Newmarket Era , July 8, 1921, p. 7

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L NEW A say our bread folks know what are touU of fullweighted to you nd pure a the that bathes your dinning you Baseball On Wednesday afternoon of last week KeswiCt A came here for a friendly game with New market YM A and the visitors defeated by a score of to Next Tuesday Is Orangemens Get your Season Ticket lor the Chautauqua of King Council received this evening Friday the Girls of Hydro team Toronto are to play the Girls on the Fair Grounds A good game Is anticipated Lennox In order to make Hie Picnic July the most successful of his Pic nics Is spending five hundred dollars in bringing together for tne pleasure of his friends six of the highest ulaed Boxers in Canada Do rot wise Ad- THE MEMS STORE- issue The on morning heat wave Tuesday too late for this 6 in thr SAK- Wt Music The following pupils of Miss Mary Lloyd have been successful In passing the Music held at the Univer sity- Local Centre Newmarket Piano K A Lewis Miss Winn Miss P Laker Primary Piano Miss Edith Parry Junior Piano Miss Web ster The annual picnic of the Sunday School was held on Wednes day at Island Grove Lake Two special cars on the Metropolitan and a number of auto conveyed a good crowd to the grounds and a splendid limp was enjoyed especially by those who were In bathing and boating Prizes were given for games for the juniors and everybody came home well satisfied witti he days pleasure J do you Suffer with that heavy real comfort with a Straw Hat Why enjoy The Prices of when you can Low Cost Felt Hat at a Very all our Straw Hats are Reduced for THIS WEEK Genuine Panama Hats at Supplies Ere Developing Browns Studio Newmarket and Print- Park Ave THE CITY OF THE DEAD us for you a monument thai land M dedal to one or a family a tribute of and reaped which will live tiler you yourself have departed plan Ibis memorial for you W Cor Queen A Main Ste Newmarket UTTER FROM THE LOWER LAWRENCE Eskimo The Herb Lennox- Picnic This year will be held July at Island Grove which Is between Roachs and Jacksons PL Island Grove is Immediately op posite Snake Island and those the Picnic will find it the most beautiful spot on Lake The platform from where the speaking will take Is situated so that everyone will be in the shade There is room in which to park at least cars The Metropolitan cars run right into the Grove winch will be much appreciated hi who in former years had to lake that long walk from the station to the Point Herb Lennox is determined to make this the biggest and greatest of all his picnics Ad Chautauqua Ticket On Saturday morning at five Childs Chautauqua Tickets will be hidden somewhere between the Station on Huron St and the Public Library corner on Water and Main St These tickets can be seen from street Here Is- a chance boys and girls To see all Chautauqua week hear the Humorist and Lecturer on Che first night Miss Alice Ihe child entertainer see the trained birds cats dogs etc Find a tic- Finders keepers For Tennis Bowling Boating and Camping Prices ranging from fe I up Studio Park Ave Next P open week days eluding Wednesday afternoon finishing tic PL June lam now on Ihe north shore of Gulf of St Lawrence and of Antieosta Island Rain thunder storms off and on til day and considerable fog We in Islands harbor when ft darted and after finishing our there went out lo Carousel Light House but on account of the heavy swell were unable to land to returned to the harbor for Ihe Considerable is on at Clark City Dhe mil is about nine miles from Ihe harbor the company have a private railway running from the mill down to Ihc The Canadian was loading while we were there but by the look of Ihe country from the Ihey must have great diffi culty in finding Umber of any tilt and the mountains of rock their operations very expensive From Islands we proceed ed Fast the North shore and a very barren desolate the bare rock mountains rising feel or more run parallel the fliOrc with spurs in many pfaces extending to the waters edge The flats between mountains and shore appear to he mostly muskeg and covered villi small scrub Nearly every little river mouth provides shel ter for a number of fishermen who make a precarious Jiving at filling for herring and sal- won and tin the winter trap or work in Ihc hush Tor the lumber company at Clark City Off Magpie river We saw hundreds of Grampus taring the apelan upon which am were then PubHo Meeting lo Consider There was a very small