Dominion Day at Newmarket A DOWNFOUR OF RAIN CAUSES postponed TIM KaKt Saturday Teach the Children Teach your children to save their money Start the boy with a savings bank account and encourage him by supplementing every fifty cents he saves with another fifty from your own pocket All patrons large or small are assured couteous service in every branch of this bank IMPERIAL BANK ket for- Dominion Day when would bo their guest but part of their program in cluding horse races had o be postponed until next i account of the weather As the brightened in the afternoon the crowd began to Keel on he fair grounds and between two and three oclock it assumed quite a respectable size the gate receipts in Ihe af ternoon amounting to over Two ball games were played St Peters of Toronto boa Kents of Toronto and he Newmarket team beat the win ners Premier King pitch ed the first ball of the second OF CANADA HEWSON SOUTH END LUMBER YARD FIR and SPRUCE CEILING VMATCHED AND FLOORING Some Special Bargains IN INCH P PEARSON Cor Church and I GREENS FINE QUALITY WALL PAPERS LARGEST AND BEST SELECTIONS FOR ALL PURPOSES FROM 100 TO PER ROLL Variety of Glued Papers and In Oatmeals Tints WINDOW SHADE PAPER FOR BLINDS DUPLEX GREEN AND COMBINATION We Sou You Any Paper With or Without Hanging BERT GREEN Painter and Paper Hanger ARKET SQUARE NEWMARKET CO LIMITED M 1 lumber Lath Shingles Posts Etc Sash Flooring and Moulding Turning Sawing Dressing Etc Bans Ions Co Yards Huron St Newmarket The Premier- at complete round of the crowd One moment he would be baby talk to had who yea At til president of tm tanning secretary and president of the oik Association A hie day had been planned The Canada ated by both of the ally round of the and and the wd greeting and young he had a pleasant smile If he missed meeting anyone on he grounds it was not his fault Having covered the ground here tin Premier motored to Aurora and King Oily celebrations where he was equally received cordiality Everybody was delighted with music of the Ontario Mounted Rifles Baud which kept things lively both afternoon and evening Shortly after six oclock the crowds begun to assemble along Main Street which was elabor ately decorated with flags bunt ing evergreens and extra elec tric lights Promptly at seven oolock Band look its position on platform specially erected in front of the King Georga Ho tel and beside them was Bytes who led the community singing which was quite a suc cess a number of familiar songs wore printed on sheets and among the or Ihey responded gallantly The takeoff of the was the Mock Wedding following the singing when Band struck up Here Bride and all eyes turned to the bridal procession as it pass ed along the street bride Mr Porter was got up to kill in all the latest stylo and the groom Mr Alex Eves was in his sweetness while the flower girl Mr Leslie all that was required to the burlesque The d laughed and cheered Orchestras hen struck up and the Community Dance opened with an animated scone Ihe pavement having neon blocked from traffic and special ly prepared for tripping the light fantastic too This was con tinued until and thus end ed celebration of Canadas natal day in Newmarket Considering tho weather the Committee in change are well pleased with the results and will nexl year with much enthusiasm During day Mr King did iot forget those who could not ret out to the various celtbra ions He visited hospital Newmarket In Au I flour art i- of a- of Ho have the ably reduced There objection to the report that from now next lie be talking to a pioneer ho demonstrated with his York feat of old At no time did Canadas iier hou versatility more than when be talked the deaf jam dumb language for minutes with a deaf and man from Eli Cor- by name As he walked from this unusual conver sation Mr King laughed Oh earned that many years ago premier put aside the cares of his office and was just a big hoy all through he day even to tasting the little girls water melon With his bachelors prerogative he kissed the tiny children shook hands with the pretty girls and had h taken with them and Snapshots of his a nephews to twins at Aurora for their parents and all his friends the premier had a ready smile and a hearty handshake Just as he was leaving he was met by Helen pretty little daughter of John reed and presented with a beau tiful bouquet of flowers donated by the women of little miss die Prime Minis crowd applauded while the Premier at Lake Marie King hour late reaching the country estate of Sir Henry Pellatl at Lake Marie There the King Township people were holding a community cele bration The Premier dined with Sir Henry and Lady iPellatt In he evening he attended on the tatters farm the annual garden party of Lake Marie and King Athletic Association which Sir Henry acted as chairman and called on the speech said that it a mailer of pride by Hie amalgamation of the de to Canadian that Canada forces of the country unde celebrating her birth day and with the crop looking so well it was hoped that the year would bring greater pros perity Ho appealed for unity among all classes so that Canada lid lake her women of the are entitled to vote iaso place among the looked after by an amend other members of the empire and of the Eleoti on Mrs widow of Liberal and at King City bo met Charles Hall iron Liberal with whom lie a few minutes talk Earlier King had called on one of tho babies in North York named after him boy the log and loft for train after spend ing the first holiday ho has had in the world thanking Sir for leaving He ing cheers Riding of North York be not In he expected and Lite natives moved to refer matter to the Railway Conn German of two Conservatives and all lie progressives voted against sir Henry Draytons amendment The government was thus given the highest majority of lie ses sion namely 125 If anything were needed to how whore the leadership of the Liberal party lay it came in that instance and as a result the Prime Minister finds himself more solidly supported in his own party that ever before and also a great deal more honored by the Progressives The agricultural industry of western Canada has much to Premier King for The Canadian Wheat Board in which apparently he majoriiy of western grain growers place much faith was given support by the