Newmarket Era , June 17, 1921, p. 4

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physician resident phone Office Hours J- Medicine of of the Royal Physicians and member of lege of Surgeons of clinical assistant la and and England Tested Glasses Supplied w Parmer Telephone Cut- the grass and boule vard along your notice how People will admire improved L Produce About the usual mark el last Satur day Butter and eggs were plentiful and sold at to 320 all round chickens to lb of green vegetables plants etc at the Usual prices PH J WESLEY Laboratory Coroner for County of York OFFICE HOURS 3308 p a 1 or by appointment ST in NEWMARKET Wilkinson DENTIST Main and Newmarket DR RUTLEDQE DENTIST Newmarket OP- Surrogate court His farm in East insurance and notes form pari of the of Joseph a retired farmer Ay ho died on March 1921 His widow Mary ami sons and a daughter at and ten grandchildren Sintaluta and Indian Head flutomobll Vaporizers gasoline so you get nearly Save double the mileage gallon En gine runs smoother and its easier climbing hills Hughes agent v of CECIL ft GILBERT V DENTIST rt to the late Dr raiment of Office Hours Pm Newmarket J BARTHOLOMEW the Forum Toronto Dentist Bank of Toronto Building Newmarket Phono DR J Chiropractor OFFICE Mala St 3 doors north of Queen St Phone OFFICE HOURS to and to 30 p on Tuesday Thursday and Saturday and other hours by appointment analysis and consultation free LIFE ASSURANCE P OILMAN District Representative for Co of York Bank of Toronto Build ing St opposite Market Phone 308 The home of Mr and Mrs North street was the scene of a very pretty wedding when their daughter Bessie Belle be came the bride of Allen J Cody eon of Mr and Mrs Al Cody of mafcet The ceremony was per formed by the Rev H Thomas- of Knox Church Toronto The bride who was given away by her father wore a gown of Chanlllly lace over with tulle veil and orange blossoms and carried a of Ophelia roses and lilies of the valley Miss Laura Rosa of the bride was the attendant bridesmaid ana Mr Cameron Cody of Col lege Richmond brother of the groom was best man Little Miss Belly Cody niece of the groom was flower girl After the reception Mr and Mrs Cody left for eastern points and on their return will reside near for the summer months A STOUFFER Newmarket of Piano Voice and Vio lin Dealer in all of Musical Instruments and Repairs Piano Tuning Agent for Columbia and Records Some late Slock I Prompt MISS MORA Optician In connection S Park Ave Newmarket A Mrs Mason Brooks Mr licit freight Watson Newmarket Era BarrliUr Solicitor Etc- Office Bank of Toronto next Hamiltons Real fcstate Office In Newmarket every day except Thursday Office Phone 30S House Private funds to Loan on Real Estate A Good Investment be made by having your next Suit Made to Order from one of our New Fancy Stripe or Blue Sergei WILLIS Mens Tailor Main St Newmarket Tailor Furnace Work Plumbing Our Specialties the Bathroom Outfit Shop LEADING TINSMITHS OSBORNE SON to amok Public School Board A meeting of the members of Newmarket Public School Board was held in the secretarys office on Monday evening June with Mr Broughlon in the chair min utes of the last meeting and special mooting were read and on motion confirmed The following accounts were pre sented 375 Moved Mr Davis seconded by Mr Manning that accounts be paid Carried Moved by Dr Boyd seconded by Dr Scott that teachers be Moved by Dr Boyd seconded by Mr Manning thai an applica tion be and umu is hereby made to lite council of tho corporation of the town of Newmarket for the sum of for purpose of purchasing additional lands being parts of lots numbered ami shown on registered plan No for the town of Newmarket for school pur pose a and for erecting thereon a new school house and for general improvements to the school propei and that the coun cil he to pass a bylaw for borrowing said sum of by the issue and sale of de bentures repayable in such term of years and in such manner as the municipal council deems and in accordance with the provi sions of the Public School Act and to submit such bylaws to the voles of the electors qualified to vote thereat ami that a copy of resolution under the seal of this Board bo forwarded to the clerk of the corporation Principals Report Newmarket 1921 Public School board Newmarket Sirs Hie attendance at the Public Schools during May was as follows Kino George School A Cornell en rolled