Newmarket Era , June 17, 1921, p. 6

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AQEi ALBERT raw- i J Albert ACCIDENT Mr John of Zephyr Id pass through Mount on Satur day evening- last had the misfortune to have he gear of his car go wrong and almost look the comer off Mr house He had to leave his In their yard over Sunday Mr A Dike took him home in his car CONTINUATION Examination results Form to Form IJ Names arranged In order of Mary Campbell Honours Frank Honours Evelyn Hansford Honours Dike Honours Howard Alien- Olive Cora v Esther Rolling Ida Dike Helen Davidson Norman Smith jCarrie Oldham Jean Principal Keswick PERSONAL Mr Frank Pearson underwent an operation at the hospital in Toronto on Monday last and so far is doing nicely Mr Goo Scott of Toronto was a visitor at the home of his brother- inlaw Mr Davidson on last Mr S Terry and Mrs of Toronto visited their mother over the weekend Mr Roy Cook of Keswick was the guest of his aunt Mrs J Paisley over Sunday Mr Sloan of Toronto was in town on Tuesday this Week Mr and Mrs Oliver and Mr arid Mrs Edmund visited their father Mr Robert last who Is HI his home down In York Mr and the Misses Hereon of Toronto and Miss Jean Sinclair of Nova spent Sunday at the home of Mr John Walton Mr and Mrs Vat Brooks spent a couple of days In Toronto last week Dr and Mrs Johnson motored to Toronto last Wednesday Miss Olive Shields of Toronto Is the uest of Miss Mabel Walton Miss Ted Walton at Western Hospital Is home with her parr Ms for a three weeks voca tion Residents vicinity Will be glad that arrange ments are welt tinder way for the Second Annual Field Day and Garden Parly to be held In Mr Field on July i Besides many the features of last years program a baseball game- befng arranged and events will organized In which everybody can take part event is under the management of the Local Committee of the Young Mens Christ ian Association and the proceeds will be devoted to clearing the debt on the rink Holland Landing Council met Monday night the Councillors Boll Ci pher and Shields present Bills were presented for work done on roads and sidewalks and ordered to be paid Court of Revision was opened hear complaints of assessment asked a duetion of winch was re fused A few names of newcom ers were added and all stray dogs in the village were assigned to their rightful places so that they will contribute to the village I fixes Complaint made of the condition of the Park fence from owners of the land adjoining foe Council decided to repair the same without delay Two ratepayers appeared he- fore Council in reference to a fencoThat Mr John Gibson had greeted inclosing a road allow ance The Council decided to view the fence and if found interfering with the rights of the municipality to have it At last wo arc to be relieved of the terrible dust on our main street The oil has arrived at the station and as soon as the pi l oh holes are filled in we have been assured that the oil will be put on Land booming in this place if reports of property sales arc correct Smith sold his place no than three times a month each sale being at a considerable advance The Clerk and some of ratepayers loaded the Tax Sale at Aurora on Friday Sharon We certainly having Some tylwe3thcr The the We are glad to hear Mr Mike Ram say Is improving Mr Waiter Perry spcut the weekend with Mr and Mrs Fred Muriel Is home again spending several weeks In Hie City We are sorry to see that six of oUf prominent young people have gone or the Methodist choir Very glad that our teacher Miss Moffat has decided to stay with us The Indies Aid met at the home of Mrs report an ex cellent time Our baseball boys are doing fine for the first season Keep It up boys Dont get discouraged On Wednesday evening June a Strawberry Festival be held on the lawn Of Mrs K Parr under the auspices of Sharon Methodist Church Ladies Aid Supper will be served from lo 8 m after which a splendid program of outside and homejalent be rendered Sharon Band in attendance The of the season come and meet your weekend Bt her home V bridge- diiViy tf doing Mr Vic to take a I rip to New York Mr Smith spent the end at Mr Mr Dove spent he weekend in- Newmarket TT Queensviliev West ale of changed Monday Dont the Strawberry Festi val on June 1st on the Methodist Church lawn A good program- will