Newmarket Era , June 17, 1921, p. 5

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I vTv North York Marble Granite Electric Workf AH Laical Designs Monument and Head Cemetery work promptly attended done by pneumatic Tool v All to Cast Plank of Union Acton Free Press The Liberals rmadoa brave ihe House of Commons lo Mil the Patronage Bill out were outvoted this remove last pledge of the Union Govern- llmc now and come home The Union Government which he went across the floor of the House to sup- port when war conditions demanded- such a course Is now entirely Sober Chauffeur Necessary Brussels Post There arc so many greeohorus chauffeurs behind wheel today who tea ready lo burn up the highway and to pass every conveyance no matter what peed Is required that those to see green old age will have ideals Into Banister to human fcalerjai of the world have worth but oven that upon the use they are put to Many a Valuable for furniture pas been- used to fill swampy I places over which hauled And the Is true of ideals To realty count they must be fitted to good ends Joy comes from projecting yourself into future and the welfare of the race v t4l r MS l i A Sir J J All Kindt Of Building Order- Cut to John Mossy Proprietor Note the Huron Near Newmarket filAJOB A a Who will address Chautauqua Audiences on Sea Power and World Freedom NEWMARKET fleprvMnUtlv of THE LIFE OF CANADA MAKE MONEY AT HOME f paid weekly for your spare lime writing showcards for us No canvassing We Instruct and supply you with steady work WestAngus Church A Toronto win climb a to be safe booker Id no safer running a motor lhan Is an Idiot and the proper course is being taken when the former transgressor comes before a Magistrate If a term of Imprisonment is verdict without option a fine Tax Bulletin Were the penalties of the Income tax en forced the jails would be overcrowd ed declared Col J A Currlc in Ihi rioufe of Commons Rot shouted members The members were wrong and the Colonel was right The penalties attached Ihe tax this year are a disgrace lo any civilized and were one tenth of them enforced there would be few left free lo earn an Income lax would be placed in the taxable column They should never appear before the Cana dian people again Not only were the penalties terrible but niggardly and unbusinesslike procedure of the Department of Finance at Ottawa was worst yet With new regula tions new methods new procedure and new penalties people have been advised fully but not Instead of being made familiar with the details through official publicity as in former- years everything was kept bottled up until almost the last moment when a miserable Utile sheet a booklet It called was left at Iho post offices to be called for Was it a square deal No Was It No Was II in Interest of public or advantage of No THE TOWN Wastefulness island sought by Douglas as a sanctuary the Antarctic fauna nearly square miles Wares miles from Tasmania In latitude degrees south Penguins of various specie sea elephants and seals exist here In numbers but are being ruthlessly slaughtered for iheir oil A flightless parrot living on the Island when it was discovered In has been ex terminated by cats turned loose and allowed to run wild iliere is Tor Never In past live ye io than riah AW TO 50 LESS THAN LAST YEAR and to Iho advice higher- prices are as low now as they win be for some VISTS TrfsS is vi past five years hi I We have selected a good list for the weeks selling asked Johns face a look His mother kindly anything wrong dear sick of living in a little town thats whats wrong Mrs Amos said nothing was Ihutlhe town of Manning did make a great showing In the census report and probably a hundred Americans had never even heard of ft I But hi Mrs Amos opinion it was Very nice town nevertheless It was and her son had 1llOTT and Toronto It noted for high grade training We have positions to fill now at 88 to per month We filled one lately at per month and another at per annum Open all year Enter at any time J ELLIOTT Principal GREENHOUSES Newmarket CUT FLOWERS Funeral Flowers BULBS THE SESSION The parliamentary session Just will go down to history as one In which a last desperate effort was made to revive the dying forces of Toryism the general election In tie Government majority was officially announced as but In the recent vole on Fielding amendment to the tariff proposal It was reduced to the narrow margin of Mr has made attempts to check this downward movement it can not he said that his efforts have been In the least successful The country Is not to be fooled by a Tory admini stration camouflaged under the name of a Union Government for it Is In nothing except in Us dvsirc hang on lo office until he last thread severed and to holster up the Inter ests from which It mainly derives its power at the expense of the welfare of he people at large The session just has passed no legislation calculated lo remedies for the burden the country wit commercial relations with of It Ms Mo Order lees Delivered Phone 135 lions without ha In Is afforded provide that now or to Improve Ihe no- On contrary it lightened the strings of protection such a manner that white no relief J j a I tariffbased long some made home treatment for Twenty yeaa success of No should be considered Free booklet Wm Remedy Co Canada Yonge Street Toronto On tario NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that all per sons having claims against the of Charles late of the town of In Uie Coun ty of York Yeomen deceased who died on or about the day of April are to file the saint properly proven with the undersigned solicitor for the executors of last will of ald Charles Lunar deceased on or before the first day of July 1821 if immediately thereafter the said executors will proceed to distribute the those entitled hay ing regard only those claims then filed Dated June Solicitor for Newmarket to the people of Canada from present comMllons vexatious stllcllons are placed on trade with countries whose goodwill ought lo bo Instead of a revision Of the on Ihe findings of he and exhaustive Inveatlgatloii Of months matters have been worst to tinker an already had and pernicious piece of work Mr Melghvn now goes to- Great take part In the delibera tions of representatives of the domin ions included in the but out by Mr who was a prominent member of the As- administration at Westminster Mr will only represent a tall minority of the people of Canada no sense the outstanding per sonality of the ale Sir In whom people recognized man who was not only a leader of people of Canada but an out standing figure among the statesmen of Ihe world The story of the has been one continuous expression of popular disapproval of the actions of the Government but like barnacles on ship of stale the Tories cling to office no matter what damage Is sus tained by the rocks and currents of public opinion During the session the Hon Fielding has rendered splendid service In the cause of sound finance by call ing attention to the effects of the Governments policy and the Liberal leader the Hon Mackenzie King has ever been- on to safeguard the best interest of the people Duncan Ross member for West Middlesex W C Kennedy of not time disagreed on tills point When came home from the city last week John continued I put my head out of tlc car windows you know and my off When got off the train bareheaded every body wanted to know what had hap pened and had to explain Now that silly story Is all over town ami evenwhere I go laugh me for losing my hat Mrs Amos tried lo look sympathetic but her expression showed that sin- was puzzled Theyll forget about It before long she ventured finally feeling sure that this conclusion was perfectly safe hut think of a whole town being stirred up because a fellow loses his hat on a train I tell you Im tired of these small places like In a big city long enough so that people wouldnt be interested in every little thing that happens you As far as John knew there was no good fairy present to grant an im mediate fulfillment of his wish yet the fair could hardly have handled the mailer with more celerity The next week he was offered a position In a big enough so that the In dividual even though considerably more prominent than a country boy fresh from home counted very Utile And the second week John was knock ed down by a and taken to the hospital with a broken leg John had no reason now to complain excessive Interest of Ihe outside world In his affairs While his Injury necessitated some wecks on his back was not sufficiently serious bring mother to city and a matter of fact she could not have afforded the prices of most reasonable hotel She wrote him dally and that was the best she could do One or Iwo of his associates at the office where lie was employed paid him a casual call and then having relieved their consciences not return To the busy nurses was only one of and they were kind enough It was with a pro fessional kindness dial hardly look his Individuality Into account When John was discharged from the hospital his place at the office had filled and without looking for he home He was and when he got off train he was Instantly surrounded On the platform he heard more expressions of sympathy he had received his five weeks Ed Burrows who had come the station to meet his father Insisted on taking him home In the Burrows ear I can be back before other gets In he sold and If I dont wont mind waiting when he understands The neighbors nil rushed when helped John to alight Mrs Webster called Just five minutes after he got Inside and brought one of her famous lemon pies And In the week lie saw Ihe whole town Everyone wanted to hear Just how he was Injured and everyone Inveighed Against the Imaginable was John pal Jeljy and tec cream chicken and pickled pigs Then one day Johns former em ployer dropped In and had long with him Tho people who Hint the has monopoly of openings for an ambitious young man are quite Mistaken might be many yearn before John could hope for anything in Iho as good as that which was him When Mr Winter was gone John told his mother of the Appreciated Lovera Tribute When Jenny was In Vienna years ago a lover learned millinery and florlstry ao that be might sew In her bat dally three red roses as a to her art He might have sent huge baskets to her over the footlights million But method was more delicate and Jenny was pleased Princess too to wear flowers In her bat according to a prominent florist who trimmed exotic millinery for her Friday June 24th Used Rope la Egypt thick beaten wire was made Into chains as far back as the second dynasty and links doubled and looped through one an other appeared In the sixth dynasty chains were not com monly used unUl much later The Gauls excelled In such work as used chain cables and rigging In place of rope to resist gales Childish Reasoning Elizabeths mother died three years ago her father also passed away leaving tenyearold Elisabeth the eldest of three little girls She was placed In a girls- school where she was telling the slater of mis fortune needed them was the sisters only consolation To which exclaimed Maybe be did but I think we needed them worse GOODS DEPARTMENT ALL LINEN HAND TOWELLING id plain and regular yard ON SALE THIS WEEK yard PILLOW COTTONS Inches wide regular and yard ON SALE TIIIS WEEK yard CLOTH wide one of the nicest cloths tor underwear regular 65c yard ON SALE THIS WEEK yard MARQUISETTE CURTAIN in white ficru and cream plain and