Newmarket Era, 26 Oct 1923, p. 1

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off are compelled Be newspaper off Tested at Watson The Leading County Paper as well as the Oldest No paper sent out of North York unless paid in advance NEWMARKET FRIDAY OCT Specials for This Week AT Hardware graver Carts pint Vacuum Bottles Quart Aluminum Percolators gull Skin one finger Mitt Glass Caster for Electric Stoves and Furniture in Guaranteed Screw Drivers Genuine Holland Electric Bulbs Oil shadescream or Green Phone 28 160 only ea 3 for 80c NEWMARKET ODDFELLOWS BANQUET I speaker contrasted the treatment A GRAND SUCCESS of German prisoners in the hands of the British prisoners in the Artistic Arrangements hands of the Germans Then Congenial Company the Order is doing a great work mixing the foreigners of Splendid Speeches w wHh Magnetic hem feel that de mocracy means something and looked Canada is gaining evolution that he greatest fruit He nags aim leaves i urged the members to hold to certainly know how to Tradition and continue the and artistically arrange the Order on of l brief speech Newmarket OddFellow ship from St of To ronto Grand Patriarch brought proceedings to a happy conclus ions ion shortly after eleven oclock The large company numbering Mr Fergus he artist caught out over or shadow Of the assembly from Having satis which will probably if nature flic Lodge Room as a presided as menfo of the occasion fin- number ladies ami Shi Victory Bond Coupons Do not let your Victory Bond Coupons remain idle a day after they are due Take them to any branch of this Bank to be cashed on the exact day they be come payable You can deposit your coupons in a Savings Account and your interest will then earn more in terest compounded twice yearly IMPERIAL BANK OF CANADA SOUTH END LUMBER YARD MORE HEAT LESS MONEY NUT A PER TON RED AND WHITE W PEARSON TO WW CANE SONS C0 LIMITED OddFellows so attractive as it did on Frida night of last week- The walls south were beautifully decorated with Q Britains the tables with a rots and during the abundance of music wa plied by Mr West and Mr on the piano and sty provided by R F Smith there was no lack of unify singing between the speeches and the variety of the and enhanc HALLOWEEN excellent solos from Clara Miss and Miss Ruby Moss besides a brilliant rendering of Excelsior Bro UK ami Ales other rig by Miss Dorothy Penrose The toast OddFel was proposed by Mrs Ludlow of Newmarket Lodge of Toron Assembly who touch of fhe human hand is incomplete without he fellowship of women She slated bat there are now Rebeka Lodges in Ontario with a mem bership of In was the night when boys played mischievous pranks carry away ates and tit it Easter- could pried loo of keeping with the everchanging in this land of ours we give the evening to i-aiuer- parlies and along with of July lid I hi if of Toronto of the was proud to be a native market and iters on their progress The now have a total membership of increase during the of She spoke of value of Belief Cheerful vice Courage and Unity of ion and fFellow Patriarchal Odd- Fellowship proposed by W wild vniiidini j flu- as fhe Playhouse of diere the disagree- Fell of life are forgotten as in bond Rev J of vile Grand Junior Ward responded to ucnt and down Hallow able or many many 11 the build bonfires to keep ipirits on Halloween may even be able to hold converse with fairies so superstition once a ceremony now become a thing of sport of welcome- sport day of such s should he laid bold its thoughts of responsi- sport which the young people lay aon themselves not in the least in the consequent half hoping there may be in it and saying lemselves that stranger things happened So get out the old false faces noisemakers and join the in IhiiiK Willi GENERATION OF FAMILY some work and he LIVES ON OLD enough bricks in CANADIAN MANOR ne build- an laid there each house Family Crossed Atlantic In Sail ing and Landod In Greenland Newmarket Oct This i- the story of the old It is all mixed up and Hall Witt lage coaches and a girl that li upstairs and that the waistcoat spoke volun ith itself hue bur You he of the The waistcoat would have houses in ljr surrounded both lie report j photographer About a mile north of New- 1 there be a Dawson on where the long stretch of he place always asked the street runs through a country a big galvanized on mail box stands beside the lad On one side carefully rimed out but still showing is ie name Emily Was Left alone know My some of taking Mi- past a bright way and besides it is different lily Da body feels e hen nut to spend he her days here with Her voice broke a little That was just what happened of an old the dark pi ark pines overshadow the bouse She died and was alone hen nil there is a green