Newmarket Era , July 1, 1921, p. 7

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o TV V NEW MAR SEVEN be lempud before to our satisfaction whit h to put Of butter meet It half way bread full of Tell your Already should del- he our bread to your homo HIS MEMORY DESERVES far tosvri not his on- ly Or if the deceased he a memorial express some of the qualities she possessed Let and construct your according to your Ideas Cor A Main Sis Newmarket A Seat Every Night Every night the New Edison is your twodollar teat at the vaudeville musical comedy opera wherever your fancy kadi THE NEW EDISON does not blare forth in a tinny imitation of but what you hear is A perfect Re- Creation of the living artists voice or performance there is no difference be the artist voice and lie ReCreation of it been proven by Actual ten before totalling Y School Reports OF EXAMINATIONS Arm Shortly before six oclock on Tues day Evening- Isaac Rose bad the misfortune to break his arm while his car on Queen street Special acting Caledonia Lodge No 815 will meet on Thursday evening July for im portant business in connection with July i2lh celebration All members please be present Street ToNlght The feller printed elsewhere In issue signed by the Ministerial As- of Newmarket expressing oppeilton lo Community Dance on lie night of Dominion Day was read In six of churches last Sunday The street dance however will proceed planned by the Association Canadian Academy of Music and To ronto College of Master Jack passed his Piano Examination with honors This jupH is only six years of age and has not yet day School tit passed isi Elementary Piano Examination pupils of Mrs Bos well Both Public Meeting His Worship the Mayor wishes to call the attention of the citizens of Ihe Town to a Public Meeting in the Town Hall on Tuesday evening next to dis cuss ihe to be voted on Monday Ihe for a New Public School and Ihe purchase of the Lewis Bush for a Town Park Let there be a good attendance Christian Endeavor Splendid attendance at last meeting before dosing for vacation Meeting In charge of Merlin McArthur The girls who spent a wee at Elgin House Summer School gave a report of their holiday Mrs Morton gave a splendid talk on Men and Women Whose Lives Should In spire Us At the close the President Miss Annie served ice cream and cake Com Real Estate Properly on Lake Share Road a Keswick belonging to Miss Margaret Crake of Bradford Mr Cecil Grant of Orchard Beach House and lot on St prop erly of WJddifield to Mr Sher man West of Newmarket Mr Cecil Grant has also purchased the corner building lot on Lake Sim- below Keswick belonging to Mr Stephens of Newmarket Sales made by Win Newmarket very allowing Tuscan lodge A very enjoyable evening was spent by the local Masons on Mon day June t being the occasion of installation of officers acted as installing and conducted a ceremony The officers were installed J Patterson Chaplain Rev Lawrence IVeas Bra J Hill A Burnett Hose Geo Young Manning J Stephenson A McDonougli F Duncan Si of Ceremonies Atkinson Auditors Ayes and Young Wilson the Master for past year was with a Pasi Masters jewel as a token of the appreciation of the officers and members of Tuscan Lodge for his excellent work during past year After the ceremony the brethren sat down to banquet at which speeches were made by all he new ly installed officers and others FRIENDS YEARLY The annual of the Canada Society of Friends held in Newmarket from June to inclusive At preliminary meeting of the Ministry and on Friday evening a warm welcome was given lo and rUjibrih Dm ford mls- on furlough Japan Many words of appreciation wen spoken on the splendid work of these Friends The Yearly Meeting opened on Sat urday morning with a large number those present we notice Cronk and James Wild from Wellington Terrill and A Rogers A Walker P p and wife from A Rogers Dr P Firth Elam Hen derson of Toronto Prof A G of Western London Oat and others William Harris of was reappointed presiding Clerk with Mrs and Mrs Heoderwin as as- Anions the visitors present were Max a Minister of Philadel phia Yearly Meeting and Eli zabeth late of Mtto Japan and Lewi Pennington President of Pacific College The General from London Yearly Meeting an Epistle from Dublin Yearly Meeting and latter from the first Yearly Meeting the Society of held to J many a few months ago We learn that about J I Friends Meetings have been recently opened there This letter contained following The remembrance of your fore fathers In the has been brought before our minds They were liv ing examples of unswerving faith fulness and singleness of aim We wish to follow in the unshaken prin ciples of the early Friends We desire that all men may be Into the inward warfare and to be led unity of Divine Love so that we may never refuse Joyfully to encounter trial and suffer ing and may experience In ourselves a degree of fitness towards helping