Whatever your banking requirements may be any one of the branches of this bank can serve you satisfactorily From a small personal savings account to a volume of foreign exchange or from collections on drafts advice concerning investment our service is prompt and adequate IMPERIAL BANK teWMARKET BRANCH SOUTH END LUMBER YARD February Price List or gold found Cal Reeve was a member of Council Botli Mr Keith and Mr Card house declared that the foreman conduct had boon investigated am Hemlock Flooring Shingles XX Shingles Spruce Celling PEARSON Church end Phone Alt Detroit to defend I or against three armed holdup men Robert Andei son years old Secretary Treasurer and Paymaster of the Michigan Tool shot and killed at oclock this Anderson is believed to have resisted he thugs when they surprised him on a stairway leading from Hie first to Hie sec ond floor of the companys plant His revolver was found beside his body when he employed aide following shots been found that ho w and efficient workman- As long as he remained so he would continue to be employed by the This Mr at the to any statements made Mr Baker declared that fhe commission conducting ils THE CANE SONS CO LIMITED DEALER IN b M Lumber Lath Shingles Posts Etc Doors Sash Flooring and Moulding Turning Sawing Dressing Etc The Win Sons Limbed Factory Yards Huron St Newmarket GREENS FINK QUALITY WALL PAPERS I BEST SELECTIONS EOR FROM TO PER ROLL Variety of Glazed and In Crepe WINDOW SHADE PAPER FOR BLINDS DUPLEX COMBINATION Wo Soli with or Without Hanging BERT GREEN Painter and Hanger MARKET SQUARE HYDRO POWER SECURED today 25 Hydro Hie joyful he resident of the made yesterday by the special appointed by lie lago o confer with Hie Hydro If Inn village Hydro electric the battleground of be although by far had no stil Referring to ouds he said that of he -mill- system Yorks share Jury pointed out that York paid 20100o to Ihe county slated that it did anything like for this Appointments The Council appointed reeve of and Iteevc T A C Tier llniiiily along with Warden George II J Kennedy and J wore appointed representa tives to E and and P Hicks lo the Royal Winter Fair A motion askin- Mint County ants for continuation school but the of Hydro Power his judgement lenity large first repudial which pioneers ho asked Co be liberties I fop sed the the Hydro Chair- Sir Adam Beck A WINTER EVEN ON THE FARM And Indites the hills stains And gilds the burnish Then all at once the Behind the keenedge lops Anil purple shadows hill In silent tint Hindis I Qna and and Mrs Isaiah Johnson spent Sunday at Thornhill Watson has Re turned from Detroit where- she since Christmas Flo Terry has returned home from Watson Richardson leave for St Catharines Ladies College Monday own hall Tuesday under the direction of ttie The fol lowing look part Miss Louie Richardson Miss Delia Dennis Jessie Dickson Russell J E Cane Flossie Grace Cane A and an excellent orchestra Officers of Ilio Citizens Band Scott J holler and T McDonald without Mi CO he lights posed waited W hoc guar teed The power will be secured from Street a distance of about eleven miles and as soon as the frost Is out of ground the erection of poles will com mence At present the town is supplied light by the local gaaproduGin plant but this is inadequate owing to It being overloaded MOOSE JAW BANK ROBBED Jaw Soak- Jan 2 Two armed man entered Bank of Nova Scotia here this afternoon bound and gagged teller locked him in the vault ind escaped with in A messcngor boy who hiding when he men tored tho building watched tho obbory and when bandit he released tho telle on Itch Smart or Bum irritate 1 i oiiintui jlult lop Holland Landing Hun of erca of peat moral for development He In York and as a means of In fuel Ihe Council believes the situation should he investigated question was- referred to he Willi in- ructions Mint he drawn to he tenlion of Ihe Provincial In bringing up the question Reeve William Keith of said that no attempt had been made to commercial- Ihe peat resources of Hol land marsh It was probable before be peat could he oh ained an expensive drainage would have be Instat ed was he said hat Ihe land by Ibis system would more than pay for drainage Several years J was pro posed drain the marshes in order to reclaim hundreds of ac res of lowlying land Esti mates- of Ihe cost were prepared but met will opposi tion from Barrio and Orlllio was that would lower level of and Couch this phase of the situation of King township Robert poarboroj and A Tier Oeo- of will with Warden George form Iho County Commissioner- for York township representative will endeavor lo have County pay a portion of tin of township pupils Toronto night schools A present county pays Mi- Cost of nonrfi8kcnt at- Peat for Fuel Win Kleth of ket introduced proposal thai the Holland Landing peal hog Id he lor find pur poses in of the coal crisis referred to lie be Ontario Legislature potnieil bill Hint the peal had been found burn well when dried out The peot In ebony and reaches starved Old frozen fingers up to hold The last dim slued of dwindling gold While the day crumble North York Registry office Eighty candidates were- re membership at ho Methodist church on Sunday ev ening Ihe result of special held by Rev Rnnto Members of si Tin farmyard rest in the barn inks light milking Board Webb 1 son Geo field Father Morris J Proctor Jackson School J Alfa In i estimated that I Ions of substitute fi could he derived therefrom FIFTEEN MEET DEATH and id fell Ami Hie buried capaeu Fifteen killed and a score when a section of the building occupied by the Berlin collapsed today The disaster just a the of ho editorial staff and the clerical for duty this morning or hay like unk Pulled loose and hanging Finds the blade of an old Feb 3 by Elder Herbert Comer lo Bessie Manning both of At the residence of the brides mother Second St Feb 1st by I ltomud Elizabeth ille of he main with sand wore to be addith flooding of mi of he and concrete which And makes a cobweb by its A thing of wonderment and At last the fanners task is do An hour behind the selling si He lifts the light down from And lakes it with him leg a swinging PUTTING THE KINQ TO BED bo collapse wit and swept away rial rooms and the counting and office of Lit by tfie shadows on the Ho stamps his feed looks In his no and she about 11 Then slams he farm house door And now unless a shingle snaps cold or Icy finger taps Against his window silence falls Collie ore quiet in be stalls fox boa loft his rock lair And timid rabbits sniff the air perched in the frozen Ruffles his feather ttd of the doings and sayings of lie Prince of Wales hon he visited this country lero is one that would appear lo be now I cannot of course vouch for its truth but well a good story and very table iod of the Princes trip his medical adviser became Sous about his jaded Knowing Prince unlikely accede to a re quest that he should retire early dance doctor spoke to the orchestra and said I to got the Prince to bed At midnight ill you please play the National quo The orche did awfully of name the boat after giggled What is sbo liker Well or ho shes not much lo look at know but very breath without d football on requested and when the last of God Save the King my the Prince jumped on and said Now put father bod well begin ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO TORONTO