NEWMARKET ON RID AY SEPT 1ST JSctti tt Toronto Union In oi in Hid member assistant In B -PP- Telephone flo5rsj England- r County of York Office Hours p l DALES cry and Street Newmarket Tuesday and H WILKINSON Dentist Jain and Bolsford SI Newmarket Our Local News District Convention School Pairs Residents keep the Weak and Nervous Made Well by E Vegetable Compound f North York Out I following- dates rundown recommended Lawn Tennis Toe ladies and gills singles Local of Sew Tennis Club are week Considerable manifested Tasteful Cheerful and Fragrant are greatly indebled Mr Campbell janitor a trie Office Specially Co for he office building he best show of Mr Campbell me and my appetite came back to me I am a farmers wife and many things to do outside the house such as milking looking after the poultry and the Fair a Newmarket DR J VJ BARTHOLOMEW rig of the Forum Building Toronto Pattersons Drug Store Newmarket STOUFFER and tender plants is taking on their hues Now is a go i gel ready for winter weather halfholiday Entries for close on Fall Fair Dates idrs Louis Farm Another Nervous Woman Finds Relief Port Huron Michigan I suffered for two years with side arid if I worked very much I was nervous and just as tired in the morning as when I went to bed all the day and didnt feel like doing anything and I bite nails One of fay friends told me about ha Vegetable Com- and it helped me so much that I feltfjne Sirs Charles St Port Huron Mich suffer from any feminine try E Vegetable Compound reading icr apparently fact that prior the Iwo old parties in Ontario he would recognize them both and may provision for a salary al lowance for each leader of a group of over members So it was lhal when he had a follow ing of U and Labor members he recognized Mr Fer guson as leader of the Conscrva- and Mr- Wellington Hay a PIECHfttttSE UTILIZES RAY LIGHT FOR THE TRaftGffilSSION OF SPEECH London Sept 16 Prof Alex- O flankines one of the most interesting mentions exhibited his week at for Liverpool With his speech Prof led the transmission of light rays- room in St Hall to olhci dista through a telephone or loud speaking trump- intelligible sounds Only whom the rays are ded can receive the message is specially designed for between ships The range of the is said to be miled only by the curvature of Sir Ernest Rutherford presidential address to the ssoeiation criticized Hie theory jat a tremendous new force light he released by ha He la low to make your Kin and olive oils Made in Canada until she has tried The attractive green cake the color of the oils is within the every one who appreciates that is the greatest You can buy Palmolive me and Efficiency Produce 25 cent Quality for these could be altered in the slightest decree by the agencies The possibility of new and cheap sources of for practical purposes natur ally is an alluring prospect to the layman and scientist alike It is quite true that if we were able to hasten the radio active proces ses in uranium and thorium so that the whole cycle of their dis integration could to few days instead of being over of mil- tons of years these elements mild provide Sept- and Sept It Oct and and Oct and Oct and and Oct It and Oct and Great Improvement lo and to p in on Tuesday Thursday and other hours GENTLEMEN leader of the Iibci fail undoubtedly recognize on that the elves have first re who were of Ihc he of Mm in effect hi Of ale to be of Washington use of fear gas by especially and feat asserted lere was by no means the same now as n decade ago the atoms of an element hidden stores of energy Apparently the presence of a fore of energy ready for is not he properly of all but only a special class f which not he final of spread that War ficials are convinced that legis lation is needed to prevent the product from falling into their hands Congress will be asked to enact restrictive legislation The statement is with growing use of tear gas as a weapon by police and prison and asylum officials in the capture and control of criminals and maniacs criminals are learning lo employ It lie fear is that miles- method of control is de- sed the gas which has proved satislurrlmy to officers of the may become a boomerang ay or another criminals are no ily learning to use tear gas die I ith masks protect it still of and and of potatoes and other vege- WILLIS Mens Tailor Main St Newmarket i is when Ihc work of such of London DODDS KIDNEY I PILLS long disla TRYING TO LOCATE JOBS rector of soldier been assigned Hon of finding work for Ihous of British young men who lo fields of Weslen A large number- will find IhemflolvoB will once lie is ami in ma of cases they intend ila if they pi a their I he I 1 lion and services also railway engaged in trying who ineluile skilled as as unskilled workers hud air a number have found permanent obfj A number rained in ship building work have been engaged by a shipbuilding firm Coll ANOTHER JAPANESE DISASTER People perish In Flood London Sept 10 Plvn thous and arc reported perished ju he floods which fol lowed upon the of Kobe Japan Saturday according to an Osaka despatch lo Central New The Rivers burst their banks many villages terrific downpour of rain been general Both Yokohama have suffered from the deluge and rail are crippled by the floods Catarrh Catarrh a local disease influenced by constitutional HALLS CATARRH MEDICINE is a Tonic and Blood Purifier By cleansing tho blood and building up the HALIS CATARRH MEDICINE normal conditions and allows Na ture to do its work All Druggists Circulars free J Cheney Co Thrift an privation and doing without of life In its true sense common sense applied to the thrift is s spending How much of your money have you during the past year on things that added little or nothing to your comfort or pie Dont make the sami future Just put a little of Toronto Savings Ace Andrew Carnegie to accumulate money is i fixed portion of your mistakes in the ore by in a Bank int for the The best way resolutely bank icome no matter how small in a good sound Bank The Bank of Toronto is a good sounds III to our in King Inn inil ami years ttfingorfoi I wlicie lliro lion of win saw lie prompt light hail l licen til railway at a poke been arrested li in- on anil iMlffCU l eeil jail bars il a lli Montreal nary tariff which of profit lo Ihc and he impossibility o rymple VlcePresidcnl of Ihc Canadian National Hallways in charge of raffle who made the following statement the fff on coal from Alberta to On tario points has been advanced o ffs have been in limited territory and it is points Otlaw- isxcepl Ibal we o a limited tonnage of Alberta Ontario points for purposes lo he shipped to cer tain in Ontario Thai 1 lie period of- West back to Your lj Safeguard EVERY genuine piece of Enameled Ware carries the shield shape trade mark Only the choicest articles carry this sign It guarantees the value in the article and the use of Enameled Ware itself guarantees quick heating of foods absolute purity ease of cleaning tenderly cooked food and long wear Ask the hardware merchant for SMPWARE Three finishes Pearl Ware two coats of pearly grey enamel inside and out Diamond Ware three coats light blue and white outside white lining Crystal Wore three cfeats pure white inside ana with Royal Blue Edging im Buy Your S P ENAMEL WARE AT FAIR NEWMARKET MEMBER OF PARSONS FAIR SYNDICATE Mills lion Willi for AND ALL KINDS OF Lour Orders taken for Next Winters Coal OLIVER DIKE Huron St Newmarket