Newmarket Era , June 17, 1921, p. 9

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P4 I V FRIDAY p Ap petite II o acquainted with fAlng pure food Wis of food for child will become atooan I our remember to order this by name A Dominion V Have you photo taken by Hi Brown Park Aye Newmarket Phone Sunday Sunday being Decoration the Methodist Sunday Softool Day called for oclock Instead of Lodge No Triors hold their June All members are urgently requested to he present to hear the report from the Assembly WOWS How Organized Conducted in This Brain- Brioches Member Three Vwleties of Weld With Annual Ins Freeh For Farm Crop A Toronto- are 910 branch membership of Ontario result meeting at Oclock province is divided into three divisions east ern central and western Ontario Eastern Ontario contains a A MEANS TO YOU jour a means affection and stone of everlasting beauty It so Investment In character ire tad optimism It means a to Jour life Confer us is ttt d5lgn and particulars Cor Queen Main Sts Newmarket THE REORGANIZED CHURCH OF CHRIST OF LATTER DAY 8AINT8 Hell over Bank of Toronto SERVICES SUNDAY I Prayer Meeting to Preaching J Sunday School J Preaching Meeting Thursday ft p All WELCOME A special noting of No a will be held In the Lodge Room Tuesday June Im portant business Members please attend Brleflata Haying has commenced like a good crop Pall wheat Is heading out fields look fine and some axe The 1st of July at Newmarket will he a big field day Immense crowd looks Some badly Ontario contains Ontario eleven and western Ontario three The delegates to the annual con- Id- each division name a from aubdlrlalon to Directors for directors anticipated The Chautauqua getting busy are Womans About fiftyfive ladles the District Annual Meeting on Friday of last week Quite a number of the branches were present and gave very satisfac tory reports The following officers ware elected for the ensuing year as follows Hon Pros Mrs Doane New market A Starr Newmarket VicePresMrs Bryan Aurora nd VJeePres Mrs Steeper Mount Albert Miss Toole New market His Representative Mrs P Newmarket Day at NEWMARKET CEMETERY on the 19th of June different Lodges and Societies part will meet at the Market at p m ROSE Secretary STRAY CATTLE to lot In the 2nd Con of about the of May raw Heifers two Mac and white and I titer a Jersey Owner Is requcst- tflojrove properly pay expenses and Death of a North York Man On Thursday June 2nd there pass ed away at in the Town ship of Mara County of Ontario Mr Benjamin Smith at the advanced age of about 85 years Mr Smith was bom In the Township of and carried on of blacksmith at Holt until when with the Smith White and Roach families he went to Illinois after the Civil War and they all settled the vicinity of where he sided ever since He came over here to look alter his farm at which has been under the management of his brother he took sick and passed away Deceased learned the Mr who did- business where Mr John carries on the same shop now lie afterwards worked for Mr Geo While who id Hie early days of Newmarket had a shop where the Presbyterian Manse now stands Deceased was an uncle of Mrs J of Newmarket whom he al ways visited when over here to see old friends He married a stater of the late Mrs of Aurora form a Board of Provincial from among themaelvea elect on the exe cutive and also name representa tives to the Dominion Federation The principle and designation of the standing committees and the system their meetings provided for In the con of provincial Alton and the following committees have been named Health Education and Bettor Schools Immigration Agriculture Legislation Home Eco nomics and Publicity- Annual conventions are held at Ottawa and Toronto for the same being made to operation with representatives of the provincial and local com mittees chosen the time the conventions The Institutes are entirely inde pendent of the Department so far as their meetings are The provincial organisation Is also quite Independent of the depart ment but It Is utilised in an ad visory capacity The superintendent Institutes lines of work for the Institutes from time to time and places be ore them reports of what the Institutes are doing In var ious sections of the province aa well as other sections of Dominions The Department furnishes lecturers for single meetings and for abort courses as outlined cir cular No 18 The membership fee of twentyave cents per member Is wholly used local purposes The Government grant la to each branch having a membership of and mldlng at least six meetings a year and furn ishing the reports asked for by the Department including a Hat of members financial statement and brief reports of A grant of Is also given to the district with an addition of on of each branch in the district which a satisfactory report Geo A Putnam Superinten dent Farmers Institutes Toronto- We have and are from under prepared to got now LowPriced Clothing to Mens Suits ranging in be price a heavy stock show you the found in Town from DA of highpriced Clothing Largest Assortment of to The season is old felt hat iir in full swing- Dont Get a New Straw and Hats