j Her W4 ARTHUR Cutler St Montreal I terribly from Cons- Dy for many I felt pales after eating and had gas tonaiaat headache and was sleep at eight I was getting so that I was frightened and saw physicians who did sot seem sbJo to Mo As last friatd as ft did SO and toon I relief I continued with and in a short time was banished I felt more pains or headache or the sensations that follow dyspepsia Now I strong and for trial At all dealer or from Ottawa Oat I BERT GREEN Painter and Paper Hanger MARKET SQUARE received a large stock of the WAUL is the time to make Selections LOWEST PRICES We hang Paper It you wish us to Phone 289 P O Box NEWMARKET Aurora AVER MILLS Best Pastry Floor for All Kinds of Mill Peed Hay and Straw Dikes Grist Mill j Huron St GREENHOUSES Newmarket CUT FLOWERS Funeral Flowers BULBS No Order less than Delivered 8 Phone 135 The Aurora Womens Institute wilt hold their annual picnic to Bond on July Mrs Porter formerly Miss Mary of King paw ed away suddenly on Monday evening at he home of a Micro Mrs Drive Vancouver excitement wis caus ed In town on Tuesday evening when Albert flyman youngest son of Mr and Mr tSrorge flyman strayed away Thai Wft who have from home shortly before was made for The lad was missed six- oclock and search film by the family and neighbors without siifeess About oclock It was to blow the fire whistle and organize search llei as was feared he had been drowned in the creek After a i lie Hie youngster was found asleep foundry yard and taken home NORMAL SCHOOL ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONS following is a list of the candi dates In this district who have passed their Lower School Examination for entrance to Normal Aurora Of the who wrote the following were successful Andrews Bertha Pox Dorothy Lyon Mabel Irene Smith Lillian Mildred L Lottie ML Albert Of Hie six candidates who wrote the following passed Kanalz Richard Maries Stella Rowland Muriel Stokes Kits Taylor Wagg Kenneth West Of candidate who wrote the following passed Christian Donald Marjorlo Loncrgan Mary P Pollard Cora Flossie I Taylor Mary Newmarket Seven candidates wrote and all were successful Beatrice Davidson Jos lion Hall Christina Hook II Meek Emily Mills Allan M Patterson Margaret Six candidates wrote none were successful Clean to handle Sold Drug- gists and General Stores freely on with the result that Hie called a Ing on Hie next night Thursday where before a good atlendauce many points and arguments were spoken of This meeting resulted In there being formed a special Committee to help the commissioner purchase equipment a discussion arose as to presentday system and it was decided lo at overhaul old fire engine and form a brigade Then considered the advisability of an alarm system for the town In Hie shape of a siren Be- Hie Messrs Skinner Duke and Ames the following are Investigation com mittee re purchasing equipment Messrs Coffey Brown MacLeod A Graham and A Ferguson The fire brigade picked on for Hie town consist of the following members Skin ner deputy A Ferguson engineer llollingshead nozzle Davis J Jeans reelmen Fer guson Thornton Special mention- here be made of the use of the telephone system as a fire alarm Within ft very few minutes of Ihe first call nearly the whole countryside were acquainted wltn the taken her gifts must know they make a tart owe of hope when the way is hard Of cheer when scarred If letters Sent to a Of smiles A loo or praise Day They are her days I fad of a fire in the Mr Ca bell practically called everyone on the board In about minutes World HIGH SCHOOL EXAMINATION Aurora Margaret Hon Harold Bush Hon Clifford Olive Hon Alex Hon Mabel Jennings Ilonl Harold Hon Anna Hon Harry Welsh Hon Dora Wood lion ftollce of Application for Divorce is hereby given that Mary of Toronto In Die of York In Hie Province of Ontario will apply to of Canada at the next Dureof for a bill of frond her Harvey Beaton Cameron of Cut hi clans Stales of America Printer on the Miss Is visiting In Buffalo Mrs Fred Skinner spent week In Newmarket Miss Cora Fleming of Toronto spent last week at her parental home Mrs of Toronto Is visiting with her sister Mrs Jos Dr and Mrs MacLeod are settling In their new home on Church street Miss Jessie Thompson of Toronto is spending the holidays at home here Miss Ilea of Toronto la the guest of Mrs Cordon Brown this week Misses Gladys and Brown are holidaying hi for a couple of weeks Mr and ten junior boys are camping ten days on Snake Island Mrs of Toronto was guest of Mrs several days Annie Jarvls of is with her grandparents Mr and Mrs Miss Delia spent last week With Miss Fern Clarke Big Cedar Point Lake Si in coo Mrs ami grandchildren or Barrio visited with formers sis ter Mrs Stephen Leonard Mr and Mrs of are vislllng at home of the lers parents Mr and Mrs Mrs Shaw and Mr and Mrs John Edwards motored Mid land and spending a few days with friends al each place Mrs David Williamson Mrs Bolu and niece Inez Williamson are on a two months trip lo visit Hie formers sons Harold In British Columbia and Wctasklwlu A number of friends of Mr and Mrs Victor AD ridge allured Hielr homo on Wednesday evening to say farewell to on the eve of heir leaving for Iheic new home in Aurora The evening was spent In playing cards Mr gave several selections on lite piano Before lunch Mrs At tn dye was presented Willi a Cits role Mr a grass ver anda rocker and Die Junior Auxiliary gave Miss a dish Arnold Warren Billing Olive Charles Bowser Jack Browning Frank Burling Max Cameron Addle Frank Cullen Dean Alice Hazel Dove Dorothy George