our fellow men to realize fellowship with the risen Christ This hope makes us happy for a we seek In power of Christ to relieve the moral and material sufferings of humanity the Lord blesses us and frees us ton from our sufferings In this we recog nize His Wisdom and praise Him The report of the American Friends Service Committee silted had been from Can Ml a during Ihe past for Eu ropean Relief It was emphasized by a Friend that Hie work of- the Friends Service Com Included work In Russia Poland Austria and various parts of the Continent of Europe wherever service was Max 1 Helen spoke of his personal observations on his visits to Europe anil of the terrible heed still there He said The Germane are doing what they can Friends arc doing in connection with the Ser vice Committee will go down In his- Everybody will he here with bells on to enjoy the fflS Horse Races Lacrosse Match mid Baseball a The ONTARIO MOUNTED RIFLES BAND will supply the Music Kin 7- Select Your most Straw Hat and Outing Shoes at our Assortment in the Town Come and enjoy a day jammed full of fun from the mi This Store will be open Every Night until oclock PHONE NO lory It is Peace service propaganda and for Ihe Kingdom viz A and as wasteful of God The public meeting on Saturday evening was under the auspices of the Young Friends and was addressed by Mr Bin ford- tier subject being In vestment and She gave an account of her secretary helpers in Japan These been supported during the past years the Frieiids The rtsuits attained were referred to by Mrs as Compound Interest on the Investment made young people here The meeting on Sunday were well attended as a number of Friends cam from Toronto and other places In the morning meeting Mux I i guide preached a powerful sermon on the way Christ overcame the world and hatred Of War demoralizing and an of the possibilities of Cooperation as a means arriving at a just and lasting settlement An understanding of the econo mic of the Nations of the World and of the contribution which each has made to the economic and intellectual life of our country A love Of Country and a desire lo serve humanity through Ihe op portunities she provides a desire that Canada should always stand the Nations of the Earth as a support er of Freedom and Justice among and between all peoples A A genuine respect for life a recognition of the Inward sense of right and wrong allied lo win Monday afternoon at when the SlUphonlo Quin tette will give a tine musical concert The evening wilt afford to the overs of innocent amusement and laughter the treat of their lives when Herbert Leon Cope called the funniest man since Bill Nye will deliver his side lecture on Family Remedies Don Baldwin Breezes Uncle Johnson has re- Inst an enjoy able lime In old MOhlKn A and Blackbird did not get where the money was at Lindsay There was a large Usl of fail to get In he first dayferch along ttlfe a your pill box and take It home full lo Black nose was apply to IBs of life He lost the of Mae After a prolonged Illness years and a half Miss Mac of five OF Jr to HI- to Jr May Edwards Jr HI to III Clarice Sharpe Hon carl Lyons James Keefer Lome Kccfcr Hoy Hon John Dunham Tom Bruce Black I lo Jr Wray Hon Jack lo I Bethel Black to Jr I Muriel Ethel Grieve teacher fiOHOOL PROMOTION J to Lome Lloyd Lloyd Hazel HI to Jr Cordon Stephen- Honors Frank Jr I to HI Mlldrcn Moore Krla Currey honors Waller ft Lome Duncan j Hoover Helen WilUe 0tley hi I Waste Hilda Allen l h St- Edna Lloyd M Duncan Ivan h h Jr Clifford Kay Teacher K- a I away about noon Tuesday nearly four years she was con fined to her and the case has baf fled of the best physicians in th city For years she was not to live from day to taking nothing but the of lime water all ihe time tenderly cared for by her sisters For the past three years Rev fiespardi formerly of Aurora most at tentive to her spiritual wants Deceased the youngest daughter of the late Calvin of East and has been a resident of the city ever since the death of her mother over 20 years ago At the time of her iUhcrr she was employed In the Millinery Department of the ft Simpson A Co store The remains were brought to New market and the funeral service was conducted at the home of her brother Inlaw the Editor of Era yesler day morning by Rev of Toronto and Interment In Newmarket Cemetery by the of her beloved parents The Messrs Ben Howard Prank Keltey Walter and Fred Williams Beautiful flora of sympathy adorned Ihe casket from the follow ing Wreath Four and Mrs J Robert son Toronto Spray the Eaton store Toronto fipray McCaul Toronto Spray Mrs Toronto Wreath Three Aurora ladles pray Mrs Willis Aurora Spray Mrs Aurora noses and lilies Newmarket friends Relatives and friends from a dis tance who attended the funeral were Mrs Haw king Mr John Lloyd of Toronto Mr and Mrs Aurora Mrs Mary Harding and Mrs Plpder Mrs Graham son and daughter and Mrs Levi Sharon Mrs