be provided and that Is no need to tell yon anything about the supper for anyone who has ever attended one of these Garden Parties know all about what the ladles can do in thai line Orchard Beach There are now 3 cottages on the shore open for the season Air bored feel Into the ground and failed to gel a flowing well However they good water at College Toronto nab reuled Kennedy Point for the season This Is the finest camping and picnic grounds on Lake The Church will open the first Sunday In July Mr Harvey editor Of the Newmar ket and family are occupying Dudley Manor for a couple of weeks The season for lunge and bass opened on Wednesday Strawberries are abundant two pails oft her patch last Saturday The village of Keawlck Is all astir this Numerous delegates are dn attendance at the Christian Church Conference being the hundredth lajpnjversary of he opening of the Church Brown Hill Mr and Mrs Lawrence Hose of the weekend here Mr John and Wm look a trip lo Toronto last Horry to hum of Mrs John Mon ros which ecu red mi Tuesday at her home Kim Grove Mrs STREET NORTH Mr Norman Goodwin spent ov er Sunday at his home Miss Marjory visited Mrs C Lewis on Sunday Mr spent the week end in city Mr J Miller of Toronto was calling on friends on Tuesday MrsAVni and spent Sunday at Mr Who Goodwins Mrs Wilt and children from Belleville arc visiting at Mrs also Mrs Hunter and Mr and Mrs Mullock of Toronto spoilt over Sunday Later The Party has been June Did you hear of relief and Kind cry of release No more school for our HighSchool students until September We all appreciate the cooler weather Mrs of is spending a few days with her daughter Mrs Ramsay We are glad to report that Mr A Ramsay is improving surely but slowly Play up hoys You wilt come out on top yet It will he worth your while to keep an eye open for the posters about Methodist Festival Jr League will meet- as usual on Friday at pm Come and hear about the Chinese Medicine Welcome for all who come Sunday Juno being Child rens Day Rev Payne will speak on Five Bests Instead of usual adult choir our load er is training children to fake its place Wake up League or you will have lo a hack seat when the Juniors come to visit you Everyone come out Friday night Gel interested in what the League really is people had tea at Ladies Aid last Thursday at home of Mrs Graham Soon wedding hells will echo our quiet village again is slogan here iiexl Vera a few days of recreation in Holland Landing circuit will he glad to hear that there has been no change in our minister Rev FOR SALE Township j Con SO acres cleared acres pasture Roughcast house hank harn 40x85 Implement house Silo barn- on posts Close lo T post Office store Church Apply COMER w8I NOTICE Chopping Days Monday Wednesday and Friday only Vera Fountain is Dont forget the annual Garden Parly and excellentprogram to bo held on the lawn of Dr Drown on June under Ihe auspices of Ihe Church The- program wlh I consist of varied selections among which are the following Dr Irene elocutionist vocal and violin selections Community Club is growing but it has fallen short of its drive for one hundred members by June it is off to a ood atari however and has sixty paid up members shall the membership lie double every member will bring into the Club another member the job is done Lets do it Club is counting on you for a member dont forget il to I urn out and help the All baseball team win from Newmarket Fri day night June ilh The game is to be called at sharp This game wilt in no way effect the regular weekly interclub garner The Club hopes every member will turn out Saturday night Of course there will he a baseball game and after join the pa rade to the Presbyterian Hail where a general meeting is colled for Club members who are urged to attend this meeting and bring some with them Our Town Fathers have pro claimed July as Queenavilles Civic Holiday so can in the big Picnic at Jack sons Everybodys going Cars leave at am Mrs J has gone to Halifax visit her daughter Mrs Gordon Stairs for he summer None can say there is no place to go now to spend an enjoyable evening because there are crowds the ball games Our ladies team is gelling interesting as the married ladies can sure keep pace with school girls and when compete there will be a close score itll wager games by