Very ft of year to pe laaisalurdy for fuller sold- from pound from per New potatoes Raspberries which week previous per a is w loiOo per box hoi drop Hospital to see wis Well Mr- John lh Toronto on who to last week He was that morning for a frac- hired Dip h Re ot be is doing as well a Jould bo expected CLEARING AN PRICES ITS VAX Off- I IN WHITE BLUE SAND PINK GOLD and PADDY GREEN I fi3HSr45 who were depending on power for breakfast on Tuesday morning were somewhat The power went off at etc W owing some detect Town Lines and did not come on till although the Engineer were our searching for rouble at Oclock It did no nt Y M A year are A is that the at Snake Inland this attended the most saUsfacj yet held The senior boys had lb earn Wtf weDl on Thursday of last week kiwi adoacnboyi came from district and were heartily we s with camps this year BALANCE OF STOCK Up Stairs over us the following appeared tie Tribune of Oakland Is a of men hat Mr Harding 1 he new Presi dent of the United Stales calling to assist him In public country Every young man should readand ponder oyer THE SONS CHARACTER To Ihe Editor of the Tribune In your Issue of yesterday Is an licto concerning Dawes re cently appointed by as Director of Budget referring I y J- a- BELOW COST ROCHE CO Youngs Fair A assent Record more rf- n Cornell aw pupil inuu oa en me at On of st week Newmarket Lacrosse Team went to play exhibition the of and came home la rt Joy They won the gams w1h a scon- of presence crowd Caolin scored two was put fift In a skirmish- Vera goals and Newmarket team Is much over the result and hopes to wB other matches this season la dW Vonudft iu aim riauuay for Wee J DO J A with that we lOiiowing clippings me askaioon Daily j jit Jiewaiarket High bclipol whom may be proud one paragraph reads in lulling of a pleasant lea on Tuesday afternoon the at the will at Island the coming school year New lilt OTlH I 4 rt I July The of Christian- Church will thlr annual picnic at Centre Tirnfi on Wednesday- July Ills Cars MtropoUtan Sta- a Time m Tim com- along give thp child ren h- best outing of 4un Of Sports Adult as aimeuiber of the British teachers exchange received as a from the staff a leather writing case accompanied by good wishes cordially expressed by Principal Sharp who made- the presentation Mrs Sharp and Mrs Percy Marshall were also guests The room was and for Pacific coast and expect to sail year Good brightened with flowering plants return fare lh FOREST BURNING HEAVILY PENALIZED Miss Lewis leaves soon fire wharf regular toll return Children over Zealand on August children on Aiolher clipping In the IsSuc of Boil leaves wharf returning Time bMet I A3 Jul Lud Pencil Farmers Juftior be wellup is The lead pencil Is a good fried of agricultural student Ketp one near by and ready for use a convenient memo book a ins been hurled at the Kin io figures Some folks sneer finnhig hut a good sturdy pencil one of lUt a young fanner having It so rue fifty members of the Thirl Avenue choir who enjoyed a prepared dinner last evening at the Royal nature of the affair which was a farewell to five the members was the only feature to mar the feallviiles Victoria Miners and Miss Margaret who go soon to Miss Nan Johnston and Mls Lewis whose destination Is New Zealand and Miss the first tools Norma Shannon who In leaving for her should possess home In Xapance were It ought to he I of compliment Place yiJ dHignlly Many a man when prettily decorated by Mrs Thomas keeping records thinner wore among the dainty Ivjsil and havent POlntinenlson the tables tiffin And by the same token for the occasion lo make money Stevenson made How fin you a leak if you dont and witty address in lie know Is And a carefully regretted the departure of those who retard surest way find given such loyal but he in ihe farm business Call at the Era Office and let us- to ensure return He dwelt how you Simplified upon the various activities of the choir luring past and was In making the statement that with present esprit de corps Ihe choir would again festival honors In the provincial capital Key Dr genially dwelt upon the help choir las always given Ihe church and excellent service of which he Is proud Mr Frank and Mr Jason voiced sentiments lo regard to the of the choir and the pleasure It gives the membership Mr J II Negligence that results In forest is now being punished by the courts heavy floes and imprison ment A few days ago five fisher men appeared magistrate Woodstock New Brunswick charg ed with leaving a burning anil causing thereby a heavy loss in timber The magistrate fined them fifty dollars each A settler Sudbury was sent jail for carelessness In burning his brush piles Quebec have made many such sentences In Ihe Internals of forest fire prevention but the Sudbury case marks the commencement of more treatment of Onlarlo The greater part of the timbered area of Ontario Is the property of the Ontario and through forest fires are a I reel loss to the people as whole Contrary to an all too common belief the quan tity of limber growing In Is not more than sufficient to maintain the present number of forest Indus tries Ontario- in truth lias not a single acre of timber to waste Every of timber