ignite filbert fei ft AGENT MOUNT ALBERT Mount Albert WHAT HAPPENED I Our items for last week failed ar to appear posted as usual dispatched Mrs other frioi Orchard Beach been to I he Hi purchased a Moore spending nil Mrs than recoup When some little I kill he up to the necoily of but it will be too heal the heartbreaks of alifo Mabel PERSONALS Miss Bessie The Misses of viditeJ were guests of Mi Watts last week j y Mrs Dunn and Mr- Robert Hayes took in a Mi California who motored a visit ic her grandmother Wcddel left on the retun the North West a few weeks with Cook has re- urned to The Mission Band and Cradle Mr and Mrs A E- Jones of Roll of the Methodist Owen Bound are in town ion field their annual picnic to her mother Mrs Ough oa lawn on and Mrs Bert liiv ami Ross are spend- number look in Hie their holidays at the home of ball match at Mr Ross l I Udora lost by a score of 8 Id Mrs Jack a former Harvesting is now general in resident now living in and the fall it was filing old j friends this week the guest will be onlv fair on j count of he ven weather Messrs Will Stokes and Char- inieei been con lie Davidson of Toronto ducted ho Rev Bailey of he ISLAND GROVE LAKE Monday the Civic Bands advertised of the at the Stokes Mr and Mrs Douglas Arm strong Perth were visitors home of his niece Mrs Hor ace Pearson last week Mrs- Stokes with iliy and George are spending a week with friends in Mr Herbert Rolling look IlIS Vol rlh siderable fire so had to return home Mr Oldham of Lans ing has Mr house Dr 1 Hog- id number Tottenham Methodist church for the past j weeks during the from Toronto has Harper home- for the Mr and Mrs- Holland Landing Goodwood the girls ball Rev J Bailey and family are spending Iheir holidays friends in the Niagara District Mr Roy and farrtily spent the holiday at the home of his- Mri ha fri Crystal Beach Mr Floyd and Miss Harper and friend were at ihe home of Mr Geo- for weekend Mrs Seymour Keller of Mid land is friends in town BIT CONTINUATION SCHOOL IH II Allen English Composi tion English Literature III British I Alge bra II Chemistry I Latin Composition English Com position English Litera ture British History Geometry English Lit II British His Geometry III Chem istry If Latin AutUors Comp In in-li- ry III Algel English English History Stoke Frank Stoke Engl English I it III Algebra Chemistry Latin English Li Chemistry HI Lath Latin Kathleen Ross English Lit Authors n Latin Authors Latin III French Authors 1 French Composition last Monday Too late for last WOMENS INSTITUTE regular monthly sent for last weeks Era but it did ft after the paper Institute Save the program and to the The Roll Call Is CEDAR VALLEY of Pine The Institute will he held I Mrs On Aug luslc by Prize 0rl holiday Owen of father over the holiday Corner had tl ret Into the poison car they left I off of the most could have been car load after Utile village Oltrlei Hat spending her and uncle a and visited Mrs Dunn fs spending a lav has returned at and Slater spent the week- Sale Register Tuesday Aug Mr Percy Browning will have a Bale Farm Stock Hay and on lot in 3rd con of feti viiinjjry one iite Sharon months credit The Village Inn WEST Its Just like a Country Club I be arranged by DR HAROLD LEAROYD Store Sutton West Office Hours a to p Phone sons Point i There The of Newmarket around the Island well patronized Mr Lennox was extending Ihe glad band everywhere- The speaking people were on It some bills out of her at he Lennox picnic Reward at the Island Grove post office if the finder is an honest person While the Lennox ted bis loss to Constable but had to go back home by trolley Tom Kirk got busy the phone and the public Last Monday night Smith and Ross journeyed to Beach pick huckleberries by flashlight after losing themsl A heat to thirty lbs of berries isxm for he next At oclock Mil ay of Ireland who lor years will Methodist Sunday School and at clock her brother Rev Ramsay from the Slate of Iowa preach inJJie church We I here be a large ace al both services and Mrs Walsh Mr and Hall Mrs Clark and baby Kenneth all of Toronto Sunday at Mr Clayton Foster Mrs Clayton Foster aifd Miss Dorothy also Mrs Lawrence Foster visited Mrs Dave Cole cottage Point and a good time Mr and Mrs King Mr Irs and Dott Mrs Raymond Huntley of lughl before something- On Saturday last the I the Merry Maids CI lie Mothodlsteunv day School motored to Island irovi where they ho day real picnic dinner which was served by lie Merry Maids they the by all Tire farmers heavy A welcome sin Thursday which re spending a month at Kea wick Beach A very disastrous fire July the of Mr or known