slope of But now I have Margaret iwn in front The house itself She smiled at Margaret wit built of brick English confident smile of the limbs beside Hie door old and Margaret smiled back with the quick confident of the young Hunk- Had Name Changed beds of asters he back of the- far to go to high school but of old orchard Li- her it is what we had i massed on the back of day and the distances wall miming out In changed fun livifjg hi same brick bo the i trior But it is not Ibe ninefoofwide he dusk sat an old lady the Mistress of fhe Manor who al though she lives in Mackenzie Kings riding speaks of the Re formers as Those rebels and who built Manor She I a and delightful whithaired grand mother and about- a month ago at Osgoode Hall had her name changed from Fierbeller back to tier girlhood name of Dawson so there would be a Dawson living at Dawson Manor Though there was a hint a tragedy I bad no love for Fierhelle DID YOU EVER USE FIBRE BOARD than and lath Fibre Board has so many partitions and ceilings Cellar partitions and ceilings 8ummer Cottages Interior Walla and Ceilings Caii and See Our Samples and Prices Factory Yards Huron St Newmarket and this bis had loft bo favorable impression The long who gave last S702326r for relief work lie followed the metaphor introduced and likened fhe of OddFellow ship like the child graduating frOm the primary and fundamen tal teachings to the larger inspir ation of Ihe High School and Col lege The Encampment branch be child again just for Dont show grouch happy little lad pulls at lorbell or showers corn on indow panes Let youth on Halloween so real damage is not done Gel into the spirit of be ion yourself and remember thai he one unpardonable sin on Hal loween is to frighten a little child The fears of and a false face baby is a terrible thing have you bul i and frolic ood Judgment r of fact for a Ion husband was John Dawson who was a J P lid evenly DANGEROUS DRUG ADDICT Dr J G Shearer Nine thousand five hundred Canadians many of them years of age means or he other that a heart and all Canadians to Then- is pitiable in the extreme use of these drugs will deadens the conscience so affects be whole nervous em as render victims tuberculosis or fi They are diseased as well as Imprisonment is only door we open to them Years Ago From Era Oct 3tat e House of Commons has engaged ever since the op- discussion the Pacific Scandal school meeting was held in township regarding a ge in the present education- stem and it was the opinion he meeting that children Id be allowed to attend The buyers have started to rade butter in the market and are paying from to lo qualify Officers of Lodge Good Templars Wm McMaster jr Cook C Simpson J Robertson Elder Peregrine Alex and Walter Campbell On Monday of Mr- A burglarized MarriedIn Toronto by Rev Gundy Oct Jesse of At the by of he brides Oct ogers of East fiwillunhuiy Miss Eliza A Rogers of In Newmarket Oct Rev Geo df ford Miss Mary Nugent of New market On Oct at the residence the brides father by Rev A Fuller John Black to da Edwards both of King p Years Ago m Era Oct 1898 of Peace columns of this Mr Frank We Osborne and Frank back from Hut in due THE PREMIERS Nut Coke Furnace Coke Cannel Coal Soft Coal for Threshing A Car of the Very Best Blacksmith Coal Just Arrived Also a Car of CEMENT EVES he Encampment focal the leaching In three green Sacrifice Toleration am Guidance He closed by a per oration of fraternity and brother hood particularly referring to It of Lloyd George and his work to Ihe word at The same toast was also to by Parks of Toronto Past Grand Master and Scribe who eulogized the speech of the previous speaker and emphasized some- of the prominent points Though Odd- Fellowship was the biggest fra ternity in the world ho Impressed the company assembled the of making quality out of quantity In proposing the past the Independent Order Lyman Rose District Deputy Grand Mas referred to the fact that the Order bad been In existence for over In Canada and had gained respect of the beat citizens by Its deeds of sympathy and charity and Pyramid Lodge hat he is not pared rush that have not been sanctioned by parliament of Canada The Guardian stales his My grandfather family darted to cross Atlantic in i sailing vessel They had chart three vessels here wai some accident and hey had to put back to England The sec mid lime thev started they wen Hit But finally got to New York Remembers Stage Coaahes- The shy dark her into the room Margaret stays here with mi keep me company Mrs said She is the fifth of the Dawson to live In old house John Dawson J P if seems had four sons They look had unhealed and return to heir hopeless bon dage The prison is the place to put he traffickers The hos pital is what Hie addicts