Hie A 4r word or on for each Wrtiooiwofi on M word for eh if hot pari will charged for booking Hen house Apply W- Newmarket Qualified and general Nurse Mrs Dunn Andrew Nelson Range In good con dition no reservoir Apply to Mary Niagara St Town IIm Bug- Scot Ire Raglan St Newmarket For Sale A Automatic Coal class condition St Iirceburner Florence Oil Stove In first Verity Queen To Rent suite living room conveniences In the Bank of Toronto See Miss at Dr Wesleys Office 21 atfrtrt Watch between the R slatlon and Canes Factory on June Reward for return to Era Of fice Girls Blue Serge Suit Coat on Newmarket- Vivian side road Finder notify Miss Silverman Ml Albert Phone Reward Horse For Sale hands Brown years old sound afraid of nothing any lady can drive htm Good to work single or double Apply to Box Newmarket s I or Gentleman In the Town of to handle the Products Big AH or spare time Write us today The J Walkins Co Hamilton Wanted Sell Oil Grease Specialties All or part lime Commission basis Should have car or rig Samples free Write for the profitable terms Deliveries from our Ontario Station no duly or ex change Riverside Refining Co Cleveland Ohio FOR SALE fo- Al Slop St good roomed house Most suitable wayside inn or tea rooms range and lights 3w2 FOR One Tractor and Plow in good condition- Price Apply to MR KIRK Street Aurora FOR SALE Mouse at Richmond Hill frame rooms good condition electricity phone furnace lot close to radial young fruit trees some email fruits Price cash- Box Richmond Hill ONE TON TRUCK For local and long distance hauling hogs and calves taken to Toronto Give It a trial A P RUSSELL 3y21 Newmarket phone DRIVE VICTIM I Li I and Murder Dublin June 21 Second Lieuten ant Breeze of the Wovslcrshlro Regiment was taken from ay automo bile In which he was riding On Sun day Dublin accompanied three young women and shot to death Forced to Drive The cur In which Breeze and his companions were motoring Was held up by armed men who shot ami badly wounded the lieutenant Leaving two of the women by the roadside miscreants forced third young woman to drive them with the officer Into the Dublin hills where they stood Breeze up against a wall and shot him to death We hid for York Would End SJmcW would Sol share of fry but Belle ville has gone out busi ness all hope la IlUa reject about vanished Just now we eyes of Canada are centered on the Conference lo London opened on Monday with a- remarkable speech by Lloyd Tim British Premier created a profound Impres sion in considering the renewal of the AngloJapanese Alliance the lion of the United Stales will be a salient factor Stability and peace on the basis of liberty and justice emphasised the announcement was made that England is ready to discuss with American statesmen any proposal for limitation of armaments Tills Is Indeed what Canadians for In conclusion the Premier The British Dominions hare achieved full nationhood and now stand beside the United Kingdom as equal partners In the dignities aud responsibilities of the British Commonwealth If titer are any means by which Dial status can be rendered even clearer to their own communities to the world a targe we shall be glad to have them put forward at this conference Worldwide Interests arc as a result of the Conference looking to more friendly relatione among all na tions ft- LIBERAL LEADER IN NORTH YORK Hon L Mackenzie King Will Speak in the Hon Mackenzie King Is to visit North York again this summer it was announced here Saturday at the annual meeting of the North York Liberal Association- He will hold only one meeting la his riding this summer and where It will be Is not yet decided Liberals of Siouffville are very anxious he there but It Is likely that cither Aurora or Bond Lake will be chosen The Liberal Leader will speak here in the latter part of July Reports presented at the meeting from all parts of the riding predicted a In all sections for Hon Mr King at the polls Mr J Walton of Aurora who for years has been Secretary of the association resigned and Mr J P of Aurora was elected to succeed him The officers of the association are President S Cane Newmar ket VicePresident Mount Albert Mrs and Mrs Willis Au rora Treasurer it Our Toronto Letter Charged with theft of goods val ued at Patrick Walsh Linden street a clerk in the mall or der department of a street store was arrested Friday by De tective Koslcr Percy auc tioneer Queen street west was arrested charged with receiving the stolen properly According to Hie police Walsh is alleged lo have shipped large quantities of clothing and other wearing apparel from the mail order department to to dfwpose of A small amount of the stolen goods has been recovered About men and boys took part Sunday afternoon In the sixth Vegetable Compound Owen Sound for years with female organic trouble neuralgia and Indi gestion and was weak and had aucb bad pains could hardly walk When I would sweep I would nave to go and lis down s not at night and would wander around the house half the time I tried everything but e any good and the last doc- tot J told me he riever expected me to lbs on feet again or able to do a days work One day one of your little books was left at my door ana my husband said should try a bottle of E Vegetable