do house work and help vWlh children Jo home Good wages Apply Box Era Office and general Nurse Mrs Dunn Andrew the premises July a Black and Tan Dog may have same by applying Davis Millard Avenue simply I a wonder that Britain stands for It- A for ob Six foot cut one crop reason able Herman Newmarket Suction Hose inch a sixty cents per foot alao Thresher Belling York Toronto There are unemployed car penters In el these men voted against a reduction an hour In vvagetMbIch would have given them constant and trade In all lines of building re- Is it any- wonder lhat when have to grants or thousands dollars for so up lite hens to keep the and their families from starving Ottawa July Company It Is believed that he was seised with a fainting yeiL v aircraft- means of forest fir has well demonstrated dur ing the recent hot dry spell lag to report from the- Various reaching air board offices here In several tn- ih destruction by fre of of dollars worth of v After being slapped In the face by aged seven Harvey ran into home anoVdIed a bis mother arms The- children hid overs kiddle The Toronto i For Rani Eight Roomed House with light And range Excel lent stand for booth Stoj Yonge St Apply Jefferson To Rent Suite of living rooms with convenances In the Bank of Toronto Building See Mies McClure at Dr Wesleys Office Crop Farmer capable handle men and take full charge of crops ice sup ply Must board helper Manager checks work Only hard worker need apply Liberal salary and to man Roches Point The Farmers are their own way out In the West In the Pro vincial elections in Alberta on Mod- the returns show that the Fann ers have 36 seats the Liberals Laboritca Independent and In dependent Conservatives Two women were elected out of eight nominees Mrs Nellie McClung the wellknown writer went In wihl the lickcl In Edmonton and Mrs Walter a member of the last Legis lature was returned for tective fire figincra y i being hit in much less than would child- been necessary other means Detective Myers of Detroit while travel taking Hunter a prisoner from Forest fire to Detroit is jWj Ji Estate SON I I Fire a FOB Developing and for Asaleura Park Ave Newmarket We alt know Col Clark who or ganized the Bat and went clean to the Front with them What he says he means and he has said some things about the recent Military Camp at Niagara that are not very complimen tary A dry Canada will not stand for the wettest camp In his experi ence of years Some Militia Of is to blame for this and It is up to the prohibition members in Parlia ment to expose this barefaced viola tion of the laws of the Province which also a discredit to Military discipline If Liberals of North York ex pect elect Hon Mackenzie lung at the mC election will the time to hear what he has to say at Aurora next Wednesday afternoon on the outstanding topics the day There will be also other prominent Liberal speakers worth hearing With the air board at Sioux Lookout On tario Victoria Beach Man and High River and at each of these sta tions valuable work Mas been accom plished At Sioux Lookout aeroplanes were tor lire reaching a blaze In the forest least days sooner than they could have done by travelling over the ground and an added advantage was gained from Hie fact that the aerial patrol wag able cover territory and locate trie almost When an outbreak and Cedar Lakes in the district of was reported by an airman authorisation was secured for fire rangers to be flown to the fire Two men with equipment were on ground lb miles away in three and a half hours It was however that the fire was getting beyond con trol so four more rangers were brought from where he Is wanted oh a forgery charge lost his man In Toronto on Saturday While waiting for train connections Hunter begged the officer allow him to see his wife who he said lived in Toronto They went the house and entered the room where his wife was supposed to be After watting a few minutes Myers be came anxious and entered the room also He discovered that his prisoner had panned on our through an open window He is still at large The City Is buying the franchise rights of the Metropolitan Ry which are subject to revision in and proposes to negotiate with the Com mittee of the County next week The City wants to divert line off SL down Don Val ley That fH Is FROM Man to long r aom work THE CANS A SONS sals Three houses en the corner of Eagle and Streets facing Water Street price and terms apply to HODGE Box Winona Onl THE Of LATTER DAY Waalsy Hall Bank Toronto SERVICES SUNDAY a Prayer Meeting it a Preaching p Sunday School p Preaching Thursday p ALL WELCOME The Toronto Telegram There are hopeful signs that the age of spe cial privileges for certain classes Is rapidly passing There Is even an agi tation to off the annual distribution of well filled trunks to members of Parliament and ladles hand bags to in embers of the Senate is good as far as it goes bur there Is another evil that wants Why should a Cabinet Minister Judge or any Other public official be exempt Income Tax They are better able to pay It than the great majority of people and should carry their share of the public burden Toronto July Mrs Mabel wife of A ft bankrupt ammunition properly used throughout of appealed to the constituency not- the Justice from the ruling of the Conservative pocketbook kind sal- authorized Trustee in bankruptcy re- results will be obtained I fusing her claim to rank as a electorate The voice of red creditor against her husbands thinking people Is going ro be In espect of a claim for the ballot box under a marriage settlement The parties were married In In Mr Lalng who had been domiciled In Quebec business In BranWord Last Decem ber he went Into bankruptcy with liabilities needing the claimed by his wife of Ills assets were nominally the settlement the wife was to within three months of her husbands death he became Insolvent the amount claimed was to become due at once Justice refers to authorities which hold that such an agreement was a fraud of the bankrupt law there wti no debt due at all up to the moment of insolvency holds however that the wife Is entitl ed to prove her claim lo be paid iOr within three months of her hus bands death He directs the trustee take steps to compromise the If he fails In this the matter Ib to be brought lo attention of the in which case evidence must be oi- as To the probable life of each of the parties In any event the wife must rank as an ordinary end not as a pre ferred creditor Apartments Los Angeles California July Mr L Jackson The Newmarket Sir Under separate oover I have Sundays Los An geles Times which I believe the largest regular publication Issued the world I am nlso enclosing here with one of the smallest newspapers published It is published up in Southern California summer among the pine trees where altt- Is about five thousand feet am enclosing a view which top of the mountain peak over ten thousand feel or high They have snow ALL DELAY AMD GIVE YOUR ORDER FOR PURE MILK TO THE Dairy HURON ST Phone or Box Newmarket FOR The forest fires In Ontario Quebec New Brunswick and Nova Scolla year have been the great majority of cases humanly set Of the thou sands of dollars of public money ex pended by these provinces for fire fighting of the millions of dollars In timber and other properly not to speak of the sacrifice Of several lives the greater part would have been wholly unnecessary If fishermen campers and settlers chose to observe common sense precautions with fire In wooded districts Lightning has caused a number of this years forest fires hut ninety per crnt of the loss Is attributable to such classes an set tlers fishermen and campers The camp fire which the user falls to ex tinguish In a formidable enemy and the cigarette and match thrown down on the Inflammable of the forest take an enormous annual loll RAPIDS KINO ASHORE LANDED Irwin OVER HARDWARE NEWMARKET Plumbing JOB WORK PROMPTLY TO TO In mUr of Edgar of oily of In Wis County of York NOTICE la hereby given pursuant to of The Trustee Act Chapter that all crrdltors and others having claims or demands against the estate of the said Janet Wilson who died on or about ihe day of April are required on or before day of August to send by post prepaid or liver lo Irwin Hales A Irwin Street Toronto Solid torn for Walton and Jessie Web ster- the Executors of estate of the- id deceased their Christian names and addresses and descriptions the full particulars of their claims statement of their ac counts and the nature of the securi ties if any held by them AND TAKE NOTICE that after such last rnenUoned date the Said Execu tors- will proceed to distribute the of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims they Ihen have and that the said will not be for the said aasets or any part thereof- to person or persons of whose claims notice shall not have been received by them at the time of such IRWIN HAL is A fioliclUra for the Yonge Street Toronto the Jul J A of Dallas Texas lias kind enough to send us a copy of he speech of Hon W Sumner of Texas In the House of against amend ment to ho Bill which pro vided equal rights of people of all colors and He in an excellent and patriotic speech that to pass the amendment will in ject an Irritating that will make the streets of ihe southern cities run red wllh the blood of the people you are Irving to serve Friction develop when large number of black people and large numbers of white are brought Into Intimate Another quotation helps us to under stand the situation I do not know why God has so provided but under such conditions there comes every while man a call which Is higher lhan call for selfpreservation It Is call to the preservation of the race and every white mm not a racial degenerate responds segre gation as far as circumstances will admit Is In response lo this call The amendment was lost on a division of it to Canadians will agree with this decision Comments of Exchanges Ths Thrift that It Acton Wee Press Canada needs a where thrift Is regarded a virtue to be constantly observed The real capitalists end backbond of any community are