The Adlet C Rent Apply ry Wicker Baby Box 388 Wanted To wort a farm Brick I To Bent In house Apply Phone 3901 Sto possession Editorial Notes Newmarket Fair S No less than lots of butter sshown The Domestic Science last Friday to many people and especially to the man- I lull Fail and Plant tree farmers are their line farms need he many subscriber play tion among- cattle Consequently the attendant hot up to expectations but all the events scheduled were pulled were eight li kept the track besides bread and all the other tempt the appe- Our Toronto Letter the late John state of over tarried a Whitchurch yt Nine to do alo I of the Er Is last month If he coming of the of Wales as Lord Renfrew to Al berta and a stay on his ranch for a few weeks results in the immi gration of Englands surplus population as is hinted by an American newspaper the visit will be doubly effective The Englishman al home reading of the keen enjoyment the Prince to reason that good enough for the future of England must be good em for the ordinary people be hoped thai the move from crowded England to broad spaces of the may set in with vigor if such Society Column the the ly Then the Bank the suddenly on Tuesday in drawing A boy years of age playing with Wedneday was stabbed back of the head with a galvanized wire and died LOSES and the crowds lined on both sides of the Ira as filling the grand sta suits of the races elst splendid Hogs and advantage to City or Made to Order by The light have for the small crowd n the Fair Grounds on Friday not so on Saturday So far the Exhibition goes it was a success The various rlhy of old North York ere was the crowd We of the opinion that the her of lady drive where five teams the heavy draft show horses throng factory class in Cattle well filled except lady the lat in with burn of For the 3r Mr Black their absence at half the ion would have prestige and Wanted 35 in a family ot I Must be capable of people People go to fheir friends the exhibits J should not ha For Bale or Rent acres slate of cultivation close to highway miles t Jots and nii Sou I overlooking Comments of Exchanges Hospitals Need Honey Barrio Examiner In tit branch of the public service i- application of busi ness principals more than III the hospitals Few heap Institutions private support make financing Election Earlier leiiibnde Observer Munich lime in Pembroke one month would lrt of Sheep Pig 21STiice or Trot Fortune i 235 Pace or Trot Wilton I Pace or is attending proprietor of Era a call while in Town of affairs by I brick underground kitchen large I Investigate Theatre in of the first Mon day In the New Year is in accord with present day pro- greys and eliminates the oft- used excuse of many that he elections folio the holiday week 216 215 makes well as two or tin make but ladies homes were the model The exhibit Mr and Mrs of Suitor weekend with llitir Mrs Norman Miller Mrs Dr Cody and Mast Allan splint Hie weekend in To the guests of Mrs Dr Mac of Toronto spent the Fa Miss i Is Spears Mrs T Visited friends here Isle Augers of Montreal will realise tKe difference between Salad a and just tea Sound Development Incorporated the purpose of providin 185 5 Twelve years before trader of early days EMAfN CANADA Montreal Oct J ire brought over from 1 iii j it- to innipeg were obtained by The day along number of hose re turned and Hie have made so far less than four per cent of the total Eleven thousand seven hundred and eighteen men were laken to the West ern fields Up to Ihe end of Sep tember Hie number buying tickets the trip homeward to Britain is almost nil In the present month the stands thousand seviie test of harvest in In- irl passages I of has steamship companies day Ihat Ihe big fao namely over lo easlbouiil Corfcderati building of its ample reserves ToDay farmers and whinny a Capital Reserves and experience gathered in our years of banking operations to gether with a courteous efficient service by a capable staff BAHMORONTO NEWMARKET BRANCH Hie choice of Ihcm- The Comedy fea turing Balfour at the flower girl in London as funny a bloke walk ed Trafalgar Square and P Charlie Lea who lost heart on THURSDAY 10 May Lola Wilton Elliott and pathos In a picture of life feting Short Reels Pictures at and Holidays Pictures Sharp Satinets at p m Sept The of was duly celebrated tonight licipaKd and band musical program tiered The ceremony good sendoff when- Moid- en mounted new fire truck which was on exhibition- anc brew the town open to Joy- He was by Kineer Haddock of Ihe Hydro fain to get a for minimum probably be Mr Mail cltlzenK of towi why responsible for in tin Jiylio this Mayor Walton of InabilHy to Minitj be which evenlH we for More than 5000000 grain will be sent from Vat to the and he much attention The Corson Products Co made them all beaten for taking dirt off the bands The Kangaroo skins from Au stralia in the exhibit of the Davis Leather Co opened the eyes of the Consequently It was P P intends to drop out He iu service lo Ihe Society The variety of pencils made in Town by he Win Jane Sons Co was a surprise to those who took the trouble to handsome exhibit No need to go out of Town for get displayed by modern articles Ho The booth patronized has now a regular part of the Fair When it cornes a office display there is nothing li touch the Office Specially outfit wore taken in gale on Friday and Saturday which shor of year There was keenest In Ihe class had six ten entries and some From the appearance of of and not unlllit This year fheic were 1 SO exhibits in two classes and a specimens were excellent The boys are taking an in pot animals They had 30 pairs of airy exhibit tho best Hi- lay friends Hey J Cochrane filly a couple- days of Mission lio Con fere Mr Albert Clements ami Helen King been In I of 111 ami Mrs of Newmarket i Thompson of Mr and Mrs Jos What is your today hat you give it thirdrale servido To yesterday you of fered zeal and hard work You saving up for tomorrow and energy whal today Why should il off as something inferior Yesterday has gone and you can do will alter its re told is no fail thai you should re pay it inililfeiiin and bail breakfast What do mean child Why last you old Mary give me a light supper and I ROBT W JONES NEWMARKET WALL PAPERS SUPPLIED LARGE STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND OIL COATED AND DYED BURLAPS Practical Painter and FIRSTCLASS AND ART DECORATOR The Fair Grounds last Saturday We no- Heed Messrs John Wanen Win Holmes Atkin son Clarence Toole Mr and Mrs M Collins have returned after lakh Ibrmif York Slate t tended tbo SI I lie wi J the All A family look nt Hi- of Mr Geo yween Street K Insl Friday of Ibe birthday of ilreckons Mr are pleased to say be Is In good health and ittknied Newmarket on days Mr Mark of Victoria lie Era a call on Monday Ibis- way by in f be serious with i Mot and I Co Aid D Supt York Society York Warden Cro Sherry of y or dittton neeve bury Etiv Crawford of l of J A ex- layer Walton Wedm ii Janet of Mr and M Cummlng Moonstone Mrs Atkinson The Tornb of hotel fire Charles Howard Iirothui of Mrti Harry of Newmarket aged years funeral at Cotllngwood on Sharon on Monday Oct McDonald In Bradford Sept 30 In his 100th year Roadhouse Rose Funeral MotKer Williams oi Broadway very ff Willi- Ann William ovanlyhvu year ago the real la whnst lpr loin torlni to Lot Mi llkii music and It I great pride that to era the present their to training at her To herself a he -Billboard- under the protection h JaM li Hallway tor old Mend J ItlCIu had the primary object he graye Wv went to Toronto where her last resting place Old Jet that they call her Ut on ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO