Jills Our Local News able of SI Pauls a large Talent and meals and Aftavnoon I Boom- i Si on afternoon commencing at or 0 a vision of a world Kingdom p St- Jonhn lnal lav dorni his lite for tit All are welc Wanted and left here ago United a a widm mother iters livi If any no of these read this ill find to Free Methodist Church Quarterly Meeting for flip current Conference year wilt held here beginning Friday at P preach- to Gall ami asking for Chief with several of his fire ml half dozen men of town in Rustos truck and go r fret Aurora down After fixing a re I hey arrived in pretty The fire was a slack feet A Worthy Object A number of the ladies of Town hearing of the need o uprdies at York County Of Of over Ten Months have entrusted MISS ARNOLD TO SELL ALL OUR GQOOS AT COST PRICE ROCHE CO On the Corner of Main and Water Streets NEWMARKET of old Hop is floor street level and up for a store with front by Mr the Palace Kettleby Steel Work Completed The steel of the Timothy sire St Paul Last y a It a rr p 00 p Young Peoples Evensong Mis s Final Inructioi day In the the subject al of he able to and in that case they lowed to suggest names to take teir place and if approved by flic enough are accepted up complete number of to this instil ha- been found to fill a great in this community The in officers were elected idenL Mrs Eves Pres Mrs Lewis Trcas Mrs J Harvey he next meeting of the Aux- at the at in ted to at- Tlic ark ft Tuesday nd all ladies Services on Sunday In the Newmarket Methodist Church will be conducted by the pastor who will preach and evening A M Withered Hands P Gods Radio I tie privileges of worship are accessible to all Every choice irtiln bo that men a women may helped in these vital choices Thy word is a lamp to my feel and a ItgiJil Io my path We welcome you to these hours of communion and fellowship in our Davis Kingslo Jas Toronto Archie Campbell Toronto Wallace Toronlo Toronlo Dr Webb Newmarket Visitors who have had experience oilier Clubs unanimously pay- the Horseshoe he of being best organizr is held he last week of hunt Officers are elected records tabulated by Illustrated was held in the Methodist- Church of the Won views a in broad us also a vocalo duel 1 Lloyd and Mli demise of Mr E sad event occurred at his on Eagle street on in his year hough he has been poorly all he was only confined his bed for a little over a heart disease being the Ever since he came to nearly years ago Choppin has been identified all the public enterprises I on the death of J In ho in for himself ii After a short period he moved to Newmarket formed Mi nine lit of ft charge of fbe Newmarket office and hr his ability and courteous ma up a lucrative practice About years ago he ma Miss Roberta Douglas York County Farmers on In Ihe second annual County Slock Judging lion held at the Royal fay the the boys from York ap Luring Jeffrey Bull Memorial Tr The- except if i While hen th York bo villi reference the eighteen The weal her this Fall was the most delightful we have ever onO half day w hunt during be is entitled twelve m hipped The obtained and market dclegafu more forhinatn reasonably shot To show he vw I the of be Club and best shot and most ex perienced hunter did not even sen a deer during he whole hunt The were indehled to 1 Davis Jr and Mr of Newmarket for having a receiving set installed and ait the he Club bad HighClass I hat were not so high alffi In after he four Taylor on the Whistle idiablv irie intermittent of the Fire Whistle on afternoon the word Ihe Water Works testing the Various homes they said The Hunt ever thai they were happy have met were sorry to part and would be happy meet again the the Wa Ingenious like the works of by storage Its own which on the riding exidly like h of a clock ft dally fept to fle day and stand for several and afternoon looked forward to he evening after a dinner had been disposed to listening lo what the radio could do for Members separated at of hunt York County Junior are be congratulated ving brought honour again county by their prowess Judging Ring The J were fortunate indeed lo such judge Sunday School at bring your children- n bring your parents a Canadian Literary Club of Toron In directed the rehearsal Bardell vs Pickwick by the Bea ver A oil eenioi and will take full of future until he even of Hie play Dec 12Lh The Methodist ministers postponed but those present en joyed the fellowship add inspir- ilinn of full The Bradford