ed at Orange the residence of Mr and Mrs John P when their only daughter became bride of Mr Hoger only son of Mr and Mrs lingers The ceremony place on Hie lawn under an arch of evergreens decorated with profusion of the Smith Glenarro of the bride officiating The young I couple were unattended the looked charming In white satin and ctiesi or Much The housewife prises cuesv or and table silver almost anything georgette trimmed with beads and else even above of personal and adornment Give your friend a box or chest of sliver knives forks teaspoons spoons tablespoons etc and tee how pleased she will be We have a wonderful assortment In both end quadruple plate Atkinson Co Jeweler sad carried a shower bouquet of roses After the signing of a dainty luncheon was served on Ihe lawn The going Way costume was a honeymoon spent on the St Lawr ence the young couple will reside In Newmarket About fifty guests were present and mshy Valuable presents testified to the popularity among her many friends Division His Honor Judge Division Court held hero on Wednesday There wens eight on the list Three judgment sum monses wore Issued three cases were fended and two adjourned There was nothing Of public Importance court room was pretty well filled with spectators and witnesses Notice to J- of York and Counties wishing to insure Threshing Machines should attend a meeting of Mutual Fire Insurance Company of the Ontario Brotherhood for to be held In the of Trade Halt Newmarket on June at one oclock sharp jI and fanners welcome Ad wii CLOVES SpMlal Value at pah- WHITE FIGURED on sale at yd PHONE WA BR UNTO Ladies Attention I The Ladies Liberal Club will hold a meeting in the Temperance Halt Millard Ave at Wednesday even ing June Mrs J Stevens of Toronto will speak on Tariff Come and bring a friend Please note that the meeting will he held at our time on account Daylight Saving Time on the Metro politan as Speaker wishes to re turn to Toronto the same night Church Wedding On Wednesday at St An drews Church Miss of Newmarket was to Mr John Russell Graham of Lindsay Rev A Mann officiating The bride looked charm ing Her sister Miss Mabel whs bridesmaid and her brother- Mr Percy Sharpe was groomsman On their return to their home several friends of tho groom arrived from Lindsay and congratulated the newly married pair The happy couple left for their honeymoon by the evening i Lawn Bowling The annual meeting of North ern League was held at on Wednesday and though the attendance was small the Secretary Intimated that all Ihe Clubs with the exception of would be In the League this year It Is that wHItakc place of Bradford The annual Labor Day Tournament will he held In as usual The officers for this year are President Fergus VIcePrcsG AHandale Shear AHandale There will be a big night tonight on our Green Members should be there The Sunday School will hold their annual picnic In Amphl- j theatre Park Kettieby on Saturday afternoon June Everybody wel come The Christian Church Ladles Aid will hold a Strawberry Festival on Monday June In Ramsdens Or phan The Cemetery Co holding Decoration Day and Memorial Service the Kettieby Cemetery on Sunday June Mr and Mrs P Reynolds and Mr Tllson of Toronto spent Sunday at Mr J Tilsons Mrs and little daugh ter of Toronto who has been spend ing the past few weeks with her sis ter Mrs J returned homo last week Miss is visiting with her parents Miss Mildred Dutcher who has been visiting in Newmarket Toronto returned home A large number from here attend ed the picnic at Richmond Hill on Friday last C t NEWMARKET r SALfe OF LADIES UNDERWEAR AND HOSIERY PINE ORCHARD Special Evangelistic Services wilt be held at PlneOrchard by the Church of commencing on June and will continue Indefinitely Evan gelist El G Schelt- will do Iho speak ing Services alii a m and p on Lords Day and ot p m on week nights except Saturday All ore welcome Circle The June meet fug of the Evangeline Mission Circle of the Methodist Church was held on Wednesday even ing the home of Miss Julia on Huron Street There were fifteen girls present Mr P and Miss Julia gave reporls of the M S District Con vention which was held hi Toronto last The reports were Very ami interesting Miss Lily Hart favored us with a solo On account of the holiday season Mission Circle will hold meet- lugs during July and spoil community and The attraction and lie gest night phi has dream ed since the early days of racing and grand parades on the old roads In early par of the 1 Hi century will he held in Newmar ket on the night of July 1st Main Street South will be reserved decorated with every conceivable kind of Aide shows and midway attrac tions