i- A t Sgygasagaqapr NEWMARKET FRIDAY JULY ST vv 1SB FIVE and Surgeon University of resident JSThSS 31 Office Hours J- Boyd n Medicine of Toronto of the member of relief of Surgeons of assistant to Ear Nose and Throat Tested Glasses Telephone ho flour- J J- WESLEY Laboratory Mciite kroner for County of York OFFICE HOURS or appointment NEWMARKET ST DENTIST fener Main and wr DENTIST of will be held on Tuesday or July in Temperance Hall on- Millard Ave A full commencing at Is re quested as business of Importance- has to be transacledPresa Methodist Church Sunday July 3rd a Public- worship con- dueled by Rev A J Mann a Sunday School- p ha The congregation will worship with the Presbyterians in the Presbyterian Church Rev L pastor GILBERT DENTIST to the late Dr Clart of Pyrrhoei Office Hours pm J- BARTHOLOMEW of the Forum Toronto fc J Dentist of Toronto Building Newmarket pttfegs b Phone WJ Oik J- Main St 3 doors north of Queen St phone Off ICE HOURS to to 30 p on Tuesday Thursday and Saturday other hours by analysts and free LIFE CO H P for Co Of Toronto Buy ing Botsford St Market Phone 30 A Newmarket teacher of Piano Voice and Dealer in all kinds Musical Instruments and Repairs Piano Tuning for Columbia Graph op hones and Prompt MORA McKEWON Optician In connection with Park Ave Newmarket Auto Gas Vaporlxer Arc giving great satisfaction More miles So gallon of gasoline Engine runs smother and easier If after days lest purchasers are not satisfied they may return the Vaporizer and price will be refunded Hughes Agent Newmarket at Work Sometime between the hours of mid oclock Tuesday evening thieves entered Smiths and whether or not they car ried off any booty is not yet dis cernible on account of the heavy slock the company carries Mr ft Smith thinks that some time hiring business hours the thief or thieves entered the basement en trance on Cedar street and hid in the basement until after store was closed in evening The entrance from the store to lie base ment was locked and to got into the store thieves with a crow bar broke through the pine partition Af ter securing what they wanted It was an easy mailer for them to get out by lifting the Iron bars on the basement door The police have the matter In hand and It Is hoped that result will quickly follow 8ollcttor Office In Bank Of Toronto Hamiltons Real Estate Office day Thursday Office Phone House funds to Loan on Real Estate A Good Investment cm be made by having your next Suit Made to Order from one of cur Hew Fancy Stripe Worsted Blue Sergei REDUOEO WILLIS Mens Tailor Main St Newmarket Uptodate Tailor Vji AS Furnace Work Plumbing Our Specialties Bee the Bathroom Outfit at the TINSMITHS SON at times can bo removed No womftn has to suffer when she can obtain relief safely and promptly Suppose you do have bead- aches back aches extreme nervousness km- spirits and general goodfornoth ing feelings aft tiroes Your is not hopeless Try Doctor Pierces Favorite Prescrip tion Sold druggists in liquid or tablets or send to Dr Pierces Invalids Hotel in Buffalo Y for a trial package Read what this woman says Ma my early married I was very frail and delicate I was feeling exceedingly weak and miserable advised to take a bottle Pierces Favorite Prescription From the very start I felt new strength and vitality I am always grateful for what Dr Favorite Prescription has done for me and will always bo leased to recommend It 139 Ana Street which were very numerous were sent to the different hospitals In Toronto Mr husband of deceased a Newmarket boy late John Manning and has nu merous relatives hi I Mis vicinity Mr and Mrs E Manning Mr and Mrs Miss Marjorie Taylor John Proctor and son Walter and Mr Ben Manning of New market attended the funeral on Sat urday Death of Hamilton Another old pioneer of North passed away in the person of George Hamilton On Tuesday George Hamilton the elder was called away in his 81th year Deceased had been in poor health since the beginning of the year and on the day preceding his death he made a call at his brother Johns place from there went to his daughters Mrs Miller where he look a stroke and was carried to bis son George Deceased was born at St John SB Oct and came along with his parents to in and from there he moved to North in where he remained during the rest of his except for eighteen or nineteen years when ho was en gaged in buying and selling cattle but continued to farm until a couple of years ago when he came to live Willi his son George Newmarket Deceased was a cousin of Lord Hamilton and it distant rel ative of the wife of Lord His father George Hamilton was borne in Ireland and came Canada when nineteen years old and married Miss Nancy Johnston De ceased had five brothers James Andrew David and John and sisters Mrs Shies Mrs Ktiowtes and Mrs lien Johns Eon all of whom are dead except David and John who reside in Newmarket Deceased left three sons George in Newmarket Eddie and Welling ton in Saskatchewan and daughter Miller In politics deceased was a John A Tory and Presbyterian in religion a kind neighbor and indulgent father His remains are lobe buried in cemetery beside his deceased wife In looking oyer the voters list for North I find here are twentyfive male electors all descendants of the Elder George Union