are the OF THE BEST be uncomfortable with that keep a cool head Lowest Priced flats QUALITY IN TOWN away nil LLOYD Newmarket P lymftn a Jackson Issuer of Marriage Licenses Offloe Office Vomers at if desired AURORA Society- SECOND Annual Peony Show will be held Saturday June In The Club Academy few to placed by oclock from p m to p M e the beautiful flowers I ADMISSION Secretary j j Enroll Any Time School A Wlk of Toronto Block A 3a of lolally M near Decoration Day Next Sunday be Decoration Day at Newmarket Cemetery The people of Newmarket have always taken such good care of the Cemetery that It only requires a few words to remind litem of this occasion lo order have a good response The profession will form on Market Square at and proceed to the Water Works Lawn where Memorial will be suitably decorated and then march to the Cemetery where the customary ad dresses will he delivered and the will decorate Ihe graves or deceased members At tho Cemefery it is expected will preside Parry pastor or the Church will lead and a J pastor of SlAadrws Presby terian Church will address Adrora Band will head the procession and will also play appropriate selec tions while the different- lodges dec orate the graves A large attendance of the friends Interested is anticipated The afternoon Sunday Schools in Town will meet at oclock so that the children can attend Decoration Ceremonies Dairy Farmers A number of the milk shippers of North York met in Newmarket on Saturday evening June and formed a Cow Testing Association The Association has for Us object the building up of our Dairy herds by weeding out the low and poor pro ducers weights and samples are ta ken morning and evening on three days per month and when the sixth sample is taken all are- forwarded to the tester at the Department of Agri culture Newmarket At the end of the year a summary of each cows production will be supplied There Is no expense la becoming a member except the purchase of sample bottles and other small equipments Shippers arc recognizing the necessity and Im portance of testing and keeping rec ords Any Interested should write to the Department of Agriculture Newmarket The Department of Agriculture has been doing considerable culling throughout the County dur ing the past week Is the time of the year to weed out the lay ing hen Aiy keepers En the County who are Interested In this line of work should with the Department of Agriculture New market Varieties of Field Crops Rye Of the spring varieties ot rye the O A C No has not only given the average yield of grain per acre at the college but surpassed the common spring rye In the cooperative experiments throughout Ontario In each of the past nine years the average being practically three per acre in faror of the former Field Peas The Canadian Beauty of field peas Is one of the best of the smooth white kinds The Arthur originated at the Central Experimental Farm at tftwa fa coming into prominence It Is a medium late white pea of also The Golden Vloe Is a small white field pea and one of the most suitable for mixing with oats la the production green fodder or of bay by using one bushel of peas and two of oats per acru The Golden Vine peas and the No oats make an admirable combination Weld Deans The Small White pea bean Is the commercial variety of Is one which is grown extensively The Improved Tree bean Is a medium lute large yielding variety producing large sit ed white of excellent quality This variety has given excellent re sults in some localities Buckwheat The Silver Hull buckwheat produces a of ex cellent quality and is used consider ably throughout the Hough wheat la not no well knowu but it exceedingly heavy producing larger yield of per acre than the Sliver Hull Although the last named Is a high I elder the grain possesses a thick hull la uot of an A Professor Hus bandry A Col lege Dairying June Cow In Clover or Ouu Junegrass pasture require very little This the Ideal mouth for dairy operations More milk and better milk are produced month June than at any other time of the year in Ontario If there are any hot days be- caretul to cool both milk and cream by setting In ice water or cold well water Sour milk and cream too frequently sent to the factory Dont forget lo wash the cream separator daily or after each time of using Prices and AM WHIM This Store will be open Every Night PHONE NO TJE until oclock 158 TOWN OF NEWMARKET county court OF BYLAW Last night on the Home Smith I saw a standing motor car ihe Mill day of June anXUlcl a llyLaw was by lwo w0ien Municipal Council of lite Corporation of said Constable Myers to Major the Town of for borrow- the sum of on the muni for fifteen acres purl of Lot ft Concession Township commonly known Lewis for purposes The of ttie debt or liability lo be created is years from the debeu- Jones Hotel did not dispute the constables evidence and was fined and costs Willie killed aged four was country that his father was seriously a But After Constable Myers had cd the disgraceful of Frank Peacock of Major inflicted the usual fine of and costs The amount to bo borrowed is lo be payable in fifteen tin date of the