Newmarket Era, 28 Sep 1923, p. 8

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Thur E Fair is in and address by IBs and Pari- The Directors lie Qui Fair conditions have decided not to hold a Fair School Fair seems to be old agricultural eih The Newmarket Christian Endeavor held a Roast on Thursday evening of week It was previously arranged to hold it at Bow linn on Second hut Swing to the wet weather it was in the basement of he after- prayermeeting There were present and sH re port a good time Splendid congregations both morning and evening last Sun day and excellent sermons by the pastor In the morning the conflict of opinion Between the and the Master was dis cussed concerning he use of the Atahagter box of preciOus ointment the token of love on the part of the woman- which is be yond any market value and from them only comparable to the life dedi In the evening the theme discussed was the bringing back of the to the fold of Christ Both were masterly efforts and greatly appreciated by the congregations Toronto that bridges back years ago when an old boy first separated In the early nineties there re- ded neai Warsaw iPoland the family of Joseph There were seven or eight children One of them Joseph Junior con tributed to the family income by iptoyment with neighbors Ad- spirit urged him out amazing extremities obtain food Thrice he crosse and each the Choir and beside tithe Mis Richardson and Miss rendered with fine expression that favorite selection Angels of Jesus There were nearly 300 out to Sunday School and the Adult classes had Hie assistance of the Sunday there will be pro- the auditor at in the afternoon assisted by the Orchestra Everybody invited Farewell Supper A business meeting of the of ficers and teachers of the Meth odist Sunday School took place in the Board Room of the Church on Saturday evening when be tween GO and participated in a Supper on behalf of the workers in the who are leaving for other fields of labor After doing justice to the ex cellent spread the pastor who presided made a very appropri ate address and unveiled the por traits of Miss and Mr Arnold now enter ing preparation for lifes ser vice also Miss Lediard and Rev Dr Norman in Ja pan which will find a the group of War Heroes that he the ill- were also presented to who had given faithful ser vice in the School and Mrs were not forgotten preparation and giving of his experiences in Japan at well as on his travels in Canada An Address In Japanese The prayer service in the Methodist Church on Thursday night last week took the form of a missionary meeting Rev- Dr Norman was present and in troduced his Japanese friend Mr P Tagano of who had just arrived in Toronto a couple of days previous and an hour passed very quickly while he told of his conversion the power of prayer in connection with his lif- progress of Chris tianity in his native land the ap preciation of I he people for the Christian workers and tin- sac rifices Jap had made in Mr fiikiii Japanese be cause he express himself more readily and Or Norman interpreted he the information imparted practical exhibit how address he natives before they are able to speak the language Mr Tagano is a mechanical engineer and is sent over Canada and the United Slates by be Japanese government- to ex amine industrial and conditions and report to his people where reforms can made in while at lb time he is observing the contrast between Christianity in this land and heathenism in his native land- His address very encouraging 1 opinions and deductions hawed that he was a man of ob servation perception and great intelligence A vote of thanks moved by seconded by Dr Wilkinson for his admirable address Dr also displayed pictures and maps showing the buildings and territory destroyed in he recent earthquake and gave comparisons with hectic the Province of Ontario so to give belter comprehension of the conditions now prevailing and the great need of financial feasbitaace and earnest it back to Poland by alert Then riding on the rucks or Trains fed by kindly he passed info France on to England He could end nor write hut hi- homeless condition made an opening through which he got through immigration offices He sold papers ran errands and was a handy boy Then he got a tray of cheap jewelry and walked through provinces Also he sold sheet music un authorized editions of popular copyrighted songs for the brothers and he inown as Joseph Robinson The second in his name lie cannot account for Just look it for I found most fellows knew had two or three initials in their names he says Family Followed Him After Joseph went to England he painted such glowing pictures that we followed his sister Mrs Penny Goldstein A st Toronto We all happily in London for about years and then Joseph dis- Where he had gone e did not know until a year when we got a letter from urn from San Francisco Joseph says hat find ing Liverpool In by he big ships and to K somewhere He had Where does that ship go asked a dock hand and was China That cost too much Finally he was old of one going to Quebec he amount of his