Newmarket Era, 20 Oct 1922, p. 8

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I I I K I v April to fill what jour re tires has done for mfftnd could hard and miserable all physicians remedies but they in bed the time I tried in took ninny left me at tha Rheumatism was so bad I found myself getting better After using eight boxes of whie cost only I am completely well without a treed of Rheumatism Madam J RICHER a box for trial she At all dealers or sent postpaid on receipt of price by October 13th Auivrn Women furnilitil the programme its has been occasioned death of a highly re ed citizen John Baker is year Mr was born in Whitchurch ship in ami had lived and Subsequent Reeve of hi- life lie was olities time 111 leatli of his first er of Hie late John Davis of us Long Distance to all our subagents in touch With sales We depend Long- Dis tance to Eel our valcon- order part3 in rooming by Long Distance and get them in the after- sales literature Ask us about our FREE LONG DISTANCE SER VICE on new part a Motor Sales Co writes outoftown garages GREENHOUSES St Newmarket CUT FLOWERS Funeral Flowers BULBS Irwin HARDWARE NEWMARKET Plumbing JOB WORK PROMPTLY ATTENDED NOTIOE APPLICATION FOR DIVORCE NOTICE Is hereby given that Arnold of the City of To ronto In the County of York In the Canada at Moore Burke of Html of adultery and City of Toronto In lMIlll i Toronto SI OF APPLICATION FOR D1VOROE NOTICE hereby given by poster of the City of the County of In the province i I Parliament of Canada at thereof for a Bill of from her husband Joseph the said city of Toronto Hub on the adultery iffv Mrs Clara Jane sur vives him Three brother an also living Lemon Baker Aimer Bab- Whil- church ami Baker To ronto There were no children Hope items Miss Elbe Henderson of To ronto was visiting Mrs Mark Hall over Ihe weekend Mrs John and Mrs 0 Morris were visiting Mrs Geo Pugg Jr on Wednesday of last Miss Viola Rogers was home on Sunday I wonder what happened lo Ford truck It didnt go down Ihefourth last Sunday night Miss Mildred Hall was home for the weekend The P 0 intend the home Boyd next of Mr and Mrs Wednesday nigl Miss Minnie Moore and are spending a few days in the city Hope Ladies Aid intend Moo month Miss Mir aid and Mi spent Monday evening at Mr Win Tansleys The F invites witches gliosis etc to Mr on the 27th of ho Hallow home of nth Schomberg wedding I with excellent the morning pupils from the township be- their entries Each numbering something were largely entered ire It Instances Each DATED City of Province of Ontario Hue September SAUNDERS KIwrJSMJLl Bay Street Solicit for the NOTICE Is hereby given that Clayton of the City of Toronto In the of York la the Province of Ontario will apply of Canada St the next session thereof tor a Bill of Divorce from his wife Alice Beatrice Clayton now Biding at the said City of Toronto on me grounds of adultery and Dated September nlo this day of ALBERT CLAYTON by his solicitors IB Sunday a large number attended the at Farmer Co operative any held their annual meeting market hall on Monday evening Its I iettyoahowlo Q E BRUCE Manager Pine Orchard the of Mrs M Wednesday last Then paper on Thanksgiving rent events by Mrs music by the Misses Recipes for pumpkin pie TOTTENHAM 10 October meeting of the Institute was held in Chamber on Oct Bib at Some members and ds availed themselves of the opportunity and were well re warded by hearing an paper given by Mrs Kay of A social hour was and lunch served lho fol lowing ladies being hostesses Mrs Mrs Mrs R Mrs E Sentinel Sharon will hold a in on Rogers Mrs May organ and Dr The proceeds will go tow lout Ihe Sharon Temple or following Board of Directors were appointed for the ensuing year James Cooper Harvey Leonard Marcbant John Edward James Jardlne A Ben James Addle and Herbert Rutherford At subsequent meellng of Ihe directors the following officers were elected for the ensuing year Park The will a large tendance not only on account of he excellency of the talent but on of Hie very worthy of the entertainment WHITE ROSE and husband of Elrna Forester of and son of Mr and Mrs George For ester of White Rose Deceased enlisted with the P P 1 in April 19 fa and was wounded in a battle on the He spent six months in hospital In England and was the transferred lo Toronto with a crooked and disorderly action of the heart which in Dec caused a atrofee and on lho first of the following Juno he suffered another stroke On Sept last another caused death Ho is survived by his wife