the men are also fast and exciting and are sure no seconds We expect something good on Friday night tonight when our team will play Willi a Newmarket learn starting at sharp Ice cream and lemonade will he served on grounds so everybody come Mrs J J Terry is visiting her Mrs at in Mr Stanley If Miss and Miss Dora Stiles motored on Friday and spent the weekend with father and mother at Hen Stewart Mrs returned lo Muskoka with them for a months holiday The Ladles Aid and of the Methodist melat the home J J Sliver on Wednesday June was a large number present and consider able business transacted Miss having been appointed a delegate to the Missionary Convention field In Toronto gave a very Instructive re- the same porl In vice Aid The topic ably delivered by SECOND ANNUAL ay and AT- tho of our Rev Howes the Sunday evening wfttt conducted by the Ladies Prayer- was very Mrs Pollard KESWICK JULY 1ST 1 MONSTER PROGRAMME I tfP QflmES AND ATHLETICS Fun and Action for Everybody for Posters with Full Details Rev P Sunday Bowes will be here MOTHER AND FATHER DROWNED IN OF SMALL Detroit Mich Juno Henry and and old respectively saw their mother and father drown In the waters of Lake the mouth of the Detroit River this afternoon The- saw but did not understand as they stood by the twin caskets a their home weeping bitter tears they renin not understand either why their mother was smiling but did not speak ft lo them The scene was too much for friends who to pay their last re spects to the memory of Mr and Mrs street The children were taken to the home of grandmolher The father and mother were drowned this noon shortly after had finished luncheon at a picnic party down Ihe river The father had gone for a swim and was seized with cramps His cry for help was answered by Mrs plunging Into the You FOR YOUR WORK K Payne for another year Miss Haines of the Bradford District Leagues entertained her at nerritome hero on Wednesday ooo A DIKE Sharon SAVINGS FAIRDARN Opo Merchant Baldwin Always buy your Footwear a saving Commit my and money la our hi vilues MAIL CONTRACT hen was formerly known Merchant who was highly for being an upright model women and was sociable with j Tin bereaved friend our kind The Shower last Thurs day well a Headed Mr and Mrs Milter received many useful gifts which will be- appropriate when tiny assemble together lo house- keep Sir John Morton has been on the Hope she regains her vlta- fiome severe cases of around Rome of Ihem Indicate diphtheria Or almost A in saves nine Had to we Mr Paul Chopellc our retired merchant from Bradford With again He In how stationed wilh his brother Frank and assisting him In light deliveries Dancing Ik In town Quite a few Joins hands In the jirelrotriM The music has a great Inclination to hold my facul ties hut dancing Oh I My I Wedding are ringing and the are singing ft go an have my sleepy eyei fixed on home addressed to the General will be celved at Ottawa until noon on Friday of duly lor con veyance Ills Majestys Malls an a proposed Contract for four years six times per week on the route RURAL ROUTE NO Via and from Ihe 1st of October next notices containing further information as to- conditions of pro posed Contract may he and blank forms of Tender may he obtain ed at Pout Offices of Wilfred and at the office of Ihe Post Office inspector Toronto A SUTHERLAND Post Office Inspector Post Office lnspeolors Office Toronto May Hie 17 annual meeting of Hie Toronto Association of was held in the Baker Hill Church on Tuesday Wed nesday and Thursday of The first day being Womens Day was devoted Chiefly to missionary work Several missionaries gave addresses of work in foreign In the evening Dr gave an address on Evangelism Rev A A Scott also gave an address on his work In India Wednesday was given up to on In the evening J ted ihe Song Service Dr preached on Son- ship with Christ Thursday also was taken up with business In evening Rev J Smith led the Sung Service preached a very inspiring sermon was enjoyed by all These meetings were largely attended team play ed Sixth Friday night The result was In favor of our hoys Mrs King visiting her sister Mrs Cook Mrs Alii is visiting at the home of Mr Percy Allin May Flower Thousands of farmers not only did not get paid fop their work this winter but also did not get ariyw thing for