J Mrs Mrs Kerr Hamilton to how we may overcome in the Spirit of Christ A young Friends meeting on Sunday afternoon was addressed by A norland on the Jordans Conference in England In the evening meeting helpful mes sages delivered by Max Reich and others Monday the report of the Wo- mens Foreign Missionary Assoc great satis faction for the success attending the labours of and Elizabeth In the Devotional hour which fol lowed Max I Reich gave an Instruc tive address on the Psalms which should make his hearers search the Scriptures more than ever before The Home Mission Report showed that much progress had been The Field Secretary having made a thorough survey of the Field to be used as the basts for future work The delegates who attended the All Friends Peace Conference In ton- don last August gave a report that made Friends feel that the So ciety of Friends though small in Canada was International In scope as one thousand delegates from lions representing various races and different branches of Friends wet In a wonderful spirit of harmony and conferred on the Peace Testimony of Friends In all its phases The Yearly Meeting endorsed the acknowledgment of A of Toronto late of Winnipeg as a Minister of Ihe Gospel Arthur norland In presenting the report of Ihe Peace Committee on Tuesday brought in the following res olution which was passed by the Year Meeting unanimously and copies are to be scot to the Minister of Educa tion and others Whereas Education is one of greatest factors In moulding the life of the Nation and Its future be That we to inculcate in minds or the youth of our Coun try ideals and Justice and a reaped fo the- righle of others That to special oppor tunity Is provided fa right teaching of History And Literature- In our Schools by to hold up the humon conduct That whereas we believe the above principles to be sound thai any books or texts in our Public Schools which do not hold up these Ideals shall be as not being in he Interest a of true education Resolutions passed at Canada Friends Yearly Meeting at Newmar ket Recognising that moving are educational factors and a of wholesome entertainment Canada Yearly Meeting of Friends wishes to express Its appreciation of Ihe ef forts of Ihe Government of Ontario raiae the standard of- excellence of picture In order to protect the morals of the We fur- not quite long enough Tuesday second day Stout will lecture on Seeing Life Whole Herman raised his barn in Surety a broad topic Mr SJout Is on Monday It begins to the President of the International look like farming down there now Lyceum and Chautauqua Association summer visitors fire coming and has great opportunity to see la Ihelr enquiries himself Life a J ftre la the Owl and how Is Tuesday evening p will be he V worth white look It up Will speak The Cradle Oh I Oh I Billy of tt week Ta Billy Billy I Mr Wednesday afternoon Major Run- Thompson and wire of Egypt of Montreal a Canadian will been married about years and speak Sea Power and World marriage to present was Freedom Mr served as fruitless Billys song might have Chaplain En Franco with special Though thrice Ave years we mission which took htm along the Wedded been Vet no baby whole line In France spent some llnw j a great surprise was Willi the American foroes was- present store for Billy and his Mrs A few at Floe when the German fleet tl boy arrived to bless surrendered to the Allies This Ice- lh home Mrs Billy accepted it a will be one of the most enlighten blessing in disguise and was happy Ft Censors In its attempt lo eliminate morally objectionable pictures from public exhibition We our ap preciation of lbs action of our Pro vincial Attorney General in the stand he has taken In giving to the Public Information regarding Ihe gambling practices now In vogue at all the race meets Ontario Thereby exposing the frauds that carried on and which also add greatly to the moral menace which accom panies places of amusement We wish therefore to assure him of most hearty approval and in this and other reforms he is In troducing on international matters will be given therefore Wednesday Afternoon Wednesday evening will be a full evening concert Get your ears in tunc for a treat Thursday afternoon day an Oriental traveller and lecturer will lecture on China ancient and modern and Will bo replete with truth fresh Mr Mm to CHAUTAUQUA In the midst of DonJnlon Day festivities dont forget lhat In ten more days the great Chautauqua opens its great series of high en tertainments consisting of lectures from widely known and talented speakers on international reputation and Of high class given by the musical organisations of national and International experience week the committee set before the the of the musical features of the season Look up last weeks paper end read it again This week your committee wishes briefly to look at the lectures and lecturers The big tent will be placed on the