and two children and mother and father and one sister The funeral took place from his parents residence White Rose to Aurora cemetery and was at tended by a number of veterans vice FOOD WONT your Simple bark gty mixed in Adlerika expels all sour and Iroca BOTH upper lower bowel Removes foul foodmatter you never thought was It your system which caused sour am gassy stomach EXCEL LENT to guard against appendicitis A very enjoyable time was spent at the home of Mr and Mrs Nell McDonald on the Concession King township near on Monday- Oct It being the fiftieth lalives and neighbors All tin family wore able to bo presenl except one Mr and Mo received a number o presents One pleas feature was the presence of Urn bridesmaid Mrs Mlitoi Pearson For more than forty nine years Mr and Mrs aid lived on the farm they now reside A BET RULES Here Is a set of rules which girl would do well to follow Bo brave Courage la the noblest of all gifts Be silent while your elders speaking and otherwise show deference Obey Obodlenoe la the first duly of every girl Be clean Both yourself and th ready to fight wild man- hundred limes the spiritual True but It ore Important to he spiritual Sow yon are an IrH nothing crowd within a few days the bar of A WOMANS IDEAL MAN for their conception Man about every conceivable quality thai an archangel should diligence and a few score more Each had least a dozen essential qualilies in her But one significant feature of the sheaf of loiters was that iy five mentioned physical Among my group at least and have to show oilier than prowess of good health four of good looks Because liquor is otitlawed four mentioned abstinence labooed tobacco and two they rather favored a If lie was clean writers require learned profession and dared for artii do one thing well Music figured ii only Another on ability beautify a home by heir other r they were generosity the habit of Willi i of idy and other Foul play is treachery the Joy of being Why Is a boolblick like a sun- earn Because It Is his business to shine alt emphasized purity blood was definite- lied for by 17 but a- lotaL of referred lo sexual in way of another lit fact was the preponderant of the group Chastity all oilier qualities no confided care not whether is a member of a church so- long as he is faithful to his Wife children and his home to purity came tamper- ment No man can come up to leal who is not declared one maid who told a sad story of a homo by grouchy My husband leave his business at lho Is the- proud hoast of a satisfied wife who also glories in the fact if happen to he late with dinner on the day my club moots Another the species of angular pen ship in vogue a generation Deliver mo- from the man with a gamblers spirit sometimes up and sometimes down apparently gauged by his luck on stock market yostor day Such a man will take- 30 minutes to in lho Then you can never bo certain during lho next hour A bobo declared she must have man who Is always the sami winter and summer in weather and foul And I I am gelling such a bus A sense of humor was cat by Some phrased And when the children say among his chums It must have been fashioned woman who informed us that most women want oak in which a vino may safely trust of evidently Is sought for by most Even one who said she her mato to allow her freedom of opinion and bent frankly declared that she want Suffering indigestion Constipation Kidney Liver and all Troubles J from well known people In Sutton Newmarket Aurora A Richmond Hill I WHAT T THINK OF Youngs Digesta They are genuine ran stand a thorough Investigation Dispute them if you will reward to anyone who can A REMARKABLE RECOVERY AT SUTTON WEST da Wdaa lie she was Scully sin spaed recovery a great alty lilih me considerable her tight aide With paralyse ma in a had condition a thought would help my home The first few lows taken five bottles Is FROM NEWMARKET Mrs Jane stone Queen St writes For years l have suffered dreadful with Nervous Headaches find dlaiy spelts I was so bad at I could hardly see from effects of My trouble to me at times the least thing would do I was compelled to sit down and teat for fifteen minutes at a lime have been under Doc tors care and hied heath of without any good results At Dal tied Youngs The first bottle done me so much good that continued It I have now taken hollies and feel like a newwoman work day and It never bothers My Headaches are gone I feel almost cured shall always good tonic and for constipation has done wonders for me youngs FROM