Service During the month of July the Pre- and Methodist Churches will hold union services Every Sunday morning the service will be in the Methodist Church at oclock and Sunday evening in the at Rev A J- Mann will be the preacher and the music will be led on both occa sions by the Presbyterian Choir FIRE BADLY CRIPPLED WORK SubStation at Which Sup plied Plant With Power Destroyed A serious Wow to the hopes of the Hydro employees who are try ing to bring the Chfppawa canal con struction to the point of generating power by September 1st was dealt by the which recently destroyed the Hydro at Montrose Some estimates of the loss run as high as t0OO0O Rul Ihe most un fortunate feature of he fire the met that It out of business for a week virtually alt lornomolives units of compressor Plant providing cubic feet of free air per minute with drillers and a multitude of other electrically driven equipment This setback coming at a time when a desperate race against time was under way naturally raises the suspicion of Incendiarism But the Hydro Is not squealing nor giving race Within two weeks It had restored the galvanized building and the transformers Increased the laborers and speeded up work everywhere and line normal power load of about p for con struction purposes Is again available The are now working by bolters TEXT OF TO to a United With Pari foment Belfast June The text of the Kings speech to the Outer parliament today follows For all who Jove Ireland as I do all my heart thin is a profound ly moving in Irish history 1 could not have allowed myself to givo Ireland by deputy alone my earnest prayers and wishes in the new era Which opens with this ceremony and therefore I come in person as head of the empire to Inaugurate the parliament on soil I Inaugurate It with the deepest hope and I feel assured you will do your utmost to make It instrument of happiness and good for all parts community which you This Is a great and Id the history of the counties but not for the six counties atone for everything which Interests them touches Ireland and everything which Ireland finds an echo In the remotest parts of the empire Pew things are more earnestly de sired throughout the world than a satisfactory solution of of the age tons Irish problems which for embarrassed our fore fathers as they now welsh heavily upon us Most certainly there Is no wish nearer my own heart than that every man of Irish birth whatever his creed and wherever may he his home should work in loyal cooperation with the free communities on which the British Empire Is based am confident the important mat ters entrusted to the control and guidance of the northern parliament will be managed- win wisdom and with moderation with fairness and due regard lb every faith and Interest and with no abatement of lhat patrio tic devotion the empire which you proved so gallanly In the great war With the boon of full partnership In Untied Kingdom and religious freedom which Ireland has enjoyed she has now conferred upon her the duly dealing with all the essential tasks of domestic legislation and gov ernment and I feel no misgiving as to the spirit In which you who stand here today will carry out the allIm portant functions entrusted to your car i MVhope Is broader si ill The eyes of the whm empire are Ireland today that empire In which so many nations and races have come together in spite of ancient feuds and In which new nations have come to Mrlh within the II re- tithe or the youngest this hall am emboldened by the thought to look beyond the and anxiety which have clouded of late my vffilon of Irish affairs I speak from a full heart when pray that my com ing to Ireland today may proe to be the first step toward an end of strife among her people whatever their race or creed ln that hope I appeal to all Irish men to pause stretch out the hand of and conciliation to for give and lo forget and to Join In makr for land which they love a hew era of peace and good It Is my earnest that In Southern Ireland loo lliere may ere long take place a parallel what Is now passing in this hall that there a similar occasion may present and a similar ceremony be performed For this parliament of Ihe United Kingdom has In fullest measure provided the powers for this the par liament of Ulster is pointing the way The future ties ill the hands of Irish people themselves May this gathering he the prelude of the day on the Irish people of the north and under one parliament or two those parliaments them selves decide shall work together In common love for Ireland upon sure foundation of mutual and re spect An Outstanding Tire Achievement A New and Better Clincher AUWcather Tread Tire Better even than the famous Goodr year AllWeather Tread Clincher which has been used as regular equipment on half the cars built in Canada using this type Finer in appearance double cure process Greater air capacity Better able to withstand roadshocks and the battle of the miles A tougher tread Practically eliminates tread separa tion This new Goodyear Tire is not an experiment For over two years the Goodyear Company has been building it in the United States It has been used on hundreds of thousands of cars Reports from motorists dealers and Good year branches give this tire a consistently good