average daily Miss Morton HI en rolled average daily Mies A Scott Jr III enrolled average daily Miss land Jr II enrolled average daily Miss Stark 1st and enrolled average daily Miss Robinson Primer enrolled average daily Miss Staunton enrolled average daily 3 Alexander Miss Jr IV en rolled average daily Miss Jr III en rolled 43 average dally enrolled average dally Miss Hewitt First and Jr if enrolled average dally MUa Morning First and Primer enrolled average daily Miss M Scott Jr Pr average daily The total number attending dur ing May and the daily av erage attendance new seats which were added to the grounds at both buildings are a great improvement- adding lo the comfort of the pupils and teachers during lay hours and warm days and to the beauty of the grounds besides furnishing- a rest ing place to general at other The playground equip ment recently purchased has the schools and many are eagerly awftHmg erection- Your truly W A principal the complaint of many a woman to the household office or After suffering pais weak and by hex with black circles and pale such a woman is quickly to health by Favorite of Dr Pierce Changed too in looks for after taking Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription the akin becomes clear the eyes brighter the cheeks plump It is purely vegetable and contains no alcohol Druggists sell it in tablets or liquid or send Doctor Pierce at Invalids Hotel in Buffalo trial package Ontario I was suffering from a come time ago was unfit to perform my daily duties and advised lo try Doctor Pierce a Favorite Prescription I tried it took two and restored to my cannot praise Doctor Pierces medicines loo highly and will bo willing to write to anyone sending a stamped envelope Mas A Bishop No I NEWMARKET HIGH Promotion Examination The standing of pupils as here re ported has been determined from examinations and from the records of class work during the year Names are in order of merit Admitted to the Senior Division ol Hie Middle School John Beatrice Boyd Evelyn Hamilton Josephine Marjory Canning Evelyn Evans Jennie Glover John Winch laura Dennis Admitted lo the Middle School in the Matriculation Course Bruce Davidson without examination Bruce Davis without examination Beatrice without examination Teddy Honours Christina Hall Honours Margaret Patterson Emily Meek Ivan Earl Murphy Doane Allan Mills The admission of those In the Teachers Course will depend on the results of Departmental Lower School examinations Bernard Gorilnn Horace and Percy failed to ap pear for the final examinations Admitted to the Second form of the Lower School John Young without examination Honours Arnold Honours Bain Honours Fred Is a Short Letter Bat Proves the of Vcge- table Compound they pursue inarchkig Inabotly over the field with great regularity A brook of on the contrary scatter occasion- but never keeping close together unless they are follow log flheV scatter lees than- hut do not ducks the regularity of their move Ont Iwas weak and ran down had no appetite and ner vous The nurse who took care of me told me to try Vege table Compound and now I am recom mend your medicine to my and you may use my testimonial Mrs The reason why Vegetable Com pound ut In overcoming womans Ola it contains tonic strengthening of good old- fashioned roots herbs which act on the female organism Women from all parts of the country are con tinually testifying to strengthening beneficial Influence and as It contains no narcotics or harmful drugs it is a medicine for women If you want special advice write Medicine Co fidential Lynn Maes Utter will be opened read and answered by women only- rr- J Enthusiasm The great deeds of the the triumphs of the race have not beeu accomplished by men who were con tent merely to hold their own or Just to get along- but by men who were dominated by their filled with an overmastering enthusiasm which swept everything before It as a moun tain torrent sweeps aside or every obstacle that would bar prog ress In Ita mild rush to sea New Success Mildred McCarteu work In Supplementary Liter ature The following graduate from Senior Division of the Commercial Department and are awarded Com mercial Diplomas Enid Belfry Honours Lennox Moffat Harold Mary Lome Canton Edna Willis will receive the Dip loma when aha reaches the required speed in Shorthand and Robert Lewis when he can do the required speed In Typewriting Utilising