Forester Class Could Clark Hastings Isabel McDonald Jack McDonald Chaster Osborne Aubrey Scott Charles Cordon Smith Annie Stocks Storey Boss Storey Jack Stewart Stanley Terry Walker Yvonne Walker Webb Lillian Wilson Clifford Wood Victor Ivan Dora Lloyd Marie Moorby MeCtenny Fiona McDonald Bessie Doner Gladys Terry I Margaret Lyon John Myrlle Ball Norman Wlee Lemonville Karl Cockcrili Hon Stanley Hon Thomas Simpson Hon Anna Bollnder Alma Burkholder Karl Waller Craee Margirel Hon Vera Hunter Hon McBride Hon THE NEW cheery proverb no use crying over Just milk another That Is the summons of new 11 bids us grasp Hie opportunities that remain even some may have heed lost It Is surely wrong to ourselves finally defeated of par ticular mistake Of of loss that wo have suffered All is not losl even If that occasion be tost There Is an unwise reaching of the doctrine of opportunity that may re duce sensitive despair Is the teaching that only once does op portunity knock at any morlals door If Master of human as a celebrated poem call It be not recognized on spot and invited to enter he depart forever or 111 we seek him In vain and use lessly Implore When such a thought shocks easygoing people out of and lazy habits of living It may do good like the use of a powerful Bui when It crushes that have done their best its essential falsity should be realized There are of particular high tides in affair of men which taken the flood lead on to fortune But Hie real high tide Is life itself rather than some special occasion in It How arc we meeting the whole challenge of the ytMis la our attitude toward our experience That the real test of our success Let make less of some particular chance we may have missed and make more of the mood of faith and courage and deter mination in which are to approach all the remaining doors that may bo opened before us A little poem by Judge Walter has right ring for any who need Hits gospel of the new chance J do me wrong who say I come no more When once 1 knock and fail to find you In For every day I stand outside your door And bid you wake and rise to fight and win AN IMPRESSIVE COINCIDENCE instances of carelessness such as the Fire Rangers of Ontario are meeting all the time Each Is an actual case as officially reported in detail to the Forestry Branch Until each individual realizes personal responsibility and cooperate3 to prevent forest fires Government Fire Rangers can hopo merely to lessen tragic consequences of ouch human careless and bad judgment Theyre yours May 25th A careless river driver by leaving smudge firo or throwing a cigarette Into stash burned over two town ships Including feet of pine a mill camp and equipment worth sawn lumber worth and killed several million young spruce end Jack trees May In a rubbish heap bo- hind a lumber companys boarding got away prompt action over acres including feet pine and a set now camps worth June Two old men left to to the stop logs In a dam let fire get away from either their smudgo or camp fire and burned over acres including feet of pine one mill four camps largo quantities of supplies and equipment to a total value of May Lumbermen burning around their camps lost control of their fire and 16000 acres were burned before they regained it Railway Fires June Engine No 1363 started a forest fire which ran over burning one saw mill three sets of lumber camps stables houses and 5000 cut logs and MOO piles besides standing timber May 1920 Engine No 2500 set a Ontario Forestry Branch fire which burned over acres of worth on stump camp logs worth 5750 and coat 1000 to Juno A section crew loft pile of burning ties to go away to their work Too firo spread over acres Fires Sot Out Under Permit Juno burning stash under permit lost control through bad moot and acres were burned an buildings Including saw mill were out- May A squatter burning de bris near his aback flred 7000 acres of which wore virgin timber and wiped out four sets of logging camps Neglected Camp Fires July Tourists left camp ftreon shore of Deer Lake After six days rangera put firo out but acres of young dead May A neglected camp fire despite efforts of Chief Fire Ranger and men burned acres of young pine May Indians left camp fire which burned over and took week of fighting to control Bo careful of fire the forests Be care ful to put your camp fire que dead out Dont throw away lighted matches cigarettes or cigar enda jest your fire ga away from you Parliament Bldga Toronto Ontario f- i I Watson Scott Arthur Johnson Kldd Robert Kelso Crosby Donald Archie Doris lorna Hon Porter Hon Archibald Waller Margaret Clarke Kenneth Hoy Dixon Howard Mildred Murray Frances Mary Pearl White Sarah Elinor Ferguson lit rnlee Alva Mary Fuller KING AND QUEEN HOLD FUNCTION Quests Prcssnt of adultery and descrtloa Dated at Toronto this A by her Solicitors GODFREY ELAN Bay Street Solicitors for the Petitioner Notice of Application for Divorce Notloe is hereby given that Frank Hamilton Bawden of the City or la the County of York In the of Ontario Merohant will to the Parliament of Canada at the next session thereof for a BUI of from wife Annie Laura of the City of St Thomas on ground of adultery at of thld day of July RAYMOND fiarriiter Solicitor AS Adelaide St i Toronto What would If a fife occurr ed near hotel or Jim KU- If ft would wipe out everything in way from the mill to the market shed and if at Kitchens about all ho frame dwellings on that street Tills an exaggeration hut possibilities are by no means stretch ed Just think It over and tor a finishing touch a moderate breeze