lace edges worth yard ON SALE THIS WEEK yard AA FL ANNEt the newest material for sport skirts washes mid launders perfectly white with black stripes and plain white ON SALE WEEK NEW SILK TRICaOLETTE all the new shades wide the very newest for over blouses laid skirts- ON SALE THIS WEEK FRENCH VOILES Moral patterns no two the same dress lengths only ON SALE dress length ENGLISH GINGHAMS in stripes and plaids colors sold last season at 50c yard ON SALE THIS WEEK yard LIGHT COLORED PRINTS in Stripes and spots Inches wide sold last season at yard ON SALE THIS 25c yard Amazons In Uganda The women of Uganda are Amazon- Ian In their methods and do not hesi tate to secure an acknowledgment of Ihelr rights by force If necessary A visitor to that land declares that fre quently women working by the road- aide will capture a passerby and on pain of a severe castlgatlon will make him take a turn with the hoe they have a smoke SUMMER WOOLS FOR SWEATERS vbh yellow mauve and black ON SALE THIS WEEK ball SILK HOSE different sizes to sold In many stores at pair ON SALE THIS WEEK pal ITALIAN SILK HOSE grey and fawn only pair WEEK CLEARANCE OF HIGH CLASS MILLINERY Hats reduced to Hats reduced to Hats reduced to Hats reduced to BOOT AND SHOE DEPARTMENT LADIES SAMPLE OXFORDS AND Sizes 5 regular ON SALE TIHS WEEK par LADIES BROWN KID AND CALFSKIN OX FORDS all sizes regular ON SALE WEEK LADIES SOLE RUBBER HEEL rORDS sizes to and width ON SALE THIS WEEK pair NORTH YORKS BEST STORE 5kk ieve Rob was born the same day as his Jlelen Both children started to public school at the same time and the teaclier was a family friend of Helens but did not know Rob On asking Helen If Rob were her cousin she replied Yes maam Rob and I are twins another on crutches Home Scltcor Sharpener By accident one day a certain house wife discovered that cutting sandpa per sharpened her Now alio does not have to wait for the scis sors grinder to come around for she keeps a sheet of sandpaper In her machine drawer to sharpen her scissors with The Gilvan Light Opera Singers in Opera and superb organization ill pre two WaSXJ at the Park Theatre New York Ciiy Businesslike Hotel Man To provide exercise for the rosnoger of a string of California tourist hotels furnished at each common woodpile well equipped with axes of various weights and no too sharp Guests ore wel come to chop to Ihelr content drivers brought preserves candy and plum Unchangeable While a circus alms to Introduce as many Innovations possible there Is one of Its moat Important features has remained unchanged from time Imme morial This is size of the ring which in always fortytwo feet nine Inches In diameter offer and she sighed Im sorry you fell refuse him 1 It necessary to repeated and Love Tokens When a New Guinea woman falls In love with a man she sends a piece of string to his sister or If he has no sister to his mother Then lady who receives the string tells the fa vored man particular woman Is in love with him r One brick house on Church St One brick clad house on Ave One double house on One double house on Timothy One rough cast house on St frame house and one acre had outside of Corporation garden soil One house and five lots on Court Street Acres firm In Scoll Township acres farm In BURROWS Res Batata Newmarket f y North and A McCoig Kent have been fearless mil stalwart up holder of those principles of reform and good government which make for the prosperity of a nation and have on no occasion failed drive home their contentions and to offer constructive remedies for the problems at Issue Meanwhile the people of Domin ion while compelled mark lime In the field of politics cannot much lon ger be deprived of right lo con Premier Melghcos attenuated margin of power Into a majority those who truly represent their vlows arid provide remedies for evils lhat now hinder the progress of the country London at to f rU4 him I John turned noticeably red It sounds good me But I un derstand that you couldnt think of settling down where everyone known yon and Is Interested In yon Mrs Amos looked demure but her lowered lids concealed a twinkle In her eye But accepted It mother And well Ive my mind about a good many things since those five week In the hospital like to where people know me and call mo Johnny and care what happens to me Ive found out what It was like to have nobody Interested In my affairs and Ive had enough of that sort of Ihlfljf to mo the rest of my life Then Manning isnt so bad a place after all Milled Mrs Amos Just the right size forme declar ed John j Moralitys Foundation A Bible and a newspaper in every house a good school in every district all studied and appreciated as they merit are the principal support of vir tue morality and civil liberty Frank lin voi Yard Out of One One of the largest logs aver marketed turned out 17000 feet of solid wood To Improve the golden moment of opportunity and catch the good that Is within our reach Is the art of life Man and Work It Is far better to give work which la the man to the be abata their work HE MISS ID FUN A Utile boy ran put of the house bitterly and sorrow appeal ed lo kind motherly party who was passing She stropped to ques tion him Whats the matter sonny she asked patting his head Father Just fell down stairs sob bed the youDgstcr Well well dont ery about It said the motherly party I- dare say hes not muoh hurt Hurt walled that Me sister seed Wm fall all the way and never we I VJ C- We have never had flood value In Cars lo offer you before USED CARS FROM 200 to 500 And every one In flood shape and worth more to you than what we are asking WE HAVE ON HAND Call and them soon as these are very K Newmarket FORD Canada I A J I A j

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