test table has doss for wreck ud I just bad to force myself to do my work Even the of y playing msdo if I must they did not get from liecoidoiMlkiiirforme etabteCoapooiid and I started it at I to do my work ones and it wa a pleasure not a bur- have a fine bouncing baby and enjoy cannot help medicine and any one deiu Now J and am my am only too pleased for yon to use my testimonial Mrs Street Winnipeg Man E Private Text- Book a information NEWMARKET Representative THE MUTUAL LIKE OF CANADA The PolicyHolders Company Furnace Work Plumbing Our Specialties THE LEADING TINSMITHS Office North York Marble Granite Electric Works John 0 Moss Toronto paper g by girls name if the khaki army trousers which looked general is here are plenty of proofs to lie Every- year in New York City Bros and i Bailty give a for The orphaned The actor performers arc quired by the a boy than a was seated In her small touring ear It rapidly over a road from Detroit to Indians pace just In front of the rear the car was plied with six of whisky which bad been brought from Canada the night be fore Over this was a worn carpet In the Indiana city to which the girl bound her partner waiting never ago has a single failed to make his Cl earance And they acker jack mud clown this fun her and even the animal to be imbued the Lil of After all its not such d old world of a fuel supply the United Stale nil us fro doii reaped ir well as in Scientists keep Quebec Di Catholic Instil with desti When- through and j the i fire broke out I he Good 1 necessitated the second alarm The covered in the laundry by Hie Good Shop Convent illldM street spread the Station the gas it th enough I It seemed abashed But She really felt had Cert Paper by Francis Mr Chairman Ladies and Gentle- lieu and FrtU I waifil Why I would like to Ban who disposed of the prices running up to to the leading business men city Since Agues had gone partnership with him in this bootlegging deal they had cleaned up partnership In crime was only three Undoubtedly Tom getting I bootlegger do anything ft She the things were One of these oldtime the fact that It 1 eply Qui dutiful the birds and heir beautiful plumage hear Ihe lambs the moo and the horses neigh AH nature seems apt- in dress The ear old ill 111 ill then young Hill ill the watch for the to lav ami of the Mi her and h to chip and a wit ID Oil 1 wliei a and v or floe IftVf he ay bring own a leliglil What city Just where She was going to gives life aba I like i and cakes which mouth And home the farmer 1 lord of the land and fee to it and hasnt he sentiment for Toe She had thought that centered aiuctioi leaf her bootlegging partner Bi Though Agnes didnt fully realize I ie conflict which was now going bridge 1 and partnership I led an had before and he was hurting her arrival had brought quickly bottle smashed to dumped the cases he bridge into the good undeniably along and to enjoy the outside wo like the farm old enough the farm I thank magically I that 1 Of habit wl a cargo of liquor through wary eye for suspicious she realized that the car had been following her for some Was it the car of a prohibition This thought troubled Agnes More than that it Soon it was Then Agnes gasp the car was Tom J Quite astonished peeled appearance brought her own machine stop Tom did likewise perfectly upright I great Colored water Thu I flllett 1 Agnes t folks dont tout hard limes to eat Thei itrtl rood What in the The la haps but under the p silverware ugh food to fill an is always tables fairly ight of sub- successful operation of a business enterprise is measured altogether by the profits made but rather by the good judgment displayed in conserving those profits to properly take care of the inevitable expansion of the business The Bank of Toronto has for many years given advice and assistance which resulted in the development upon a substantial basis of many of the soundest commer cial organizations in Canada Incorporated New Lamp Burns per cent Air U HY she Why I Wouldnt be almost I tie id summer Sin has fowl to at firs thing in the you like fi rank liu-tl- farmers wife the bain to milk 1 cows I hen bustles hack and prepar es breakfast for the family After she wades in with a dish cloth and hot water and washes the dishes milk pails washes and rinses strainers washes and scalds the separator and puts it out the to air After she gets alt her washing up done she collars the broom- and goes over as of the house as slio lias time for whether she does all that is iiccpj Why Tom I J ick In Detroit Some Bargains Corn Blower p Engine p White Traction Victor Clover Mill Some Good Belting Rutledge the flames from attacking the hoi- of the institution Naturally a second outbreak thin a week in a Catholic in- itulion caused much common today but the cause of the HIP 18 CUT I Two Seaman liiutilti lay and are Hospital amen from the Jeauettc- from New the a heavy fog with The Din PLUMBING and FURNACES GET OUR the of work than it is to said I didnt right about little crook I guess Id i he looked Agnes htm But there could be no doubt about what he was saying And real meaning of sank into consciousness she felt her heart sinking Somehow It Be rued as though her lust hold on everything Hint was- good and sweet and wholesome was slipping uwuy Why Willi in 1 With a quick move in cm f his hand he threw back the cm which bud screened his rear Then lie pointed dramatically carpet covered load Jiibt In the rear scut could hardly her Could It be possible Hint Tom the best in But t thought to mistaken aftei car reposed ark as though die City J Dec I iuc New and the Walt- Three persons woi ai or the and Mr- e Con of die afternoon as he result or into a pail of the mother had Intend use in melting ho HONORED FIDELITY OF PAGE During the course his eyes wandered lay folded 111 fin- he covered ho of le imeo- ml I fir 111 King In or liiuh severe 1 1IM And One the Hilly In leu will he lmlmie Will Of left of food he Re 1 Jimmy do hit loy Jim mm- A Mid Dec yl llrir Of linn ions was in flroB liinl hall I Tim ilisl Hi 1 lis 111 If III brick 1 il eVf Hi soils ill-ifv- 1 III wn In in nil III nil Er bring Hi day and call flu prepare vegetables 1 goodly td at various limes been to lime Analyses have of flesh and practical Justice of Onla up for moots As ii in lln- i-i- noil in Hi in itniihsiii ts 111 inn Us 1s liul villi- Is i-or- fin iiiin in To iiiil is fill Vis 111 Ill ok for Hie fnini is tile usual ami have busy times to dinner washing up to on liaucl for seeing after Ihc fowl again sin is liberty li mow inn lawn liilp plan the Harden or hoc it after it has or possibly sewing or mending for her family Then if men ore busy it is her walk to extreme end of the farm winre the cows generally pasture anil have hem up in lime for evenings milking she has her dishes mill pails to wash This Is a farm womans work thai has he done every day in lie week anil most of it Is done Sunday as well as week days which often from going lo Church Thou as a few specials has wash ins from 1i lo day- Including dinner and supper I his liille trick may occur at an I sunn Inn limes a var Then Fall come she has t Inr fowl lor as well as lira marketing aill eggs anil lo do this lias III find kill Ihob ovvi ins lot of and if I day or a week icli has to be hoi healing rooking nod soiiiiliines Si is si I in Pi hill work why should- would a I thank you Now York Doc family wife fhildicn was founil from gas in their Brooklyn homo Inst All worn in bod and funics escaping from a gas hooter that had been extinguished Bullock Hen and Harold lis will spend Now Yea Day in Ihe local Jail in which were lodged today having been lake i out of ihelr beds early by inspector and member of the police force at aided by of They am held to answer a go of having good la I restrain In Many a li sis li but ill I lie -c- Internal and External Pams are promptly relieved by a Thomas ECLECTRIC 01 If to go to the try sure or Business BOYDS us you OOllllunoi COVERED on fl Night on Phon 172 Promptly