NEWMARKET FRIDAY AUG The Column Fr Lara 3w3l laundry We will do family laundry Work done right and prices reason able Phoenix Timothy St iw3I Fop Sale Cheap with Orflce Farm for Sale Furniture for Bale Oak Oak Dining Tabic 3urner Perfection Oil Stove fltar Car for Sale New Cord tires Speedometer Snubbere Stop Light I will guarantee this car I no further use for a car the reason for selling This car Is run ning belter than a new car Insured Apply to Kirk Newmarket More Salesmen Whole or to sell our highgrade Shrubs and Plants Over rielles to select from Low- steady respectable For Sale or Rent acres elate of cultivation close to highway miles Era Offici Good Opening for energetic man to Bell ISO Products to farm ers in York County Permanent suitable party Write The Wat- kins Company Pp Hamilton OF THANK8 Mr E A and family of I desire In thank their friends and neighbors for kindnei during their sad bereavement Covered Delivery Waggon Brack Two acres good garden and poultry land on St Newmarket wilh good house barn and poultry house sea m FRIDAY AND SATURDAY AUGUST AND MARY 111 From production Op My Thumb Short Reel Subjects MONDAY AND TUESDAY AUGUST AND Paramount Picture PRODIGAL DAUGHTERS GLORIA their Em Editorial Notes All the members of out- The people ha- THE IBPERIAL Renfrew the Hoi Mercury Arthur Canada Dominion at Ihe Conference and he rep lied it worthily and Mr j election The forme for Lennox was a Con and he died while th Ten days ore and the school the long sum aealion It is most that scholars should present promptly On the ranged guardians should the children in this r the older students ar lure Be on hand bell rings The Director of Newmarket should lake a leaf out of the Sutton Fair book With every an enthusiast sUggCdt- something different and department of the Fair success can be ob tained As a rule too much is left in the hands of a The Agricultural Society a little more push on the Board and then the people will The experience people who have built cottages to rent on the shores of Lake and find them empty must show to that the peak prices set up when money was more must be shaved down the cottages will remain empty other year It is simply an- sign of limes money getting tighter and summer sorts are more or less a luxury though from Ihe standpoint of they are a life the thing We fear rificed in many cases in accomplish the task at excessive speed alike fo hips at sea and a planes in the sky by wire lb hurry hurry hurry It like a mad race for gain pleasure while the spiritual needs of the individual is largely forgotten We need lo back lo tin life and the Word of God our prosperity is lo conl Sow that Ihe holidays are cheques drafts receipt the 1st of After October will be of no use for such pone The Banks are to be no not to accept any pape that is not stamped these special lite Act referring to this matter says On and after Octobe next postage stamps may not used in payment of stamp tax cheques bills of drafts promissory notes ban statements for advances of drafts receipts stock or bond transfers express money orders travellers cheques matches or playing cards that is excise stamps only must be of stamp I such cases The Government should advertise this change the newspapers and say where Our Toronto Letter on bulging articles Ml two WEDNESDAY THURSDAY AUGUST AND Fir Picture Offer PHILLIPS In HURRI0ANE8 GAL FRIDAY AND SATURDAY AUGUST AND SEPT 1 FAIRBANKS in net will at 730 nd Holiday Irturti Sharp 1 Lindsay for In a mental aiore The home Bank branch doors on Friday A though has come as f hope is fdlt I the the di fully and did not hesitate to express the Canadian viewpoint whenever he it was Orillia Packet states that Mr King is not sympathy or interest in Imperial matters and that he came to the North American continent one of the attractions not least among the many which appealed to those early settlers le great abundance of bird not only afforded re lo both eye and ear but Iso a definite and of food Since then and killing of game birds has been continued by generations though th Our Society Column Mr Louts content to John Bull the while mans As a matter of fact Mr in Mr insist ed that the Dominion should complete and detailed knowledgf olved of the the essential condition reaty of understanding the United Kingdom and that no treaty or understanding negotiated by Great Britain Ihe Di it accepted and by