Toronto senior resident physician Massachusetts Gradual fioUfge of and College of Surge- M B of Toronto Licentiate of the Royal in MMIII THIS School greatly enjoyed a Hallow- I Party in the Gym last j fee At Home of Pauls Cbu and Throat I Supplied 6 Action Mr Jus iM Hi WESLEY County of York I Coroner or by appointment electrical Coroner for York County to a to p OR C A Phone IRENE Chiropractor Grocery End every Tuesday and Saturday from to Every Tuesday and Satur day to p North Boulevard Phone Kenwood Lion brought by P J Anderson Municipal Clerk of he town iewmrfrket bo recover He cost Of to ad the incurred in an ion against the town of likewise glad A large numberbf people each holiday Day to at home or fake a place Sun lav i- Monday is Thank- Good lime bo fix H WILKINSON Main and Sis Newmarket Block Newmarket BARTHOLOMEW Pattersons Drug St Newmarket by Appointment A Piano Sinking and Violin MATHEWS itora Notaries i Charles Phone attention given to all legal work at reasonable Open Tuesday Thursday an Jeweller Ave Newmarket of Post Office Halt and dancing from City Orchestra ha LEONARD IT DOES RELIEVE DEAFNESS MADE IN CANADA A of Ml who he way is Srolchman of ihe and- then So Long Mary Methodist Ladies Union have be services Mr Bell produce the musical play So Long under their auspices Thirty local people have been to fake in play Fifteen musical numbers are the score including So if all ednf- of Society etc Tor this play Of lie features eiy are Newmarket play has been highly a large Town Tuesday and Nov and Mill- ope Fri old just flit samt he Old Land Living Statu Haw id a doze keep them all busy- Then wee mi of something to eat but I nay say it was a wee bit All he filings of his life were here in way of eatables but the big Dumpling had the place of honour That consumed they started dancing and it was into the wee small- hours of the morning when each Jock took his Jenny and slowly wandered Before the singing of God Save the King who is also a half at least he attends the Mi in peecb which was full of those vole of thanks Mrs H M they had shown in putting heir at the disposal of the especially as the young Muff them I he gets some pretty riic- with your las cup of kindness ve o Autd Lang the soiLXi Timbers crown and El Timber ai It an 1 FcgJ Fourth i Lome las the largest ships of the British Navy Speaking in London England on Sit Gouin best customer Canadas second ion of Tottenham best crown Leonard Cox Sixth Class stubble 1 ini i tors States This shown a issued by the Dominion Bureau Statistics in which the A dispatch from London that a number of cattle from the There appeared to be a keen demand for the consignment and 150 head at their Toronto convention pledged subscriptions totalling towards the laugh ing of a pernmnt Canadian Pacific Railway days preceding and Including Ocio- this year as com During the ten were loaded for shipment over th whole system a total of 16195 cars at the rate of bushels THOUSANDS of farmers throughout Canada hav proved for themselves the value of a connection with The Bank of Toronto The opening o a small deposit account has in hun dreds of cases been the means of establishing friendship and confidence and the loans obtained from the Bank from time to time for farm operations have Farmers business as important to Th Bank of Toronto a any other business vV welcome the Farmer a any of Our Branches incorporated NEWMARKET BRANCH Rev Canon Cody Delivers Address day Rev Canon H J Minister of livered an Insuring ad- ifL thai will plea era or he family ill do thai or a ally someone in all Hi box of of wit pi allies plentiful Turkeys lb pel Apple- Crabs Onions peek 2re Opposite the Old HOURS lo and to p on Tuesday Thursday Saturday and other hours ly appointment Spinal analysis and free Pie Of Q W LUESBY Queen Main House for Sale On St liffn lion an 1 rouble meumonla ago Dickson of lain ami Mr was born a pari of was About ypara to to lionin Willi lroliliT Mr focfrii of I later Mr Ildkon anil Ml lo Trail la he will hot 11ijtli or laic Andrew re lliriv axo fillowini his was a al ihr anil found afoul in aiMivl- and work brInc in mind I a dlHpvmillon kindly fiiill no Mrs Allan Cody of mil Mrs Clark Swat hoi- and on- tmllir in Mi llmrl Moi ion limn- Mis had rliirniji am to i i I and Ilia nasi Mr Ira K Clark also nil from A nival- srrvlr- was lv on on lay vnlnK homo of Mr and Hi- funral place on the of Mrs in- family plot In la Inn III- 111- mil sili I is a snhscriilin 1 I is Ilk of milk of II all -v-ryon- Iran Inr mil linns in th IS hi hoi Win I Til- Youths Companion is- siis in All issues of The Companion Horn- for lJ2 All for include ho monthly aiilhmity on ions Both publications nub Till YOITIIS COMPANION Commonwealth Ave St Paul HI Mass Yew Subscriptions at thi Office Two years in ilenliary was no id on We- former srcilaiy of III list Min- rl libel III Defies Rust Theres one big point about Toronto Stable me proud to sell it Its the tact that the galvaniz ing thoroughly covers and completely coats both the inside and the outside of the steel tubing with pure zinc spelter hot process makes it absolutely rust- defying and proof strong stable acids for the mighty future Let me of eft ANGUS EGO Sutton West THOMPSON Mount thu tkbt i Ihe town of for tin opening by Dr Steve who duly ilng the stuilDhls Not an Expense For every cent I spend on Long- Distance to sell- goods I expect to re ceive one dollar in re turn and I am rarely disappointed an Ontario merchant The telephone has made success democratic It is the creative force that enables business to rates save about 20 and often give perfect a spur from Gabon to Maria a distance of miles mil be com pleted and that by the end of Novem ber the whole line will be ready for A system of education by mail for those who live In remote rural districts out of reach of rural schools is being prepared by Hon Perron the end of school to SarVRlcb- Isles from only six have- of J Canada of The all but thi household School Reports Hubert Cole Marion i11 IJUKui Si I osier Donald Morton ewU Iitck loihri Ion Morton 111 llilldi llii Carl Smith Arthur I Murray West I Class Helen Inok Muriel Ernie Kills Ruth Helen Horner Arthur iPily Sr Harold Kills Harry Smith Blanche Jr Audrey Pearson Tummy Milne Bobble Hoy No 3 East Sr IV Myrtle Emerson Hoioltiy Leslie Irewfl Ben doiTltt Mary Ir I Kenneth Jack lit Kenneth Andrews Primer Irene Kenny Audi lotiunle el fry Pollock llQlb iinpfiiollsl- ho moral all will lie 0fJ MR Aurora OnU Phone JONES NEWnfARKET WALL PAPERS SUPPLIED LARGE STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND OIL COATED AND DYED BURLAPS Practical Painter and PaperHanger FIRSTCLASS AND ART DECORATOR Fall Supplies ELECTRIC HEATERS COAL OIL HEATERS QUEBEC HEATERS QUEBEC HEATERS WITH OVENS AMMUNITION WASHING MACHINES BUILDERS HARDWARE PAINT8 OIL VARNISHES Phone SMITHS HARDWARE Bea M Best Pastry and Bread Fionas and all kinds of Fed and Straw ALSO Orders taken for Next Winters OLIVER DIKE Huron St Newmarket Phone QREENS FINE QUALITY WALL PAPERS LARGEST AND BEST SELECTIONS FOR ALL PURPOSES FROM TO PER ROLL of Papers and In Tints Crepe WINDOW SHADE PAPER FOR BLINDS DUPLEX AND COMBINATION Wa Sell Any Piper With or Without Hanging BERT GREEN Painter and Paper Hanger MARKET NEWMARKET