attendance at the public meeting in the Town Hail last Tuesday evening probably Indicating that there Is very Utile op- position to the two By Laws that are to be VOLe I upon next Monday Mayor Eves occupied chair and briefly explained that one ByLaw was lo raise by debentures the sum of for public school purposes and the other was to borrow for the purchase of a Town Park Mr J chairman of the Public School Board being called to the platform that there were on the of May 642 pupils at school of these belong to St Georges Ward and the West side of The Town go from the East side to theVest for school and from- the to the East There are pupils In St Andrew IWard and In St Ward who are attending the School More Is absolutely necessary Mr also urged the people to support the Park by Jaw as Is more thap enough waste materia on It lo pay Ihe Interest on who has been a member of Hie Board for 32 years staled that Mr Campbell The Advance Advertising Supl of Ihe Dominion Chautauqua has arriv ed in Town He will the week here getting the Town in readiness the Chautauqua Week July Mr Campbells home is in Chcsley The big Chautauqua lent will arrive in Town on Saturday morning and by midnight will be set up on the Alexander Public School grounds The lent Is at present Pembroke Mr Claud Klnnlck is the Platform Supt this year We still have a Sacrificing at a few Very odd lines of tow Price Outing Shoes which we are a can now TWEEDS WORSTEDS you what we show offer SERGES to fowling Three rinks went from Newmarket to Ilia on Wednesday to try con clusions with their Northern friends but luck or something else was against them and won out by two points The rinks were as follows A J Y skip Mack rill J McCaffrey and Ed won by points i skip and C lost by points P skip Fergus ftev and J lost by points The people were muoh dis appointed that the Newmarket lacrosse learn failed to put In an appearance The bowlers motorad to Orillla and back by the Sutton route stopping at on the way home for sup per sn on the shore These nall about to inches in kngUi are line food of the tod and the fishermen were for the first strike i Up to Ihe lishij has been very on he shore Yesterday afternoon we passed toe Indian of Mingan waa born Islands are of atraU rock and very picturesque with bold and rocks of peculiar shapes out the a and tog alarm of a battleship of neighboring I arc crowded with sea chiefly and terns he iijij to Knquimo between the Islands and the North beautiful We SPJtfWfa are fairly well xept whore the hold Wjy rise up atejiirisfly and at whose base broken up sill mighly of where we are Sunday is tat and very in nun an excellent and aeUlernent at- on the North be between J and the chief occupation of in mnroei and trapping in fox were maintained here but J We en I are abandoned of a libera use J w and heads in Urn re able to grow sufficient lor for their I Tim potatoes are now in- lonioiyow for lir out of the pupils In attendance only are nonresident In New market there arc persons between the ages of and and between the ages of and Town Is not supplying educational accommoda tion for children under years of age and very few over are attending school- The new law compelling all under to go to school will not be strictly enforced the first year but more accommodation must be pro vided The schools are overcrowded now many of the rooms more than which the law allows Mr Public School Inspec tor stated that there are very few places In Ontario that have any hei fer schools than Newmarket but New- market is paying attention to the primary thca to the older He rccorii weeded a Gymna sium and an Assembly Halt where all could be nought together In Au rora the fee per month but aly here He also Manual Training for boys Dec were pupils In fttUndance In It dropped to It has now riecn almost Aubrey Davis stated that ve are over populated In the lvo schools there arc defies one of which Is conducted In a hall It would cost at least per cent of the price of new school to build rooms on the Akx are 115 pupils overcrowded new to be accommodated after the holidays There Is also not enough playground He strongly urged the passage of Vie school by- lav tfy Mr Keith supported both as good in vestments for the Town Mr Pearson compared the debts of other Towns Newmarket which were very to us In Ihe debt of Newmarket was wblcli will be added this year for the cons true lion of the sewers In St and SI Andrews Words- The assessment of New market Is MIrntco a population of debt