y JW i NEWMARKET atfTOwswws v FRIDAY I I SEVEN of public flll food tor ion to acquittal of the or our id be The farmers report ihe crops are nothing like what they expected a few weeks ago Very Successful Platform In camp stools chairs hammock chairs couch hammocks and regular up Hardware Collection Win require you to have a proper can We have large heavy galvanized covered garbage cans Only Dions Hardware Newmarket Hon W L Mackenzie King Receives Enthusiastic Ovation Nearly People in Attendance Christian Sunday School held heir Annual Picnic at Centre Island Toronto on Wednesday A special car well filled carried Hit picnickers their OS nation in good lime They returned about oclock In the even ing everyone being delighted wllh Hie days outing CLOVER AND a monument to iter dead a tribute of your a symbol of undying Can you think of a nobler those who have We design build re monuments of all kinds tat Bock of Designs Cor Queen Main Sts Newmarket PLUMBING and FURNACES GET OUR Church The union both In the above church last Tire ill Hi church The minister Rev A J Mann gave excellent sermons good attendance the I lied in the ill in was building being wVa or r Holy City At the evening service Mr Alex Eves sang feelingly Thai Beau tiful Land Next Sunday Mr I of Toronto will service Mrs In he musical Johns Church Garden Parly The annual Garden Party of St Johns Church was another grind suc cess last Wednesday evening An Im mense crowd was present filling every part of the Separate School grounds The tables were generously supplied with but the attendance was greater than anticipated and extra sup- plus Ijad to be obtained The booths did a thriving The grounds were decorated and the music of the Aurora Band was ap preciated The party was honored by the presence of Hon Mac kenzie King and Mr Liberal Organizer for the Dominion The drawing created much Interest Miss Dorothy pulling out the successful numbers Following Is a list of winners of the prizes Spring Goodwin Aurora Park presented a lively scene on Wednesday afternoon when up wards of three thousand one third being Indies extended a hearty welcome to Hon W King and his colleagues in the House of Commons The- Park decorated wilii Hags and mottoes and a large platform erected for the speakers on which were more than fifty of the prominent Liberals ladies and gentlemen from all parts of the Hid ing beside the invited and other guests of the day Proceeding- worn enlivened by music from the Aurora and Sharon Band alternately Mr Cane Of Newmarket President of the North York Liberal Association look Hie chair promptly at briefly introduced the several speakers First of alAMayor Baldwin of Au rora read the Mackenzie No man Hon HARDWARE BY TENDER OF HOUSE AND PREMISES IN NEWMARKET will be received by the up to the day of August for the purchase of that house izi remises belonging to the estate late Mrs Charles l a large lot In connection this properly The house is brick clad and Is a fttfcoghly well building and is roomed house Is equipped with furnace and lights is in good repair- It Is on the side of just outside the town IrJts which makes particularly a tax slandpolnl purchaser will pay down his purchase money In when tender is accepted and the within 30 days without ttreit The highest or any tender not f further particulars apply to the Mrs Robert Manning ltd Mrs or to their Solicitor Newmarket On lbs of Butte Kins Crate of Raspberries Miss ONeill Half Barrel of Flour Miss MoMlllen Panama Hat New Laid Eggs Miss Hill Pig weeks old Miss Clayton Box of Chocolates J 10 New Laid Eggs Mrs Hod- gins lbs of ij Harrison Doll Mrs The proceeds had not been counted yesterday morning but it was expected that the was In the neighborhood of OF WELCOME To Hon Mackenzie King Leader of the Liberal Party On behalf of Hie citizens of the Town of Aurora I wish to extend to you the heartiest of welcomes lo our Town This Town has been the scene of many historic occasions and from time lo lime we have been honoured by visits of public men leaders in public life and in the development of our Dominion We welcome you not as of the Liberal Party the Dominion of Canada not only as a statesman of ability and experience but nuu more especially we welcome you as one of ourselves come back among us We fed honoured that though ten dered nominations in many other con stituencies you should have accepted the from North York and decided to stand as candidate In this Riding The country at the present lime needs the best statesmanship and ad ministration that can be obtained to carry It through these critical times Immense problems economical social and financial now confront the coun try We electors are deeply con cerned that these national problems At this Junction Mr Leader of the Liberals in Ontario Legislature and his parly arrived and were given seals on the platform applause Mr P Ross P for Middlesex of Hon King as Hie next Prime Minister as he North York was ambitious continue the list of notable representative declared that he Is known alt over Dominion and there Is no man In Can ada better able to deal economic problems He considered it a tot- thing for the country that the ladles were taking an interest in poli tics Mr Arthur Hardy of President of the Libera Association of Ontario spoke of the pleasure It htm meet with the people of the historic Riding of North York and the political connection with the name Canada I Musics ReCreation ON of