District son was used and an hour spent in sacred song followed by reports from the where special serv ices are being held Rev T While reported a large increase Hi In- Ui i of activity and interest a result of the meelins Dudgeon for lb most encouraging desire on the part of Hie pcopli to have them continued Rev Payne reported for tin Hope appointment on his circuit that meetings were growing more intense in spiritual powei and results were being realized Rev Laidlaw reported for Au- 11 J im11 I talk on he Place lEfforl I by a very and helpful weie enhMtai The King Christian Church La os Aid will hold a Bazaar in Temperance Hall Kettleby Mr and Mrs Wight of and Mr Mrs Brodie of Toronto pent at the home of Mr Elliott The Christian Church Ladies id met it the home of Mrs on Wednesday of Mrs Baker hunting on Mon niln of Markh rabbits from here at- the from this lo and lumber at the sale held Iim lime of year Mr and Mrs Ernest Mr and Mrs Ernest He Sunday at E Mrs Peter Bake F0R iaii Wjfii UNDERCLOTHING WITH CONFIDENCE WE CAN RECOMMEND TURNBULLS UNDERWEAR A Popular Line THAT FRIENDS WITH WOMEN AND CHILDREN A CLUNDY The Ladies Store NEWMARKET the of ceil he fact that Royal Dairy Cattle on the Gold Medal in Bee Cattle and Dick wa the second highest man in tin whole was a long hard grind foi he boys as he judging com the looked the Judges last eye and gave the heir placings In all ten oh of slock were judged two each of heavy horses dairy cattle beef sheep and swine Tin classes each consisted of animals and at he end of eight eon minutes Hit hoys handed ii the cards on which they had marked heir placing of hi classes Fifty marks were en for the placing of each and fifty for the oral reasons individually- to thousand 1030 irks for each and day will be blown at a same as o commencing on Mop- THAT LAST Just Received A SPECIAL LINE Ladles White Wrist Watches A Qo6d XMAS PRESENT While they ONLY them In our Window Atkinson Co M the results were announced to the anxious coach es and their boys as follows County Standing York Middlesex Wellington South Peel Oxford men Roy Thompso Station Dick est ing at for lunch provided fhr of tin church vote for the splendid enter- was proposed by Rev seconded by Rev Laid- lily approved II be In of and will hi December 10th H The third m Society cling of the Lit- as held on Nov opened lecitnfion liii How plain duet followed by lion by Hilda Tummelty Jennie Stephens sang a very pretty piano due very well took part The hat of was a success We want the cooperation of the lndenls what do say Ait you willing Well I guess they belong the Notes The Literary Society ore plan ning to have a play on Dec 10 entitled And Bill Disappeared This Is play full of humour mystery and thrills Mary Blake friends and ZEPHYR ss Myrtle of home fpr the weekend and Mrs ami Ruth were calling on rela tives am- friends in Zephyr over her home he Most of the hunters have re turned from the North pleased with trip and their success who lost fancy work fli Scut I Fan- find by call ing Mr Gill Meyers Zephyr Our Anniversary Services on Sunday were very well attended and all seemed to enjoy the vices conducted by Rev Roy Gray of Ml Dennis The Fowl Supper was a decided si Proceeds Stbuffville Mrs MacRori the of her to Dr Harry Wilson Out son of Mrs and the late M P Wilson Stouffvllle Ont Dr Ira and Mrs Free and niece Miss Ada Robinson expect to leave December If spend some time in Florida Did you ever hear thai was a good fisherman Such on farm of it of ago trout prei mill a few days TEN DAYS SALE OF STAPLES Heavy Unbleached SHEETING Regular Sale Price yd 84 Heavy Twilled SHEETING Regular 125 Sale Price 42 In Circular PILLOW COTTON Reg for 69c Striped TURKISH TOWELLING Reg Sale Price 1 36 In White SHAKER Regular 35c Sale Price 29c 36 In Fancy Stripe Sale Price Pure Linen TOWELLING Heavy Weave Red and Blue Border Reg 39c Sale Price White Fancy Guest TOWELLING in wide Reg Sale Price Pure Wool English FLANNEL Grey Regular 85c yd Sale Price BLOOM Law the I and Mrs Kennedy I Monday Hello I Here we are again holidays Mr J Peers is unloading- a car of at of the Mr James Sinclair had sonic sheep worried by dogs last week of I Mrs P and Miss Williams were at Mrs Bert cut over on Sunday Smith J Mr Taylor of Baldwin loaded had a a car of stock here on Tuesday Mrs Fergus Kennedy or were visiting at Mr George on Monday sorry lo say that Mr Robertson was badly hurt white his horses from the plow Thursday