NEWMARKET FRIDAY J OTTOS novo M Medicine of Toronto PUT IBB the Royal and of of Surgeons of Our Unocal News Successful Piano Pupils the recent piano held aL the Canadian Acad emy of Music Toronto and Mildred Pupils Mrs were sing their Progressive fifth year Dr Ernest McMillan MOTHER OF TWIN BOYS TeBs How E Veg etable Compound Her of and Great Weakness MOULDY SWEET GLOVER May Cause Disease or Death to Live Stock of the Trouble Cattle Bleed to Death the fllooJd Good Clover Harmless Shampoo This Way with Olive Oil and you will have hair with gleam and softness of silk is SHAMPOO ids and They find by specialists trial bottle free by you can get ji2 a ingle sham SHAMPOO 15c TRIAL BOTTLE FREE The Blend of Palm and Olive Oils What I Mean by DresSwell Guaranteed The makers of DresSwell hand tailored to measure clothes and I consider and acoept every order as an evidence or confidence and trust on the part of the purchaser In re cognition thereof we hereby guarantee that j for any suit that Is not 100 satis factory In every particular we will either replace It gratis or refund your money In full And this guarantee applies whether you pay or for your suit or overcoat Bea M Pastry AND Bread Flour AND ALL KIND8 OF Feed Hay and Straw ALSO Orders taken for Winters Goal OLIVER DIKE Huron St Newmarket