need a hospital where medical sci ence will heal the disease and spiritual influence will restore moral vigor and religious faith and hope and pi ml- traffic being that neither ice nor fhe British gov- formulate policic Brigadier its milesl of as a medical in he South African late German War and hist data at ready command enabled him speak of Tradition great thing that fHnlish Empire what it is and It is else Tradition that makes OddFel lowship largely what It Is The Order has been greatly strength- land from New The house was finished the year of Hie rebellion Ive often heard hem lell about those days Two hundred Indians came to be gate down at Yonge street and offered to fight for the conserva tives There was much fighting getting increasingly difficult tor the traffickers land has just ratified the Treaty for Ms suppression Much of the drugs heretofore have from that country- One of days fhe world ring will he caught and the back of d traffic will be broken Hook Is hopeinspiring i day ft dawning TRENT VALUEY WATERWAY The Trent Valley Waterway the premier of Canada ha he impression that tin government or this country is a thing that ho or without It he has done a good can back from the its various proposals and lay them before the parlia ment of the Canadian people and that Is the proper place for their approval or It is better that ho should follow such a than seek make a big man of himself with promises and suggestions that the people of Canada might not sanction or consider Lon don Advertiser her head off to spare Mary dishwashing Mary flits in the office all day and mother work at tub bo ironing board fin stove and fho baking cabinet Then because Marys fired sin does he dishes and everything else Its Just plain folly that Mary needs wholesome toll to exercise her anatomy would profil by a litllo at Captain Irving was in the fighting between the I lives and the bridge over Holland Bradford Captain old coachmen used to loll us child ren about Ihe fighting lhaf day you born hero on the place asked the reporter Oh My father was Dawson the third son re member In the old days how thf ago used to go by or Yongo young then But it was over younger when my out Mrs Dawson an swered quite dark i out Dawson brought cake carefully paper from the sideboard i great dusky dining Association held a cling in flu M A Orillia About members were guests or I ho town at luncheon served oclock by Ladles Auxiliary Mayor Tudhope presided Del egates were present from Pelcrboro Midland Campbell- ford and other points The Dominion Government will be asked assist in having the Trenl Waterway film shown at the New York Molor Boat Show next January- The Ontario Government be asked lo as- dst in sending to the same show The engineers in of Trent Watterways will bo asked to place buoys marking course early In ho season The establishing of a of finger boards along the wholo Information will die wheeled Mr Manitoba Miss from near Cornwall visited her sister Mrs Morrison Mr and Mrs W Phillips are spending a couple of weeks in New York City will her sister Mr Wnfson is in this week attending the wedding of his His has here for several weeks Miss Etta Bennett cousin of Mr Morton is here from Connecticut for four or five weeks Mrs James is home from Chicago Miss Sadie Widdis is visiting her sister in Michigan Miss is here from Mich igan and is visiting with Miss Howard Mr Nelson Crone of Montreal son of Mr Walter Crone was in town on Tuesday Mr- Wm of Ottawa spent over Sunday in own He sold his residence to Mr Flan agan for Mr then became the owner of properly by giving to Mr Flanagan A North farmer dropped a fakirs pock- Friday Bradford Fair Dr Si tied in last Sunday Mr of Montreal bought horses here last Saturday at of Si 10 and Mr three cars of eggs direct the Old Country this and Mr Denne shipped a r of pickles to Toronto Officers for Cmling Club Rev Morris Col Lloyd A McNabb and T H- At fhe residence of he brides mother Oct by H Martha of Newmarket to John T Brown of Toronto At residence of the brides father Oc by Rev A Frank Mary Anno Oboe of Aurora In Newmarket Oct A John Obee to Maggie Birch both of hold sou Spoke Volumes Enoch was car penter Mrs Dawson said her mind running back and trying to collect in the dusk I think bricks wore burned on the Phillips farm Once not long ago I had a mason in to do a he Association may to stint keep going around but ho stinting and keep on Of The Tomb At ho r- Brown East on Oct Margaret Brown sister of Mr of Newmarket in her year If everybody won I to church they ought on Sunday there bo fewer auto fatalities re corded in daily press on Refreshes Tired ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO TORONTO

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