and Indigestion Ended By Froftatlies Tft3 like thousands and of ether sufferers Mr Albert Buckingham tried many and went to doctors and specialists but nothing did him any Fruit has terribly Indigestion I bitter stuff would letter It Indigent often limited Ottawa Ont7 WANTED NOW RELIABLE SALES AGENT grown in CO Life Around the Hub ERNE KING mother Mrs Sol Atkinson on Sunday Irs Johnston Cole- Sunday Hie latter Sol AtXinson Irs Parr and Mrs Barrio called on friend lending a few days with King City we been elected Eckliardt O McDonald Staple Kir The Board of Directors Mrs A of days in stony and family ha homo CUT FLOWERS Funeral Flowers BULBS Phone of few da lie till p and Mrs Watson and ids of King spent at Tranmcrs iss Card and Miss Barnes I tended Hie Teaclieps convention held at Buffalo Mrs Gold have Slorrys house They and Irwin OVER HARDWARE NEWMARKET Tinsmithing Plumbing PROMPTLY ATTENDED family ha i Stouffville Three men arc under Whitby jail at which two of the admit having stolen chick- is in he of The threatened epidemic appears nig i breaking run Tin Health decided it was to close the school desired by some Hough a great many child being kepi home this In fact on TueSday nol Sunday with friends on Sunday night with 1 all helping mate everything a great LONG DAYS FOR FARM hand Dear Mother Trt you Then loosed every liUIe Boon settled in the And dreamed the dream flowers do And slept and slept the left the field father had to child could not ogle of I he was putting Before its lit have a feast And celebrate this pleasant Then every leaf on tier And each smalt shrub most dp In red and And many The la Unlit the lea- and orange toe I day and night to I off it THANKSGIVING be paid to Dominion Government Bond holders in addition to several millions in interest on other securities How Much of these Millions Will be Paid to You A due proportion we trust and that being the case we suggest that you arrange with us now to reinvest your capital By doing you will not lose any Interest and may wide choice of good i to select from among which are INTEREST RATE REFUNDING LOAN PROVINCE OF ONTARIO CITY OF TORONTO OTTAWA LIGHT HEAT POWER REFUNDING MORTGAGE BONDS P BURNS CO LIMITED 1st MORTGAGE BONDS NORTHERN CANADA POWER MORTGAGE BONDS All Prices DUE 1943 and if and SI COO Bonds 5 and Bond PRICE IN and 91000 Bonds Accrued Interest will take any Bonds or Interest Coupons for New Bonds and arrange the delivery to you promptly A Daly Co Toronto In the Mi of Application for Divorce NOTICE is hereby given that Johi Harold Henderson of the City of To County of York in the of Ontario Manufacturer will the Parliament of Canada at Hi next Session thereof for a bill of Di from his wife Gladys of the same place on ground of adultery Solicitors for DATED at If da- McCarthy Province of f September 1023 the city the city In the lent Si It is just half past eight to a A hundred Long Distance Hello Mary How How rigM ell the holes the quite the effect of you love to hear Aurora of the fallen W over lite of Hoy is to be a Red Letter Day at Aurora High During afternoon there will in Hi opening of In fresher and easier You boys each take one fry to keep up with me two directed grandfather and Uncle Gardner who only eight years old looked Til help eh- other Lets up fathei If you get behind well did the boys work i grandfather had topped f they had lopped six half past twelve they had th Into the hoys carried When were shocked by lying a Into one large before the workers hen father had to It was Ihfi Neb and tl custom we mav go to mi fumilie listen to a join with the on in choral praise and allow to be reminded of all good gifts to us When I was a child I learned hymn by Dr Watts in which slave I To of in the Then faces of he her books the previous for Hie for he- stud doing her attention energy of iter- in hand thai phrase ivhal it Is like to do fed faces of aged par ts the baby faces in the cradle unseen above the me the Saintly fares of those before Every bad his experience came In In the the win i hard life and a Civil is being appropria ilh by lb- High here- in the ing the pupils largo which will be held in the pruMons Assembly Hall The following is the program being prepared Two choruses and a play DRUMS A few light drums tot farm and i Tannery DAVIS LEATHER CO Schomberg pent Friday I en City Kitchen spent Sunday wit at Niagara on number from here attended Idge Pair Mrs Skinner made trip to Newmarket on Anniversary Mr King largely attend I Mr Be Myrtle nd Mildred Fergus the weekend with In Men have trained OXO run and jumped played ball hockey and lacrosse on 0X0 Women ha on 0X0 house in- its Do we of I hank God and almo For this God- Mrs Which brought How easily could is fruitful yields fields portion of Ills I praise for ia through DOING OUR BEST A schoolgirl was complaining of her teacher I never knot anybody so hard please- can do your level and the aliens satisfied In the flame block and at same minute a young man speaking of his employer Youd think hed expect some mistakes but ho no allowances Ive done my fur him and thats I he In auoh Ill do my very best to Bay that not t in that promise alng kept doing did rny best started up n and not were to protect I received minor Injuries when Canadian Pacific irain No the VancouverTo ronto express left the rails near Ont at It oclock passengers were not Injured accord ing to the advices but Ihe injured ingers include several harvesters fling to their homes in the east Sound Development Incorporated 1855 f Twelve years before Confederation trader of those Ope July who laid its 1856 building of its ample business men and farmers and to all who carry a Capital 5000000 deposit account or who need bank- accommodation the facilities Reserves experience gathered in our years of banking operations to gether with a courteous efficient service by a capable staff BANK40R0NT0 A M Lister Manager Advantage These Foard Car Prices The announced change in the price of the Ford Sedan to and the Coupe to 595 in each case below the former list price has brought an unexpected volume of sales In view of the limited number we have allotted to us we are forced to book orders strictly in rotation and to deliver them accordingly Take advantage of these prices now We will not be able to get more than this num ber of these cars when our allotment is sold When the present manufacturing schedule is ended the Ford factory will go into pro duction on the new Fourdoor Sedan and an entirely redesigned Coupe at a consider- able advance in prices It will be necessary for you to give us your J order immediately ii you expect to get a vU I Ford closed car of the present type and at these prices N ROBERTSON FORD MOTOR CO OF CANADA LIMITED FORD ONTARIO who has failed In her recita tion if stops think OF TORONTO