the Parliament landed that over all questions relations between Can- da and United States the au thority of Canada should be ab solute and final Could Mr King or any oilier Canadian possibly express any to Imperial Conference lo represent Canada He honestly and ly tried to express the i viewpoint on Ihe Imperial questions Mr King will do ex actly the same Mr King is an able man and quite as capable of representing Canada at the Im- Conference as Mr It should be beneath of such papers as the Orillia Packet lo be continually looping to picayune fault-find- Canadas Prime Minis- in order to make a little capital When we send a alive lo an Imperial lerial Conference as Mr Meighen iervative Liberal or should go feeling thai he has behind him the goodwill of a the spirit of Canada lo the best of his ability irrespective of what his particular Canadian po litical leanings HOTEL FIRE LOSS I pumping station re as long as the tank Is filled a I through five heavy fire hose are placed points through- til Hie wings main body of The on the ground floor ware of peril had only to step of the windows on lo lawns i safely on floor Jump to safely a drop of noi ion- than the height of a railway from the ground On Former Fir luring the day when the hose avail able was successfully brought Into play lo save the remainder of building At thai time It was able hat the pressure from the when played on the flames tiler rent the partitions asunder Hallway news officials believe I of semicircular behind which rotunda large dining Immediately rotunda and back of this the kitchen To Ihe south- vest ran a wing two storeys In and Immediately next to the all candy s wing was corridor which were the guest had The corridor ran els realised upon to Ihe fullest tent though probably Ihe cost Ijvy In part at Irani upon shirt under Ihe double liability provision whose miney has been de posited with the bank will be Indem nified some against loss Camp which Is aided through the Star Fresh Air Fund was burnt to the ground carry Tuesday morning Usually there are per sons sleeping in II but that night between camps and nobody slept there Loss insurance street station seized worm of Tuesday afternoon following a raid on a house 255 Ave where they un covered a well plant and bottles of liquor besides arrest ing two men alleged to have been In the act of homing gin Paralyzed as a result of the break ing of two bones In his through striking Ms head while diving In the lake Beach near the mouth of Hughes aged years Is lying In Hos pital In a critical long To the cast w double lie length whig of similar wins I ruction which also Joined the gunroom Immediately behind this wing the golf loo located of Ihe hotel which many horses At lie wing with hotel the principal ion get of today hunt for the sport of hunting and for the sake of afforded by an outing the unspoiled outdoors Many tired business and professional nan looks eagerly forward each he woods where with his gun he may spend a life back after rom all the of his daily early hunters brought back with them large bags of game Then Ihe bags grew nailer and gradually it became iiienl thinking men that our birds were in danger of termination if the in leirnumbers was to continue l fact a number of specif have actually become These include he imo Curlew the Labrador Duck the Passenger Pigeon and the Great Auk Others such as Whooping Crane and the Trump Swan arc in exceeding of extinction at date While everyone mit the great need for our game birds as a natural the all Seating birds because of the iramen- janllty of injurious insects dc- each year by these birds their numbers become re a marked increase in the damage f eld crops orchards and forests by insect pests damag which is estimated to amount l of dollars annually Canada alone Many of our Canadian birds State States in course of and come hack in th the fore became evident some year ago thalany measure taken will view to the of ligratory must Jie in operation with if it were to be The futility of protecting birds in one part of lite country only to have them killed in another sc was recognized by the authorities who in 1913 their Federal Migratory Bird Law which gave protection to migratory throughout the various of the Union with open local winch Act is enforced the medium a huge force Honorary Officers and women who voluntarily give birds These include from all walks