Newmarket Era , July 29, 1921, p. 1

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WW7tW Double Glasses fcrt no turn or can test your Eyes end U them PROPERLY Watson Gradual Pa vis- Birthday ft A So 1 tJ Whs County Paper as well as the Oldest paper sent out of North Y unless paid in ad mice annum In not so pafd to Slat In only Wataoas 1 Jewelry Store iu fl JACKS Editor A K I A V J I Copies fir VOL No ST AT NEWMARKE Screen and Windows Wire Cloth all widths Hammocks from to 1000 Baby Hammocks Lawn 16 off all styles Water Pots In Galvanized and Japanned Florence Automatic Oil New Perfection Oil gravers to 150 Electric Fans Toasters Grills Stoves Refrigerators All White Enamel 1280 A FirstClass Washing Machine Fly Paper and Poison All Paints and Varnish In the Best Grades PHONE Methodist Church on Fire Beautiful and Commodious Edifice ft Very Badly Damaged GOOD WORK OF THE FIREMEN PREVENTED COMPLETE DESTRUCTION OUR OTTAWA LETTER At Si alarm of was cons repMied aroused Hi whole Town ili morning an the basement which was situated Int uit ly niedfately under Hie Librarians Sunday School The floor of July There WAS talk Of government a ray- hop Oil Albert a provincial it was hard lo loll where the and lire it smoke flames were Issuing from the Methodist Church hi volumes who reside on the ad joining properly was awakened by the crash of falling glass and when he opened his eyes Ids bedroom glare of light Looking our of the window he saw the flames Issuing from l he building and he phoned to Inform the Water Works that the Church was on fire Ho speedily dawned some clothing and proceeded lo Hie Fire Alarm Box op posite the Town Office Just as he opened It the Fire Whistle sounded the alarm Simultaneously Mr Garfield Roger alongside escaped damage except by on Park Avenue was aroused by smoke and it Is thought that the crash of falling glass and looking out organ also escaped damage this room wad completely burnt away and everything Inline room was en- lirely consumed library filled with books desk and other furniture maps and all the school records The flames from Hits room all over tho- Sunday School apartments consuming the movable glass doors of the class rooms up the dhaJrs and furniture and destroying two pianos From fie Library Room the flames worked between the walls and plaster Into lite flooring and of the auditorium and burst Into flames around one of the stained glass Win dows the Memorial Window The Church uses smokeless coat and of the window saw the glare of light on the residence of Dr Wesley He this was the opportunity llial they slipped on some clothing and rang in have had to get all they wanted alarm from the corner of Park there was a much larger Ave and Church Just as the Fire quantity of coal in store than For Farm Are you in need of financial assistance to buy seed or to increase your tillage stock or equipment The progressive farmer will find this Bank ever ready to extend reasonable loans for legitimate purposes Discuss your plans with our local manager You will find him interested Whistle sounded With remarkable alacrity the Fire men responded and Just of the Fire Alarm the Motor Truck Issued from the Fire Hall The fire had gained such bead- way the chemical apparatus was no use and connect the the Firemen proceeded BRANCH AURORA BRANCH OF CANADA ConrJcr- A MURRAY SOUTH END LUMBER YARD SCRANTON NUT COAL COKE Brick Cement Lumber or In connect the hose wllh the hydrant on Hie Post Office corner By this lime the entire Sunday School Room was a mass of flames and the smoke was pouring from open windows and every crevice in Ihe building Two lines of hose were hid from two con- ven In I hydrants and ooi the water was pouring Into the burning building In twenty minutes the flames were subdued but the smoke was so dense thai It was some time before the building could be entered By five oclock the fire was completely out If had been burning for Church ever had before about 10 tons Some of It wa put In during a very wet day and it is Ihls together the extremely hot weather caused combustion estimated at covered hy Is carrying the Official Board Room minutes It Is likely have been saved hut another anything could the walls The work of the Fire was a tribute to their efficiency and the splendid fire equipment of the Town clearly shows that fire was caused by spontaneous com bustion In one of the coal rooms In The loss Is roughly supposed to be Insurance as the Church on Us policies A special meeting of was called lit the of Church escaped flames floor on Saturday afternoon was all ended by members Owing to the being absent on his holidays Mr It Cane was requested to act as chairman After some discussion It was decided to gage the services of Mr Wright Fire Adjuster Toronto and following I were appointed a Committee to confer with him In adjusting the fire loss Messrs Cane P Pearson Jackson J it and Dr The following were appointed a arrange the services for Church and Sunday School Messrs n A Cornell and Dr of hope which to get out of Ihe result Wherever ray of hope lies It Is not any where around Ihe go ye mined camp for I he re Is even deeper gloom there and a renewed I ho Prime Minister lo give up ghost go lo the country The Government ejection engineers had looked over ground during Medicine Hat cam paign and Ihey tame here with an Idea thai the movement under Wood was on wane one was elected and now they are more convinced than ever there is grave doubt as to the of semilog even Conservative after a general WSn The future if Ihe Government will be thoroughly rah- 1 after Ihe return of Premier from London which Is ex pected very shortly and there will bo a serious of cabinet councils to decide which of advice he la accept The cabinet minister themselves are divided who want to go lo the country now and- those who want lo wait as long as possible Sev eral Of them have decided there Is no hope of coming back and are re signed lo inevitable hut the hang ing on habit has acquired such a hold hey cannot nerve themselves to Itlcni However It Is lo provide work for architects and contractors for another year or I wo yet and by that ilmo It Government were still In power they would find some mere alterations lo ho made which would provide fur fur liter IN Oxbridge July St Complete re ports are now available of Ihe tola damage done to bridge and culverts In this the storm Of a week ago From these It hat Us bridge township has suffered heavily The tola cost of damage done Is In Ihe neighborhood of and the road gang la now busy making repairs biggest Item Is thai of for a bridge near Glasgow which- was completely wash- out The other represents road washed and minor bridge and culvert damages Iff YEARS make the cold charted waters of Into the an election The Government is also being advised from outside sources give up and go to country It la Inclined lo listen to such advice until IC Is forces do so are bringing no com fort and every renewed lest of public opinion Is against further Conserva tive rule whether or not that rule Is a name for variegation nut behind all Ihe councils on sub- only room thai Mmoiiflaf ed under on Ihe ground Josephs coat which An epidemic of horse stealing has broken out In York township Sev eral farmers living close to the oily have recently lost teams of valuable horses A farmer named whose farm Is On the Vaughfln r6ad near horses stolen out of hid barn some time Friday and during the same night a barn on Keele street north of ave wis visited and four valuable work horses stolen The Provincial have had sev eral oases of missing horses reported lo them from all Ihe township and Ihere Is a suspicion that a well- organized gang of horse thieves Is operating the district from Em July annual picnic of the employees of the Northern was Aurora on Saturday tipcclal iraln J cars drawn by deooratU for the with ha regular train of cars Music by the IUiN of and Aharon Silver Hand Mr It Ilogsboon returned yes terday after a Irlp in the old Mr A Gamble returned on Tues day from old country Two named were burned to death on the l Inst while their parents were away from home house was con sumed Baileys Circus vlslled Newmarket drew a big and last Hippodrome Monday and Crowd Is visiting la Mr Brad- WAR WITH ENGLAND Till Texas which eiir shrill for war heard from I he Hearst press ha Income a nation al roir of patriotic propaganda Once PEARSON Cor Church and Dispatch printed In Dallas has Hie following editorial gigantic Interests brought In fuccs ihtr mailer of In the proper light it to peplao AND KILLED Belleville July Thirteen head of cattle the properly of Mr of Town ship Hastings lefl a fleld aud wan dered onto P A Iraln ran itiem killing li and maiming other two so bad ly lhat they had to be destroyed Investigation revealed the fact thai Ifiree men were driving past Mr ranch when hit met an accident and- was In the When hey finally righted It adopted for the purpose of making a they hid to go Into the field to turn Job more costly tojhe coun- heir haste to got away try and more profitable to the cons trictors and The itals in connection the new Inga back to the lime when Hon hob lingers wag Minister Public Works and they have several limes there are please of Govern- supporters In the House who know cannot come back anyway and do wish lo commit political harikari When Parliament does come baofc whether Is composed of the same members or not they will find soma changes In their quarters and further bills to meet for extravagance on the new Parliament Buildings From start to finish there has been a constant and In many eases unnecessary building up and tearing down which had every appearance of expedients they forgot to put the fence up again Mr estimate the loss YORK COUNTY MUST RADIAL THE tEALER Lumber Lath Shingles Posts Etc IL80- I Doors Sash Flooring and Moulding Turning Sawing Dressing Etc Sana Sens Yards Huron St Newmarket Facto says