APRIL The Adlet Column Good Cooking Sieve good baker quiet sale Pickery lege Newmarket P- Brown Per Rent Space for car in to A Queen West Lost Main St- Mallable Editorial Notes of Ihe Town liberal in last Tuesday To rent Rooms Apartment Apply P Box done for fhe fire Northern Ontario Council granting night It is reported that the world surplus of sugar is nearly half a million If this is the he Federal Gov slop lo that kind of in on its sis hotels and ac- to the report of National Railways foi Wanted to market Enquire i ueensTi lie Day old Baby Chicks from bredtolay Barred RoeST lis p Cane under Liberal ad- hatching done Nursing- Mrs Eli Farter Gorb desires to laJ Charges per week On 3rd Con of Whitchurch March a and black woollen Horse Blanket Phone i fttTaaJs Two Build mahogany and oven tor coal oil Sieve Fred Newmarket Barred Rock Eggs for Hatching laid in January under trap nest system prices Reasonable New- wli re EightRoom Brick House forJsls On roomed red all Electric stove garage and hoi Apply W Howard Box or Phone A woman or good girl For good home l general Dulles wishing a good home would do wot lo apply to Box spread like There are signs of progress Old Ontario When a newly couple arrived at last week tin neighbors hem a ion and address This is improvement over th Id idea of gathering with tit pails shot guns is the time for the Town- Whitchurch lo get after forest rat ion of fhe Oat Ridges Hon Manning of Agriculture has mated that if any purchase area for th Government will undertake supply and plant trees to re forest such areas and care ring the early years o Hi The block of land Our Toronto Letter Little Dorothy of Audrey avenue in the Hospital for Sick Children as the result of a lerri- which she received she pushed backwards pet Our Society Column and Jack Cull Black- family Black listing the bile kitchen Mr preparing food for spent weekend at home Mr Lome has to Oak Ridges You would think that the that blocked up Jesss lane- ay would have some sympathy and Mrs He the weekend on f If People are thin had placed tin the kitchen floor for a She handed the dogs food lo her husband and as In- opened the door to feed the little leaped forward to play with litbie Dorothy The child Mr Manning attended the Educational Council in Toronto on Tuesday Ml9s Mae Storks LACE to The auditors statement Of Town Accounts shows that were owing the corpora tion for water and liglil the end of last year The Ireasur however says a good deal Ibis has been since A the Town is overdrafts the Banks it time some people had the ser vice cut off until all arrears an paid vp Vive York Radial fly backward of boiling wafer from her should Fire gutted the drug slow premises occupied by J Hew 133 Street shorfb after 3 oclock Sunday morning tie building damage lo the contents The cause of Ihe fire is not known- While Joseph E Marion his wife and a caller were listening to a radio conceit in the living- room of their apartment on Friday night a sixfoot burglar was swipinu up jewelry from the dresser in their bedroom in which little son Maurice aged 3 years I sleeping in his cot When Mr Marion hurst into room the intruder dived headlong through the window One of the Easter at Holiday a mans hand protruding out sand near the edge of the ice the investigation by the po- sonCutting parsonage was Hit scene or a pretty Easter Wedding on Wednesday April daughter of Mr J Cutting of King Township lo Mr Wn i of Ke of Mr John marriage ceremony was conducted by th Rev Otlon of KetEIcby The looked very charm ing in a gown of Copenhagen ireorgetfe with radium Ii mm in The grooms to the bride was a beat necklace with a diamond set The couple will spend and Out Cows Poultry tret pi em en J tools taken immediately town loamy tillage creekwatered pasture wood late home use fruit- good 7room surroundings boarded barn piggery pwJ- house To affairs 3800 only 1300 down Ashen- burst acre farm four Newmarket and oat and a miles from Station valuable corner property sui by hedge fence From H6UPK rick residence rooms tnleneis Everything new inside garden Knnp for quick MlC A Prospect Ave IT Newmarket WANTED Town of Trade ions flic car fro lie Tin if the i to Iock and leave hern it oclock not going du fen hour here before and then fo leave an hour before the New Time on the makes no Ikt to the people of ie bill lefore the reduce the size of County icils ni ing with much objection will admit Ibal County expensive under the representation which adds deputyreeve for every on the roll of licrpalify The fJuhohfM has been doubled he addition vote and the repre- shoubl he the jcv voting power hardly tod good even for next sea- dea toyws we have had hard time to keep warm lie nasi winter it has come to thin that Ontario must depend an the United Stales for for freight charges ttll States if coal offered fro Alfred Chard Albertas frelgh for hat coal can in loads and sold on cars in Toronto at about provided would discard boiler III conditio by its etched When bod after two hours work he pari of the police dislodge The ncyn Woodstock of Mr and Mi them every suet their future wedded life and Tuesday York April 3 Hundreds of shopgirls who work in the millinery dressmaking and furrier establishments on street between Fifth Sixtli avenues watched the op els of iruclinn the Lodge Ihei many friends of idle will he pleased to Ii getting along nicely liie Hospital and is now FRIDAY AND SATURDAY APRIL 6TH7TH DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS IN The Three Musketeers A dashing Romance of the days of old Played in all ing theatres seat shown here at prices A good Comedy ami Short Reels THE PRIDE OF PALOMAR A gripping western story of Spanish America Comedy and Educational Reel WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY APRIL 11TH12TH DOROTHY IN DARK SECRETS and breathless 2 Reel Comedy RAMBLING ROMEO Latest News Reel Theatre opens every night start at 715 except and Holidays Saturday and Holiday pictures start at 700 showing two full shows MATINEES START AT 2 P EVENING CHILDREN 15c ADULTS 25c 8ATURDAY MATINEES CHILDREN ADULTS 16c Ihe son of William died at the Hospital for Sick Children on Saturday morning as the of a badly skull which he received on fhe Hamilton highway when be was struck an automobile which is reported to have been travelling about mites an hour The accident took place after the boy had jumped off a wagon a stenographer by her lover Henry after several hours vigil saw the girl step out on the street shortly after one o clock He joined her and they walked toward Fifth avenue Ae- to Borak she said Im through with you and whip- Women screamed and dodged open hallways Severn the refuge of slops of flic home of Cornelius Van- derhilt which is diagonally the sheet fioui he semi- the shooting raised gun fire again into the body Miss but the bullet jammed eyewitnesses In and placed and strong or Toronto spent part of Hie Easter holidays with their grandma Mrs Jackson while the editor no3l din-elk- In front of the proaching motor car founding of a of ting insulin treatment for the University of o will soon be acclaimed whole world of medicine is now government and the are approved- This with the public of the virtual the brings to its first period of one of the great est medical discoveries of the age Tin- founding of such a Skill Shown In Riding Scene In Dark Secrets Dorothy athletic star lias had many hard has in h be held every few PLUMBING and FURNACES SUB ml point of la held owner properly known as the Inn sued I W for alleged di be expended In having in bar The wiring was red on orders from the Inspector who reported Ihr I tin ie is lights could be The tenant can alway having in the lease the land lord shall perform all repairs ship like one Win i latest picture Dark which he shown at the and Thursday Mi has ridden down she hi- plunged lino on horseback she along country roads and dashed along Ihe head of wibl i iding band of cowboys galloped ihandoned Ihe jde he revolver agaii Mounted Polk who was on duty Fifth avenue corner had ic man by Ibis When the girl was attended ambulance surgeon found hat deflection of tin set steel had proh and Has Daughter told the police years old wife hud leff lib their wedding and that lie was suing for divorce in Phila delphia on tin ground of de- He said he hud me in a dance ball at avenue and A sealed teller wan from his oekel addressed To Whom It May Concern Ihe was the following She made a fool of She lob for she love he was false and Whil mo going lo die she isgoiii die with me WORKERS SHOT BACK Berlin April deaf oil from the shooting tin pIuU at Essen lust Sat has been increased tolliii ill be buried in Th at which a All hill a led up on to do horseshow riding and hurdle jumping The horse which Miss Dalton rides in Dark Secrets Is a named Untamable and with a disposition wiich f plclu given in favor works four hour protest the killings has been will be shut down during funeral Ohio Mr Percy Pollock of Shjikle- ton writes It is beginning look like Spring but the weather is very changeable have steady winter and not too much cold We only had it below zero all winter There has been mow sickness especially pneumonia than ever saw before In this country The engagement Is announced Edith Emily only daughter or Mr and Mrs Townley of New v In Kcltleby on Toronto Inl on March Frederick 1 I he medical the bodies of the dc and wounded found thai five dead and fourteen I fortythree wounded had shot in I the back others listed as wounded i said have received Iheir i Juries in jumping from ioofn railing while living to escape four directors ell are by he have been pending I rial by skill as does to Kills Is llont advantage Canada sold more goods the United Slates In lhaii any other country not nearly enough to pay for ttu goods bought In tho United Slates by Canadians MONEYS In In her year On Tuesday DETROIT MAN KILLED Ann Arbor Mich April Williams warehouse sup of Ihe Trusca Detroit was killed and Butler also of an driven by turned lover on the Whit- ake road six miles of the late today Williams was crushed beneath was thrown in- a ditch He was taken to St Pol ice say Butier was driving apid rate of speed and Quick Relief from Coughs and Colas It la DaogetOQ To Colds Easy To Check Them wo be tu a time it until lit There are other of and Full ji 67 years of growth the history of The Bank of Toronto been of banking service to meet the growing requirements of the public These comparative figures of loans and investment re an indication of the service rendered to Canadian business through the sound and helpful methods of this Bank Investments 1103078 1MJ 5524075 in 1MJ 10111925 1923 Yon ill get friendly reception at any branch of NEWMARKET MANOR A M Mansoer Wlshea to announce to his many Patrons that he has taken over the Premises lately by Mr Porter OVER STORE where he conducts a HighClass Ladies and Gents Tailoring Business Cleaning Pressing and Dying a Specialty MODERATE AND See My New Line of Samples LADIES AND MATERIALS MADE UP Phone 343 Newmarket Rose Future I Win QREENS QUALITY WALL PAPERS LARGEST ANO FOR ALL URPOSM FROM TO SI 00 PER ROLL Vvtly ana M In WINDOW SHADE PAPER FOR BLINDS 1MB tall Van An WHbar WWiaat Painter and Paper Hunger ARCHIVES OF ONTARK TfBfMTri