Our Local News Firemen and their will hold a picnic at Island Saturday A splendid evenls is being arranged and qpe9 people of Town are ins list of It the weather is favoratde the picnic Ihe Brigade Christian Morning and Pi The Evening Romans taking invited Picnic on July went by Ry tie Sunday School I Everybody young and themselves Hie kids in bathing were keenly contested In t new The gate posts are lone two 9 feet high curved on the top nth the posts and of the entrance will imposing appearam and the curve oad in of tie 1st page all the It July by We can send same to H the treasurer Hunan now for July 16th Child- ill you please allow and make il for your children to attend Many places parents their vacation pi heir children might attend the V if the good people of Newmarket 11 provide Hie children the mm ill do best to 1 ii the little children and for bid I hem not to unto me of such is the Kingdom of Heaven enough so that all statesmen plan ami form method pO- that the child at I church The of today built for Ihe Entrance for Cemetery lei important expenditure am el there were only it out of present including out of the nine Director the Board The President Mr Chad In the absence of the Mr i of si- tatement of the He said the Company 1 ad now invested in nil bonds the sum of cash on hand making total of Of who ait at our feet to in- ill he the teachers leader But kind of teachers will they kind of leaders will they come It depends on the teaching and leadership they rece day in the characterforming iod of life Germany sent a whole ward war and toward the hi educational program that bent the mental twig that way This proves that the may be by the educational system The leaders of education and that the child must have more the three A person may he well educated in all the usual subjects nonmoral neutral and such swayed by influence appeals to hi isles most strongly For Litis reason during Ihe last years the have been devel oped to a degree of greater than before that And still it developing ind nil touilnnt the credit of Brick and the Endowment of Lots Fund the Of and 1000 apart for Deserted Plots so thai Ihe may he used fairly stable Years Ago tin to pa makes a total in the Fund of available balance of on hand lafed recei and for year amounts to over an- Mr- Tench was of the opinio that the proposed new iron fern could be creeled without Ins any of the bonds or moil gages held by the Company Mr Evans chairman of lb Grounds Committee was asked ifo explain proposed fence which he did by exhibiting blue prints and giving const ruction Specif icalions been prepared and tenders for the work The est was for the work He had spent a to Mr Tench who i mil building plied that there best i July WE SEARCHED AROUND FOR VERY SPECIAL VALUES FOR JULY SELLING AM HAVE BEEN VERY SUCCESSFUL IN BUYING SEVERAL CLEARING LINES AT FROM TO OFF REGULAR PRICES short single llntl In- with child what it be an of time given training of the vegctthe lime ion Bible School by church during Ion months for I and religious minute plant i ideas he should Iuim Sharon year Floyd Co total proceeds of the evening wen A public meeting of the Pioneers Athletic Association will he held In the Municipal Hall on Monday even ing A attendance of all Incr- Strasslers touring car look fire and was burned just north of We are sorry to hear that Mrs mother is very again We congratulate Miss Haines on the success of her musical pupils Misses Edith Haines Ida Haines Eva Payne and Doris Lloyd who so suc cessfully passed the Elementary and Verna MacKrlll the In troductory Rev Mrs Keam of Toronto pending a few days at old home rniby well attended Service Sunday at a- Subject Nearer fy Cod Thee The second In of July called Peoples League op Friday Miss Parr In charge nary night Queensville Is loo busy iilli- hi what to than during an It iii for ram to first in Ju i July at a imr This I I ill il Iniilil or Daily Vara to young iliclin I iniilil Hi for wore I li IIM llllllll airman fen and Mr Kirk usually for a in winf will ho Boom rim am to is a good black- hoard A curtain for lantern slide wo need auparati mini a play loom if lo I Wo will lake foi tins All Miss Marie for vacation- 94 UNBLEACHED SHEETING good Heavy col- ton regular a yard ON SALE THIS WEEK BLEACIIED SHEETING fjood even thread and a splendid wearing cloth ON SALE THIS WEEK AND IN PILLOW COTTON regular 60 and 65c yard ON SALE THIS WEEK YD IN ALL PURE LINEN TABLE DAMASK floral patterns ON SALE THIS WEEK YARD ON SALE THIS WEEK YD ON SALE TniS WEEK YD ON SALE THIS WEEK EACH SWISS ORGANDY MUSLINS 111 wide plain and patterns in Mauve Blue Grey and