W L is First ilea Mortgages REYNOLDS Victoria St Toronto Brick on II Apply at UN jOxiOO WAU Marks I ROOM Methodist The of well ruled on Sunday j ami a large choir led be singing After the usual Open ing Jjy flic pastor the of the Sunday Di Wilkinson took charge and Plained to the congregation lb ling of the Sunday of by the various classes promotion exercises includ ing if or Diplomas daffoim prettily ror the occasion and the vhole program effective showing the work that In bring i- in ptiilmd in Sunday In the afternoon the Day being lid Mil of seven pieces The by Large congregation In the ev ening and appeal for service a life of courage and fidelity in the face standing firm for what is highest and noblest dud Miss Hart and Mr A Eves Jul for Medicine Hint Catarrh bothers hile HALLS a Tonic and Mood upon normal conditions All Circulars free IT Cheney Toledo Ohio PLUMBING and FURNACES R 3HT0N HOME IS THE BEST the little hand will the the gamblers la hubby arms of you those befouled with obscene KIDNEY Is felt Just seriously on the per lakes and 1iriu III j shores of ere ly because of the low level of that Instead of receiving to divert add water from the Die Chicago canal the of by an 1 should be compelled handle their sewage dispov a problem by inoilern scientific in Is of contin their pre ent system emptying their Sewage at their or nays Major 1 Modern System Whlle Mr leader of Hie Chicago deputation which has been on a missionary visit to the aot that the treaty the us of the Great Lakes waters places health as the i first considers dlon he Is simply using Ibut fact as cages effort to secure addition disposal plan at the expense of all on the lakes In order to save Chicago from the expense of Installing a pro disposal A SONG OF 8ERVI0E Onward Christian Needs your loyal to Him he truer In this spread five Him Thanks and For Mis love and friendship your ohildhood day then the children Girls itnd boys I Ml of the And of His dear Son Tell in words so simple And in deeds o kind That fliey will serve Him Willi heart and soul and mind parson fair syndicate Beaver Mills Best AND i AND ALL KINDS OF Hay and Straw A L O Orders taken for Next Winters Goaf OLIVER DIKE Huron St Newmarket What I Mean by DresSwell Guarantiee The makers of hand tailored to measure clothes and consider and accept every order as an evidence of confidence and trust on the part of the purchaser In re cognition thereof we hereby guarantee that for any DresSwell suit that Is not satis factory In every particular we will either replace gratis or refund your money In full And this guarantee whether you pay or for your suit or overcoat MAIN STREET NEWMARKET