School grounds of the Alexander School house of town and speaker will give what is considered Ihe most expensive travelogue ever given at This will grip old and young as he speaks to us on With lo Palestine and With Lawrence In Arabia Look at the I Comer last week special folders delivered at the homes Read up on Dr and then come Friday afternoon Is rest day See next weeks paper for evening enter tainment Slurday day Miss Ruby Gall and her Song Singers will supply the musical program En the afternoon which Robert Norwood her girlhood she was a pretty lively of the Canadas great will lee- lassie but when she reached sweet lure on The Dominion and Its sixteen she became thoughtful and liny This being a patriotic subject serious and careful of her ways And BIB the fiWC great Jolt was over folded his arms In peace and resignation I would go bonds that Mrs Thompson will be a model mother and raise the baby right She has had the care of sever al Home and they proved a credit lo their bringing We heartily congratulate Mr and Mrs Thompson on their good fortune The Altar Our young friend Jen nie daughter of Mr and Mrs J J was quietly married to Mr Roy last week The usual reception of these days was held at her sisters Harry A big stack of presents betokened many friends of Jennie The majority of the brides Mite was passed In Baldwin and we can truthfully her many good qualities In these days when so maoy girls err In their bring ing up It Is a credit to a girl to be able defy the tongue of reproach In coming so to Day It should appeal to the higher Interests and be of great Interest all Please note that single admission will be afternoon evening children If you buy single ad think all the people around here who have known her will corroborate my remarks week our friend Weddel called In the village two jdays but did not to a missions to all these programs tt wBlj Squint of but I have old cost If you buy a friendly for him that I ever will cost you Buy had The Weddels as a family are your season tickets from the following all old friends of yours- sincerely persons K Robertson We hope the next time be Cornea to brought home with them a liberal supply of cherries for lhat of country Is noted They made glorious eating When wide awake the Sleeping Beauty has some very funny Ideas running through his head and he talks- as though he Solomon himself The other day we were speaking In to a mans marriage to a widow He remarked thai he not see much to admire In those second hand wives And there seems- to be quite a few who with in bis opinion It is rather an amus ing though and Hi moi of them seem to be abundantly able to hitch onto another partner I hope some day when the Beauty is sleeping thai he dream of catching one of those very same charmers I know that this world would be an aching void if there were none of the fair sex on if Good butter this season Is a scarce in this neighborhood Alt ihe cracker Jenny maids are out of the business They are selling ihelr cream to the Dairy Company Bread without good butler is not very palat able UW We are pleased to see by the news of the great success of Mr Ross teacher son of Mr and Mrs W A When he was boy he gave evidence of a brilliant IPtelelct and I suppose he has been helped in his brilliance by on encouraging pat on the back by who as a successful had few equals I was Just wondcrng If still entertains high regard for Dutchman I should have much enjoyed thai meeting of old friends of Sharon J Graham had planned for Mrs Amos Wilson as Mrs Wison was a favorite cousin mine She always was a noble good person and In her younger day a a singer was hard lo beat seem to be right In her proper element When singing the bid Children Peace Hymns But talking about things brings oak a flood of tin der memories of the Day of Aufd Lang Syne I think I could have immensely enjoyed meet of old- friends our merchant smiles with pride as he looks at the great- Irade he Is doing In fine footwear His scalping knife Is keen cuttng and slashing and making tremendous great that be the world at large I dont think ho enjoy royal A famous boot an shoe man King St West In booted the Prinoe of Wales- King Edward the They were a dandy pair price Dr Scott Stephens Geo P P W Pear son Marshall Billiard Stephens Kershaw Cane Eves Alex Rut- ledge Smith A Davis F Geo Young S McCauley Rose Jaok Ross Hunter J- P Harvey Ed Geo Brown Hugo ft have the good see him and family returned from Tuesday last They found their relatives some well and some under the weather Alex Crit tenden about eighty years Is an in valid The tallied one hundred sixteen to Grimsby The Burlington Beach Route is shorter but not passable present Mrs came home very unwell it proved to be a Severe case of Quinsy They J r at Woodstock oh caused damage to the extant of seyerat thousand dollars at the Sterling Textile plant j

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