April 1916 Marie of the Metropolitan on the rtflgc Carnegie Hall In New York new invention perfected A She In comparison with of her voice the composed of twentyfive hundred were unable to this great prima living voice from ReCreation on the new Next day the New York Tribune aaid Snares the Soul of Music and let us demonstrate to the superiority of the NEW EDISON fiROUOHTOW Motorists NoU I If you would have the best greases and oils buy Dixon Grease No A gal at Hardware Death of Mr Last Saturday ilie people of the Town were startled with the announce ment that Mr William was dead Scarcely anyone outside his own family hud heard of his Illness He was taken HI very suddenly while at work In the Tannery was taken home on a stretcher and suffered Intense agony and In spile of the best that two of our physicians could do for him he passed away on Saturday morning He had been in poor health for soma months suffering as was supposed from indigestion He was ad vised a year ago to have all his Teeth out with the that that would cure his trouble but the trouble did not cease Mr Ciimpson was born in England In June was converted join ed the Baptist Church when he was about years old He and family came to Canada years ago and after some time united with the Christian Church at Newmarket where he proved to be one of our most devoted workers He was the assistant finan cial secretary also treasurer of the mission funds of Ihe church and took a deep interest In his work Only last Sunday July he spent some time conversing over plans Increase the missionary offerings of the church He was licensed to preach several years ago as a layman and had shown considerable gifts In that His faith was strong his mind clear his love for the church and the King dom very strong and constant His sudden taking away leaves his family There are two boys grown up Will and Frank a id one daughter Ruby also grown up There ore two other George John both young George is fast becoming able to hough life There is one in England who did no come The daughter and lived good lives and j arc numbeis of the Free wiic and Mis Cllrnpsou at member l Church The funeral was held in the Chrlst- Church on ine pastor ofOcfallng assisted by Rev Mr Crowd er of the Free Methodist church There was a large conregatl and there were many floral memorials The family have the sympathy of all the people who know them May the dear Lord comfort their hearts In this sod hour In the prayer of pastor E Han should be successfully solved Ihero- to public men whatever their political who have policies to present and problems to discuss we extend a warm welcome believe lliat open discussion fair considera tion and finally a free expression of the peoples will at the polls will In a large measure settle the dissatis faction and unrest prevailing at the lime As a man of out standing Parliamentary service whose qualifications have led you from lUpuly Minister to Leader of a great political party as a man whose life and interest is in pro gress of our Dominion we welcome you present and discuss with us your principles and policies Our Town is one of which Its citi zens arc justly proud It has health ful and beautiful surroundings f or able homes and busy factories it has ill modern services and excellent institutions and In short Is a town of great attractiveness are as you know both im agricultural and a manufacturing community We know that you have at heart the interests of both agriculture and industry and that your best efforts will be as they have been In the past in their behalf We trust that this visit by your self and your colleagues In our Town today will be pleasure to yourself as It will be to us and also that It wilt redound to the general welfare of the country I Signed on behalf of the citizens W J Mayor said has so fully life the services of the people as Hon Mackenzie King and the electors would do Ihemsrlves a great honor by carry ing him to victory- He spoke of his selection as Leader of the Party In contrast with the Conservative action In that respect As a farmer he has not yet any Liberal should ally himself with The Let not be defeated by being divided Hon Hewiirt being called up on said that he had only come to pay his respects to the Honorable Liberal Leader at Ottawa He was remind ed however that Sir Wilfred Laurieri opened his successful campaign on 1896 Aurora and this gathering was an augury for the success of his suc cessor There are two great Issues now the people Responsible Government and Provincial Rights Mr A of Quebec Chief Liberal Whip in Hie Dominion House spoke of what Liberals had done in that province for the prosperity of Ihe people He criticized Dominion finances and showed how ihe ordinary expenditure under Conser vative rule had Increased and per the years and that everybody was paying the burden in taxation on nearly every ar ticle In use The Conservative parly today Is practically bankrupt With such a Leader as Mr King the Lib eral Party can face the problems of future with confidence Mr Morgan Baker of Lemonvillc spoke a few minutes and moved a resolution of confidence In Hon Mac kenzie King Leader of the Liberal Parly and pledging the support of Libera electors of North York This was seconded by Miss President of he Liberal Club of Newmarket Miss Secretary of the La dies Liberal Club of Newmarket also read a complimentary address lo Hon Mr King and Little Miss Mllgatc of Aurora presented