record These Clinchers are proving our best tires Mileage received from them is more than satisfactory to the user and complaints are few There seems to be no doubt that they superior Goodyear dealers have this new tire on sale now It is a cost reducer It puts motoring on a more economical basis See it today Tbs Goodyear Tire Rubber Co of Canada Limited AUWeother ore AllWheel Tires MADE CANADA QUEBEC BANKER ROBBED THREE ft EN I lis Manning who recently consciousness after being the coma of sleeping for sev eral weeks a into unconsciousness and died without coming out of that state at on Wednesday night of week at her Toronto Mrs Manning had been making good progress toward re covery She had recovered suffici ently to sit up In a chair and look out of the window Her relatives had reason to that pray ers offered up for her recovery at Ihe Street Mission at the meetings at Hall had been answered Mrs Mannings apparent recovery from Ihe attack of sickness attracted a great deal of interest among Ihoso who were watching the manifestations of faith healing at the Bosworth meetings In Massey Hall The physician attending Mrs Man ning stated that hqr death at tributable to the heavy strain placed upon her by the long of steep ing sickness He stated that the only reason she had fought against this strange malady for so long was that she had an exceptionally strong heart Mrs Manning who was In her year survived by her husband two daughters and Viola living at and her lather J Davis Superintendent of the Street Mission where many prayers- been offered up for her recovery first was taken III Mrs Mannings mother was known throughout the city Ihe of the Street Mission he died a few months ago and It Is thought that her mothers death affected Mra Manning deeply The funeral service was conducted by the Rev Dr Graham from her residence at p op Saturday Interment took place at the Necro polis Cemetery The floral tributes Deafness Cannot Be Cored by local applications as they cannot reach of Catarrhal requires llonal treatment CATARRH a- remedy Catarrhal la caused by an in flamed condition lining of the Tube When this tube is Inflamed you a- sound or Imperfect hearing and when It Is Is result Unless inflammation can bo reduced your hearing may bo destroyed forever act through the blood on the mucous sur faces or the system thus reducing the in- restoring normal condi tions free- All Druggists J Cheney Co Toledo Ohio IK WJ CONSULTING A REDFERN LTD Toronto Toronto Pavement Putt Our Rons l2ll cut of we save our orients PERRIH8 Newmarket CUT FLOWERS Funeral Flowers Mo Order lets than Delivered EDUCATION AT UNIVERSITIES being the basic of the country every advance math In the development of agricultural educa tion is of national value Recently several provincial universities have pre sent ed extension courses for the of farmer and To this end the authorities have eoopcrtlcd with fanners or ganizations with highly encouraging In the ease of Manitoba a course of lectures was given on rural economics and sociology supplement ed by special lectures on a of subjects appealing to other sections of the community In Ontario also the University of Toronto was induc er to give a similar course A note worthy feature of the course was the taking of students lo the stockyards the abattoirs and other places of a practical illustrative value It la fell that the alliance thus established tween agricultural industry and engaged In educational wort will tend to a understanding of economic problems which affect he welfare of town and country alike SUNFLOWERS A8 A CROP Montreal Juno A daring high way robbery occurred today when A Parent manager of the Canadian Bank of Commerce at Chambly Basin Quebec was held up by three masked men on the road between Basin ami Canton and a bag containing In stolon According to the report made lo police Mr Parent was taking the money to another branch of the bank at Canton CHAMPION REPAIRER TO SAVE A GOOD OLD bring it us the shoe doctors and watch us bring it back to life and ser vice Holes In the soles run down at the heels rips In the uppers worn down at toes and suoh things do not deter from repairing your foot wear and putting them in first shape again Its well worth while to save A J Champion Shoe Repairer Main St Newmarket W Much Interest Is being taken both In Canada and United States In the value of sunflowers as a silage crop particularly In districts where corn Is not a reliable crop The claim Is made that sunflowers are a both drouth and frost to a greater degree Insofar as the claims put hardier than corn withstanding forth for sunflowers as a food for cattle are virtually of recent origin experiments and investigation regard ing them arc an intro ductory stage Is Interesting to however lhat an analysts of sunflower fed at an ag ricultural experiments station In dicated compared favourably with com silage In Canada also studies of the relative value of sun flowers corn for purposes suggest hat there is not any great difference although corn Is to bo preferred where It can be fully and grown Where this not the sunflower are an ex cellent substitute TOURING OAR with RUNABOUT 8EDAN COUPE yon truok All Plus Charges from Factory Now In to your Wo can of at Mow N ROBERTSON Newmarket FORD V