clown parades etc The Ontario Mounted Rifles Hand will supply Dance Music which will be the best the country can produce and of anything and from a Fox Trot to good old square walU Newmarket will have a big day nil day but a bigger night all night afford a good lime for everybody young and old Mis Kid of few lays at Mr Mrs Rogers spent a days at Mr Barton Ward of- was at Mr Mrs of Brooklyn spent Sunday Mr Jos Mr null Mrs from the Weal arc spending a few weeks with her mother Mrs Connor ami oilier relatives Mrs Swales of Midland is spending a few weeks with her sister Mrs S lorry Miss Elsie Hill spent Sunday at Newmarket CHINESE SOLDIERS OR WOUNOED Peking June Reports from Hankow today stale lhat a train con taining soldiers who looted Wuchang on the right bank of the opposite Hankow was side tracked at and fired on with machine guns by local troops up wards being killed or wound ed Those escaping the first fire were pursued and shot down the re ports say the dead lying hi heaps be- slde Hi track The loot which- Is said to have been carried away by the soldiers was recovered was Tapelew -Vests- Fine Quality Reg 75oi for 39o Fine Lisle Combinations Reg for suit Ladles Fine Direqtorle Drawers 13B pr sale price Fine Ribbed Vests Mercury Brand Pure 811k Hose Black only Reg sate price Mercerized Lisle Hose fc sale Fibre Silk Hose Fine Quality Reg for DONT MISS ATTENDING THE BIGGEST BRIGHTEST AND BEST 1 A AT- is Farm King City July 1st A FULL LIST OF ATHLETIC EVENTS Vp Farmers CoOpratlva Co The annual meeting of the shareholders of Newmarket Farm ers was held June In the Farmers Club Rooms The financial statement showed a business turnover from Jon 1st to May amounting to and a surplus of assets over amounting to A resolution declaring a dividend of per cent on the paid up capital of Co and of per cent of value of pur chases to patrons presenting member ship ami receipted hills receiv ed the support of the shareholders The officers and for the coming year are Williams SeeTroas Albert p Starr Directors Thornton Rales John Smith Hill Krlgar Dennis BIO HAIL STORM AT NEVILLE 8A8K 4 TO OUR We thank ydu for your support during the past five It Is a pleasure announce hat the share- holders at the first annual meeting held on June declared a patron age dividend of 2 All members by presenting the re ceipted bills of purchases from Jan 1st to May will receive In cash of the value Of said pur chases Newmarket Parmer Co- Operative Co Lid STARR WILLIAMS If you are not a member of this thriving CO Operative Organization wo Invito you to become one Newmarket Markets Kail Wheat Spring Wheat per bush Barley Hay per doz Butter per lb a Lfe5 50 75 3000 30 Toronto Markets by Mile Are SO June Scores of win dows were sidewalks washed In damaged and crops set back a week or days by a terrific rain and hail storm that broke over Neville 30 miles southeast of Jaw last night of territory miles wide and long with Neville about the was covered by Ihe storm during which hall as trig hens egg The loss wilt amount several of dollars Sheep Absant off cars- Kail Wheat Spring Wheat fioose Wheat Oats Peas Rye OF ALL GIRLS BASEBALL TOURNAMENT FOOTBALL LEAGUE GAME FOOTBALL vs BABY SHOW whore every Baby not winning a Prize will Valuable Sliver Souvenir GRAND HORTICULTURAL EXHIBITION OPEN TO ALL Amateurs Large Classification Valuable Prizes Entries Free EXTRA SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS Tho Bounding Jay Troup Comedy In Two Afternoon and Fun Minute Marvetloua Mutlo by High- Band of 26 man Personally Directed by Bandmaster John Blatter Grand p by J Greatest Tenor Ralph Gordon Humorist the Bounding fiHhHlgblanders Band and Orchestra Dance 830 Till Morning During the Prizes will be for the Beat Waltzing Special Metropolitan Cars Runnlnp Direct to Farm Meet ail Regular Oars at Jot from 11 a lo Mid night Time PROGRAMS AND PRIZE LISTS ON APPLICATION sir a v a hall 0 Sec a I 42 50 Hay mixed 37 30 50 55 per don Butter por lb Chickens per lb Ruck per palp Turkeys per Live Stock Markets Highest prices paid In Toronto thif week m Choice Steers and Heifers Choice Cows Choice Springers Milkers Spring Choice Calves a TIRES all sizes 5 10 15 All kinds of Auto Aooossorlej Cut Rate Vuloanlxlno Express charges prepaid both ways tires we ff We sell new Goodyear Oak Tiros We prepay on all orders of and upwards to any point In Ontario- YOUR MAIL ORDERS will receive as prompt at tention and painstaking care as If you were ordering In if you cant visit us yourself write your needs to- Farmers- Auto Accessories Limited Street Toronto Sir a Big Day at Newmarket on July 1st

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