Milne destroyed the l the and totally of about will IKtle insurance but will generous dona ions and work from now house almost completed Mrs Is at Mr W Miss Turner and parents were in town on Monday Miss Lena is visiting in fro lh report a good time here Word has lies Lowa Lewis ew York about the her kindly call is limited hay- bo in opening of School Death claimed respected old ladk evening at the home of Mr here when Mr John passed away from Saturday largely attended Hannah Llnskill of Ha at Brothers Mr Sharon happened on by iye the knee bis and lib bruised In several parts of Ihe body Dr Wesley of Newmarket attended him and had him removed to and from thric to Ihe Newmarket believe the driver did for Duncan Marshall ake simmer down ant hole and poll Hit hole In the iiulckest of of iJie sniping fralernlty do Baldwin In as d Butter was an entice sell their eideiit emonvllle this week returning brought I the catches de handled one forty baskets- of rtierrles th son They were bound lo liar Charlie Noble did a noble act did when Up Mrs baskets of Ink tniind these days They vtUi the campers that many old liineis who used to put in summer tin Lake Hope Items Quite a number around here I Mr and Mies informed And there la only one way In you can keep your information up to ho minute Read the advertisements ill it 111 Sunday Morning The pastors Ject for next Sunday Is Lead Kindly Light the last In Hie scries of great hymns of our church Dont ml one of ihe beat of the serlet on This promises I be or the season A supper will provided by the ladles Mil of Holland Aug for will I Falrbarn Landing Payne the last vacation TV nulplt apply will bo looked after by MAIL ROBBERY 18 CLEARED OP Arthur Aug the Port Arthur April HO lore exsoldler former loyee of the stood the dock or Ihe Port Arthur I and pleaded guilty to the I been ho was Suspected until Hie was brought to hook by Inspector A of Ihe Mounted Police In Hamilton a week ago He baa steadfastly re fused to talk which made the work of police officers extremely diffi cult During ihe last year it baa be come a walling and watching policy of the criminal Investigators Aug Frank and Indian and a by trade aged years of city was last night fatally a loss through a fire which two barns tons of hay a binder a culti vator a disc and of The started when Mr Holmes and ho farm were at dinner Its origin cannot bo traced although Is that a spark from the Fganvilio C P train which paused al the time might have cause- barns only were insured CREAM WANTED Best Prices Paid FOR LIVE AND DRESSED POULTRY AND EGGS The demand for Albert Creamery Butter Is Growing Bigger Let us have your Cream Let us do your work for you Our Truck will In it Monet Albert Creamery Go Creamery at Mount Albert AN ISLAND GROVE INN LAKE SIMCOE SATURDAY JUNE 2ND JUNE 30TH AND EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY During July and to Daylight Saving Time VINCENT HADDOCK AND HIS MELODY SINCOPATERS of Toronto Excellent Floor Seating Accommodation REFRESHMENTS Admission Tickets tic each Ottawa Out Aug Although Hie shipping of live chicks thro the mails by parcel post is pro hibited in Canada the of the local post office occasion- all shipments of live be tat The officials have the power to refuse Ihe shipments and send Ihem back to point of shipping but as this in most cases would moan ihe of the chicks usually send Die to their destination Many people wonder how it that small chicks only hours hatched can go a taking anywhere from 12 hours days without food and yet arrive alive ho explanation that a hutched does not require food for it is hatched and when the hatch is hatched it is put in lo specially prepared chicks in shipments the main line was derailed ear Warren about miles east Sudbury about oclock this engine and oars left raits five of the cars Early reports from the wreck that Ifiere were no but between and have been injured fear death as children fear to go Into the dark on he Manchufiuy lord Because of he tltude of the prisoner fifty immoned heroic the ffi for a It fifty bad been the 1 I to They wero by troops and a fight followed troops large gun- biUldings and wiped ho band Fifty of and many wounded- The Laundry and Works located on Grown is nothing but a pile of rains a result of a disastrous which broke out early I his morning the of the fire brigade was not possible to save l building from complete deslruc- Is as a as a groat linen as well as laundry be longing to guests of the lost damage 13 ted at about The older members of the WW date and in life than their of thrm ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO