How and Periodic Fains Yield to Pink- hams Vegetable Compound Leslie For about a year I was troubled with a distressing down- bearing pais before and during the Compound with good 1 finally bought some and took four bottles of it I certainly do it to every woman with troubles like mine I feel fine now and hope to be able to keep no woman ought to he without it in the husband induced relief from Almonte Gazette While population of India has by per cent in the the Christians have by per cent lammedanism an increase wice as rapid as that of all but the Christian increase is times greater Better to Go Slow Toronto Financial Post A loss of fifty thousand dollars on predicted by that y husband outdoors will hem others for you to publish this letter if you think in the they give u try pound hope of recovery GENTLEMEN or Versaiiiyi Is there anything wear It morning noon and night for many different oc casions and it always looks Lot us show you a Cock or the North Guaranteed not to fade for two years NONE BETTER F WILLIS Mens Tailor Main St Newmarket 1004 Furnace Work Plumbing Our Specialties Bee the Bathroom Outfit at the The leading tinsmiths to Herald Office Just another example unsoundness of public to people cannot finance with the banks of companies What has a municipality oi Gay Sons Need Deeper Ploughing Deep Ploughing Depth of Seed Bed Important Fishy Flavor In forming ploughing 1 The causes the growth and the present situation in regard to taxation in Canada have already It final pha the of which In one people ee the me with gelling by the made he United States Our own debt and taxation problem is quite sufficiently vexed but there is perhaps some cheerfulness rather than pessi mism of the brand in the knowledge the do net nearly ploughing i followed ploughing This depth- of seed bed I here should be the Department about such a texL bdok of ttm re favorable aeration or soil rhe shallow of Of iTUth statement our provincial and federal Danger In Too Deep nents I Where shallow ploughing ha stop practiced ing and retrench we are I change to deep ploughing should suffering from the high cost Place gradually or some in c ving and it is time we stopped stepping on the gas Modern Education Renfrew Mercury as to whether we are getting for the money expended in of different argue for hi It all depends The The Mercury does not think that any higher type of citizen is turned out of our schools and colleges today than was turned out thirty years ago It is true that in many respects the grad uates our our schools college in alii tries are informed on a higher range of subjects than were the graduates of a quarter of a or so ago But does this wider knowledge tend to make think so What Our Forests Weathering unproductive subsoil good top useful plants weathering her people depend upon this ores army of workers for shelter and home nee In Canadas pulp and pa- lillfi dollar- Right You Are Statesman or more rumen I do our people them activity icing the Ontario Temper lha the of his an effort to make the Act Thai Ontario holds tin advanced position it does in hi character of its lawn for felling evils of alcoholism is flue in no small degree to the help of he press Its sympathetic itude temperance effort whether by moral suasion or ictive and prohibitory enact- maljetiialty helped If mid public sentiment thai brought the better laws info of BY GOLLY I An old resident of Ahnka had i followed by Gee whiz he Bald hat thing had New Lamp Burns 94 per cent Air Value of OldHome Weeks Renfrew Mercury Apart i weekly newspaper giving happening there ig ho much tends to keep In touch with former si a- Idhome week in event of I hi kind one nee body of old lends iled be an who shall home weeks put yearn would It different crowd every lead those who If no ring fin hiiilie Old- able the growth la whei not brlr ploughing plough a Keep it Good ploughing Branch A College sight Inches give Increased il flooded by the isolated casus all crabs and dried stakes of the pa datively the least of the Bril of Ihe hi of Lilt left to draw International comparison to revenues and expend because of ho differ is and fiscal pe ids It jo that i I ho bo the War four and United States Hi comparative figures llllIV conclusion hat we burden of debt In 1914 Canadas taxation per capita was In it was and increase of Our national debt pita was in A Saving Of and an nl species of developing by butler t fish lues bacteria capable was in crease of per cent Th per capita debt of Australia 1914 was in it wa an increase of 180 per cent In New Zealand per expend in 1915 was in 922 it