may be regarded as an incubator of employment and as a filler of pay envelopes To cause a forest fire Is to the raw materials our of which the bulk of employment In the Northland must he derived In- pulp and paper ln- of alone the spruce forests create a wage list that every year In execs of million dol lars OF A valuable trade has sprung up hi recent years In the exportation of eggs In order to encourage and conserve fid trade under the provisions of the Live Stock and Live Stuck Ail On- is divided hi two ami west for carry ing on of a thoroughgoing service Ontario east Of Port Ar thur find Maritime Ihe eastern section and all west of Hie great lakes the western For Ihe He Mouth of last year ex lending from January November cases of eggs of youth with were Inspected of which cases wvre consigned to Ureal Britain It has been found Hud Is offer greatly clear them out with On Thursday afternoon of last week on a motor trip to Mr Young col- b4 with a paralytic stroke and died at her home passing Boyds office she aty fell and got out of Mi Young was years of age and to wife of a rellred farmer a of she lived In the of was well known in this- her riiesVi by not only for the optimistically depends on that loyalty export hut also for domestic trade Is by approval the shipper being required to candle and grade the eggs according Hie Canadian lards marking the cases with the class and grade of contents In spection Is then made on requisition If shipment Is found properly grided a of approval Is Is sued and Hie officially marked Inspectors are advised of going their way and they are quired to report conditions arrival supervise methods of handling and stowing on shipboard and keep lack of marketing conditions Step are also being for the better control of eggs Imported Into Canada lo he physician She WH on the threshold of the of- complimented church and choir Miss Miners replied on behalf of Ihe honored guests In a happy speech re plete with humor and expressed ho hope that the separation would be but a temporary one- Mlts Miners con nection with the choir two son- on of the five has extended Bach members was at the front presented with a group photograph UV A of choir The happy evening I with the singing of They aons fellows Uj iiiffery Two WIijhw and Messrs Mawr it A Marshall If as Won Whmonl mi Liberal of last J the following paragraph bail game recently won easy game oh jwidiy defeating e focal Wt The game was very on pin of the home team being by to be 9 h meet J in P was as follows Hill I Hugo Mcjfate Parkin b flood p TABLE SILVER A most made to Aurora ball team I the Day The housewife prizes a chest lable above anything else even above articles charm and adornment Give your woman friend a box or chest of silver knives forks teaspoons spoons tablespoons etc and see how she will be We have a wonderful assortment In both quadruple plate Atkinson Co tad Jterlhi July Twenty million persona are on the verge of starvation in drought at rick en sections of Hus kla subsisting mainly on moss grans and bark of trees According to VoBSlchc which quotes In formation from Husslan HcfugecH arc reported to he pouring Info Moscow and sanls and- to he fleeing in every dlrecllon The parched earth It 18 asserted Is opening up great crevices and wells rivers are drying up Foliage Is asserted to have withered on the trees and a number of villages are- reported on fire cattle In the stricken have slaughtered to provide food believed Impossible avert unless food Is from side sources Mr Dawes as a man of This brings lo mind the j remarkable on deaths of son Scaring Dawes which by drowning In Geneva Septem ber at the age of the father gave the funeral oration be ginning as follows The m09t of these here bled are personal friends and of- my dear son So far as the outer world is concerned his promising life cut off so early must ever bo wrapped In obscurity But his father owe him one last sol emn duly to project ihe of his life as far as lies within my power by using this last assemblage of friends their minds and grieving the more indelibly receive the final Impressions of his memory One sidelight on the character of the boy was that after working dur ing summer vacation saved over and above his- hoard Of this amount ho spent twenty dol lars for twenty baskets of provisions at Christmas which on Christmas morning he personally delivered at homes of twenty poor families The father said further Sly boy was imperious He recognized no superior on earth and yet was the tender and intimate friend or he weak humble I have taken him with me among the greatest In the Ration and looked In vain for any evidence In him of awe or even curiosity He has taken mc asking the to help them among the poor and lowly of earth Again He In life to sot himself against the crowd for no man rises to real prestige fol lows It Of his own IniUaHve he Jqmed church a long lime he taught a Bible class of boys at mission not smoke nor swear nor drink was ab solutely clean Yell In Ids stern the driff he mingled toler ance in Just that quality Which con tributed to real power to be used in opposition and for lhat purpose alone Against the hoy who Ought to lead astray the weaker he set his