New Toronto population debt 575000 Whitby population assessment 1500000 debt debt 525000 places This Store will be open Every Nig PHONE NO until oclock The of Mr Helton Johnson Older residents of Newmarket will well remember Mr Nelson Johnson who at one time did an enormous business In Newmarket and vicinity In the bale of Domestic sewing machine Twentyfive years ago Mr John son moved lo Toronto where he has resided ever since and was an active member of the bowling Club Although he had for some months a few weeks ago he er such an extent that he was en abled to travel lo Park Here he was suddenly HI Sunday evening was hurried immediately to Toronto and taken to the Western Hospital on Tuesxbw where he died Ihe following yean The deceased was a brother of Ihe laic Jacob Johnson and survived by one son Mr P W Johnson his wife having predeceased him about two years ago The funeral service was to take place last evening- at the residence of tils son J 10 Dunn Ave Toronto and Interment at Newmarket Cemetery morning on arrival Of the It train The electricians are at work at the High School The brick work In front of the shop of Hose looks fine in lis new coat Just as hot yesterday as the before In theshade Bridge for The Council last- Monday even decided to build- a new cement bridge on Queen street cast lo replace the present wooden one which is In bad The will be tfboul 3000 Tenders wilt be asked for at once Court adjourned to the call the chair reset again at oclock lo consider the assessment for Sewers on Main Cedar and Superior Streets There being no appeals the assess ment was confirmed Brown Photographer Park Ave can please you Post Office Newmarket Phone Next To Work in Ice Houses at Garden Party The coming event after the Is Party In connection Johns Church which Is on evening July Ihe Separate School Grounds for the Drawing arc now sold and as there are en prizes and- chance for every one many will be sold Special attractions arc cured for evening a delightful time may be anticipated Newmarket the with St to be held on a ticket has a them no doubt Toronto Exams In The results of the recent Piano end Theory in the above In stitution were announce last Friday Mr Vigo of the Toronto Conser vatory of Music was Ihe Newmarket and expressed himself well pleased with the of teaching Mrs J up twentysix candidates had the satisfaction of seeing all their were given and the debts of all the Town Of Newmarket The meeting appear as follows Junior Theory Miss Bertha Fergu son with firstclass honors Intermediate Theory While with firstclass honors Piano Miss Hook with firstclass honors Miss Kathleen Miss Margaret and MaMer Bruce Blizzard with second- class honors Pais Master Jim Hamilton Miss Ames Master Leslie Boyd Miss Florence Chmtler Master Charles Cane Miss Har rington Master Donald Cody Miss Mabel Boag Miss Flora and Miss May Second Piano Miss Josephine He all i or Alone with sccoHdclaua lionors Andrews MUs Jean MJss Evelyn Mahler and MISS 7 Third Piano Miss Bertha Fer guson and Miss Marjoilc fourth Year Piano Muriel Sherman land MJw Vorulab Winn A Boy Great credit Is due lo of Howard Park School Toronto who has won the Lord Flog do nated by Lord to the Cadet Company ranking the City of Toronto eighty city companies With the exceptionally high mark of he leads the Province of On tario as well Incidentally this the highest mark which has ever been reached In the history of te organiza tion of cadet company In Toronto The winner Is a son of Mr Jno of Markharn formerly of Norm ft 4 JACKSON Brown Phone it the that you He- has had the experl- Pane Ave The Midway year at the Lennox will eclipse anything ever any pre vious Lennox Picnic Applications for space are coming In from all over the Province Ad Court of Revision The Court to hear appeals against the Town Assessment had Its first sit ting Tuesday morning the flow ing members nelog present Keith chairman Mayor Eves Cone and There were disponed of as follows j Stephens reduced Kennedy reduced Mrs Kennedy reduced and on two Fred reduced Stevens reduced Alex Eves off ness asseasmentr Foster reduced to WJ and assessed at to gasnUnc Marslmll C P doferred for further consideration- Ada Starr reduced and added owner rcduoed 00 Farmer Scales assessed at I Keith Added itfi part owner All dismissed Vonae St to from Toronto to Addressing the Yonge Street Im provement Association at Hill on Tuesday evening Hon Biggs Minister of Works made the statement the Gov ernment planning to build