PeaPod Fiber The fiber of separated for Industrial use In a process by recent patent The outer layer is dissolved away by fermenta tion or by treatment with hoi water or steam the Inner fibrous layer lug left In a form adapted- for spin- nine or utilization In other ways The solution of the outer layer contain ing is not necessarily It be to serve some such purposes preparing marmalade Is at way a and possesses that unique flavour goodness that has justly made it famous Little Miss Alice Louise Shrode a A AT CANADAS AGRICULTURAL WEALTH Fashion Traced to Moreau The nick In a coat bus a pur to It Is said to date back to the time of Napoleon A general mimed hud many followers but they were to openly express sympathy with him It was therefore to put a nick on their coals a secret sign The letter can bo I seeii In the lapel representing the Hal letter of the general name Marjorle William Ames Grace ID Florence Rogers Clark Mills Mabel Morion Murray Leon Dorothy Dennis Urdu Davis Grace Irene Milne Leo Lewis John Stiles Vera Glover Gordon Campbell Marion Bertram Wilson May Lena Smith Dorothy Penrose Mabel Lawrence Morton Winch Davidson required lo complete the work In Supplementary Litera ture Admitted to the Senior Division of the Commercial Department Harry without exam Mary Honours Charles Moffat Honours Honours Bertie Daln Richard Morris Owens Charles Harrison Charles Morion Cameron 1 BEAVER MILLS Best Pastry Flour for All Kindt or Hay Strew Dikes Grist Mill Huron St A given in the roport of the Dominion Minister of Agri culture for tihe year ending Mar places the value of all the field crops in that year at 812015500 and the value of dairy products at The number of horses in the country is given as the number of milch cows as oilier cattle as sheep as and as 3010070 in swine these are slightly advance of those given in the previous year and swine ire quoted as more numerous than in ami A noteworthy statement in years of the war the Imperial War was supplied under supervis ion of the Dairy branch of Department with hay oats and flour to the value of representing tons of hay bushels of oats anil pounds of flour for which bushels of wheal were required Another statement of special interest is that the live stock that came under the supervision of the of Markets ami Intelligence division of the Live Branch during the year was ill excess of head valued lit over During I ho year Rounds of wool were graded by branch for farmers cooperative nidations The dairy is shown have developed greatly in the Provinces where the output of butter has increased in a decade from His- to lbs A vast variety of information is given in the departmental re port which deals with operations of all I he experimental farms and stations tt SOME ADVANTAGES Newspapers stand for civilization country the best press pos sesses the highest form of civilization mean by beat a press of great variety freo In expression and of high literary standard The dally press can he likened to a diary of human race and It can he truly called the university of tho people The press Is In a position lo prevent great wrongs and is a fact thai no great wrong can last when It has the spotlight of tho press trained on II The press builds up bur country by strengthening our log our Ideals Improving our morals adding cheer and education to our hollies and developing our industrial life press has the power to make and unmake It dan wreck a good government but can not long sustain a bad government Emerson Hough has said that Iha press of America Is worth more than a thousand divisions of armed men on the fields of Europe that It Is worth more than all the artillery we can forge more man all rifles our arsenals can turn out more Itian all the men wo an put arms all these being worthless without the press before them and alongside of thorn and behind them The manufacturer who uses occa sional space In newspapers Is simply wasting his money Keeping ever lasting at it Is what brings results Natures Adaptation British mine-rescue- Investigators have made the curious discovery that white the average mnn Is stimulated by the oxygen of their apparatus no effect on miners is apparent It la suggested thnt long work In a close at mosphere ban given the lungs full use of the available oxygen that an ex- cess has no Influence Rival Odor If yon feel that you are experiencing hard luck think of the Oregon man who