The worlds greatest said Lord the Other day Was George iire i repealing It here lo make Sims envious hut a for a discussion of the relations between two nations lhat George Washington caused to grow where one grew before Lord remarks In accepting for a George Wash- rovsviited by Virginia make very reidlng Now two branches of the Englishspeaking raoo are one he said talked in the way Is customary to whenever formal felicitations are in order between and tbn British If Is all very nice what Is the fact The is Ihere Is no com mon sense blinking It thai the Slates Is more likely lo have her war wllh England than any other important power li Is silly to talk about blood re- lalionshlp and to declare such a war unthinkable Our own Civil War and civil wars that have afflicted every country answers lhat The worst of wars are Ihe wars be tween brothers and they are not Ihe least frequent Commercial contentions cause more wars than any oilier one thins and the supreme commercial contest of all history seems to be getting under way with England and America as tne ri vals Possibly you volved find themselves deadlocked that roar will be heard hi countries and Talk of will have censed And Ihose who now will he making he fourmluule speeches In 1018 over again with he Liberal members the public notice among Ihose name of Germany out and Dial of England It will tie the same In England save thai Am ericas name will supplant Germanys in tin mouths of the warstumpers 2000 MEN ARE LAID OFF ON HYDRO WORK Hon Murphy who resigned from the building committee result of unnecessary expenditures being made Mr Murphy slated to the House las session the facts connected with Ihe Keith Says County Council The of York rights and Intends lo has statutory stand up St Catharines two thousand up to the total of men who July Thai the present is have been laid off from the Hydro Power Canal work and thai be tween four and five thousand men are still working was stated to he the true situation How long the Of work ers will he kepi on Is unite uncertain as was slated yesterday morning thai no definite policy In his respect reconstruction work on the present building When the old was destroyed government engaged architects to go over the ruins county said Wm Kellh of New market who as chairman of leg islation committee of York Council Is closely hi touch wllh dispute Toronto and Ihe of whether Mrs Wr Albert and were here on Mrs of Tottenham vJsHimj MM J Stafford Mrs Oft and of Maple spent a day at Mr Walter the holidays Waterloo Or stone son and daughter from Virginia were visiting tils brother Mr for a couple of weeks Mrs and family And other dy friends are camping at Orchard Beach Miss Magulre has relumed after spending days at Jacksons Poiot Mrs Esther Dennis Monday for Belleville and lo be weeks Mr A Stevenson formerly of the Aurora gave the Era a on Monday left yesterday to her daughter in Pont Arthur Mr J who is keeping moved W Big Beform at Aurora ML Bands passed through New- marker Miss Gertie of Man daughter of s Wright form erly of Thursday lhe her removal was prise when ladles of Church met made a I Jack of won l on Mori Park very much alive lvaB W died of typhoid fever en a sur fs of Johns on Monday evening and presentation The over Ihe Toronto Issue and see what could be salvaged Their was there were walls frelKtil been decided upon yet men have all been period of about has two thousand off wllhin a weeks rim laid l wo arc one of those who To Work in Ice Houses at Dallas tiling VK a GOOD WAGES PAID Apply to foreman Mr Sambrook LAKE SIMCOE ICE COMPANY think such sentiments should not be expressed in may Ihlnk about It Isnt Is dcrslaud and once we It to act Our naval and military people un derstand it and they act upon It Hoes anybody suppose that the British War Office hasnt worked out Us plans for a possible with America or that our own War College has no for that same possible Wc know they have So It Is lime to act These pirns must never be tried out on the ocean- that lies between us or on the soil of either country The Amerl- SCHOOL WORKERS AT LAKE July Training School for Sunday School Workers now In at Parks Lake under the auspices of the Ontario Council has Hie large registered of A definite standfast which were worth least should as cm dynamited and an asset slated to worth Iwo million dollars had Nobody was able gel an of Ihls When building was to be Ihe called In the friendly Construction Co of Montreal and wlthoul calling for Ten ders awarded Ihem Ihe Job on a Ihe cost The building which was to cost five millions has J already cost double thai amount and neither lie nor the con- losing on The work will take year or two yel before It Is completed and shall continue to come down street limits right carry freight on Ihe r Enterprise is book- J excursions on Lake Smllh July Mr Jos Miss Jenny Ill Toronto June I Steele Mr Banbury to of Aurora by Be v Barry of which were least Mrr freight on IheJ John of