i x Your would to Tested by Eyes Watson Gradual Lading County Paper as the Oldest No paper sent York unless paid in ad terms oo t Editor and Proprietor only vv Copies I I HUB 1 mi J 5c eaob wo i NEWMARKET Centennial Conference of Ontario Christian Church WILL TAKE FOUR TO MAKE MEDALS Paints Oils Stains Varnishes Dont Forget At the Sports on July 1st PHONE Comprehensive Banking Service Whatever your banking may be any one of the 218 branches of this bank can serve you satisfactorily From a small personal savings to a of foreign exchange or from collections on drafts to advice concerning investment our service is prompt and BRANCH AURORA BRANCH OF CANADA it A MURRAY to AijfrS afeM SOUTH END LUMBER YARD NUT COAL Brick Cement Lumber P W PEARSON Cor Church and THE WHL SONS OIL LIMITED WHY NOT THE LID EVERYBODY WILL BE THERE OFF TAKE A LOOK Football Game in the Morning Lacrosse and Baseball in Afternoon WELL HORSE RACING GALORE AND AN ILLUMINATED STREET CARNIVAL IN THE EVENING ON THE NEW PAVEMENT All Accompanied by a REAL BAND for the Entire Day and all Night Space donated by The Cane Co Ltd have added a BATTERY RE lo our and are now prepared to repair kinds of Storage Batteries If In trouble with your let us look over for you CHARGES REASONABLE for Batteries ROBERTSON Editor Newmarket Era your kindness was so great as to some one connected with the Ontario Christian Conference lo prepare for your paper a report Of the Centennial Conference just closed I will gladly send you this sketch I trust will not be too for the space you have to spare The first Church taking name Christian was organized at what Is Wick by a young minister York State by the name of J Huntley who came from the New Tor Western Conference of the In response to the earnest solleUtloa of Mrs Mary Stogdll who had been converted under the preaching of Rev David Millard at Greenville and afterward came to Canada and settled near Newmarket Mr Huntleys work proved very successful ami the Church at Keswick set other people thinking and soon Churches sprang Into being In various parts of York and Counties Our people never tor one moment arrogated to themselves the idea that only hey were Christians But I hey then and we still today held principles which differed In some par ticulars from the hen prevailing de nominations religious bodies held to human made creeds over which fo long periods many people had argued contended yea quarrelled and some times bated each other quite cordially The Christians as early as down In Virginia took only the Divine Word of God as found in the Bible both Old and New Testament as their only Creed Other bodies look to themselves Human Names as if had been re deemed and saved by human leaders while wo took the Name Divinely given to the followers of Christ In Act The Disciples were called Christ ians first at And there Is not a of proof that Hits name was given In derision by the people around Hie Church except the suppositions historians have read Into the history Our Fathers said The Church ought to he named as to Inoludo all and exclude none of who be lieve on Jesus Cltrlst and by a mo ments thought it will seem he Name Christian applies to every re deemed person wherever he wor ships When this Christian Church start ed other bodies were like Jews and Samaritans they had no dealings with each other Our people at once took the ground that all Christs followers should be Brethren one In heart In fellowship purpose Spirit and has now taken possession to a great extent of Die hearts of the Christ- Ian world a 01 her bodied made assent lo some red a I doctrine essential to Church membership while we be lieved and still believe that vital liv ing faith In the Living Saviour Is and Is sufficient ground for to fellowship for No man can call Jesus the Christ except by the Holy Spirit in bodies were gov erned despotic unbending bishops or unyielding synods and and spirit of democracy was scarcely known Our ppople hi the States also Huntley who came to Keswick held to the Bible in Us purity and simplicity and preached the evangeli stic message with a spirit filled hear and mind and they went great revivals followed which were characterized not by fanaticism or noisy physical demonstrations but by genuine reformation of life and spiritual consecration which made many laymen and some lay women successful workers for God Such are he people who held fast week their Conferenoo at Keswick railed the Centennial honor of the founding of the Keswick Christian Church one hundred years ago Some one may ask What have Hie Christians done They were the first In modern times to restore the early standard of faith and take the Bible only for their Creed Be It re membered there was no human creed till A l Our people were the first to name themselves like the followers of Christ In times Christians for all over the Roman Empire the fol lowers were loved by their friends as Christians or persecuted by their Christians were disting uished historians and writers as Christians thus eliminating any al legiance