government and the meas ure for its creation went through the House with few The government in accepting the measure as drawn up by committee held out for one or two safeguards for he rest of the country which were insert ed without weakening the other clauses of the bill and the result appears to he highly pi the At Hi us been made for the better marketing and grading of farm products storage faoililie search work to assist the farm of the Dominion The returned soldiers and pendents of those who did not return were looked after by pensions committee which re mended amendments to Pension Act and other affecting the lishmenl make their I6t better Economy in some King doparl and a reduction both staff and in expense of ad inistration has already result Act and a by a consequence additional Ihous Other amendments to the to take care of voters who lection were debarred by froth voting Unemployment of a federal and provii during the next couple Our Ottawa Letter of industry lu as far a early hours possible during coming win nnn I of Wednesday morning lo a close one of useful One or Iwo bills proposed of Parliament that has blocked by the ma HZ onlJ J Senate where Mr lurideulally em- able to ike in E T ff So Tam- o majority of 125 while the Generally the session just mustered a sorry closed is regarded as behind amend- been mosl useful nt and also saw two of their glance it would snom Mint hold to vote for the government with an actual ma- i J no could not pos Hon Philip Whitwell Wilson SUteman In his capacity the American correspondent for a great London daily newspaper The Daily Mr Wilson Is In Continual touch with and as a sort of Unofficial envoy No one la better fitted ox- better informed to bring a worthwhile message to An of great gifts 25 Years Ago Era July of Bradford la vUltlnj tlrs Walter Sutherland The spending a weeks- in Toronto Palmer of Trenton is the guest Hewitt Miss Crone of Is visiting I Ethel of Toronto Years Ago An influential meeting was in the Court House on Friday when was named as the Reform candidate for the approaching l Hotel liiMlt- and the speakers were A A Lee Ell and Col Lloyd Newmarket Bras Band was in attendance The sudden of Dr caused great grief last largest funeral Sunday in taken to for ln- celebration Dominion Day at Holland Landing Cricket between Toronto Aurora Sharon and Holland Landing Football between Sharon and Holland Landing races etc Johnson earning off moat prizes A P Dodge has an address over a column In length to the elector of North York asking for their suffrage Married the Manse about by Rev Jno Brown June Mr Geo Grant to Miss Mary Aon Hunter of Aurora At the Manse Newmarket July 1st Rev Brown Mr Preston to Jane Wright township J Mrs Miss Adams of of to Miss Louis win of township of Died In Whitchurch township dy widow of Jos Mow- In her list year that night the House sat after It and the result was a better spirit to be the for work among the members And also of course the govern- it kept free of morning silt- j and the House ben- will be Looking back over the sston of threeparly House lit must be admitted that has been little fault to find The freight Those who expected lo government during j session early realized thatgt were doomed to disappoint- the the generally to the tasks be fore them and they have added considerably to debating av erage of the Commons Under the Governments parliament has boon consulted as to matters affecting pub lic and the government has guided thereby instead of the Government bringing down a measure and forcing it down the members Ihroats The seem be better leglsla There are those of look to a return To night twoparty In until it is out necessary reformsirTias in tho position of being able been shown that a to the nex session with can start under difficulties and lIia session with much in the Hou of Mr any of the Progressives to is side of the fence The speech from the throne of the The i bus Minister able to institute a few need- reforms such as bringing r v the Auditor Generals ro- ing the events of the port and the estimates earlier on was delivered in tho Senate than usual and ho was also able Sir Louts Davie s in t keep the house plugging away once of Lord It al its work and the same in hopeful tone lo the future trying drive the member party working along a well- defined line but even if that should come as it may do will probably bo some of the bet ter of the present sys- Holl and government will meet the i bill and pointed out in which had and day are was which wilt be the Tbat and got hot- wilh other legislative to be worked out during recess will provide plenty of teres for he country and it likely that before time rives the government will increased its strength still Miss Annie Laurie Is rtiUi Li ids at Lake Miss Flo is visiting at Mount Forest The choir of St Pauls a picnic at Lake on Tuesday Mr Ed wife and children of are here for the holidays There was a bicycle party at St Pauls Rectory last Wednesday Miss Minnie Wythe Is spending couple of mont Miss Minnie In Soliomberg Rev J Locke wife and of Bradford spent Friday In town Miss Ethel of Ml Albert is visiting her cousin Miss Lena Haines Mrs Stevenson of Ste Mane Is visiting her brother Chief Anderson Mr of The3saloa spent over Sunday with friends Mr Amos Wilson and family Col Lloyd and sons left on Monday for for the summer Mrs Rev Matthews and daughter left yesterday for their summer cot tage at St Elmo Muskoka Mrs p J OMalley and children on Wednesday to spend vacation north of Bradford Miss and brother are their holidays at Mrs Geo Miss Madge Bennett left on Satur day lo spend her vacation In and St Catharines Mrs M Wooding of Is visiting her sister Mrs Isaac Brock About a from here had a picnic at Morton Park on Monday Case Ed Lundy of Aurora spent Dominion ay with Miss Maud Partridge Miss Ida Barry has returned to Roche Departmental Store til in the shade here on Sunday On Tuesday evening a deputation from Methodist look Mr J P Belfry by surprise at his residence and printed him with a Marble Clock and address after years of faithful service as Superintendent The following took part in the- Temperance Meeting last Rev J J S Miss Ells Cody and Mrs Montreal July a lision with Ihe in the early hours of ay morning about six of tug Spray to the TORONTO