News j Hauler 1 Lie Hair pastor of lied behind Ilia fa- NEWMARKET PTiast accept nlel ulloQ Fair i opens he yeas Following our read- mm Hosiery SALE At Reduced Prices in Black White Brown Navy Grey Sand and Castor In ROCHE CO On the Corner Main and Water Streets The Passing of Mr Tom Gain On Tuesday last ar old bus Worked a Week for Nothing Saturday morning Jack Weir who has Jh clean ing Main street pavement goL for cashed Bank of Montreal afid put the roll of bills into his pocket He continued his work but when he put his hand in his pocket to get money it- was He evidently had dropped I he street Somebody must have picked it up and it is to keep it under he to California ves a widow and on on account of some dirt in the Mr Ramsay had filled his gas tank but a short time previous and this exagger ated the trouble Fortunately he was near a garage where he obtained immediate assistance r making a New St constructing the ex- navigation and These made by Col Hugh furnish a shore prominent tailor hydraulic hoi iveloped more than village Tom was boy and he followed trade afterwards business on Yonge where he made of the Newmarket the leadersh Hoe and Dont force to a Mid Suit that on and after eiiil IIic minimiimi i Canada I I J- inches Band under tip of the late Walter is manner my warm friends Hi Mis Kate Gain still Toronlo and bis City vie 1 1 for The mi by ten limes the You dont keep the old friend who has been failing health for some wa laid at rel lit Si Mr Fred who ha- been a lion for flmv about your ad Orchard fftenii 1 ho Tom burned like brothers ever vent to school lhc Car on Fire There was some excitement for a couple of minutes at the Canadian National Railway Cros sing on Huron street about on Tuesday Rev Ramsay from State of Iowa by a passing freight tr Montreal with a drop- of feet transports freight a year and develops horsepower The states based on recommenda- i on and found lit of car mind rem I templed fortunately Coopers report filed with the six miles of canals and p capacity at a total cost charges of from to Of AND Porch Aprons FOR Hot Weather Prices Range from 75c to 250 Each A PHONE 32 CLOSES WEDNESDAY AFTERNOONS MAY TO OCTOBER CLUND Y The Ladies Store plan hope I power could be Hamilton Aug Falallj states until burned at her home this ire it An annual when she ignited her 100 tons in- while playing with matches at the General Hospital Sutton Horse Show and Summer Friday an August Steeple Chasing Motor Car Stolen At three oclock on VYddnes- Mr Cecil Wray on 3rd concession of King had fill broken into and hie I it stolen He drove into Town aViut JJ- oclock and notified Con laid- Kirk who at once wen track with him and traced the car to street Mr Kirk Imn phoned particulars to all which a Ear lie Magistrate named Toronto will appear Worih While Life The life worth living is one up the service of God contributed also evening Mr Par address holy accept able unto God Miss Edith sang a Jesus is all the World Me Let us keep up the good at tendance Everybody welcome by Constables Kirk Trivet Duncan and Curtis yesterday morning and will appear before Major Brunton this morning charged with having a still in John Sweeie is charged wit having litiior in his other than in his in Newmarket Ada had a the bat knocking fit or runs Ruth Ames double play which If tic ought the war germ with Mr thai they tack i of the g Itifc of Headquarters FOB Waterman Pens Pencils Pearl Bead Necklets Prices Atkinson Co next Sunday Army Hall Queen Street Subject Gpd Secret School p m W want children who do not go I school Salvation Meeting p Subject Who is my neighbor were Interred In the Christian on Tuesday afternoon Mr and Mrs Hood and Sunday at Mr Mrs or Toronto at her fathers Mr likIy to Ishucs up for consideration ml the imperial and wllb tin- hey Among matters which settlcruunl arc llie darling of the machinery lie combines Investigation act he disputed of been of the Western Provinces that Columbia railway rates Ottawa up of Hi- ilpwood eiiiiimls- The loo and the making of a number of lllmi jUa Columbia lo hay she regards as rales Is one or big do of the but without hi i ftndliut Ids lli body la to ijijoliilincnfs lo the eco nomic conferences there have already en urged upon public attention duHng I juefeifrnee the Two piece of the In fleH in I the placing waiting acli gelling to lcgllillon paused at of parliament are by the infnr Ins recently been Australia lias Intimated broach It al the which the Is likely to have due regard for from the before declaring ida and other of a i it The of In an Imperial parliament The Liberal parly In has generally Blood for solv ing this problem at a time and proposals Tor an Imperial parliament have been received with doubt In many quartern became of the extreme difficulties involved this commission to be named The net investigation of alleged com bines la yet looking for a minister set It going and a decision on point may ho made during the week rally In advisory capacity Sir Is likely lo be one of some what benevolent aloofness having In mind the principle already laid down by tne Prime Minister that Parliament supreme and must all mailers of importance referred to cslmenl buy a phonograph MidSummer Sale FANCY VOILES All Shades 36 and 40 in wide Regular 75c for 49c FANCY GINGHAMS In wide all Shades Regular 30c for 17c LADIES FANCY VESTS Strap and Opera Style Regular and 65c Sale Price 39c LADIES LONG SILK GLOVES White Navy Sand and Black Regular Sale Price FANCY CREPE Blue Bird and Butterfly Patterns Sale Price 35c tint Aug fused r to for Canadian Oakvil pany only about four weeks slated lo have asked her sever was addressed lo his mother King King St Weal and read as follows going away for As the shot fell mortally win nd Ihe girl the Thompson- Johnston home after who ran down Avenue to Bar ton Street where stood a motor car man walling In It King leap ed aboard and the car speeded up The police believe Ihe motor car Is bound for the border and were liasllly wired to border points to be on Iho watch Search of Kings room at Bar ton Street showed thai he had left his best clothes behind him When hi- disappeared he was wearing a with dark trousers Kile Johnston lived family consisting of iw Star 1 I by t anal Inn frolics which Wei held here on Saturday night A program with quite few musical numbers brought Joy all the guests at for the evei while the collection aft will bring a happy holiday I The business men who are forging ahead are those who have learned to appreciate and wisely utilize the power of printers ink with due nation between lowest hid and the greatest value The Stock Hogs Country Poinls Newmarket Markets CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION TORONTO AUG 25thSEPT The Show Window of Nations Estimated Consecutive year precedent in its variety and features and all the old that ha- public favor GEORGEOUS CLEOPATRA SPECTACLE Crowning triumph In lh production of id grants Performer MILLER JOHN KENT ARCHIVES OF ONTARK