roe and I am now well and strong there no remedy like the vege table Compound for anyone who has my troubles and have recommended it to for the those I cant reach Mm A Mitchell Ave East Owen Sound Ont If you have any symptom would like toknow write to the Medicine Co Lynn Mass for advice given free of charge MANAGER OF BANK AVERTED HOLDUP the v Three Taken and Slain The bodies of three military officer- who were kidnapped yesterday while out walking near He hard County were found today near Clon- It is officially reported the bodies bore a number of bullet and shotgun wounds and that each man had been blindfolded before he was killed When the officers left their barracks they were dressed In civilian clothes They were not heard of again until their were discov ered today Colonel Lambert killed Col Lambert In command of the brigade Athlone was fatally this evening at white re turning from a tennis parly In an automobile accompanied by his wife and Col and Mrs Challouer Six men ordered the party to halt but the driver of the car instead of obeying the command speeded up the car and the men fired on It A but- let struck Col Lambert In the neck Mrs was slightly Injur ed and Mrs Lambert were not Injured A soldier was shot dead yesterday At County Cork two civilians who failed to halt when challenged were shot and killed Thos Farrow of London On tario sentenced to years for publishing a bank report which he knew to tic false Sixtyeight men were killed and oilier Injured through the explosion due to fire damp which destroyed the greater part of the mine neat Heme Monday Three hundred men wet in the mine when ihe disaster occurr ed annual parade of Union of the Holy Name Society of Toronto This number is more than have taken part In any previous rally and some Idea of the magni tude of he procession may be obtain ed when It is mentioned that look well overman hour and a half to pass a given point County Council on Monday afternoon opened their summer session In the new Council chamber on Ihe second floor of lie county building It has Just been completed The new room Is much larger than the old one gets more sunlight and the celling high er the unsightly pillars which dot ted the down si airs chamber are miss ing here The Wardens Excursion look place lo Grimsby Park on Tues day William Long was fined and In the Police Court on a charge of having liquor In oilier than his pri vate residence Longs defense WSJ that he had no cellar in his home and consequently he put the liquor lo a shed in his backyard Harry W Could the young To ronto hank teller who is being sought by the police on a charge of second ing with In currency he Is al leged to have stolen- from the branch of the Sterling Bank at Hie corner of Church and streets where ho was stationed Is lo be In Chicago War widows of Ontario are lo bene fit to extent of some through the first bequest recorded In a private will The bequest- comes from will of the late Mrs Hammond who died recently and it Is understood that the of the will slate distinctly that the money the use of war widows alone Carried Money Himself Knowing Ban dits Were Lying In Shots Eichanged Man Supposed to bs of Caught Long Chose June What might have been a repetition of holdup at Melbourne occurred no five miles from little village of Bolton today Only for a warning issued by Mrs Dr of Pal- grave the wallet In which the money Carried by Herbert Shore who goes every Tuesday and Thursday to the liny village of In the hills might have ben stolen and lives might have been sacrificed One and a half miles from Palgrave a lonely spot in the hills with clumps of cedars on either side of the road The C P crosses the road and Hie flag called Cedar Mills Is situated at this point This morning men were seen lurking In these bushes and the noti fied Mrs who immediately phoned to manager of Imperial Bank Bolton not to allow Ihe clerk to come shall go myself said the man ager Arranging with Constable Wil liam Hell for an escort the latter go Wtlkson and proceeded with Manager and the clerk Her bert Shore along the road Arriving at the flag station men who had been lurking in the bushes opened fire on Bolton men The Bolton men were armed and relurncd the fire several shots exchang ed The rear tire on Mr Warbrlck ear was punctured and there are sev eral holes In his car The robbers one of whom wore a mask took lo woods which at Hi Is point consists of a long bush The Bolton men followed and several bourn were spent In a fruitless chase In the meantime Constable Bell tele phoned to Crown Attorney for and Sheriff Henderson ac companied by Chief and Li cense Inspector Want went to Bol ton Immediately ledge of Port Credit was also and went to the scene DOMINION DAY AT Memorial Park will be dedicated on Dominion Day The ceremony as well as that of unveiling Memorial Tablets In the new park entrance gates will be performed by MacNamara of the Princess Pals North Toronto baseball team will play a doubleheader with the team Victoria Square girls base ball team will play ho Stouffvllle girls and the Hoboes and Artists will provide fun Drills will bo given by High School Cadets pupils of and pupils of Miss Sanders A splendid entertainment will be given In evening One Man Captured continued