Newmarket Era , July 15, 1921, p. 8

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Fruit lastWecfc BOUCHER St Montreal to tell you for remedy relic red when I had abandoned all terribly with Dyspepsia I had it or and all the took did not do mo any good I read something about being good for all Stomach Troubles and Disorders of Digestion CO I tried them After finishing a boxes i entirely relieved of the and my general health restored I thank the greit fruit medicine 5VultAtiTCs for this wonderful Ifijo ANTOINETTE BOUCHER Delayed mail baseball team- paid our learo another visit went sorely defeated Mr and Mrs Austin ManpA motor ed out from Toronto Miss Edna spent Dominion with here Miss Dominion nay and the at Mr Sonic of here wont for Dominion Day white others went to Newmarket and Au rora j Mr and family of To ronto are spending vacation wilh Sir Mr and Mrs Darby Toronto again after visiting With relative here foe a short time paid team a again Monday night IcanV wan the loser Mr Jorge Cook had a bee tearing down his old barn another one Mrs has returned to her homo hew after spending a with Mr Percy Allins- IT SIGH of snow i Oca How She Was Benefited by Tnking Veg etable Compound- dff of snow Jr Jacob Emblem of of IHv con a low oer pain Dlv eon Bleat symbol of a world He Intends Mr and Mrs spent weekend la Toronto the Mayflower it I suf fered from periodic and nausea- I was to get My mother had rm take Lydla Compound and I able to go about all time which I could not do before I recom mend Vegetable Compound to my if they the same and you may publish my letter If it will help any one as 1 hope It Place If every girl who suffers as Miss Black- well did or from irregularities painful backache eioehe own pains inflammation or would only give this famous root and herb remedy a trial they would soon find relief from Buffering It hardly seems possible that there is a woman in this country who will con tinue to suffer without giving Vegetable Compound a trial after all the continually being published proving beyond contra diction that this old medicine has relieved more suffering among women thin any other medicine in the world For special advice women are asked to write the E Medicine Co Lynn Mass The result of forty years experience is at your wards S Henry Kerr ELL Dlv i on ftS Cook con Eli eon Win Pliant con J Dew lUv coil Anvood Si iii on Thus Clark fi eon 1 IV I S con 6 Dlv Stewart Snider S Davis con A- eon on J Ar chibald L Adair 7 on Wesley Proctor con Geoffrey S con- SiIlv con eon S eon con on no M con on Norman Cairns ply eon Dlv eon Shear- con to Al bion Toa Chapman Davis and above In war our slater played their part In peace they by lliar sign I onder of and bravo fc40 nVld they steep Shall wo forgot their And oh their ahrlne no lay True hearers of the Ensign bur fallen comrades paid the price keep thou our hearts from selfish greed and foolish pride Lord Of Name Wo will keep faith with ttiosowho died arc working to get ahead arc invited to make free use of otir banking facilities for their business affairs A deposit Account will enable you to pay accounts by cheque avoiding the necessity of carry ing large sums of money at the risk of loss or theft The paid cheques also form valuable re ceipts for payments made J spent ft box for trial also 23o At all dealers or sent postpaid by Limited Ottawa TINSM1TH1NQ PLUMBING and FURNACES I QET PaiOE3 Miss Brown the weekend athome Mrs John of Aurora called on friends In town on Saturday The Clarke family have opened their summer at Mr and Mrs Geo Leonard and son rant Of Michigan are visiting at their homes here Dr Elizabeth Kltclev has re turned to her practice In after spending several weeks at her home 1 sawing machine was destroyed by fire Tuesday inorftlng Mr and Mrs Kirwood and daugh ter Jean returned home to HARDWARE NEWMARKET with Mr and and Paper Mknger MARKET large stock of the i received a WALL How the lime to make Seleoltons at LOWEST We hang the Paper If you wish us lo Phone P NEWMARKET holidaying Mrs eight on Miss Gladys a Week at her home prior to leaving for to take summer agricultural course for teachers The town was quite deserved on July 1st many of the citizens having gone the Aurora celebration market races or the picnic at Beach A number returned to Bond Head for the annual garden parly In the evening The many friends of Miss Alma Brown are very sorry to learn of her critical Illness On Saturday morning it was decided that- an immediate operation for appendicitis was impera tive AC lime of writing- wo are pleased to state she was holding her own Mr- Ross Thomson great luck last Saturday lie caught five and Jackson from England who spent three sea Jons at Orchard years ago were guests a day or two week of Mr and holey Orchard Association is called together on Saturday arrange for the annual regatta Wo wilt miss Mr John Eastwood and family this year having rented their cottage The meeting is to held at at Swastika Mr Rants cot tage Mr brown has added to the ap pearance of his by ar tistic entrance at gate Great Island Grove last Friday nigh Mr Cook was eon ilowes 1 1 eon J can 10 irnG0 Frank eon Karl iiv eon 12780 ion S I 1 eon- 11 S con Rank glorious legions of the Dead Teach us to walk the Masters way cross the Saviour We take It up today THE RIBBON WHITE Tunc Rescue the Perishing Heres Id the ribbon white- Fair In If beauty I Proudly we It our