From per Poxes Tea Dessert Soup Berry Knives and all hinds Watsons Jewelry Store Doors Sash Flooring and Moulding Turning Sawing Dressing Etc The Cans Sons Co Factory Yards Huron St Newmarket a special if you have it will ved I It i your pocket W JONES NEWMARKET Practical Painter and PaperHanger FIRSTCLASS AND ART DECORATOR ESTIMATES SUBMITTED AUTO PAINTING ON REASONABLE Identify Properties for Sale Acres choice garden land on roomed fame house Small Plenty small fruit An uptodate garage and good business Including private dwelling house In Newmarket This Is a good for right man Acres or clay land near Sharon including this years crop stock Implements or will sell separate on ay terms farm for sale or rent buildings mile from shipping station Convenient to and We have listed Houses In Town of all descriptions priced from 1S00 to and are offering some extra good bar- gains For list you Properly with us you good buyera HODGINS Bos Newmarket S4 Our MoltsA for e is nil Marshall of Olds as Commissioner of Agriculture As Minister of Agricul ture In Alberta Mr Marshal was ah outstanding success knowing the agricultural Industry from beginning fanner and rancher new Commissioner of a former Ontario boy has an internal lonal reputation as a livestock judge and authority and a noted speaker on agricultural mat ters At the present time he Is In Florida doing good work for Im migration Deportment and will lake over his new duties on his return to Ottawa The Minister of Railways Hon Kennedy Is on a tour of Inspection of Hie Grand Trunk lines between Quebec and Winnipeg and at the con clusion of his trip will be in a posi tion it is anticipated to Government rawing up a railway poll and the pie of mi and Identify it over the telephone Sure Ill right there said our friend Bui en he got there he could not He look along his note book li his number plate but that had ID changed six weeks before He engine number but that loo his feelings were length to the his property Could oiler like conditions had been found Ive home and dls- fellows claiming vas ail sure this was Under special Sttule- the very color upholstery All four Ihe fellow who quietlooking chap in stepped out ami freight charges Is of the time of taking Office the Government will bo able to come before Ihe country with any policy which will revolutionise he whole railway situation the mailer Is being given earnest consideration and alt angles of Iho question am being look ed Into Already hen are Indications of some of the legUlallon which Is to be forthcoming started and was a and tack down the upholstery in I inUnt death tilts hen range exploded accident occurred at the horn her father McClelland an oft the Audrey and her sister were In the kitchen the former in front of the stove and the range blow up with a terrlflo port Audrey was hit in Ihe fore- by a flying fragment but her was untouched A large piece Ihe was thrown through the Indow while another piece found lodgment In the ceiling The acci dent Is ald to have been due to the freezing of the waterfront the out during the night Teacher Says She Found Them Good Lady Why re Suffering Upper Special I can eons recommend Kldne of kidney trouble So says Miss Alice popular school Ids it great I that fro Sejitrh Initials Put at least two or I marks iney 1 always got Rood results from using Ihe Kidney Pills from one end of Canada to the other as suffering womens best friend They are purely ami simply remedy They strengthen to do their full work all the Impurities Sound kidney of he blood good health Ighbors If Deputy Minister of Labor Hon Mackenzie King received and In recognition of his services on a number of missions chief among which was one to Eng land In regarding false repre sentations to Immigrants and in the Commissions which enquired Into ho conditions of employment of telephone operators and later the losses of Japanese of Vancouver In the antl-Aslat- riots of He also Dominion flovernmeul In Eng- d in conference with British regard to emigra tion to Canada Ihe Orient and ppolnted by Ma jestys Government as one of the British delegates on International Opium Commission Shanghai China In June he was appointed ulster of Labor for the Dominion which post ho held until defeat or tire Administration September silting 83 member for North Waterloo Hon Mackenzie King besides beep a to many news paper magazines and reviews 1 the author of several books which ar internationally known His work Industry and Humanity was pub in 1918 He is also Ihe author of Tho Secret of Heroism wrltlei in memory of his friend the la Harper of who in I mi his life in a hopeless attempt fe Blair daughter of and his in North Waterloo Mr King Joined the staff of the Rockefeller Foundation as gallon of industrial relations carried He I In Ottawa in found a seat In the riding Hi In North York In King is by Officers Club Rev D Morris Dr Jos and The Ladles Aid of the Christian Church had a successful birthday parly on Wednesday evening Elder presided Whitchurch Feb by Rev Elizabeth Paris to Mr John Busby of At Belle Feb nth Miss Laura to Mr Howard of Keswick The Tomb At Feb Hugh McDonald in When Bully boats bis we put him in a cell and he leads a pleasant life and likes it passing well We fill his plate with wholesome faro when sounds the dinner gong and see hat white he ling ers there his lifes a grand sweet song We hand him ma gazines and books and papers nooks and read the hours away women call and hand him tracts and cheer him up so well that he forgets tho ugly facts that put him In the cell Mean while his with Slackened eye is toiling oer a tub she has to toil sob and sigh to get grub Her hus band by he court earns money When hes free and though he is a yellow sport ho feeds his family Because he fills himself frith ale and start- houso hold strife wo look in our cozy jail and punish kids and wife He has ho rqst hes long desired lime to read and sleep the while tho woman sick and tired must work and watch and weep Thus flows out justice in a rill kind we keep on lap Ihe innocent must pay the bill while sinners have a snap WALT MASON Ottawa the resin having Lady Laurlefs w successive leader party In Canada are He Is his home In of Sir Wilfrid bequeathed by HERE The small daughter of ascer tain family hat been praying each evening bedtime for a baby sister The other her mother reading the pa per exclaimed see Mrs Smith has a little daughter you know that the child J read it in the pa per Read to me mother read Born on Mar Mr TORONTO