recently completed a comfortable rose cottiige on the seashore when the sad sea waves washed up a dead whale In front of his home and now hes decided that It will he cheaper to move the cottage than the whale Boston Transcript First Use of Water Colore Water colors were practleolly un known In Europe until the eighteenth century and they were used only aa n vehicle In art Fresco pointings were a natural outgrowth of heir use Wa ter employed by the ar tist In decorating famous build Ings They- took the place of oil col ors ft Paradox Mathcrson ids friends at club one evening by rising to leave much earlier than usual Why this haste fipld one of his friends The night Is atlll young I know replied hut I promised my wife to be home by ten thirty tonight and If I miss the lust catch Saw Made President Mrs was the first who ever her son Inaugu rated president of the United Washingtons mother whs living In Fredericksburg when the father of his country wan Inaugurated but she Old not witness the ceremony which took place In Now York the In- Riches of the The of sun which ens- worshipped engraved a of gold of dimension thickly powdered with emeralds and precious stones An effigy of the moon the nuns supposed wife vnst plate of silver Cosmic Dust at Bottom of Sea hns been only lately discovered Cosmic dual forma layers at he bottom of the deepest Ret ween Honolulu and Tahiti nt depth of fathoms over two miles and a half a vast layer of this material exists Price and Increase of price when measured In percentage le very often Incorrectly given When the price doubles the Is per cent but many peo ple describe It Is Increase of per cent Cement Substitute for Lead Cemeut a substitute for lead In connecting the of cast Iron wa ter pipes la employed Id Portland Ore great success Soda Imports About tons of nitrate of are imported to the United Hi Mar from Chile annually Jas arrested Chatham on a charge of stealing cheques from malls tried to escape while being taken to the court house Those who are ta a run down notice that Catarrh bothers them more than when they are In good health This fact that while Catarrh Is a local disease It greatly by wnsiltnUeoal Tonic and fler and acts through the blood Upon the mucous surfaces of the body thus reducing the inflammation and log normal conditions AH Circulars free Co Toleda In Several of Her Entertaining Selections that she will give at Chautauqua 9 ears ADD that touch of refinement that tint of color that improved appearance which increases the value of your home by roofing it with A basis for la given below 1 COSTS OF AtpbjJt higher la HAILS RKQUiaED Ajpliatlt SktM a 84iuUitoUf4i4uArT Slib ciult OP LAYING on strip don 1q fcicioi i8x 111 fit on And over round You to per la 41HO PAINT OR surface of ford SlAftt ltd no to Slab axa on one atrip one a op- no liquid ggAVINO OP v by lot Slata ditIaarbOf from demand atbeatoa Aipbalt States are from COST OP Prom da axe State percent of untouched Aiobilt Slates do not curl crack or rot Commute protection and built Into Asphalt SUto There are Roofs In your neighborhood Look one up You will be convinced that pur roofs embody all the good features of other roofing without any weaknesses Brantford Roofing Limited Head Office and Factory Canada at Toronto and Winnipeg 110 For Sale by SMITH 1 Farms to In Township of King Mark- ham East and West near Corners Clay loam 14 acre Fall Wheat seeded New barn Stabling for Pig pen New Dairy House Frame house of 8 rooms Cellar This la of the choice farms on the Provincial road 100 acres on the stone road rniles north of Splendid buildings This Is one of the good wheat farms mile to Metropolitan Stallon Convenient to Church and School 160 miles north of on the Pro vlnolal Highway house Bank barn Everything In first condition mile to station Clot to Church and School 160 acres near Belhaven acres choice wheat land balance pasture This property Is offered at a very reason able price and will soon be sold ACRE FARMS WANTED acres at mile to Metropolitan Sta tion Clay loam Buildings In good condition Tele phone Rural mall anient to Church and School HpU8ib Beautiful Resorts and one Large at We have some exceptionally good bargains Ave Newmarket the best Residents In Town Plenty of Cheaper For Prices and Terms apply to Box Newmarket pmsms Motto A Square Deal for Beth Buyer and Seller J I 1 1 ft

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