THE TINSMITHS OSBORNE SONS NEXT TO SMITHS I PLUMBING and FURNACES GET OUR PRICES Ml SipI Sept Oct Sept 30 bid IE apt ager North York Marble Granite Electric Works ll lbs Latest Designs In Monument and Head Stones Hit Cemetery work promptly attended Lettering done- by Toil Kindt of Building Stone Out to John Moss Proprietor Phone 241vi address Huron St Hear it Newmarket Ont Best Pastry Flour 24 lbs for 100 Ml Undo or Mill Feed Li Hay and Dikes Grist Mill Huron tit Newmarket Irwin SMITHS HARDWARE NEWMARKET Plumbing WORK ATTENDED TO littl hi hand irking a printing press at the Oi Specially Works The hand ha en under medical treatment ice but fails lo resume Its iiibUsiicss and last week It o go Into No- iKct 1 1 then he has been day of last week one of young men Mr Albert fio works at the Davis Leather Co id his light arm fractured causing before It was set On Thursday evening of last week Erie Bond was riding along Queen reel on his wheel somebody turned truck by the Mr Alpine of Newmarket while forking on the telephone lino out of fell and Injured ilghesl poles of the line and leaning County Plonlo Arrangements are being made for York County plonlo at Bond NEWMARKET THE MUTUAL LIFE compel for Sale I I of Newmarket Currey Viola Brown Willie Draper Kenneth Giles Kathleen Beatrice Bain Willie Thorns Albeit Mcintosh Aubrey Roland Annie Granger Recommended Caldwell MISS Jr III to III Dorothy Davidson and Lillian McCallum Margaret Aylincr Allen Donald Cody Hazel Cecil Taylor Elsie Mil i irgaret Henderson Mildred Harold Tom Smith Miriam Cook Helen Marshall Stevens Irene Norman Burton Cumber Hilda dteeta Hollos Hoi these presentations In the Kings tors will play during the day and ish in the evening for V SI Is Hall St Toronto general secretary PRESERVING SEASON be cherry season Is now at Its lit There Is a good supply of sour well Pie Mark and a varieties Prices are now and see that you buy grown and packed by Niagara peninsula Grower MISS HEWITTS ROOM to Jr HI Gladys Robinson Arthur Ida Clara McVeigh Margaret Burgwln School Nellie Laker Albert Glover Leonard Bacon III Bennington Glenn Boyd Eldon Jack Jack Edna Pay ton Thomas Bobble Ralph Jack Larkln Marlon rammer Fern Nelson Jim Hamilton Mary Lovett Howard Draper Bruce Hunter Harold Hilton Clifford Simpson Smart Mary MoCarnan Dora York Lily Nelson Lawrence Wright Earl Gladys Smart Halght Stella Catharine Smith Melvln I Law Kenneth Donald Jr i Laker Verla Newton May Hartford Gordon Howard Elmo Phillips Recommended Leslie Brown STAlNTONS li to Jr III Herbert Elsie Walker Jack Evans Shirley Isabel Clark Be Sure tern Out CARELESSNESS with matches cigarette butts cigar ends pipe ashes camp fires fly smudges railway locomotives slashburn ing operations human carelessness of some kind accounts for of the forest fires which every year add further devastation to the northern areas of this province OM DONT take any chances fire in Ontarios forests DONT throw away until pipe they DONT neglect to drown out your flro with lota of Build it In a former flra the edge of the water forget that the upper layer of ground In the foreat consists of partial- ly rotted wood which will last years The rang cases picked at random from the to Fort Hope canoe route In the far north on July found an area long by miles wide which had been swept by fire since their previous trip A camp fire left on a portage was the cause A prospector on the Montreal River started a on July which burned over acres in Baden Township destroying feet of pine and of and which required attention for Indians smoking moose which ran through Careless trapper on May caused a fire In Head Township which bunted over acres half of It young white pine best to is to thin Ontario Forestry Branch Parliament Building Toronto yours