the thrifty people who steadily lay some portion of their weekly wage and whose set tled policy Is living within their In come and laying something aside for old or of emergency for London Advertiser Mush alarm been In some quarters by the report that Japanese cannibal now on their way to America It turns out that these can nibals belong to the tribe and are In fact a apeoles of bug that la to be used to exterminate anolhcr kind of bug that Is destroying garden crops Perhaps In may be taken to the hum bug the distribution of which Is very wide J 329 Tourists vs Taken OffStsamar Off Birnharte Island Cornwall July The palallal earner Rapids King of the Canada Steamship Lines Limited went ashore at the head of the Island In the St Lawrence River about ten miles west of Cornwall as the result of an accident which befell her about p in on Saturday- The boat had on board about 320 tourist pas sengers all of whom were taken off ship and a crew of making a of aojila well as three or four automobiles Everything went well from time steamer left until she was between a quarter and a half mile from completing her trip through the Sault Rapids Then the steer ing gear went out of commission re fuHlng to respond to the efforts of the pilot and the big boat lurched to one side The turbulent waters of the waters of the rapids caught the vessel and twisted her nose up stream and drove her stern fully twenty feet on the rocks at the head of Island There was naturally some excite ment among the passengers about of whom were women but con sidering the circumstances and position boat was left In every body behaved remarkably well LIGHTNING BOLT STRIKES HOUSE AT MILL July IB During an electrical storm today which over the district to the south of here lightning struck the house of J at Dixons Hill The chimney was demolished and the occupants of the house were for some Dine but were not injured The telephone lines between here and Markhain were put out of commission by this storm This evening the din- Iriot was visited by a fairly steady rain which was acceptable to the fanners M Ub butler lake things as they come than to mies them ae they The like Milton and Free Press wants licensed with the addition that all vagranjcats be Losses estimated at was caused by fire Saturday night of un known origin which destroyed one of the huge dry kilns of iheMcNair Shingle Mill In Vancouver p Its slock of highgrade shingles I is of ihe which Is two miles or snow storms pp there eight or nine months In the year Is now thirty years since I left Newmarket for the big city Toronto since then have seen considerable portion of North and South America but the old home town where born still appeals to me as being the only real home I have ever had lf it were possible for me lo live there now I certainly would like do so particularly since you have adopted metropolitan Ideas and have paved streets- sewers parks etc I hope the bylaw passed for the purchase of Hie Lewis Bush for park purposes In my boyhood days will some of the other boys I spent many many happy hours In the Lewis Woods gathering wild flowers and sap from the MapM trees and as boys do without the owners consent The Era comes to hand nearly every week and keeps mo pretty well posted as what Is going In Newmarket and elsewhere In Canada I enjoy rending It very much It is like re ceiving a letter from home only much more of the detailed news is given than one receives In a letter The news from the Era of twenty- live and fifty ytars ago are first things that I read when I receive Ihe paper The market prices for farm produce Is usually very Interesting as compared wllh present day prices Next week I leave Los Angeles for a few months stay in the mountains of Colorado Kindly mall the Era direct to my daughter Ma Tuolumne Chi until further Thanking you In advance for your prompt compliance and wishing you nnd all my oldtime friends the best of health and prosperity I remain Yours very truly J Paul the weekend her Mrs MrV spent Ihe weekend with friends at Beach Lake Slmcoe fc Speight oi Georgetown and Mrs Young are making Miss MoCauley MeGillivary of Now West minster is visiting his Mrs John Eagle St Miss MoOlure left on Monday to spend her vacation In and to recuperate operation Mr and Mrs Fry of To ronto were the guests of Mrs S last Saturday Mm J of Grand Falls Ms visiting her sister Mrs for week Master John of vllle Is spending a couple of weeks with his grandpa Mr J Proctor St Xiiss Craig one of the as sistants at the Post Office Is her vacation of two weeks at her home Shallow Lake Mrs A J Sinclair and family of Cleveland Ohio are spending their vacation her sister Mrs and other friends Mr Manning and daughters of Toronto spent Sunday with and Ihe latter returucd to the eily them for a tew days Mr and Mrs Chas Ktrby and Miss Pearson of Kings one spent Ihe weekend with Mr Klrbys sister Mrs Raymond at Severn Bridge The many friends of Mrs Rev W P Fletcher of Toronto formerly of Keswick will be pleased to learn that she is progressing favorably after undergoing a serious operation i Rev P Fletcher of Toronto an Old Newmarket boy has accepted an invitation to lecture at the Chau tauqua Ocean Grove Florida this month Mr and Mrs Fred Bond of Schombcrg announce the engagement of their daughter May to Mr John Tail son of Mr and Mrs Geo of Toronto the marriage to take place the first week In Mr and Mrs J Mulr left on Tuesday for a weeks vacation at Ot tawa and Montreal Mr Mult Is a PastMaster of Tuscan Lodge and will represent at Grand Lodge la session at Ottawa this week Mr TrlveU spent a couple of days this week with his brother Mr Sam on Ihe shore of Lake Slm The family are camping there for a couple and Mr and Mrs John Warren of Toronto are with them Mr J Paul of Los Angeles Cat semis us a copy of Ihe Los Au- geles Sunday Morning Times contain ing pages besides an Illustrated Magazine Section People In Cali fornia are not satisfied unless they can do biggest thing The Issue is the largest we over saw for a news paper It would lake a man week to read it through On Tuesday we had the pleasure of a call from Mr Herbert Lewis an old Newmarket boy who learned the cabinet trade at Millards Factory He lias resided In New York City for a number of years and motored his wife four sons Mr and Mrs Bean also accompanied them The latter will be remembered by I older residents of the place as Miss Laura Stewart They all called on several friends In Town and greatly enjoyed their trip A In all part of York County J HOUSE fiU OF Also In different VIItAg throughout County AND HAMILTON The Champion Shoe Repair Shop MOTHER AND SON can have their shoes repaired with equal efficiency The wj footwear of course must be Willi a view to the strenuous will be subject to The must be treated with a knowledge of how important good looks are laws mans footwear We treat both entire satisfaction A- Shoe Save your strength prevent of valuable material provide a place for etc end get last ing piece of furniture as well by buying u Kitchen Cabinet It has ex clusive features We s style to suit your parr need at wry low price on show st this Call and see ROSE MAIN ST NEWMARKET FIRST DOOR NORTH OF THE ERA Using a common button hook burglars slipped ihe mechanism of a safe at American In Vancouver during Sunday night arid got away with Out July ID A mass of ruins la now all remains of the Georgian Bay House in this town ho result of a fife which kitchen of is used largely broke out in the huge hotel which by summer lourisls The fire is believed to have caused one George a resident the hotel is now supposed lob under the ruins Ho lis down after and hi been missing ii Friday aflerhoon Is Leinonvlllcs Field Day The program consists of a number Of sports Mrs and family are visiting at Mr M Cooks Saturday afternoon was Lomon- vlltes Sunday School Lake A number were present considering the weather Our baseball team was defeat ed Friday night when lie the ad a be came victorious We are glad see Murray around again after his sickness Our played the 8ixth Monday night last when our boys came home crowned with glory The game re sults were A few of the people attended the Greenhorns Literary Society Friday at the Sixth The cooler weather we now are re ceiving seems to be appreciated after the intense heal We arc glad to report that Mr A who had the misfortune to fall off a hay recovered Mr and Mrs Fred Campbell spent Sunday and Monday her fathers home Mr The girls have reorganized a base ball team They are planning to play Stouffvllie girls at the Field Day Messrs Albert and Ed are their brother Mr Geo Stew- man Flower Approximately one million dollars worth of flax seed wjs exported from Canada during St Catharines July The fourth attempt to blow up buildings here since a year ago last spring made about oclock yesterday morning when a bomb placed at Tltterington Bros fruit warehouse on Balfour street and an effort made to destroy the building Two Railing who were caught running away from the building after the explosion are being held Ths Altar At the Presbyterian Manse Newmarket July by Hev A J Mann Mr Archie to Miss Marlon of The Tomb Meads In Newmarket July Meads In his year 8aunrfr In Newmarket July Marjory Olive daughter of Mr Joe Saunders In her year Forester on July 15th 1021 George Forester his late residence on Sunday afternoon pm to Au rora Cemetery t Groan In July Annie Jane beloved wife of Sir Jas aged years and months At his late on Monday July formerly of In his year- Funeral Wednesday Interment at King City Cemetery Near on July John Crtfaser brother of Mrs Jos Snider of Interred at Aurora Cemetery on Tuesday afternoon Youns Jo Newmarket July Margaret Fleming beloved wife of Mr Young years Dont put off the purchase of a New Edison for money reasons Though we are not an instalment house we are ready to meet you half way We are glad to arrange gsayieas to suit your convenience Roadhouse Rose PHONOGRAPH WITH A The art of the New is too important to you to Mr and to to money matters to with your of it Come in and tell what your mind about terms R Newmarket I t- o h