BOYD Medicine of Toronto Licentiate or the Royal of Physicians and member of Royal College of Surgeons of Former clinical assistant Eye Hospital and College Ear Nose and London England Telephone Hour DR J WESLEY Lahoratcy Asjoclite CoroDer for County Office Hours a 350S or by appoint HAW ST probably Thursday fop the North During the skating Season of the Metropolitan has been prevailed upon special car from Newmarket and York DALES id Newmarket XRAY McCauley Block New Tuesday and Suture DR CECIL S GILBERT Dentist to the late Dr Clarke Office Hours BARTHOLOMEW by Appointment A Newmarket of Piano Singing FRANK SMITH TEACHER OF THE VIOLIN In Newmarket on Mondays leiUD hlch wilt the ideal The dairy industry i it tic demonstrate their to official testing i of I and thanks dairying and the Church congregation ng Bolh the at Am at A Toronto at Jan Toronto at Jan at Jan 30 Newmarket at Willow- iys in the re astray on Hi I brick week and- Hi for MATHEWS Ground Floor J field Charles Mathews Residence Private funds to Mortgage Prompt attention given Open Tuesday Thursday day mm or moved from Immediately SCHOOL TERM OPEN isfcal glasses production Register i pounds of milk mm MONEY GUARANTEE O EXTENSION Cos Before Blooming In the Silo Trump Well Soma Farmers Recommend Dobbin Steals ASH Sweet clover should bo cut In the green sappy state Just before blooming If out for hey great care should be taken to properly jure It It would that the beat method to coll It In the field and dry It thoroughly before drawing It to the barn Wet damp or poorlycured bay provides ideal conditions for the development of mould As sweet Is difficult to cure under the best conditions a very good means of preserving it would seem to be In the form of silage The experience of the last year certain making the alio g TO account is too small for this Bank to wel come and none too large for it to handle i Eared in alt Important Centresin Canada Savings Departments in all Branches Bank of Montreal Established Over Years of he Cochrane aught up to their schedule ay The he second w dace a lie full distant tut cut at the just before should be followed lor hay Ie The binder closely as Railway part election ell in Cloy Program one hour Ihm iKiitf-r- without attractive I Jdi Postal Staff Deserves Credit wdelcj money than flic post office and for a Every evening will in Mlngetlici during a- if every nek the post office A BUSINESS CAREER TORONTO THE PR a glimpse behind flu But they ng the I will tell Drowning Accident About two oclock uM a Ilirre bad dh of In accident On arriving at the plan- two sisters and a name of all passed life living in a WANTED RELIABLE SALESAGENT For this district to Mil our Fruit and Ornamental Trees Flowering Shruba etc Exclusive Territory Stock we sell la grown In our own Nurseries Our Hot of Varieties is best Nursery Co iddle jiidni Mm they were very lliis comforts claimed that moved to Hi I wit for- and liil just pair irr on lit- farm lite brother bad the bouse and two sifters oclock in lie and out on fool for to jimebaie some needed supplies Ml- lie I Urn found lier lyin of water less than two fee with a bard bottom ordered the remains re li Newmarket where on in will be hold to determine tin of death A denftoyed oner t pool GENTLEMEN is in keeping with general especially if be O is to fare well in the 1 1 i Hi- Ii neb will be inevitable after the step in the ex- ision of tlie Kipawa to branch of the P end of is expected to id the Tin Can at important steps if la the failures last year due to- insufficient packing At more properly tramp la the making of that It tramped thoroughly making tolnBU least two men preferably didtanci that pack Moscow Dec The union SocialiatSiniel a reality yesterday At a iccial attended by ore than delegates Russia and all allied ales definite slops were taken Capital Moscow crest a of all members in handling inances foreign affairs legoliations for peace general ind taxes under the t was lot always In ratio to the number if men In the silo One farmer said had two men in his silo while It as being filled last summer and he not explain why one half of his was rotten from the top to and that on the opposite aide the blower pipe The condition vas easily explained however when t was that the two men had on either side of where the cut was blown in and had simply lid not bother tramping at all Be- of Salt by t woi the the four Imp lahw- and clover is not handled conclusion your Railway Fair WANTED welding storage battery and el ectrical work practical training only a few weeks required day and classes write for free catalog big wages steady llempliill Auto Tractor Schools iGt King West To ronto VMtors MESSAGE FOR NEW YEAR SENT TO CANADIAN NAVY Dec a Now Years massage to the Canadian Navy which is to be read to all F Mens Tailor Main St Newmarket Established P Graham after thanking tin men for llieir co ot lip Navy Canadian the report is circulated through those ships and from hi sfuailions of fleet Mini Hie offieen ami men Hoy Now been found lb bo as highly rallied and as efficient as flio of fie Id and men of the Royal Navy and hat the Cana dian Navy Is a live and healthy younger cousin of bo of Canada and will up with little knowledge of Mine they relying on be permanent force to an example to these men of the navy is and of its traditional Utint go In It It at before blos- i allowed to lie College Old Dubbin Steals A Pond I Farm farmer who has both his eye steadfastly on prices of kerosene and i the hand Increased an of hours per farm rao period dropping of 1 of the I burning of fruit family depends ami In tho chicken kind of feed and seo To the Public of North York Having purchased the Harness and Leather Goods Business of the late French I am prepared to Manufacture All Kinds of Harness and Leather Goods and give my customers A Fair Square All my Harness AND QUARI 3 YEARS Drop In and let us gel Acquainted J MONTGOMERY Opposite Post Office Newmarket WE CARRY A Full and Complete Line OF Electric Heaters and Stoves Quebec Heaters Coal Oil Heaters Pandora Ranges Ammunition Roofing all kinds Shelf and Heavy Hardware SMITHS HARDWARE Rhone Newmarket Best Pastry AND Bread Flour AND ALL KINDS OF MIXED FEED ALSO Wood and SemiAnthracite Coal OLIVER DIKE Huron St Newmarket Catarrh Catarrh is disease greatly influenced by constitutional con ditions MEDICINE is a Tonic and Blood Purifier By cleansing Hie and building up the System HALLS CATARRH MEDICINE restores normal conditions and allows Na ture to do its All Druggists Circulars free J Cheney Co Toledo Ohio Era to Friends ROBT JONES NEWMARKET Practical Painter and FIRSTCLASS DRAINER AND ART DECORATOR ESTIMATES SUBMITTED AUTO PAINTING ON REASONABLE TERMS P Box