to human Dames The Christians were among first In I modem times to place the the shoulders the- members In a for we believe that the splendid ta lents of womanhood should be direct ed to the Of the grace which has done so much for were the first to admit women into our colleges on an equal fooling with who had lorded it over the weaker vessel so many years and centuries Since we took the lead In so many reforms others have followed with Newspapers ordaining women and with Our history has been filled With times hopeful uplift and times of despondent feelings The session of Conference closed ranks among Request Of Dopt for Answered Town Council i YEARS AGO the best ever held White there ha- been loss of some Churches the last tea years so have other bodies lost Churches during the time and the similar reasons Not a church of ours has been tost where there nasi been ample population to draw from so far as the writer can recall here In Canada But when they were or ganized there was a strong rural population which has everywhere shifted and In many places grown less In some of these Places Churches have down But In the last leu years our Churches have increased the givlngs for salaries some when near per cent Their Foreign Mission have Increased over per cent in ten years and there is no longer a contentious Spirit- sometime manifests Itself hi delibera tive bodies All the reports last week manifested real work and real Interest and unity of purpose never surpassed In any body The session opened Wednesday af ternoon June 15 elected Its annual officers Rev Hall Vice- Pros C Brother Brother Hoover 325 Main Street Toronto Thursday evening occurred Hie His torical celebration Mrs Malioiiy daughter of Mr Jesse and a direct of Mrs Mary fine paper re counting the efforts of her worthy ancestor In securing the services Rev Allen who founded first Church fallowing Mrs Prof J Dales and Secretary of the Conference gave a splendid historical sketch outlining the work In General hi Canada This Conference Is one of something like in the whole De nomination all which compose the American Christian Convention which body holds sessions every four years mid which body carries on publication literature both Foreign and Home Missionary enterprises has the over sight of several fine Colleges As a people We have given to the world a greater number of lead ers Marlon Lawrence the greatest of Sunday School leaders of world wide fame Amos It Wells the of the Christian World and Associate of Notes also of international and world Influ ence Mr who Is rapidly climb ing take Ihc highest place In Sunday School world ad these and many Others widely known are gifts of Christian Church the world At our recent gathering we had Willi us Mr J II Pease and Mrs Pease of representing the Western Conference from which Allen came to the then new movement hi Canada W J Hall who for four years was pastor of our Church at Newmarket and win since leaving here has built a Church worth and added to Us mem bership over a hundred members and now is one of Hie field workers the Forward Movement Then we had cv J Atkinson Secretary of Missions for the Southern Christian Convention a graduate of Harvard College urn today without a superior on the public platform as a So looking at us from the Biblical standpoint we have nothing to be ashamed of except out spirit of fear which has sometimes affected some of I believe our days of standing stiP are ended We have come to the turn of the tide In the bounds of this small Conference are nearly If no a dozen young men and womei who have definitely declared their- In tention to enter missionary or ministry work of the Church as soon age- and preparation can fit for the great honor We Invite the public to coino and look us over A for creed which has not to be adjusted to suit ages the name Christian be cause we loved Christ more than we love any human leader Christian character the est of fellowship the Spiritual union of all the followers of Christ Come thou with us and we Ottawa June Id By Canadian Press The address of exsoldier Is the greatest problem of the Records of ho Just now In connection with the distribution of medals ad dresses as given at time Of dis charge were tested out and no less hair per cent were found Inaccu rate An Insufficient address had been given for It had been subsequently changed Tills means that If the ad dresses on hand were used by the Do more half of the med als would come back on Us hands Accordingly in every post office in country a poster is displayed advising those to whom medals are owing secure a post card fron post master flit It In wllh correct names and address and mail post free to the Militia Department Ottawa The posters brought In postcards during May and this poster scheme is being extended to lake in all the railroad stations in Hie Actual figures as to the total num ber of British War Medals silver and Victory Medals bronze to be dis tributed to the Canadian forces are not Regular meeting last Monday even ing Present Mayer tteove