Black White north up to yard ON SALE THIS WEEK YARD ON SALE THIS WEEK YARD- LADIES FANCY LISLE STOCKINGS in Sand Grey pair ON SALE THIS WEEK PR LADIES PURE SILK STOCKINGS in Black White Sand perfect goods ON SALE THIS WEEK HENS WEAR DEPARTMENT MENS LISLE THREAD SOCKS in Black Brown Grey sizes 10U ON SALE THIS WEEK PAIR HENS COTTON SOCKS in Rlack Brown Grey regular 35c pair ON SALE THIS WEEK PAIR MENS TWO FOUR SUSPENDERS good elastic ON SALE THIS WEEK HENS SUSPENDERS in cross hocks and Pre sident styles regular pair ON SALE THIS WEEK PAIR ON SALE THIS WEEK EACH MENS SILK TIES in plain colored silks also OX SALE Tins WEEK EACH MENS KHAKI BLUE CHAMBRAY WORK SHIRTS sizes to ON SALE THIS WEEK EACH ROYS SUMMER OUTING SHIRTS sizes 12 to BOYS PRINT SHIRT WAISTS sizes to IS MENS GOOD QUALITY BROWN BLACK CALFSKIN BOOTS sizes 6 ON SALE THIS WEEK PAIR ON SALE THIS WEEK PAIR LADIES Si PATENT LEATHER SLIPPERS In plain two tone ON SALE THIS WEEK PAIR WHITE CANVAS SHOES with leather sizes 5 to ON SALE THIS WEEK PAIR NORTH YORKS BEST STORK interfere this days The Sport- ringing fllrilid and lime for all Is assured Leave s for the Special car for the and Divine Mr Divine Standards 8 Canadian Gibbon Men of the Day from Mr If and field I by Cane Mr 0 an am for lb when IhouKbl thai such a Urge i 1 to within am over up to if not much over Who is managing this one If is the New- niarkil ami Aurora Asson Ex- eculiM- which laid the plans Jan April hut plans developed in so far as we know have four unit Methodist Inshyteiiaii Iriends and are the ftun- Teachers have been engaged fond of children and who will to kind and thorough Traitiiir in what Ihe I Floss auto on i you glad It going to Die icsday but Ilnatruellon in Xpert in the iurl of breathing placing terved regularly had it fihould nnl lr vk- indifl ndrd by I firm at work be and 200 Iron i feel high- with muni- having fllhglo Kate II be Mi salutes all lnlJ a to pee II There work when verses Med from memory he drills supervised play habit lalks missionary strti in so as 1 By people who have tin ice In lire pes for children hooka to purchase Vacation in Hamilton i May and Mr and Mm of Victoria spent Sun day at Mr J Our are expecting to go on Iholr annual berry picking Tin picnic held on July hi Park was In every way a decided success Tin unfavorable deterred several from ar riving until noon but Die In fine all day those arriving of ml- rob served I Mo here riultiui Out July It The riding of North York tendered Its formal to tor lib I 1 ill Hi I- Don by thronging the which Die village of Sutton las evening arranged for him Fully coining from Aurora by two speolal from Newmarket by md fr of vehicles The whole fair a -fpl- mil I Din candidate who on Ho I lo Its Conservative allegiance The crowds were welcomed In Sullen toy Reeve Arthur Then behind Die Sharon and Aurora hands a monster procession was formed which wound way village pack where speeches were delivered by Die candidate and others prominent hi Die Mr Kcllh speaking modestly or Die vic tory which he had attained iiald special tribute In the pari which Ihe village of had played In giving hi en of and more are to complete Die Job A liberal was up re in the hah for the old pilgrim Elder Dan Pressor of New- A good shepherd Is worthy his hire hut a poor one is worth- is We only hope for stalwart Sh I ii i and Ill never I left got fed by Die socialist here the Jovial of Ilss Barry Come again tear that Mrs War We hope she llj soon- around again Nellie Is in her lionie welfare Haying is one of our tries amongst model fan el Is being deposited Sleeping St Inly Never hi iigaia district saw such a wraith berries as this year particularly I iter and because of Die to rices and Inability to gel pickers real deal of fruit rot lie Irees as happened in cat plums r the COUNTY POLICE COURT Frank Bowser of Newmarket as fined by on Monday for Sutton When unl old ear of Bow- could not travel miles le magistrate offered lo send a pert try il This offer was School Reports 111 to Jr 850 Willie all Jr III 600 Willie Ma Iva Chase failed II Eva Gladys Rose Thiiilsiin ley e I Ada 275 Wlllit absent A Tola he 165 ell 135 ieaelier Metropolitan Orchestra Here on Chautauqua Program Die Metropolitan tatnraent attractions of the Composed of talented of ballast have e one of the outstanding musical in have all achieved splendidly ressful records In Lyceum and work this presents programs of popular and classical orchestral numbers that please I he entire audience playing of tho is always halted with are also the solos duets trios and quartets with which their delightfully diversified ARCHIVES OF TORONTO