total Then too as he ex plains they old me a part of the I had learned hat meant a In Quebec lie worked in ant Becoming a waiter he began ravelling west reached Vancouver then California saw possibilities in the ax bus purchased a secondhand for made good Finally lie himself in battle He could not yet read I lb basis of Otune came Ins f going to university She began to teach We had answered his to hot all our efforts to find him won of no jfo we thai he had his life in the earthquake lee years ago my lather came I- here from England and he I never believe that Joseph dead So to please him believing hat our efforts Hid meet with W be advertise in the papers all I rough Canada and the United 8tates Three months through a private detective agency that they had located him and our next word was from Joseph For others escape was not Dennis who die several year made two attempts atlai freedom before he finally sue After each failure an recapture he was lied up in post and whipped blood ran and he promise er lo run away again Be fore his attempt his wif baked enough corn bread to las Afler they had got well on Ihe way blood hounds heard following the trail lately for he runaways was a river in front and al though it was two miles wide Dennis plunged in earring his his back Short pursuers appeared on horseback and opened fire on the fugitives Ope bullet pass ed through fleshy pari of leg but he kept on his wife thai hey might heller drown than go back be whipped lo On some slavery planfalions ife was not too hard on others conditions were just about as bad is they could be Once when a arty of slaves were working in he rain one clad only in a of his back died and gW dried wife to elf urns out flat it Was quite hat a man had shown m an advertisement in a maga- Ine he believed referred to Correspondence beg Jo and ten days ago he received a wire signed by Mrs Goldstein who she was his sister and ward bound and arrived to the public Those hat buy them learn to their Ihal price does not their cost To Ihe pound satisfying and be from a fine tea like hence its real econ- in use I in Toronto Globe A mile above New Lowell where the cloudcapped Blue of Valley there is still living one whose life his tory forms a link between the Old South of Lee Jackson and Jeff Davis and pioneer days in North This is John Morgan first saw light of day in Holland Landing For my father escape from slavery was a ely easy thing Mr Morgan said when I saw him a few days was a herb docto such was allowed a good deal of freedom in going about among ailing colored people frequently away from the home plan Public Subscription is for for day or two of these before his Instead or ha snake whip was laid shoulders and he was soon warm if not dry Another who had stolen a sheep was lied to the whipping post and the firs lash sliced away a nipple from his breast A bird for lying was whipped until he died auction block was worse ban Hip whipping post Children iere away heir pa- ns and wives parted One of of a slave who to Canada sold for MOO Slaves who proved sent the thought sold Man of selling the all he risks of escape Once the free Stales hey found a ion to Canada but a risky one were sheltered in Quaker houses by day and hurried by night the next station of on he underground rail- leading to Canada Two of brothers made way In Maiden by that route John Robinson only wo settled hi- he f Morgans story So far M petition of whal he heard from Ins father slaves When cam of the early days in On eould speak for the of what these eyes had had heard wfshing of land of his ring hat land lb of hen I was little Mr Morgan staled id he Blue Mountains your father of he was asked hey mlghl have done if hey had been- visible he said hul I lush excep- own Hide clearing j that not know the meaning words For meat we had venison from deer killed j oris by he few who hat More frequently we hat groundhogs whicii dish bread we Ihreshwl wheal a flail threw it in air from a blanket to get rid of Ihe chaff and then carried ft bushel at time o Holland ling here only two houses where Is now to he ground- all the latter porcupine For I was Did I over see an- Why bless you who boy In they lion than dogs are now a pack howled at night the dishes would rattle on the shelves a the cabin when a little chap I sent in for our cows- pasturing in an abandoned Canada Refunding Loan Dated and bearing interest from October 1923 and offered in two maturities as follows year Bonds doe October 5 rear Bonds due October 1928 Principal payable at the office of the ReceiverGeneral at Ottawa or that of the Assistant Receiver- General at Halifax St John Charlottetown Montreal Toronto Winnipeg Calgary or Victoria Semiannual interest April and 15th October payable at any branch in Canada of any chartered bank Denominations All bonds may be registered as to prittcipal only and bonds in denomination of and authorised multiples thereof may be fully registered These bonds are authorized under Act of the Parliament of Canada and both principal and interest are a charge upon the Consolidated Fund This To Gash