NEWMARKET Bell Per have suffer from lo the beat for was ordered to the Hospital celert without any good results then Informed that I could oil any better I return d discouraged than ever I hij worked for more than through the effects if this A friend recommended jjj to me hid tnos bottle I could feel a I hue three tle3 am able to work every and now feel like a new person gives me great pleasure to Youngs all sufferers lu convinced It will help anyone no rail how chronic there case miy 1 would not be without it now matter what It cost My is to try It You will never FROM AURORA At the of Mrs J Palmer with for sor recommeoded io me I I from tile- firs I and it Owing to my advanced Youngs relieves constipation It splendid this wellknown and respected wends Youngs states have been troubled me time Youngs was tried same and found results have taken a few bottles of Di ce more good than anything yet 1 never expect to be cured but me of the pain and that Is worth It a good and for FROM RICHMOND HILL Mrs makes the following have been troubled for some time with indigestion I tried various remedies mat did me no good relieved me of the trouble I feel well and can faithfully It to all sufferers from la digestion and constipation Mrs states I can recommend Digesta as a splendid medicine have used same some time it never falls to do all that Is claimed It I think I A WARNING TO ALL Hi war of Danger Signal A weak Stomach and undigested Pood means constipated Bowels Constipated Bowels lead to ill other troubles and often to a life of misery feel your Stomach out of order and troubled with or that bloated feeling take ho chances get a bottle of Youngs It will relieve you at once No your case Is chronic and been standing for years It will do the same for you as It has done for Doctors and everything else failed Hundreds In North York keep It as their Family Medicine and swear by it old under a guarantee that It Is free from Dope Drug or Stimulant It assists Nature as Nature 80LD BY W J PATTERSON THE RELIABLE NEWMARKET OR FROM YOUNG MEDICINE SHAW ST TORONTO OR 0 J FOR PREPAID In- able lo look upon him captain my guide my pondenls I have reached the lusion that unless they materi ally modify their demands we- not such a paign after all But let us courage- from he remark of one matron who said mot my ideal man simply married the man I liked best and he is coming to my ideal every day Him Is there any way really to know Well my boy do you remem ber the olher day that you were laughing about dismay at discove himself OF GOD asked Thomas up from bis- studies how do you know there is a God Why makeayou ask the I Do you doubt the existence of God Well I heard one of the stu dents say that ho had been that proved conclus ively that you could know no thing about God nor even be sure there is a God He said that if were a God He was outside of the of such a nature that we could not know that on tho How sec them No he discovered one track of a barefoot in the sand and he knew that it could not be his own He knew hat only a human being could have made it and he knew that who ever made it could- not be far off for he had not yet reached ft All those things ho knew to be true although he had not seen a human being within miles of island And the know ledge was all gained from a mark ind plants and trees that only IGod could make grow We set all the rivers and springs of the world fed from the sky We a great universe perfectly taw and ordered from the tiniest speck to the greatest of all tha worlds What do all things mean those millions up on millions of footpripls- in I clay of lho world They God living present ruling loving They mean God and nothing else sand If one print of a barefoot in he sand is absolute proof of the existence and presence of a hu man being what are we to sup pose when we see Ihe prints of he Masters shoe as calls it covering the whole wide world We see a million lures that only God could make We see on mountain and in val ley the print of tho fingers of Oodi We see a million flowers Just as there Is something to lho irr I Is something to Ilk- In If It t J I happens lo be g to be looking I t am doing my best Mid a fellow when questioned about fig by which he wis living but I honestly think meanest Job In the world I strange he could not such a reeling toward his WO ll T Impossible that he should do bis You cannot do justice to J however humble till have to like it it ma ml via S3i IS viAiWiutta is

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