emblem to day Token of unity May we hold it Sacred In meaning and Chorus NEWMARKET A Manager hold it a I way Loans are freely made to to enable them to increase their production of crops and live Talk over your plana with our local Manager His experience in financial matters may be of value to you Ill Capital Reserves Heres to the ribbon whltt I May we be loyal Heres to the ribbon white May we bo true Alfred cm 104 J J BEAVER MILLS ing for water and struck gas at feet below the surface When HI burned furiously and the men had quite a lime to extinguish the It- will be piped Into the cottage and tested for quality and quantity King Council Aurora Best Pastry Flour for All Kinds of Mill Feed Hay and Dikes Grist Mill Huron St QREENH0U8E8 l CUT FLOWERS Funeral Flowers BULBS Ho Order lots than I Delivered Workmen are busily engaged in tearing down the old Hank of Men building corner of and Wellington streets As soon as the building down work will DC com menced on new bank building The Shoe Company em- held their annual picnic at lloud hake last Saturday afternoon A special cur was provided for the party ami a good program of sports run off during the afternoon for liberal prizes were given It is always pleasing to progress of Aurora people We thai Mr A an old Au rora hoy has received an important ap pointment with a largo American manufacturing firm who specialize in massive machinery used In the making Industry During the war Mr was superintendent of the tool department at munition factory In and later he spent a short time with too Works In the old home town On leaving here he took a the Co of Waterloo one tff the largest concerns of the kind In America Here Ids abilities were quickly recognized He was first given the task Instal ling In a new shop the ponderous lathes planes etc necessary for their class of work This he accomplish ed so successfully that ho was given charge that department when arid within year view to Increased efficiency end econ omy In production he was appointed Production Manager of the entire works at a very substanllal salary It large concern comprising many separate- em ploying under normal conditions over J men Freds many friends here will he to hear of his Banner Orchard Beach Hamilton July Shortly before oclock this afternoon a vlotent swept down over the city It broke with full forccover the east end where four places were struck by lightning causing damage There may be no more of Vie Victory bonds but there wilt al ways be the bonds of matrimony and the opportunity of buying presents for heroic groom and the lovely bride Splendid congregation at the union Church Sunday and a most excellent sermon by lr Hyde also a fine solo Mr Of To ronto Mrs Garrett was pianist to the sudden Illness of Dr Hyde conducted lho evening Sunday Itev Anglican Minister of Church Toronto will conduct both services Miss Marion of Is expeoteil To president the next Sunday morning and Mr Morgan of Toronto will bo soloist- On Saturday of next week a garden parly and concert Is to be held on Mr Lumbers In aid of the Star Air Please reserve the date Mr and Mrs A Cornell of- New market were weekend guests at cottage Rev Dr has sold his lo Mr shoo merchant of Toronto who has taken possession Mr Robertson had couple of chums with him for the weekend The above Council at Ann- strongs Hotel KiogUliy on Saturday June Members were all pres ent Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed On motion Council went In committee of the whole on bills and accounts Walls Jo the chair when the following bills were presented and ordered paid James Fry gravel grant yds gravel James fry reps- to eulvert S3 Wells for grader lJohn Dew yds grave A Carson grading Henry Kerr reps vainp road Crane cedar limber for Andrew reps to culvert 10 reps to culvert etc to Vaughan It Dob- son reps culvert con Fred grading and iulverl g72 Fred orris grading an1 rep on con Win lumber 92fl40 yds gravel 81785 W opening jdl etc James Shear- down reps bridge to Chapman yds gravel A Davis gravel grant Win Hoover yds graved fence posts 26 J I Jefferson reps lo road yds gravel it Class soft coal Johnson reps to culvert Saw yerMousey cement Hie moulds McCabc filling la washout Cannon grad ing new road Canada Ingot Iron Co culvert Albion Can ada Ingot Iron Co culvert Boys yds gravel Mark Allen yds gravel Docks to Vaughan J Jenkins Of fice Dailies David steel for culvert Can nula Ingot Iron Co culvert to Canada Ingot Iron Co culvert to Cahatla Iron Co culvert to Vaughan Frank Davis widening road Frank opening 1350 Victor Altrldge lumber Aurora Banner bal lots for P V Fred Skinner He V S Fred cartage on Hie P V Can ada Iron Co I culvert Den gravel grant Harry Palmer gravel grant and reps Herbert Wood yds gravel Norman Cairns grading road Russell Snider travel 10800 gravel grant A MClure yds gravel Marehant gravel grant Norman ditch ing and gravelling Hiram Poller yds gravel Arthur Storey road work William opening pit reps lo culvert J J Kehoe cleaning ditches To Albion Jacob Gould gravel grant James Morning hauling alone shovelling gravel Wm yds gravel Cook drawing gravel A yds gravel Joseph grading con 39360 Perry gravel 1530 Adalrrl reps to Herman Calms hauling gravel for culvert While pit and gravel J While yds gravel shovelling in pit Ham engine on grader John moving lumber Wll Adair yds gravel Archibald 0penlng and con 1 P Jefferson S con 56960 Andrew con