What might have been a serious outbreak of fire occurred a week ago last Wednesday when the garage Be longing to Harvey Clarke was com pletely gutted How Hie conflagra tion started unknown but the flames soon became master of situation and It remained lo those who were fighting fire To protect the house and Other buildings for who lived north there was no wind or In alt probability the north section would have been wiped out with a great possibility of the of Ihe town for as would have water was a very scarce Item there barely being sufficient to cool adjoining buildings The of what might have happened was London July King George and Queen Mary today gave a garden parly at Buckingham Palace to some guests The spacious lawiis presented a bril liant scene All the members of the Royal family were present The lion wan attended by Hie various foreign Ambassadors and Ministers the Dominion Premiers Indian not ables members of the and others King and Queen Mary shook hands with some of their guests The lawn party was to some extent a substitute for the Courts which King and Queen were to hold this year the Informal presenta tions are equivalent to the usual pres entations at Court cm Pronto Theres a divinity that shapes our ends Houghhew as we will A celebrated singer volunteered dur ing the war lo troops Among stories she toils of her ex periences the following is In some re- mosl pathetic and Inspiring Very early after she she was singing at a big training camp in gland According lo her custom she Invited the men to wrlle their re quests on of paper and them upon the piano Among the slips was one Hut Will you please slug Does Jesus Care The lady was not familiar the music and ward and sang It Al though she shook hands wilh all the men in the large hut as they went out no one spoke in her about the hymn Several months laler she was sing ing at Chatham to a number Of troop who were to leave for France the next morning Among llle slips of paper on the pltno there appeared llnn again Will yon please sing Jesus The lady Immediately sang the comforting message of that simple little hymn while men sat as If spellbound A few weeks passed ami the singer went to France One night in a large A hut In a base town not far from the lines she was singing to troops who wora under order to leave for the front Looking through Ihe notes placed on the piano she was startled find again in the same handwriting Will yon please sing Does Jesus Care She speedily complied with the This Is the third lime I have had this request from the same soldier she said her audience after she had Ming May have the privilege of peeking to Mm after Ihe concert When Ihe concert was over a young soldier came her and explain ed Ihat years that hymn had been blessed lo him In one of Dr missions and ho thanked her for sing ing so readily They both realized the strangeness of their meeting so rc- pcaleiily and fell thai a Divine Provi dence was emphasizing the meaning the hymn Some mmitlis afterwards the lady a big hospital In ward after ward she the sick and wound ed Then she was If she would sing in the isolation ward where only the hopeless and most cases were kept The singer declares that never forget Ihe sad sights hat ward One man she was told had been very anxious to speak to her ever since he heard that she was com ing They drew aside curtains of a bed where the man In He was very HI hardly likely to live more than an hour or so In a faint whisper he said to the singer Will you please sing Does Jesus Looking closer saw thai It was her friend of the previous meetings now lying at deaths very door Con trolling her she went to the piano and softly and sweetly sang lender message of the love of Jesus While she sang he died The Divine Love that had kepr pace with him every step of the way had opened the gates of pearl lo his tortured spirit it any wonder thai llie singer loves that hymn above all others A BABY IN THE HOUSE fa An editorial in The Methodist Protestant What a strange subject to write an editorial about If you are saying that there is no baby in house and we pity you There is a baby at our House pink cheeks heavens own blue chubby feet skin soft as velvet And a voice that sounds like tinkling bells in the day time and like hurtling thunder- at night We know what Mr mean when he wrote the lines iit There aint much to a baby Till it gets to know face An pesters till you it Ail it round the place An grapples with yer whiskers Willi hands An a lot gurgles Its mother understands An the time of grandads gladness An liokledness begins Is when the little feller up at him and grins LUX Thanks Heavenly Father for the light When dark and storm are all around Though there be minions of the night Thy grace and providence redound Greater than evils black abyss Is Thy enlightening divine To know what good or evil is When Thou in ts dost shine Thanks Heavenly Father for Thy light Of conscience and humanity And the monitors of right Than which no wrong can stronger be Lost were the world indeed if sight Of soul like doubt and hate were blind Thanks Heavenly the light The light so heavenly kind I A good days work is best prayer forfeit What miss can destroy the peace of hoc school and nation Idleness makes hours wearily long the days woefully short I Bra lfe S ii mm t We have never had uch good In Cars to offer you before- USED CARS FROM 200 to 500 And every one In good shape and worth more to you than what we are asking WE HAVE 20 ON HAND Call and ee them soon as these are very ROBERTSON Newmarket FORD DEALER Limited tftiJWcJ Vfoaa 4 I v