per- inancnl between North To- r Jul Bond Luke lo be completed within two years Mr Biggs gave the meeting to un derstand that he realized the Import ance of street as the main thoroughfare north he felt that It would be much belter lo moke ft per manent roadway Instead of carrying on constant repairs as is being done at present He did not say what kind of ma terial would be used stated that whatever was decided on it would only he alter careful consideration W- A McLean Deputy Minister of Highways strongly supported the Idea of a permanent roadway for street Motor cars have to use side roads to the cast and west to avoid the bad road ruins their cars With a good roadway would Increase and Mr thought thai ft heavy roadbed would have to bo put down The new road way would Induce touring parties to visit country would bring more money Into the country Sir William of the need of a permanent roadway and urged that the work of constructing same should begin once as street noto was a constant danger When seen by a newspaper reporter the following day Hon Mr ex pressed the opinion that the road would eventually be paved to New market GOOD WAGES PAID Apply to foreman Mr Sambrook LAKE SIMCOE ICE COMPANY LIMITED Our Toronto Letter About a year ago a lenycarotd boy named Philip Goldberg was en ticed from a picture show and hor ribly murdered In the west end of the city Following the discovery of the crime reward of was offer ed for the arrest of one Fred Davis an acquaintance the boys mother A telegram was received from tlvo Bart of the Toronto live force thai he had located Davis the New York Stale prison at Auburn where he Is at present doing It expected that proceed ings will be commenced to ml extradition for trial here The railway board has dismissed the ftppUoiUon of ExAlderman Boll to have the widening of street postponed and to force- a of the apportionment of Ihe tax burden from a basis to a Canada Mr served without remuneration in various patriotic positions mentioned and also as a member of trade commission PINE ORCHARD The Womens Institute of this will hold an Ice Cream Parly on the Church Lawn on Friday even ing July commencing at A good program Is being prepared consisting of by Miss Atkln- son and Mrs- Mr and Mrs A Colvllie Mr Geo Richardson and Mr John Readings Penrose Newmarket and Pino Orchard There will bo a Football March between the and Cedar Vailoy teams- Come along and have a good time The two matches previously played 1 GASOLINE been a tie so that this should be on game feK The Gospel Mccllng by Scholt closed on Sunday night July with a full house Preaching services be continued every Lords Day has been called by the mayor to pass the bylaw through its final stages that the work can be prosecuted with out delay will be continued Lords evening by Evangelist Chas July Miss Emily Boyle was seriously burned this even ing when gasoline she wn working with caught fire and set her clothing in flames Neighbors rushed to her assistance but before blaze was extinguished Miss Boyle was badly burned about the head hands and feel She wis working on the verandah cleaning some clothes Willi gasoline A- lantern hanging close by set on A sheet of flame ihfti thai w4 nil over lhj village find In a moment Miss Boyle arid the pillars of the were ablaze Dr Johns holds out good- hopes for her recovery Boyle Is accountant In Standard Bank Richmond Hill LaierMl9 died on Wednes day William a of soil OnL whoso name Is associated cUy y wllh early of the Mr industry In prove inco has been appointed agentgeneral for Ontario Britain succeed ing Dr Creolman who re signed some ago Hon Man ning minister of agriculture who announced appointment to ri sy std It would date from Mr has been a manufacturer assistant treasurer of- the On tario floverjmen financial broker honorary of Ihe Toronto and York Patriotic Association a member of the Imperial Board un der Sir Joseph Flavelle at Ottawa ad since the war ft member of the Cana dian trade commission In England re in position Baker of over Hope is visiting at Mr J and Mrs Sunday Mrs Mr and Mrs Bertram attend ed the at SI foam on 1st a number from around hero oil ended the raising at Mr Ezra Pen roses on Saturday last Everything went off fine were sorry to near that Mrs J Foot and daughter been dor the Doctors hope fori speedy recovery in of warm Mr can smile for ft arrived on i WrMovd whose fnviinon went to returned to Era PPlnde r -riV- -Vz- i i

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