we are After te BUSINESS THIS FALL Never before in the history of this business have we been in as good shape to cater to the Clothing Trade as this Fall We have been searching the markets for Special Values and have been very successful This week we are quoting some very Special Values ALL WOOL AND WORSTED SUITS In neat checks and plaids VERY SPECIAL VALUE AT ALL WOOL SERGE SUITS made in staple and fancy models sizes lo REDUCED THIS WEEK ON SALE THIS WEEK to Absent Thai the King Edward Consumptives paid the sum of he Hanks eat between SI and the Co cession Lots and Carried ByLaw ovy ami led Vales on Sections No ho Appointing Collectors of rat s with the names of It J Ihfl rfonlbein ml I lingsbcad for vision ByLaw No and rates- for tho County anc tic neral School and purpose Vancouver Sept At thA of ho annual ami Labor Congress lien today bo splitting the profits funny bill couldnt cat for thinking about Mini money and then got grand larceny Smith bed in relief said Thank God got that off mind For Hie first I got into Ibis filing I feel Sept ha Alberta wheat pool Elevator Company as to basis on which pool wheat will bo handled made this Hon- Geo president of ho Kiev ho acted as elm