AUG motored SSed Wright Timothy St and Mr Friday night in Manitoba Mrs Watt the Town absence has also- returned late Jacob Raj a kind daughters the funeral Mr Ira Earner highgrade Aau FURNITURE LATEST designs Theatre FRIDAY AND SATURDAY AUGUST AND Paramount fielteWd Short MONDAY- AND TUESDAY AUGUST 13TH AND fid that our Town lot this year slip by nuking provision Tor a bylaw to be voted the next election for lion of a new Fin Hall and Ml Building and thus paro the way for a Soldier Mqnumenl oh the corner of Main si reel and Millard Avenue which by mds the most suiiabb War Men rial should called in tho Town Hall im- idtatcly after the holidays aio and let the members of he Council and discuss the matter It is Fuel Alderman is lie asked Council if it were of he Council take any to safe guard citi zens in this respect Later on day the Coun cil on motion of A J Davis sec onded by P Smith appointed he following Committee to investi gate Die fuel situation Tor the com ing winter Mayor Ill Cane Win Kelfli and Alderman borne stated that Mr Ed Lloyd had asked for a three wire service to his residence on St Pictures win t and fiherp Old she kept her word Later the oar Osborne wanted know what at- Lion tin- would advise this matter he Council f take no action until it was learnc would he inpiired for hiatal latioii of Ihe Grandmother fold what good baby Dorothy had been her proud daddy her a new penny Dorothys idea of was was mielhiii to be eaten School oil Lo or motion of Mr by Mr Smith Si a of Mr Mr Mill Hi mill for from to Philip llai iiliii 1 Mi led by Mr In Blunts the hi Saturday those at the Christian Fn- School at Elgin last June and Mrs Fred dlover ami Miss Vera Newmarket and Mr and a pleasant Not fa The Wash ago Beach 1 his home Also Mr Mr 1 committee had on with the work lavatories in the had decided instead lo Mr 0 K Tench plans I Hall Mm building Mr thd plana ready for tin big of the Council Mr Nsbitt tepo had secured prices fro He will that two flllll Mark- he ting the public if buckwheat ho wheat the Council go on with lite- work This was en tirely to Mr Hopkins lark At Kincardine Monday to Mr and Mrs Clark a son Donald Frederick Th Tomb Vlclorla Ramer On August passed peacefully a In Yet we to m Winn the day of life And Willi heaven Where farewell tci Rose ROADHOUSE ROSE Phone 70 Newmarket AURORA INQUEST Oft Mr pub- stand this Is an ere expedition for 1 banister or that a attach- Long Bull died on August is a result injuries on July car In Which he with two boys and girls all in their teens were turned turtle on Pinnaele Hill south of Aurora The accident happened just as another car approaching He wakened up had he similar I ho I HHtz has been i 1 The inquest last was by stormy scenes between Evans demanded friend si dps and in party In brought sir fmin Mr ins who dared My learned friend Ins g far to suggest there cling In the mailer At tile falling on his neck giving rise ft I cifinne he antops behind wei us again continued I was on Us side was between the with his shoulder the box- She seemed her yean Her arm a sling and over her bone were mute evidence of Hesitatingly she was the girls and aw Ire Then John unwell 17- yearold hoy charge lrnn- took tin- stand lie van going in ho if He had nasi oilier tit hive Cm sure If there was road there would ha- lent said In by Mr loyI thai all the 1 he were on good Ihrougli the put these people off the road until he MS he huh In I rally called upon OF ONTARIO TORONTO I