Subscribers Offering Terms presents a most attractive invest ment The security is incomparable and the income return high The bonds will occupy an investment position equal to that of Can adas Victory Bonds The bonds ing prices offered for cash at the follow- To Holders of Victory Bonds In addition to the borfds offered for cash it has been j n jj in the difference between the face value maturing bonds and the purchase price of the security namely at the rate of per for year bonds and for year bonds Special Privilege coupons on bonds exchanged November 1st and interest yielding and interest yielding tained by thi As the new bonus will who exchange will thus interest thereby wuua from and year to the follow- YEAR and intexci and cashed October 15th holdei an extra half months the cost of year bonds elding made subject to prior sale and a price and holders are urged to a ubject to withdrawal r yielding promptly as this privilege is of bonds attractive investment Orders may be telegraphed or telephoned collect and exchanges made through any of the undersigned or through your usual dealer or bank applied for and to sell for cash more than or about October 15th 1923 when as and if The right is reserved to allot a less am These bonds are offered for delivery i of bonds thai Securities Corporation Ltd Wood Gundy and Company A Ames and Company Bank of Canada Imperial Bank of Canada National City Limited Bank of Montreal Bank of Nova Scotia Bank of Toronto Banque Security Bank and Company Ltd Hanson Brothers Inc Thomson and Company Ltd Burgess and Company Sank Standard Bank of Canada Montreal City and District Savings Ban A Paly and Company Harris Forbes and Company Matthews and Company Ltd Osier and Hammond Deacon and Company A- Mackenzie Co Ltd Graham Co Canadian Bank of Commerce Dominion Bank Bank Provincial du Canada Sterling Bank of Canada Clarke and Company Kerr Flemmlng and Company Young Weir and Royal Securities Corporation Limited GreenshleJda and Company Morrow Co Murray Company Ltd hi of the leg of my tpouse hut I was not scared until I wolf Then I logged Father look down n by a man named Bingham at Holland Landing nd went back lo hunt old Wolf The mother wolf and her had but I caught sight of the old he- wolf a few yards from the path bracing his hind legs for a spring saw him too Just in time and wolf leaped high he ceiling of our use when hut he was dead he fell lo our feet Father left mo there trembling watch he carcass while after the mate of tho dead wolf Ho got her too and the bounty paid for both helped out in the family larder There were a lot of Indians hero then as well and they wore still in a state of savagery Old Indians to keep up with the young men were killed off Once an old Indian lo our by pulling his hand first to his stomach and then lo his indicated that ho was Whon mother gave of bread some young Indians who had followed him snatched jl from bis mouth He no good They led poor old fellow out to the placo about four and half miles east of hero and ore Bank a tomahawk In his brain afterward burying him with a bow and arrow stuck in ground at his head and feet After hearing alt this as I Iked back lo the New up clearly against oiling sun oast west north south wore tilled fields had replaced the primeval foresl and substantial farm dwellings in slabroofed cabins of the while in Now it self the evening air once riven by howl of the wolf was vi brant with the music of child rens voices And yet the who told of days that are past I still retains his and phys ical faculties unimpaired and bids fair to equal the life span of his father whose body lies in New Lowell cemetery with words Aged Years above the NEW GOLD STHIKE northwestern Qul where the discovery on the Chad- bourne claim lho Mines Is declared to have the of the itai ion the The mineralized zone of foui feel in width and close to a quarter of a mile in length presents all he aspects of being such as will attract from all parts of the world Gold is valuable in varying conditions in with cubes of large and small some times in the accompanying lered rocks Concentration of values occur in big parallel fractures ranging up lo twenty feet in width Keeping PayStreak Under Cover One pay-streak- is exceedingly so much that It Is being undor cover and is not being shown to visitors Ho important Is the discovery that it is now considered prob able that the P will loso no in its Kipawa- Qulnze line right on through the now gold field and with the possibilities of trains moving through the field by the end of another year The of the Lake f Ontario the la also fraternity among groat valuo reoognized as hav ing a line Its way along the gold range rather than at only one point bums all operate Thought Comblria and Hot Water Id distribution Hupp don Hot A of heat Happy Thought Ranges have been the choice of Canadian house- make wonderfully comfort- minimum able In Forty years of experience In the house of heating principles are behind all Happy products For IRWIN OVer Smiths Hardware OF ONTARIO

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