Keith Deputy- Pearson Councillors horue Cane Moss and Mr President of Athletic Association made application for a grant of to keep the City Band In Town for the evening of Dominion Day also asked the Council to to traffic that part Main Street between and ford Streets In order to have the Community Dance that Is proposed by the Association Mr Sterling Cody supported the re- miest as It was something for the en tertainment of the citizens free of charge On motion Of Mr Keith seconded by Mr Moss the Brant was passed Following bills were ordered National iron Corporation Dominion Wheel A Foundry Co Iter to It A Products freight on oil 19 J Fire Co K N Compressor to Com ft Telegram Demurrage on Oil Toronto General Hospital Win Cane A Sons Fairbanks A Co to A 1 Com to A From Era About people took In the Agrt- recursion around Lake Sim- Coo Tuesday the steamer Emily May A three year old child of Mr Halt fell Into a pill of boiling water which had been left at the kitchen J door for the purpose of house clean ing and died hours after Mr Wallace Graham a former at the Office was married at Parkhlll last Friday YEARS From Era June 26th 41 97 available Some set of docu ments to be examined In order lo establish eligibility The former P Pearson medal Is awarded every person who rendered approved service over seas and the approximate number for Canadians Is Up to the end of last month had been distri buted and the Department had on hand at Ihal time more for de livery Names sent to the War Of fice ao far number The med als are coming in from Great Britain In monthly consignments aud dally large batches arc being despatched lo Hie veterans During May was spent in postage for the mailing of medals and decorations About twothirds of the veterans will get the Victory medals which goes to all who served on estab lishment of an authorized unit In Ihc field Of the approximately to be awarded Canadians are In the hands of the veterans Na turally many qualified under this head several limes having served In more than one field or having been returned to the front from a British hospital and entered on the establishment a second or third time same is of Navy Can adians who served with the British Navy or the Royal Air Force will their medals from those organizations and not from the Canadian Head quarters All these medals are being made lu and the Secretary of State for War announced last year that It would take four years to complete the manufacture His estimate takes Into aecount medals for nearly men and women throughout the Em pire Nominal rolls are sent from to Die War Office in London giv ing regimental number rank name Initials and service unit The medals come back wdllh these particulars stamped on the rim Thus every In dividual medal has to be Identified the man who won It In case of death the medal follows the will Some of the medals will thus find their way to next of kin In odd corn- era of and a number of course lacking precise Information will never he delivered This will be true too of the handsome bronze plaques and the artistic scrolls which have been got up to commemorate in home men who died for their country In the order of distribution first preference was given by the branch to those of the First Canadian contingent men who left Canada In After that batches of names have been sent in starting at eight different points In the alphabet so that no discrimination Is being prac tised The ribbon Issued with each medal Is sufficient for use with the medal plus extra length for use without I Is all talk Sir Wil frid was to power Win was returned by ma- and J Edgar by a majority of Officers of the Christian Church Endeavour Lehman Miss Miss Nettle Lehman Miss A Officers for the Presbyterian Miss Munroe Miss Mrs Morrison Miss Miss Miss Ironside Miss Prettle Miss J Dickson Miss Wilson and I Miss K Dickson j now depot of Toronto is visiting friends here Chtldrons Day was a groat success at the Christian Church last Sunday duo to the leadership of Mrs and Mr A Williams Supt The Society had a fine day for their excursion to Bala Falls yester day About people attended and 41 the Society cleared over Newmar- Com A Thompson A Pay Sheet No 16 Pay Sheet No P A of Stallard A Hill police patrol Charity accounts freight compression Record Bank of Montreal Economical Fire Insurance and Application from A S Rogers had a match Com resulting in aver of Newmarket Application for light from by Jas was referee and Andrews Cotter St to Wall Cain captain A Com The Legislative grant to Communication from Ben Harrison public school this year Is re Cleaning to Mr Pat conductor In the A Com employee of Northern Railway for Community Nurse report for was burled last Tuesday in was received and placed on Newmarket The pallbearers were Moved by Mr Keith seconded by conductors Peg Story Mr Moss that whereas the Engineer Wallaces Petl and Fry Mr James has advised thai the Mr ceo at one time tractor Gavotte whose tender was of the Era Staff died In at Hie meeting for the con- Detroit on June of sewers certain street- The following part in the Dos ha so far not deposited marked pel Temperance Meeting Sunday cheque as required Be It resolved J D McKay Miss Eva Jackson Miss that tender of the Standard A Miss Bait Co at price of and Frank Brown be accepted In accordance wllh The floe flats which are such meudalion the Engineer and veulent grounds for a public play- former resolution awarding this eon- ground are be sold by public Iract to Cavotie be and Is hereby nest monlh should be Carried taken to secure property now that Motion close street immediately the opportunity offers and Hie real South of Whims Lot on Prospect testate market Is low Ave Carried Mr Cane Introduced the subject of ringing the Curfew again but no defi nite action was taken 11 Council adjourned at p m LOSES HAND IN Section had a contest practise on Wednesday evening Miss has gone to Glas gow on a visit with her sister The Altar In Newmarket June by Mr Arthur Lowe of Toronto to Miss Anaminda Bacon of Newmarket London June Walter son of Edward an en gineer employed by the construction company erecting the new Collegiate had his hand so crushed under a gasoline engine Sun day about noon that it had be am putated The boy who is eight years old had THROUGH NIAGARA RAPIDS Clinging To a Log Niagara Fails June Ed ward Denny years old was res cued from the Niagara whirlpool urday afternoon after he had been In Ford Spend Dominion and have Dealer Water Street Newmarketf Day in a A pure Christian Jesus said All ye are brethren The Christians were first to establish a religious newspaper which has been published now for one and thirteen sod called at the start and now bears the same name The Herald of Gospel Liberty published at Dayton and Is the Denominational Organ wero lne tto to preach the will do good At least we will try Pastor Christian Vhen a hew steel bridge feet long being built me Coo nectloal river st col lapsed workmen the river but all were saved v to of the Victory medal who have also been mentioned once or more In despatches receive a targe and a small bronze leaf ihe first to he worn medal itself and the latter be worn with the ribbon only Of an approximate Memorial Crosses which go to widow and mother tf both are alive but to no one else some have now been delivered This Is the only Canadian award which the Records branch handling One more problem with which the Records branch la coping Is the dis tribution of medals awarded to certain members of the Canadian Munitions board The board was disbanded two years ago- and the MUlUa Department as a matter of never had the records of the munition workers accompanied his father to the j ale grounds where Mr Gibson was making some repairs to the glne have In readiness for use today The engine which weights about pounds was raised up on a sort of pisiform which collapsed idling heavy piece of machinery fall on thc hoys hand which wai crushed up lo the wrist was called and decided that there was no hope of sav ing the hand The amputation wa performed at Victoria Hospital where late last night the condition of the Ut ile patient was reported to be sails- factory the water nearly an hour Denny saved himself by clinging to a drifting log which was whirled around and around In the eddy of the big pool Floated Into Peril The boy with a dozen companions was swimming from the old Maid of the Mist landing on Ihe United States above the rapids Practicing floating he was carried out Into mid stream and was in the grip- of the swift current before he realized his pllgh His companions swam out as far as hey dared but were unable reach Denny They shouted to him to stop June At a meeting Friday ev ening to prolog against the per cent increase in water rates in this oily a resolution was OUR MOTHERS MISSION Whose name fills our hearts with sweetest Whose presence dispels our every feart I Whose voice Is always sweet and clear liie answer comes Our mothers Who light of our earthly hornet Or whom do think when In sin we roam Who welcomes us when we homeward come The answer comes Our mother Whose heart Is It that loves us Whose arms will fold to a loving breast In whose presence we to rest My answer if Our mothers struggling- ami of driftwood to hold en to a piece Who taught how to pray And guided our footsteps In the way That- leads us Into the Whirlpool Thc boy managed catch a float ing log and with It was hurled through the first of the lower rapids and the whirlpool Here he was around lo the big outer hair an hour white the other boys whohaU followed him on the ran for aid Some of them found a long rope and one ventured out as far as he dared and threw rope across the path of the Denny caught It and was hauled ashore frightened but uninjured Pled Police and fire departments were to the scene to aid la the res cue but when they arrived all they found was young Denny on the bank recuperating His fled when the police were sighted adopted demanding an We will audit of the hooks of the Utilities Commission ssU Iff WWH VV A without without an Love witaouC return Is ah d