was an in crease of 0076 per practically the same as Canada increase The debt per in New Zealand was i in 1922 it was a increase of 29 per In South Africa Ihe per luxation of White population is 12 in 1922 was 05 ml As compared with omuiions of Zealand and South Africa Federal taxation and our are away below I while our per high and am acidity lojniy which for a considerable length of the recurrence of flahy flavor following rusty cleaned Keep the Wash all forewarn conduits thoi and lining He exposed copper ylng to run a dairy la trying to plough a crooked stick Hot a iifiO WANTED NOW RELIABLE SALES AGENT beat Prompt and CO production of creased hers by percent national debt per capita has in of debt by pi a national per Vow Zealand i Canadas The debt of Afrinr White 20291 than Canadas Comparison With the Mother country The comparison with the Mo Country whose staggering burden du cousc ours Hip Win ably real The revenues or in word of Ihe King dom in pel capita For the last fiscal converting sterling par Dm approximately of only per In regard he not debt he he of War lial a dcnl of It In NOV per capita an Increase of Aver one thousand per an compared Willi Can adas increase of per cent The United States Figures Turning to the United comparison with Canada affords considerable In 1011 the United Slates Wat spending on Federal a-lmhiH- 712 per capita In this had mounted to per capita as compared with Can adas per capita Ill the United Slates reduced its laxalion 5205 and last per as pared Canadas capita last In the public debt of United Sedan On the Coupe NOW On or about January 1st the Ford Motor Co of Canada Ltd will be in production on a- new Fourdoor Sedan and a new Coupe iden tical with those now being produced in the United States The prices on these new model a will be We have on hand limited number of the id Twodoor Sedans which the following prices This frank production of mercha circulated cars and prices in Canada The saving in price on present models opportunity of driving your Ford idising and all the Ford you the Prices New Models Sedan Coupe Sedan 68500 Coupe 59500 prices quoted are O Ford Ontario do not include government taxes With winter close at hand thig diflerential in price should be all the more attractive You can obtain the advantages of closed car comfort and distinction by availing yourself now of these prices K ROBERTSON Agents Newmarket FORD MOTOR CO OF CANADA LIMITED FORD ONTARIO Ilei tis from per pel capita in 1922 an increase of no less per cent- as compared with Canadas increase of per cent- The percentage in crease in per capita win from 1911 to 1922 with Canadas In crease of per cent The satisfactory feature of the American budget for the last three yeas is that both the per capita debt and per capita taxation are being steadily re duced and the com Canadas du two of these years guidance of Mr church and the all- ilh Ihe fuM 1ll Ml I Illlll advent to power of II Sure Ground for Optimism hade is again high the increase for t past twelve has been as compared with in 192122 The crop of the Dominion is in of country The immigration has again turned our way increase over last year is pr The are the best since the Inflalion of 1020- Our nation al railway system of over five million dollar- for first seven mouths 1923 In spite of heavy debt of which is owed at homo is more prosperous today con sidering every index of prosperity trade finance am industrial growl than ever be foe in be Mr record tells THIS Well I Weil I old lop havent seen you many a day Youre looking Insl I saw Inokedas as a man having pulled Whats answer citing life nice which lmlv wanl If I had a every time the door in Id bo and live on the inte money Now I mobiles and every p welcome mo as longlost brother fumed home with theyd it spend cd t department of church and at i held Wit the liurcb In a brief address Wilson Ihairmaii exlended He- of he church to the new minister and him of hearty operation support Rev Dr Salem former pastor of the told of the fine spirit that pervaded the imi of I II id In -pi-aker- lire- lie- of iil Ihe problems with faced which hex wi itiluft a big task foe minitor iinl Ilev Mr ly staling hat would lo make Hie in Hie life of the n- he refreshments Made to Wear SURPRISE is for use in hot water It lathers freely but lasts a long time without crumbling or break ing up A Pure Hard Soap Phone FINE PAPERS mm FOR FROM TO PER ROLL Vrlty of Papers and 30 In Tlnu crepe WINDOW SHADE PAPER FOR BLINDS DUPLEX AND COMBINATION Wo Sell You Any Paper With or Without BERT and Paper Hanger NEWMAK MARKET SQUARE OP ONTARIO