until two in the afternoon when a single man was captured on the road near Cedar Mills He gave his name as Robert Wesley Jones of Hamilton He is apparent ly twentytwo year of age dark- haired and darkeyed He was lodged In Brampton Jail this evening The captured man declared firmly that he had nothing Ij do with the holdup but the fact that he carrying a revolver and had twenty- five rounds of ammunition on him is against him l have been ex peeling lhs for a long lime said Sheriff Henderson who was born and raised In the neighborhood of Bolton The and valleys the lonely roads and the cedar swamps make an Ideal place for such an enterprise These young fellows who go to take a pretty heavy risk carrying large sums of money In limes like these through Mich a territory J would not state lust what sum he was carrying but it would be In the neighborhood of KETTLEBY KcUlcby Sunday School held their annual picnic in Am phitheatre Park on Saturday the 18th Everybody had a good time Miss A Farrow of Toronto is spending a few days with sis ter Miss Farrow A number of our young eagerly looking forward to a of in Muskoka this summer Our team wont to Sen on erg lost Friday evening and dofeated by Hie score of On Saturday even ing they dofeated here by score of 3t Wo aro glad to see Harold Murray back in his old at centre half His presence adds strength lothe team Fred Davis had badly wrenched in the game with New market and will likely bo but of game for o on sister aid Mrs to to iscarson In are- spending portion Of holiday St Capl Lawrence and family leave on Tuesday to spend a months vacation on the lakes Is spend ing several weeks on Lake Joseph Muskoka after a serious operation Between and 0 members took pari In the Holy Name Society parade la Toronto last Sunday Rev A Belfry has been trans ferred from to by the Interim Stationing Committee Th4 Inspector of the Workmenb Compensation paid Ids respects to Its Lra Office on Wednesday and gave us a clear pass The Canadian Order of Foresters Niagara 1aliS this week Mr Ed Bra mluar Is representing New market Lodge Hon W L Mackenzie King has consented to address the Liberals South Oxford at some Units during next month Mr Harold Boyd and of J were the guests of Mr and Airs Fred A Boyd Dots ford Street over the weekend Mr Russell Collins of spent Sunday with his and attended the Conference of the Christian Church at Keswick Sunday afternoon Mrs Mm J Boll of Fort Wil liam nee Miss Annie Pox Is spend ing a week or so with relatives In Town She Is accompanied by her sister from Toronto A Armstrong an expupil of High School at present at University College Toronto has been successful In his recent examinations He Is at Camp Niagara Mr Wm Buckle of St one of North oldest pioneer farmers Is now in his year hale and hearty He has reason to believe that he will reach the century mark Mrs Amos Wilson who was last Saturday was given a birthday parly at Sharon by her brother Mr John Graham Mrs Wilson has been poorly and It was a great pleasure that she was able meet her old friends at Sharon The following young ladles of Newmarket are attending the Christian Kndeavor Summer School at Elgin House Misses Marjorle Johnson Mabel Menar Christina Hall Constance Annie and Laura Penrose They are ac companied by Mrs of Keswick Mr A Gardner A of has been Principals Assistant at the High School in place of Mr resigned Mr Gardner made personal application This together with his educational standing which includes Specialist In Physical Culture and Cadet Instructor assures the Board of a successful year commencing the Kail Term Mr Morion of writes The crop conditions at pres ent of this Province speaking In a general way are the best have been for several years Growth has never been belter or more rapid than It Is this season There is plenty imilsiure and conditions far point to an extra good crop this year Farm labor Is quit a lot cheaper this year than It has been for some time and generally are very much en joyed mm to will- yeaf Ofli last yea previous it became cessafy try plant at Clio contamination of the wa ters rivet apparent ly by waste plaiits hi develop ing at a detlnito action Was necessary order to save any of the valuable salmon it out and white there i stand offer no alternative to the but leave the plant closed The Situation under for a Provincial town au thorities the federal depart ment The Dominion Govern ment has spent a large sum of money in artificial propaga tion in Ontario waters despite the fact thai the are by the provincial gov- which takes revenue he situation which renders tile operation of hatchery is very re grettable but until provincial authorities take steps to purify Oho waters of the Moira further expenditure is not only futile but wasteful The Fisheries Department la ments the necessity of foregoing what appears to be a duty in maintaining the fishery of hake Ontario It was through op eration of the federal that the while production of the lake- was increased from in to owls Jin but it is feared that if contaminating influences are per mitted go unchecked the work of a decade in developing the will be In large measure destroyed Not only will be without the propagating as sistance of this year but the natural spawn ing will