in life including and professional for the future welfare of Canadas bird life Already a in game birds is apparent and it seems particularly certain thai due to the wise precautionary measure which has been lafcon in the passing of the Mlgrut Birds Treaty Canadians of their forefathers experience the same thrills that been the light of every hunter from llnr opportunities Immemorial Ihe by such If a wise policy of protection for our migratory birds in it is not improbable new industries may develop One possibility is the production of eiderdown which is now able only from the markets At present nt Inns of eider in many parts Canada have become Badly but duo to the absolute protection afforded them tinder lite Migratory Birds Treaty the year 1018 and lo the surety of their futu lection deemed necessar hint mid provide BecauBO she wore a battling a Pittsburg n rid- of better half fount out aha was an frac tion WILSONS Kill them all and the germs too 10c at Druggists Grocers and General Stores FURNITURE LATEST DESIGNS spending a few days Mrs S Uh her sta Mr Jack Young after spending a mo le returned ath with Mr Mr Arnold Walker Fan of the Mrs a Farm last Wednesday veiling Masters Howard and Billy Morton have returned home after spending a week with their uncle and aunt Mr and Irs McKewon Taylor spent two weeks with Mr and Mrs Meek near Ottawa returning home via the Thousand Islands Miss Marjorle Taylor and Lloyd spent weekend In the guests of Mr and Mrs J Isabella has time Is Improving slowly and able to sit up each day for a while Mr Milton wife family of New York City motored over last week to Newmarket and spending two weeks vacation w relatives here and at Mount Albert spending a week with her land Islands Montreal Quebec Anne Win Walker Messrs Joule muhil Walker and Misses Gronan and Morlarty of Bradford We understand that Mb Gronan who has been assisting at Ihe Booth leaves week for Toronto to train nurse In St Mlcheals Hospital Mr Davis deserves great for t standing son of great i eleven subjects Ing of about forty at family gather- lie home of Mr evening upper had beer of the evening A I Of- Columbia University York who has been spending doys his parents left for a Banner Mr Henderson and daughter Mrs Ball of London and A Purdy and daughter Newmarket are the quests with MW Clara Oliver together with the latUrH daughter Belli left for their homes In lasl Friday They came here to attend tho funeral of the late Hall J and his shn Jack of Toronto at tended the funeral of eldest daughter of Mr Win vice n St Johns Church flllsa of a graduate of New market High and one of the Canadian se lected by the tench In New Zealand and arrived homo yesterday returning by way of the Suez Canal France England and New York She will only bo homo about a week as she la to be in Sas katoon when the school opens on ho to take her former position public school It was a great compliment to Lewis to receive the Government appointment and what we learn has filled position with ROADHOUSE ROSE Phone Newmarket Good Pumps At Righl Buy a Toronto Pump from me Toronto Pumps are sturdy prac tical the product of thirtyfive years in the Pump business arid J know the quality of materials and workmanship used in their manufacture No matter what style you want in a hand Pump whether for a deep or shallow well I can supply a Toronto Pump which will give every satisfaction at a reasonable price Drop in and let me show you the Toronto Pump Line W ANGUS EGO 8utton West THOMPSON Mount- Albert Mr A i- Ills Class at boys Ing lor Icn lass at Island Grove Mr ami Mrs ova from and arc visiting 111 In Mi las Stank Ave Kettleby day Quite a from around here tended the rove Mealing at on Sunday church mi lay nielli n thai account the Can Sunday leaves this week Ins Campbell of Pittsburg S A There was a good on Sunday I hear Jesse Scoy of Ih Foreign Bible Society Mr Pickering Is hid up wilh very painful foot While had to Jump In order to save a mor serious ami children rcturne visiting a The Pedlar On August 1 and Mrs Arthur Kfitk the gift of a son Bottylolrig well On Aug to Mr of a son William Henry Edwards flltamoreIn Newmarket Aug to J McDonnell a BImptonTrlvolt In Palls Aug by Jos I MOM Gladys ft of Newmarket to Normal Simpson both of Burks ram In Toronto on Aug Birdie Irene WW daughter of Jng Mlas Evelyn Rose McLean In King Ann of the late 1 St Aug In Helen John Petri