by I venting I antiseptic rS4a eels f lifTJI ami lower bowel log all foul decaying mil it wide might cause Infection bring out j rattler you never thought- system and which rosy J poisoning you for I I wh tJtlterwn sow la Button West druggist I that City gram will be specially services will be free to on Monday and IUb HOW WILLIE day with a nice at hn lost hall I found he said you sure my boy he asked that it wa a lout TINSMITHING PLUMBING and FURNACES I OCT OUR It wo thai if I so II la not a a of faith anywhere If may ho that wo arc that lie front young was all a after all was right that in the might is the only right and lh sooner or Inter we will hack to the law of the all a Croat words of soul of beauty and goodness and arid irnth era In the automobile has become a institution for touring end in United Statu five million persona list year are as having whirled from national park to another to the Pacific Coast by motor la get- tins be as casual traht travel With a camp outfit tied to the run boards a few additional auto parti the motorists are able drome ha their sport clothe throw cere to the wind and out Nature with the help of little are only en bath night a the chief fun la to pitch the tent In the often and cook over fit or ai the the L over built camp stove In Rustic camps are moderate price and a abort walk of a community house and din ing hall The Canadian Pacific are this year to be opened to all motor teurUta for the Canadian Government In cooperation with the Canadian Pacific Railway has plated the BanffWindermere auto mobile read which throw Louisa end Valley to motorists Bungalow camp are being planned at convenient and beautiful points addition to the regular travel which by The new road wilt be formally opened on Just and Will per mit the whole tlda meter trgiiie and down th to to Partita thence op the Columbia Highway to Spokane and on through the Canadian border up the Winder mere Valley the Canadian Pacific Rockiee to the famous of Banff Lake Louts Prom Lake motorist may go to the Valley of Tea Peaks and Moraine Lake la entirely new country for the approaching from the West although the road from the East Calgary to Lake Louisa through Banff ha bean In operation years The connecting of link makes It possible for from the East to tour all the National Parks of the United States and visit those in the Canadian Pacific Rockies TORONTO