Issue of lures The amount Ip be raised to pay the debt and Interest Is sum Albert Read stole a ride from In each year the on He gets a currency of the I ride to the Jail Farm where day of June fy2ij sojourn for the next days P Clerk Any man who Is drunk charge a motor car and comes before me Fresh Fruit For the arm For a very small sum any farmer may have a few rows of straw berries two or three dosen currants etc which wilt giro fresh fruit at cheapest cost A few grapes will also pay Belling strawberry plants and berry will bring In an odd dollar or two for the wideawake or boy or HALF A ON STRIKE Approximately Waif a million operators in the spinning and weaving of IbO cotton trade In England are out on strike The mill owners are de manding their copt a per cent reduction In wages The men agree to a out but the per Era TAKE NOTICE that the foregoing a true synopsis of a proposed By law of rftlie of the Town of Newmarket to be to tire votes of the electors qualified lo vole on money on the day of July A 1021 between the hours of nine oclock In the forenoon and five oclock the at the following places Polling No Deputy Returning Officer Jotin Polling Place Reel House Prospect Ave Polling subdivision No Returning Officer Fred Polling Place Market Building Polling No 3 Deputy Returning Officer S It Polling Place Hall And that the day of June A at 11 oclock in the forenoon at the Chamber in the said municipality has fixed for the appointment of persons to attend at the polling places and at the final summing up of the votes by the Clerk And that If the assent such elec tors be obtained to Bald proposed Bylaw It will be taken Into consid eration by the Municipal Council of the said Corporation at t meeting thereof to be held after the expiration one month from the date of first publication of this notice and that such first publication was made on the day of June A 1921 P J ANDEflSON Clerk TAKE NOTICE further that a tenant who desires to vote upon said pro posed Bylaw must deliver to the Clerk not later than tenth day be fore the day appointed for taking the vole a deelaraUon under The Evidence Act that Tie is a tenant whose lease extends for the time for the debt or liability la to be created or Id the money to be raised by the proposed Bylaw is payable or for at least twenlyono years and that he has by the lease covenanted to pay all munlclpai taxoa In respect of the properly of which he is tenant other than local Improvement rates P J ANDERSON Clerk of goes to Jail Major inform ed Albert Vivian who was found Constables Scott and Crust at High land Creek He goes down for seven days and pays court costs lnured when their car overturned Fred aged was drowned while bathing at the brick yard In Calgary June Mrs J J and her four children were burned to death on Tuesday night in a lire that destroyed their home miles northeast of The womans husband her sister and child es caped The origin of the Are unknown Provincial Police take up the matter and are in vestigating WHEN NOAH WON OUT You Noah hod lo a long lime on that ark It was up hill business too at best building a boat out on dry land while the local sat round spit ting tobacco Juice upon his lumber whittling up his pine boards their and telling him what a fool he was for expecting a big rain In a was too dry to ho kept at It grow Finally the flood and every mothers son of the croakers was drowned This Is only Instance we know in either sacred or profane history where a of knockers got exactly what was coming to them IDLE HOURS There Is no place In the life the successful man for Idle hours When he works he works when he plays he plays He does each is ap pointed time and with purpose But he Is never found Just waiting for something to turn up It Is neces sary that healthy minds have a cer tain amount of recreation but when playtime comes he seeks the kind of diversion that appeals to him and pur sues It just as assiduously as he does- his work Hours wisely spent are an Investment which will pay dividends during your life hours spent In Idleness a depreciation charge that must added to your overhead when striking a balance in your Book of Life Par MAY PRE8ENT A PROPER FINANCIAL WENT WILL BE ACCEPTED BY ANY BANK If ho Simplified Accounting System for Farmers In connection with farm operations It provides you with a monthly or yearly statement la each department of your farm for five And of Receipts and at the end Of your year sets forth the total farm production The coat of In each department and the Net Profit and Loss which each has yielded The last word In simplicity ft Is 80 SIMPLE any man who can road or writs any school boy or can follow Its principle SO COMPLETE that Is hsarUly by Government and farmers organization officials and leading financial man ware of Imitations Scotts la the only Accounting System provides forms In which a complete statement of every branch of your farm operations month by month for five Is covered THE ERA OFFICE consented to Distributing Agent for Newmarket and vicinity Call and lee the Books and hive them explained 1 i

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