Bread Winners yours Tested Watson GRADUATE OPTICIAN The Leading County Paper as well as the Oldest No paper sent out of North York unless paid in advance innum In advance when United la Hand Bags UMBRELLAS HOW Latest styles and prices reasonable at WATSONS Jewelry Store TT7nKS0N Editor and Proprietor NEWMARKET FRIDAY OCT Hardware SOLE AGENCY FOR LOWE BROS HighGrade Paints Stains Varnishes Enamels EASY VACUUM Electric Washer HOT POINT Electric Ranges DETROIT VAPOR Oil Stoves FLORENCE AUTOMATIC Oil Stoves THE GRAVITY Washing Machine DUSTBANE by the keg or Barrel OWL BRAND ROOFING AND SHINGLES GET OUR QUOTATIONS ON BUILDERS HARDWARE GLASS Etc Mail it to the Bank No matter how far distant you may be from this Bank you can always make deposits by mail Sums of money sent to us by registered mail will be credited to your account and Immediately acknowledged Do not keep a large sum of money at home mail it to the Bank IMPERIAL CANADA F H HEWSON A O MURRAY Our National Finance THE WAR PERIOD War Canada under the administration well started on the path financial obligations for expenditure for the ordinary of administration had been by nearly per cent in three ears while expenditure had icreased fay nearly per cent in face of falling revenues and industrial depression The Neglected struggle which and by of the Proy- ieripted but wealth the SOUTH END LUMBER YARD Best Anthracite Bouleta Furnace Body Hardwood from Car 4Toot Hardwood Edgings per ton per ton per ton per ton 1400 per cord per cord Light Wood Cut and Split P W PEARSON period doubled the ordinary Canada lines I or I THE CANE SONS CO LIMITED liming the eight fiscal to inclusive Robert Borden Sir and Hon Mr national finances their tot exceeded their rev sum of sum exceeding their total amount lent on war and profits of lax- nee Victory policy has had the of throwing file burden of I on those who did the actual lighting and who now pay that Railway and Merchant I the total of nearly per five The inlcrest on the debt toialled or Compared with Ihese big ilems or uncontrollable the outlay of the Railway Burden for controversy responsibility len of railway nihility Portage to James Da full of promise for full Of Iho Hon and dial to give his the generous which it plainly justifies is Mr part of wisdom To spend tho seven million dollars Northern spur of the lie points out would retrenchment dilutes upon the more settled of the Northern count He does not believe that it wot he fair lo thus sacrifice I nit needs of the pari fn i- fid Years Ago Oct proposed ice meeting Years Ago at spices of of Mr McLennan visited the High here on Oct- 3rd when he marked There are few if an- High School- or tnsl lutes in Ontario superior t Huh School Jos Esq and good have returned fro Atlantic trip Tun pie I i badly burned that she In Kelt of T Washington Hen- Rogers Isaac Webb Simeon Lemon Wakefield Proc tor Geo Bishop Art Geo Roger- las Ander- Peter 75 males and Officers Kl Randall of Oct Wilcox of Sunday Miss Maggie Glover of Hill visited Miss Minnie Doyle this wee Miss Lizzie Botsford has turned from Port Arthur she spent the summer Mrs Dr Gilbank of he of Mis to who must lie with the sponsors Hie DID YOU EVER USE FIBRE BOARD practically proof par AUic partitions and ceilings Cellar partitions and ceilings 8ummer Cottages Interior Walls and Ceilings Repairing Walls and Ceilings Where the Plaster has Broken Away Call and See Our Samples and Prices Factory Yards Huron St Newmarket line through tin Mountains lo gratify he of Messrs Mackenzie and was thai cosily undertaking ally brought the road lo bankruptcy ami Canada capital burden of over six hundred Wherever Ilea the blame however there Is now no recourse but la carry on The Government has Canadian National Hallways and of the Canadian Government Merchant Marino to the ablest which It can find and Kiadmilly close the gap Impressed With Resources The Premier was tremendously he travelled possessed At the same time however be con sidered that the part of North ern Ontario lying south of Oil Can Portage was the richest section of Hie country The country to the north side of that he believes depended for its future largely upon its min eral riches and upon its fisher ies both of which factors he to have fully investigated be fore he comes to a final deci sion with regard to the T and 0 The significance of the Moose Factory trip when it was taken lay largely in the since of purpose which it implied upon the part of the Governor and of Hon Mr F the one anxious lo Jill expenditure Including fixed on capital investment The Shipbuilding Folly The Canadian Government Is an outstanding ample the financial folly or lht In Imitation the lh iled Stales Shipping Board which really did deliver some ships the principal deficit of I during eight years of the Nut Coke Furnace Coke Cannel Coal Soft Coal for- Threshing A Car of the Very Best Blacksmith Coal Just Arrived Also a Car of CEMENT i preceding id public l by development a falling revenues Improvident Borrowing further Important of Canadas war financing la be noted The policy of