WILSONS FLY PADS Will Kill MODE I It i OF 1I1CKY Clean handle Sold by Druggists Grocers and General Stores OF SCOTCH GRANITE JOHN 0 MOSS PROP address Huron St Newmarket 412 Furnace Work Plumbing Our Specialties The leading tinsmiths Next to Expresf MONEY TO LOAN to lend 1 Helen Hunter Handling Lamb Helen Hunter Marvin Hunter Cockerel Joan Jones Irene Gillies Richard Man ft Laurence Donald Pullet ho Gillie a very helpful and suggestive his native dialect Dr Norman as Interpreter In a brief in Japan and Its challenge workers engaged wing the of Ketlleby Tim report of the nominating which was unanimously adopted by convention suited in 2nd Miss Lena Smith 3rd Gordon Prosser Lewis VlccPres Mrs Kerr Aurora VicePres Miss Edith Belfry Harold Lubbock Donald 4 Jean iU Whitchurch Council Whitchurch Township Council met at Hall Wednesday Sept with all Mortgage REYNOLDS 11 Victoria St Toronto It t list or the work end ex verify the claim 6 highest grade of I Queen A Mam SU WALL PAPER Acres being pari of Lots and hi Con J land water through the frame house and outbuildings acres and pasture For urine particulars enquire at my A and Reeve Crawford of last ad and confirmed Communications as follow ire present and read viz Button Etc presenting claim for dam i behalf caused by Concession lini Toronto General Donald Richard March Wheat i Everett Phillips heat Sheaf 1 Irene Gillies Howard Witty Walter 4 Whytloek Leslie Glass H Auckland OatsBanner 1 Milton Wells Oats Sheaf Witty Irene Gillies Milton Wells Helen Hunter Mary McCallum Waller Barley A No 21 Sullivan Barley Sheaf Gillies Walter Joseph Sullivan Sweet Corn vera Auckland Ronald ODell Mary Sullivan Olive Thompson Potatoes Harry Rumble Wilbert Jennings Mav Stephenson Albert 5 Jean Lefroy Albert ODell Mangels 1 A Delia liny Willie Barker Everett Phillips Clifford Rumble Turnips i Howard Witty Donald Florence Edwards Rosa Hilts Ethel Ruth Baldwin to pay the following lot Con MeLiiUiriilin ha Jos yds gravel yds gravel Phillips yds gravel for Con 3 Hood yds Brick C gravel for Lake Road bet Lots 6 Con rank Hell yds gravel bet Lots J Robinson high lum ber posts for T S Con 3 WILLING TO HELP much annoyed by the uf of boyfl At last flhe ftxaHpratlon I wish I would ughty Very well Ill to falhei about if responded the young ster Boston Tra New Lamp Burns 94 per cent Air I Silk Ruth Campbell V Grace Humble George Winnie Eva Hilts M Donald la Norma Ash Onions Helen Hunt Mable West I din Prod Hill yds gravel A days work in lieu of Statute Labor Hot ham flu yd j gravel Lola Con 1800 00 by dogs Also ipay per the Group Memorial were passed Accepting as satisfactory the Bondsmen offered by P Sfeck- appointed Collector Taxes for the faithful per- duties such Appropriating for provemenl of roads at li lojll Will luiL It Write him to irlfculara auk Mary Asters Elsie I Edwards Ethel Peas 1 Glass Alio- Helen Hunter 4 Ella McHridc Phlox 1 Florence Edwards Velma Cosmos Ruth Jennings Ruth Campbell Verbenas Ella Flounce Small Bouquet 1 Haze Marion Hunter 3 ret Phillips en Bonier Northern Spy Apples Jennings Walker Helen Hunter Howard Witty Irene Gillies Snow Apples Basil Mary j Ella ward Witty Donald Apple Collection 1 Lisle Class Irene Gillies Kenneth Scott Shropshire Crawford Commissi on 4th Con Cine Reeve Crawford Com on Coo Line Councillor in On rnollon Council adjourn October next meet Hail at clock A for I Jennings Aftyrled Fruit 1 Lillian Helen Hunter 3 Annie Mild Hilts Elsie or Irene Gillies John Murphy Ella MeHrldo Jean Jones Mary Vernon 5 Hazel Smart Weed Seeds I Marv Marion Hunter Collection of Writing Alphabet Fred Tom Lounes Baldwin 6 McCallum ritiugrTlie Bluebird I ill Laws Mb Writing The Eva Chapman Dorothy Annie Barker Howard Witty Doris Chapman Ian of Model Farm in i hniiJiv Howard Witty Vernon Alma Cairns Ma Albert Ezard Howard Witty Map of Canada Doris Chapman Norman Bowen Willie Barker Ada Helen Hunter Vernon Model of Saw Horse Howard Witty James Whyllock Albert Ezard Clifford Rumble Rex Millard 6 John Murphy 1 Irene Gillies Mary Douglas Helen Hunter Homemade Candy Folliott Campbell 3 Elsie Maifruel Irene Gillies Alma Cairns 3 Alice BDrlngelt Margaret 5 Elsie Graham Muffins Gillies liihan Douglas 4 i Edward Sullivan Velma A Scarf Helen Hunter Eva Hilts Eva Chapman rochet Work Helen Hunter Set of Dull Clothes 1 Annie Irene Gillies Quilt Block ten Hunter Mae Madeline Wells Any Other Article 1 Elsie Eva Chapman 3 Elsie Thompson 4 Florence Edwards 5 Helen Evelyn Clark Boys Public 1 Helen Stevenson 3 Verna Wallas I Boys Hiding Contest i Harvard widdy Clarence McGuire Donald John Dew Marvin Hunter Leslie Millard Girls Riding Contest Ruth Aram Ruth Baldwin Margaret Walker Vegetable Judging Contest Alii Ciiin A Irene Gillies Howard Willy No FAIR SYNDICATE Try Parsons First When you are in town at the Fair we would be glad to have you call and both at our store and at our display in the Main Building on the grounds Make this headquarters and we what we can to make your visit pleasant and profitable Parsons Work Books 200 Special 9c Parsons English Breakfast Tea per lb Parsons English Breakfast Coffee per lb Parsons Pure Baking Powder Parsons Special Laundry Soap Special 3 bars Parsons Special Toilet ozrollSpecial4 rolls 25c English Brown Betty Tea Pots special 39c English Tea Pots fancy assortment speciai to Writing Pads reg 1 5c special Writing Pads reg special 18c Kirch Plat Curtain Rods special 25c Willow Clothes Baskets extra special 98c Glass Berry Sets special Alarm Clocks peg special Fancy Tray Cloths reg special Fancy Centre Pieces 50 spec Vanity Cases spec Pictures reg spec for Shetland Floss spec 2 skeins for Brass Safety Pins all sizes per card Canadian Beauty Hair Nets Double Mesh reg 15c Extra 1 0c each SPECIAL DISCOUNTS ON ALL WALL PAPERS DURING FAIR WEEK Parsons Fair Syndicate fc- NEWMARK1T EXPLOSION HAMILTON Two Men Killed- Hamilton- Onl Sept Nick and Melville Moon are dead ami Is suffering from frightful bums the result of a fur- explosion last at tin of the Abrasive Company of Can- and fire reels were called Im mediately Maturays right leg was so badly shattered it was amputated upon his arrival at the hospital Moons face was burned almost tin foil i badly riled I him on the rig I he of metal Me or the and bis right arm and tie was blinded Whether the latter Injury Is of a per manent doctors cannot say paused away at oclock Ihla morning and three hours later Moon expired condition is report to be critical Though the report was heard throughout the cast end of the city Hie furnace room was not badly dam aged the loss being appraised at about BAOKFIRg Its no wonder youre such a declared the bad boy Your Ipapa and mamma were married by a Justice of the Well re toned independent Mary from the noise I hear coming from your house your No No i I No Utah Pupil lilies K No i School Wlnnlnii Number I prices Av A party of five Journalists rep resenting the leading newspapers of Switzerland recently arrived at Quebec are the In Canadr people are farming and ana the desirability of Canada riN mixed farming which calls for smaller and more numerous agricultural holdings than wheat growing does and results In closer and bettor bigger and more densely the rurSI population the social amenities there are and greater ha ROBT W JONES NEWMARKET WILL PAPERS SUPPLIED LARGE STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND OIL COATED AND DYED BURLAPS Practical Painter and Paperlianger FIRSTCLASS AND ART DECORATOR NEWMARKET FAIR CONCERT PROGRAM IN THE TOWN HALL Fridoy Ironing Sept The Colonels Maid A COMEDY IN ACTS DRAMATIC CLUB ACT IEarly 111 lilt Uio ACT Library later f ALT HI The some of day Mr CASTE OF Colonel Robert A Widower North Carolina onion Colonel Richard A Widower or South Both Miss Dorothy Pen Marsha- Mrs J John Carroll as their respective lather Widow and Colonel Slstcrlnla Ruby Mr Geo BO I sir The ailinso Cook who a bit Mr Brmiso Manager and au RISES AT P Ned A young Mr ahUnu Col-