face like steel Near close of his tribute lo the memory of his son Dawes said lesson of this complete life Is thai this can he done by a young man without his hidnjca- prig without hi- falling be his bending to ilehaslug environ ment My boy lived long enough to win out Whatever the years would added would be only material In a mans character is his real career unusual was the thing tliat ft and so remark able Ihe of Ihe son thai Frank W thai time editor of Association Men the official organ of the International M A personally career of after which wrote as follows concerning him would like sow world with men of Ideas and Ideals Of Fearing Dawes- A generation convic tions like would work a revolution as Irresistible as the resurrection of Spring I have traced his life through Association as a Junior and as an Intermediate at Evan ft ton 111 his home as an eager absorber of infl uence In the School a as a quid forceful member at Princeton and find neither flaw nor folly lie rang report squares to this Interpretation The oration as given by Charles Dawes as tribute lo Ids son was sought by friends of the young man publish booklet form which re quest was granted and over of lliem have been distributed among the youth of our laud While It Is almost Invariably die ease Dial we study the life of a other to get some Idea as to what his sons may be yet In this case It Is helpful read a fathers estimate of his son for In this we undoubtedly have a belter Insight Into the strong makeup of Die newlyappointed director of the budget Such a son as ftufus Hear ing Dawes docs not come from an or dinary father Will if Drown PHONE B RUNT ON NORTH ONTARIOS FORTUNE TO BE FOUND IN TIMBER Northern Ontario has much fine farm land but fully ninety per cent of the whole area by natural laws timber growing One crop will grow thereontimber Fif ty years ago about the only piece timber that spelled Value was While Pine Since the huge develop merit of and paper industry has put a premium upon spruce Tem porary dullness In the mar ket at the present moment does not affect ie fact that the of spruce logs Is certain to reach an other high figure in very near future- The fact dial the American and Canadian publishers turn out million papers dally and must have as raw material annually a pile of spruce wood nine thousand miles long feet high and four foci wide Is suffi cient assurance Ontario spruce forest represents an asset of supreme value In the world market Korea made such Inroads upon Ontarios spruce domain that no citizen having the provinces Interests at heart can refrain from adopting every sensible precaution In his per sonal conduct Unextinguished camp fires lighted matches and tobacco have robbed the province of millions of dollars of publicowned properly To leave a camp fire burning while In or near standing limber Is a plain In vitation to a disaster lighted match and cigarette are In the same category Settlers fires are according to official re ports Hie chief source of Umber loss The land of he must be clear ed and fire a necessary agent- In process The Ontario law pre scribes a method by which such fires be controlled Neglect of such control endangers the life and property of every neighbor STOP THE PAIN Neuralgia Rheumstto and Ovarian MILES ANTIPAIN PILLS the pain Is gone- Guaranteed Safe and Sure Mm Sold in Newmarket by J PATTERSON 1 Detroit July I In an In the life of her 7yearold ton who had stepped Into deep water while- bathing Mrs WUHam If Weber aged and her boy both found watery graves In Rose Lake a summer resort 30 miles from Detroit I Supplies FILM and BEST RESULTS AT MOWN a Park Ave next to Post Office Newmarket Oakland July TO GRADE SUBWAY ON STREET Work on Railway Crossing at Aurora Will trading of the subway under the at Aurora will be pro ceeded with by the Department of next according to n announcement by Hon The minister staled that lenders on Ihe work would be called for a short period The phm of the department contemplate get- ling the work In shape that the wall can he put In place early next Spring The subway will he ready for permanent pave ment when the work of Improving Street In hand next year ft has publicly as sured the district ft will he While the work launder way traffic will diverted Along Ihe of sub way arrangements having being made for Ihe use of the private lands The Work It Is estimated wilt coh In the neighborhood of but under the order the order of Do minion Railway Board the larger parr of the cost will be assessed against the Trunk The share of province will bo about Irackn ore now about five feet the highway level and the rest of the cut he made by long easy grades Newmarket Markets Hay per ton per dor per lb Live Stock Markets Highest prices paid In Toronto ltd- week Choice Steers and Heifers Choice Butcher flows Choice Springers 7500 Milker Spring Lambs Choice Calves Sheep Hog off cars AT THE V To the Ream not and Boat Quality that the Market Can Produce 1 tats vi H Mr sea We have never had good value In to offer you before USED CARS FROM 200 to 500 And every one In good shape and worth more to you than what we are asking- WE HAVE ON HAND Call and lhemoofvaa thote are Very Special K FORD Canada SS MSMM