borrowing the whole cost of embolization Involved max rales The borrowed In am expended a time at or near their peak lotto McDonald Alex Shaw Rev B Ily Treloal East united with Newmarket in County Exhibition this year ant 8000 people were present on 2nd day Jonathan Baker and McGill King won first and second prizi for While Fall Wheat the specia prize being a of on a crock of but- 40 lbs there wen and it was won by Mrs ugs and blankets were Mrs of Whitchurch B Lcipard and Mrs Judah of East of Whitchurch of King John Sail East Gwillimbiiry and Jas of King won the most fruit Sell biggest prize winner in against las Russell of Mark- ham and Ed Jeff of West Married At the residence Mr Moore East Gwillimbury Oct by Rev Julius Harvey to Miss bull of At Rev Joseph Albert Collin of East to Miss A la Prairie is visiting her fath Mr Mrs Dr Watson and two children are here from Michi gan her Mr ami Mrs Robt Pearson Miss Bastedo of Toronto Gen eral Hospital staff is spending a few days at home Mr and Mrs Albert of East celebrated Silver Wedding on Wed nesday of last week Mr Well Cockrill left for Milwaukee on Wednesday to gave him a send off the evening Miss Eva Jackson left for Ot- iwa on Monday visit her five weeks- that intimate knowledge of facts must be at the basis of good government Now the trip Country so long hall Norih power know ledge of its whicl will be able to so correlate- development- lo provincial mat Crumb of Bowmanville At Oct by v Sain Tillett tc Elizabeth both oi si At the Manse Oct 3rd by Rev John Brown Albert Mis Of provlled with lull Willi Id of ii in Hie fourth annual report of directors dated April 1923 was that ships which cost 10 per ton arc now worth per ton replacement value difference between paid la price i return considering doll Of purchasing When the lo for in W EVES contracted at a time when wheat wan per bushel In Winnipeg ko that the country was only able to buy bushels of wheat with every received for a Victory bond Last December when bond ma- lured wheat In Winnipeg Belling ho hat tho paid to the holder of the bond would buy bushels of wheat in other the Government received bushels of wheat In and 141 per ton December i lowing for interest 11621 Up to the present lime fore the loaa to the people of Canad on thin servfee has amounted While Ihe operating may be Improved In Ibis and lowing years the capital lost would appear to disappeared Neb Sept With Nebraska the grip of a violent rain wind and storm a tornado struck in Council Bluffs Iowa Just across river from Omaha lnight doing heavy is not known whether any loss of life A cloudburst struck Omaha and Council Bluffs at oclock is running in Ihe streets in both cities from three to six feet deep car and auto mobile traffic Is demoralized Appeals from florfded families wore pouring Into the fire and police departments A tornado which struck Oah- Neb today injured of persons and demolished on out in Ihe downtown district of Council Bluffs Iowa a short from here after a A portion of the Strand Thea- whoh is located on Ihi bank of Indian Creek Is Frank and Harold Arm it age struck work and good wages at Rat Ben Manning and Bert Day also got work it Ihe same place Miss Lukes of Toronto visited her aunt Mrs Woollen for two weeks Cain has accepted a the run ning llaiilale to Dr of Cleveland visited his father last Monday Mr C and daughter are home from Wisconsin where they attended the wed ding of Mr son the by his wi week his Rogers Yonge St Mr a Newmar ket hoy who left for British Col- yea ago sends unknown number of victims of he of the Casper- Denver passenger train wrecked last near HI were in the he wrecked train to- A conservative estimate dead is believed to bo of a lo comotive baggage mail ami ex press cars twoday coaches and two Pullmans plunged through a bridge across Coal Creek shortly after leaving Here at oclock last night The train was made and was due to Denver at 1005 oclock irning All of tho train except rear Pullman dropped hope lies in Immediate future for some relief from alt this legacy of debt and taxation I Viiiiliihttillnii to and what progress has al ready been made by tho present In making ends meet a reduction of taxation will form the of the next OF TORONTO Three Men Hob Hamilton Store Hamilton Ont Oct 1st Chances of capturing the t burglars who climbed into window of Sweet walchme and made off with night hen Detectives Chamberlain completed staged the robbery In Toronto They long to a different order being daylight bank robbors and holdup this job was dona by At lie residence of Nip brides renls by the father of the bride agisted by Rev W Lehman to Meta Maud Ihe risidiiiec of the brides icr Sopt by Rev Mitchell of to Miss Jennie Barker of North Tomb At Sept John Ferguson aged years In Sept John Sept 28 Camp- bell the elderly farmer who was knocked down when a running- boiled from Ihe track at irrio Fair September 19 died Royal Victoria Hospital this morning of a badly developed Is death He was 7 and lived in wonder how they The man who wonders who saga get fat engaged to the saga fair in love