million dollars and these Metropolitan radial Hue to the south- 1 l0 Steele of mid he used for the new building Is part of Ihe July by Rev J they were Ihe thing r0 said Wilson of Scott lo knew these walls had K l0 today Thai belh of and an assor Mated to be confirmed by My Mae two million dollars had n ranees wife of has been Ihe province confirmed by and right Is one ho oily could not remove even by buying line the city Is no hope of an agreement between and county In regard lo freight carrying We do not want to stand In the way pointed out the we are determined to safeguard pur peoples rights There Is a lot of freight conies down Ihe line rind we cannot have service cut What about SiibMH tiling a motor wife of years Alex McCormack In his year of Jacob In her SUNDAY OARS AT TO gilt slreet ears Onl truck service for the cars That wont satisfy not be satisfactory radial freight would July operating here today with a regular service on all lines for first lime In the history of the were well patronized The Innova- llon resulted In Increased churches I would and evening big crowds Iwo wr ft lo get to Riverside threeyear course of Is pre- Ihen the country will have something which Is full of flaws and f Thai wont satisfy us One explanation of the immense And- I cost of Hie new building Is found In think the city would rather the fads which have been followed express cars hauling out In Us I freight that three miles than lo have The floor of Commons chamber of molor Iruck carrying surprised Is of leakwood and ebony The former about a diverted was imported from India and Is enrrylng the freight va- attendanco morning and Dispatch You f w are award- lo keep will be thing lo this year faculty Is composed of new A of Uni versity who a Bible sludy from Book of Amos Rev Dr Norman MacLeod courses In psy chology Miss Indianapolis and Miss Bertha of Religious Coun cil who Instructs the teachers of primary and Junior scholars Miss Mabel Miss Mary both specialists In teen age girts work Rev Dr J General Secretary most wood In the from around to come In The ebony cost the Toronto and eastern radial Iwenlyflve an ounce and then Keith smiled Ihe floor to be covered fibre len years Years away No that wont AURORA AT matllngand a carpel to deaden litOdo sound of persons walking on Aflor what Is the countys age Robertson spending of dollars on floor of the chamber alone It was demonstrated lhat a floor of common lumber or would have been as satisfactory since must be covered with matting to allow Jhe members be heard when they are speaking The floor Is a sample of the methods alter the which have been followed throughout in lite of the building I position Simply lhar we want make sure our freight will to lido city by radial as has been doing he said He pointed out that any plan of building a parallel line lo Hie wilhln would not countys right freight Intermediate lacrosse ream stepped into Aurora Friday night and smothered the Aurora team lo and looked good enough to add a couple more If Ihey were needed Au rora has no excuses The learn practised hard and ana gave Ihelr supporters all they had but when the showdown came the team a fast keenplaying outfit were not only too fast for them but knew too much lacrosse Their home was like chain lightning almost too fast with their passing and their defense can people can do Presbyterian Sabbath School Board There beonr constant building up people Just now to prevent They can make the present admini stration understand is in earnest In desiring thai Association of which Harding promised from his front porch thai It Is In earnest in Us support of plan for ft disarmament was as a polar bears nose carriage on Vongo alreet The defense never rattled On are ready to meet the other hand the Aurora grew whole mailer over on erratic as the score mounted and on day Youd bellcrbe Ihere ho nothing but their courage la vain they tried to run Ihe off said to The Star SI July The their feet Charlie and handled course on young peoples work and and tearing a consequent the training of teen ago boys Rev waste of aums of money at Superintendent this time when economy Is being of Ihe Council and Dean of the Sum- preached by Ihe government which mer School There arc also- The held by butchers In La- 1 and handled 11 well They kept dally on Sunday School management now is largo but it Is out park this Iho the penalty limeVeeper busy and leadership Wo hundreds of rooms so thai It fa main item on the program of old homo Aurora fans defeat gracefully school closes on Monday It next to Impossible for ihe members lo- week today This must bo done before loo has been Iho most successful in late Too late will be when pros- history of Iho movement the got together at practically no Two fa were and gave winners a any and Ihere Is roasted and free beef sandwiches cheer when the game was over between handed out to the victory the district I j I f

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