become infected of which fact there is already ample evidence report Estate Dealers Fire m I Insurance fV have all sections of York County equipped and uptodate and at a price to Milt everyone We also have house in all parts of the town Now It ft time buy Call and Inspect our list before purchasing The demand for both houses and farms Is We to give you the best possible service and list your property with us HAMILTON SON KITCHEN LABOR MADE EASY your strength prevent of valuable baking a place for dishes etc a handsome lust- piece of furniture as well by buying a Kitchen Cabinet It has ex- elusive features We a style stilt your at a wry low price show at this store Call and see Attend the Two boys accused of stealing a motor car escaped from Lind say police as they were about to be handcuffed 1 The peach crop this year will not be more Mian half a crop in the Niagara District Chelsea Mich June Five persons four of them women killed and more than a score Injured last evening when the second section of the westbound limited crashed Inlo and ploughed about a third of way through the first sco- Hon watting on Warsaw siding at Lyman Centre three miles east of here I The Cradle Proctor On Street near New market June to Mr Mrs Fred Proctor twin girls In Newmarket Juno 1st to Mr and Mrs Hoy Watson a daughter Celebration in market on July 1st ROADHOUSE ROSE FURNITURE MAIN ST NEWMARKET FIRST DOOR NORTH OK HIE BRA OFFICE Quality maintain economy You may pay In per for other lubricating oils but you get more lubrication per dollar when you buy Imperial Motor Oil In to Mr and Mrs ter June 1921 Geo a dangh- Representatives from Point Sharon Bradford Thornhill Richmond Hill New market and attended the conference hero Tuesday in Trinity church of the West York Deanery of the Womens Auxili ary Principal speakers were Miss Harris a missionary from Cairn Mrs To ronto Mrs of Oak Jlirlges was elected chairman The next conference will be hold in Decoration Day at Aurora Cem etery next Sunday KING CITY The Altar LoveFUymcr On Wednesday April by Norman McLcod at the Church Winni peg Man Frank Love son Mr and Mrs Alfred Love Aurora to Blanche ttaymer daughter of Mrs O Winnipeg Man TlneflatcSanderaon In Newmarket June by Elder Pros per at the home of bride St Mr James of to Miss Martha Sander son of Newmarket The Tomb Fori a At Aurora on Mrs John Paris Juno Norman was rescued fronr drowning at a pic nic at Barrio Eugene aged was drowned while swimming at The properly at 142 wood road Toronto valued at and personalty make up the estate of Mrs Eliza beth Sturdy a widow who died in Toronto on May 23rd She be queathed to her grand daughter Annie Sturdy King Township to bo paid to her when is or when she marries and her daughter Lizzie May Toronto Rev Austen former ly was appointed to pastorate of the King Circuit Methodist churches by the interim stationing Committee Ho will take charge early in July At 330 on Wednesday after- noan at the homo of Mr and Mrs James C6ulter Toronto the mar riage was solemnized by the Rev J of their daughter Myr tle to Mr M Roger son of Mr and Mrs of King The who was attended by father wore a dainty georgette with silver ribbon and- carried pink roses Miss Helen Coulter was sisters bridesmaid in organdie with pink Mr Harry was his bro thers best plan Mr and Mrs left later for in Muskoka bride in a navy bluo tricotinesuK and while Wlltla At Toronto Hospital cm Tuesday June James Willis of Aurora aged G7 years Milton on Wednesday June Charles Infant son of Mr and Mrs A Ward Milne Hamilton In Newmarket June Geo Hamilton In his 84th year Funeral on Friday from his sons residence Park Ave to Queens Cemetery In Madlll In loving memory of Willie eldest eon of Mr and Mrs who died at the Sick Child rens Hospital Toronto on June Just when his days seemed brightest Just when his hopes seemed Cod called him from amongst us To His home of eternal rest knows how much we miss him He counts the tears we shed And whispers Hush he only sleeps Your dear one Is not dead missed by Family- Rose Funeral Direofors MAIM ST THE economy of using Imperial Polarine Motor Oils extends over practically every item of motor operation The lubrication afforded at every friction point and the gastight pistontocylinder seal means a big saving in fuel bills and a noticeable Increase of power Through perfect protection of all motor parts undue repair bills are avoided and depreciation is greatly reduced By using Imperial Motor Oils you can save dollars this year on maintenance alone Besides you realize more profit and greater usefulness from your car Always use the of Imperial recom mended ou our Charts for your type of motor See Charts at your dealers or write to Church Street Toronto for a copy of our interesting booklet Automotive Lubrication which contains the com plete Chart IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED BRANCHES IN ALL CITIES a- For a Clean Efficient Motor sign will Dealers displaying this thoroughly clean the old oil and the grit and dirt out of your crank- case Will flush your motor crank- caw with Imperial Flushing Oil and refill it with fresh lubricating Your crankcase should be every or less If more economy and more Hon to employ Imperial CrankCase Cleaning Service I M