Johnson J- con on Lewis con 6 7110 RESOLUTIONS LeggcWlANie That Instructed to pay to Arthur Wauehope Hie sum of being amount of road Work in pi v con he lo his list by return of mall Carried IeggeDolson Thai Clerk be instructed write Kenneth Informing him that this Municipality has no ByLaw whereby It Is Issue Licenses That Trailer be overseer on Road 5 eon In lieu of Carried LeggeWilkicThat Cookie given use to complete grading on his beat as per agreement He having of balance to expend Carried Avails the Clerk be A Roads Commission and ask them to of one Tims Walsh on original Lois No and re tile across road way and ask them to attend this as ho no has considerable Inconvenience 1 Carried That the re- reive Elgin he of for pine purchased by him opposite lot con Ami from Slorey for trees purchased opposite Lot 27 con 3 Carried Thai be paid the sum of on cement Hie on can Tract That Heres the ribbon whire Far In Its beauty our allegiance against King Alco hol May we be conquerors- self victorious Valiantly battling until he shall fall Chorus Heros Ihe ribbon white Fair In its beauty I Father in Heaven we pray unto Thee Keep Thou my heart as pure Keep Thou my life as fair own strength Cod helping NEW A SECOND HAND Threshers and Other v Not In my me Chorus IN HIS own coir wllfdo I so to as he Well why not to bo paid isnt it Just road through drawing That authorized In Issue Carried Andrew liar- man be paid tin stun of for use of farm for gravel Carried the Clerk be cheek Id John for No for Salaries as per Carried WllkleLegge Thai W Walls be given Instructions gel a man and ream and have- tile made from lime time lit 4th line pit placed in a suitable place so as to keep of them In a place to be arranged for by him Carried Walls That the Clerk he prepare and have duly assessed Ihe several parties speci fied under the Graham Ditch Award per statement from who has this work In hand In regards and others specified In report this Municipality pay sum In total charging direct several amounts parlies Carried On motion council adjourned lr meet Saturday July at Suttons Schombprff DISPUTE BRITAIN A Say not done lo me Doesnt he really deserve back ill his own coin ordinary justice that he be made to pay the price of his meanness and treachery lo me Aud who can do belter than who knows alt about the circumstances Well me first place perhaps you are not he thousand of their health his conduct and To say what punish ment he should receive for it You may be prejudiced If he has really done what you say and deserves all you think he docs this old world will have a way of bringing homo to him even If you do not lake the mailer In hand If will be done much more effectively than you can do Think ing only of his deserts It is better for you not to proceed pay him back what is coming to him And think ing it Is belter for you not to do It In the first sure way lo make yourself feel as mean you think lie ought to be nurds lo feel is for you to to gel even with him And In lie second place Urn sure way to make yourself something like him Is to try to do It Is the difference between a farmer and a seamstress One gntluiH what he sows the other sews she gather ft fc Use the Bell to Sell DISTANCE is maintained at a high degree of Lj efficiency Connections with distant points were never more quickly established Long Distance enables us to transact business in twenty cities in one day says a subscriber we use it to get new customers to make sales to order goods or countermand them to speed up shipments verify credits order new for machinery etc It multiplies our personal contact with our Branches our salesmen and Many of our Long calls now StationtoStatlon A bra sign over our Private Branch exchange reading it call Moreover we notified our customers two of our most enable men had been designated to look after Distance business As soon Distance calls our Private exchange operator switches the calls to one oftheso men which our customers the of rates Use the Hell to Sell The appeal of your voice will bring results when else From your desk you can talk by Distance with telephones in Canada and United it a B Ml lorn Must Bo Expended by Government London July Canadian As sociated Press Seventy million working days to the nation and eighteen million pounds of extra ex penditure Incurred by the Government ore Ihe official estimates computed hi wilh the economic situa tion caused by the coal dispute defence force of reservists seven million pounds and the railways claim nine million pounds against stale for May alone emptiness of the coffers la demonstrated by surprise announcement In the Commons that a now and unlimited issue Of treasury bonds bear ing Inferos at per cent Is gently heeded to meet obligations ma turing In Ihe next few months Three hundred million pounds of debts have to be dealt Instead of the hundred million originally for The new bonds will run for eight years thus giving time for a granite funding operation a more reasonable opportunity Tho Presbyterian Sun day Slhool and congregational picnic will be held at Mussehnana Lake on A Carson July We have never had good value in Oars to offer you before USED FROM 200 to 500 And every one In good and worth more to you than what we are asking WE HAVE 20 ON HAND Call and see them soon these are very I K N ROBERTSON Newmarket to I t7 Ia tfXftv

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