of last week The HOLLAND LANDING Christ A of this parish will hold a bazaar on Nov The hall will be opened to public at p n- when a splendid display of miscellaneous articles will be up for sale which will make excellent Christmas Supper will bo to 8 p will be provided are again face Well to face Most people prefer Hie sum for myself I like Why look the good the toe Markhiim Jack Frase Earl Moore Ort Ball Kerwood Geo Street 1 Hugh Wright High men by classes Horses Oscar Preston Beef Cat- tie Lambert Wilson Aurora Dairy Cattle Hastings Sheep Max Butcher Swine Cyril nurse finds herself In the power of an infamous crook who poses Miss Watoh an old maid sl ays looking for a man Mrs Grey owner of Silver Trout Inn who had been with Mary in Franco The two are friends id Mary is employed by Grey lo act as housekeeper Mary finds herself Implicated in recent robbery almost falls under ho sway of the crook Miss Watch In reality oil Mr Billy comes lo he in pursuit of Bell ow Mary proves her Innocence and wins the heart of Mr tory that holds will he familiar he cat fishing for front Mr fine big mouser formed the habit of sitting out on a stone the water edge watching the fish when a fine speci men of trout loomed into sight Hie old cat plunged into the deep and came up with a fish every Hmo No surer fish catcher angled in those walors and none were more ardent So fond of catching Iroul did phssy become that Mr had to do away with her other morn- tinning ho pond third cup and now hold for a year the only other trophy for which they arc eligible to com pete Thus establishing an record The team was coached this year by Mr R J Rogers Agricultural Repre sentative Newmarket who Is Justly proud of his boys Absent Friends I lie out Ihe play Borden his s are ver Lries becorr oloi ugh a detect naid faithful Aurora The largest Church Fair in- North York will be held in Trin ity Parish Hall Aurora Saturday Dec 1st at 230 lock this Fair you may buy beautiful fancy work towels of all kinds aprons for mother and soft handmade wool lens for baby prolty dresses for the older dolls already dressed for Santa to put in Ihe dockings and toys for the hoys Then the booth filled made candy next dollctoia puddings pics cakes and big Grab Bag for 1 to the old important Fair the Bride with hi Hope filled with all kind llh Nancy normit helps t prove the mystery of who play ThOflo characters are taken by students Come and what they can do on Dec Moving pictures for the dents on Friday night School In hut oh I lornoon or supper which will oh I wo dont out till be served by Iho Ladies luek The proceeds of the of dainty lingerie and fancy lin- After you have seen and pur chased all you want you ho hungry and have skat tori This sport alone affords much fun Is nothing I better than a good skat on a nice moonlight night This winter is certainly going he an ideal one for our hockey team They are already getting in prac tice for the winters fun fin ing II them One night at meeting a negro prayed earnestly that ho and his brethren might he preserved from hat ho called their ins Brudder of his friends said you aint got the hang word soiling not ho if dats so i praying de Lord but I lion an if ajnt re enough the J 1 womanhood homes and sweet child ting and idbodied feeble led and I it is on a par will ho montal imbecile noble loving heart and alas I whore once hold sway cruelty has one leg was badly One horse was Percy Welch and Seders on Sunday The hunters have all retu bringing their usual Mrs Doughty of Torontc Who pain dot light of he window pane Live Stock Markets Extra Choice Steei Heifers Choice teller Newmarket Markets nutter per lb A Eggs- per Notice or Application for Divorce NOTICE IS GIVEN that Catherine lean Livingstone of the city and Province of Onlario presently residing at 139 Indian Grove In the said City will apply to the Parliament of Canada at the next Session thereof for a Bill of Divorce from her hus band Alexander Livingstone of the City of Toronto In the County of York Salesman on the grounds of ROWLAND 18 Continental Toronto Ontario Applicant Catherine Jean Livingstone Notice of for DNoroe NOTICE is hereby given that of the City of Toronto I Ontario Stenograph thereof for Of the in County grounds JOHN City of Toronto if Carpenter on adultery Dated at Toronto In County of York In the Province of Ontario this twenty- fourth day of- October SEQSW0RTR A Streel Solictors for Applicant rtfeAEtav ARCHIVES OF