him with a handsome amid the ap plause the audience Mr King expressed his appreciation of both the resolution and address His connection North York dates from the picnic at Aurora years in honor of Sir Wilfred wich Mulock was the member for Hiding In his usually happy free manner he spoke of the fair ness of the Liberals 0 all the differ ent Interests and particularly and the returned soldiers want improved legislation so that all parts of the Dominion may be united In progress and reform For want of lime and space we are obliged to hold over Mr Mackenzie Kings address 111 nest Issue FOR ONE WEEK WE WILL THE BALANCE OF OUR STRAW HATS AT OWE PRICE Regular up to Bradford Mrs I Porter spent Monday in town Mrs Hughes of spent Tuesday and Wednesday with Mrs J King Misses Margaret and Dorothy Williamson are visiting with their Mrs Porter at New market Intermediates defeat ed here on Saturday afternoon lo The game was slow The Intermediate lacrosse game scheduled for August be tween and prom ises to bo one of the best contests in the Province- Witness AT THE the and lure We Columbus July Mrs Ellen Frew was killed and her husband Henry Frew their five children the probably fatally when their skidded arid upset cast of here early this morning The family was en route home from where they attended on the of Mrs Frews mother who was killed In an last week To Iho Roam end Best Quality thai an ThWifianrHtfn It OK- 9 Do Hot Allow To bother your stock when one ap plication of dally will keep the files away Hardware has It In And gallon cans Mr KinK In his usually felicitous manner the pracious compliment In glowing terms and also read between the lines that the wel come was extended to the gentlemen who had accompanied who In cluded the sons of two Liberal Pre miers of this Province Mr A Hardy President of the On tario Liberal Association referred to the former representatives of this his toric Hiding Sir Alan Aylesworih and his predecessor Sir who stood absolutely for freedom And good government which Is In direct con trast lUio present Government at Ottawa which stands for absolute ly nothing except holding onto office In direot violation of the will of the people The emoluments of office arc more to than their promises He asked What complaint has the O against the Liberal Parly He reminded thai when Sir Wil fred Laurter took his stand on their behalf for Reciprocity voted against There no room for a Liberal and man both going the same road In North York and the present action of Ihe P 0 will defeat own object What best for the greatest number is best for the whole and that Is what Liberal Party stands for Ho acted the eleotlon of Hon King In York Mr C Kennedy P for sex also referred to tho Canadians who had represented North York and If the electors will return Hon King at the next they will be doing themselves a great honor and all Canadians will be un der a deep sense of gratitude Is no wonder the Conservatives will hang on to office till they put out eause know full welt that they will never get back again Take for InBtanoc Hugh who draws from to a year has a private oar at his command a trip to Europe once a year at the countrys expense No wonder he dont want an election baseball match with Pulton by one run Newmarket won football match with Aurora by one goal owing to a fluke of the goal keeper BURNED DEATH CUHLINQ HER HAIR am- Montreal July Lighting an alcohol lamp to heat her curling irons Minnie who boarded at St Catharine street west Ignited clothing and died last night from burns In Royal Victoria Hospital A companion tried to wrap the girl In a counterpane but she refused to al low this on the ground that it would be spoiled EVERY KIND OF EXPL08IVE MANUFACTURED BY CANADA Ottawa July The tremendous part played by Canada in the manu facture of explosives during the year of Hie war Is reflected in the re port on chemicals and allied products for J made public today by the Dominion Bureau of Statistics The manufacture of explosives In Canada during the period Involved an Invest ment In plant and equipment of more than while a wage bill of almost IT provided emptor for workers The output of the eleven had a of si and Ihe in the value of the materials dun to the pro cess of manufacturing was Practically every of high explosive was manufactured i FARM LABORERS it Is estimated that to harvest this years crops lo Manitoba Saskatche wan and Alberta It will require ap proximately men The Canadian Pacific has arranged and Is advertising usual fare of to Winnipeg and will special trains from Toronto August and Sic any Canadian Agent for details If ATKINSON Agent Newmarket We Just Into stock a large shipment of Ladles Misses and Children and Trlcotene Dresses from one of the largest dress houses In the trade These are made In the very stylos well trimmed and splendid workmanship We purchased these drosses at Justabout half regular prices We are placing them on sale this week at a slight on cost In order to stimulate business Vi Ladies to Ladies Cross Bred Serge Dresses Sizes worth 1750 On SaleVThis Week at 1000 THcotene Dresses beautifully embroidered all sizes worth On Sale This Ladies Pure Wool Serge sizes worth 2500 On Sale This Ladies Pure Wool Worsted sizes On Sale This Wool Serge Dresses worth 1500 Misses years Girls years Wool On Sale This Week Serge Dresses ages to On Sale This NORTH YORKS BEST STORE Week Dresses all Week Dresses all Week 2350 sizes to A V jwVl