their valuable feed At the same time our many hundreds of cream shippers got paid for their work also their feed and well paid for it You are earning your money by hard Why should you take a chance on getting paid for Become a cream shipper it Is not too late and you run no risks MOUNT ALBERT CREAMERY CO PHONE Creameries at Stouffville Albert water seized neck Roth not reappear her husband about sank together and the did LOSS TO HALE10H FARMER is visiting and children holidays in Mrs Will Inker Toronto Mrs A Campbell are spending Mrs Jane Long or TOroplo has heed visiting her sister and bro ther Mrs Win and Mr W A largo number of our ladies and men went up Mr Floyd Cunninghams last Saturday to lend a hand at the barn rais ing Mr J Milne and friend ino on Sunday He says he saw a dear in a bunch of cattle which he could have got in minutes if die bad had gun What a pUy after waiting over years Al a meeting of the Library Hoard cm Tuesday members decided to open the li- on Tuesday evenings from 7 lo for the convenience of Irons Wo are glad hem that Mr Dunn A who is Principal of the Queen Victoria Soli pot in Toronto has been suc cessful in getting his de gree Ross old buy son of Mr and Mrs A Mrs Roy Atkinson is visit ing old friends here and Is Ihe guest of Mrs Mr Aylward accompan ied liy Master and Arthur Walson motored to Toronto on Thursday MOUNT Chatham June John Crow a farmer residing on the river road lelgh Township Ibsl barn stable shed and corn In a blaze which took place early this morning Two horses were burned In death was badly burned but may reepver Five head of cattle received superficial hums altogether the loss of livestock will be about The total of the he about j The presence of a large maple tree heavily revered wilh leaves saved the farmhouse from destruction Several Mines the roof of the house caught but strenuous efforts on Ihe port of a bucket brigade saved the house and the granary which was also close lo scene of the conflagration Neigh bors from nearby farms ami village of Prairie Siding lent assistance In the flames EASY AT BRAMPTON 1 Thanks to Hydro- Shook June It For a mile along the Creek to day dead frogs and dead fishes float ed on surface of Hie stream high wind blew a Hydro wire Into Ihe creek ami frogs and fish e made iher first ami Inst acquaintance When residents of Hie town were- waiting patiently for an hour yester day for the power to come on they little dreamt thai the diverted current was creating in the amphibious and piscatorial worlds Practically the whole and It was a one was wiped I A Dinner tables In were loaded tonight with delicate frogs legs The sehonthnys were first discover that the had wrought ami Ignor ant of Ihe were quick avail the- TO MAKE f DAIRY Phone Watch for the Yellow Truck SUTTON AND CREAMERY Limited GARAGE J GREATER POWER MORE WHITE DOMINION TIHKS AND Marrtag All Kinds Farm Machinery by HUNTLEY Big Field Day at Newmarket on July 1st DAY at 1 CEMETERY All Interested ire requested to make the day the usual aucccss A MACKENZIE Secretary UNION STREET Mr and Mrs A pMil few days Brussels Willi bis brother Mr A is spending his holidays In Toronto The hoys arc making good ronds Mr spent ihe week end at Mr haven The fpninn of anew barn way raised at Mr last galurday Strong men from all ports of country turned out sides cap tains Mr and The sides were nam ed Pudding and Applo Sauce Good old Yorkshire Pud ding won by rafter and Iho boys went merrily homo after a good supper had by Mrs Cunningham Mr and Mrs Curl spent the On Tuesday evening June a Strawberry will he held nil the lawn of Mr Hobt David son near Helhaven under au spices of Ml Church Supper will serv ed from to a splendid program by excellent latent from Toronto wllPbo rend ered Spiles orchestra from Hill in attendance Come and meet your friends FINAL IN TORONTO 1111 June Afler almost deliberation the Stationing Committee presented final draft of stations to Toronto MeUiodlst Conference at p More than changes from original draft contained In the revision Ihe hardest work that the To ronto Conference has ever undertaken past President of Itie Conference deolared when the report was presented The following are the changes In his Mount T Caldwell Sutton West Harold Ellison aAV Viicj

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