Hows Co allare to join in IbB Union Service lo be- ield in iii Church hear A sung the Tragedy of Armenia- Change of Stop instead of stopping at the Den nis lane coming in market he officials of the Kyi have consented to tin lied throughout Wedlock in charge- and Sail Banquet ing the Methodist Church last the S T Group of of he Sunday Banquet in he Aurora SFs ago She had lived all her J her husband prcdec JopsiciL for South end of the Town will be greatly at mutation been heat tin- siiDptM will be toasts and Toronto very interesting and i talk on What S Happiness Leader- Moore- The life of Jesus sh happiest when help We will find this own lives True Midgets and of Community Girls Club Thursday March at p a meeling will be held in the Church Sunday School room for the purpose of i Community Girls Club All the girls into present Sted hi of work are invited to be St flndwwa A was enjoyed by he Young Peoples Society on Mon day evening when Miss J missionary from China gave a very inter esting account of the work car ried on in that field Miss gave a splendid paper on the topic- What Jesus Christian Church willnieetwith her next Tuesday instead of our regular jn Monday evening Com League The Young Peoples the Methodist Church held weekly meeting on Monday even ing with a fair attendance The scripture and lesson stories were given by Mr Hugo and Mr Wilfrid Cochrane The addresa on Thy Kindoi Come by Rev Parry of the Although the attendance creasing there is room for effort to Iry and fill the room Monday An inlere program is being prepared Look for squalls late Mr A J William modelling his store lifillhl t Practical per ration day evening bf the High students both male land female at the regular session of the Town Council and they were in the number of itn Mild repeat I the reror Church held of the Holland Rive of the Whole Robert Cole Yarmouth Gardens Toronto when Miss Ann Cameron daughter of Mrs S Cameron Moose Jaw lo Mr John H Hop- Rev P per formed the ceremony The bride given away by Mrs Cole and whit I and wreath of She carried bouquet of sweetheart id sweet peas Miss Mabel Cole was bridesmaid and was gowned in a pearl grey flat crepe hat to match Mr Gordon Clusky was best man ceremony Mrs R and Mr- George on of kef sisters of the groom re ed at the reception Later and Mrs Hopper left for their in Buffalo and Good congregations both and evening and en sermons by the pastor It quite noticeable hat more child are attending the morning They are becoming ted the that they want to go church Last Sunday he subject Anility with stability added and fully explained The ser mon emphasized individual Christianity Fine attendance in the Adult Dept of the and Rev gave a excellent id the music being led by ns choir of over voice e was There is a La re and it was crammed wit at truths The paraphrase piodifHl father was rich If was a of vital interest Dr Will on and Mr Fred Meek ild flowers and lively of I inged blackbirds and Holland marsh over a mile wide places stretches inland f from Cookes Bay Through centre flows Ihe Holland hose brown sluggish mtrast so strongly with the ear flood of Lake by hardwood bush whit ierged into tamarac swamp plentifully supplied with beds the bit Era ft Robertson to Clerk las Agency tone Inspection of meters Municipal World 191747 Light Com Ref to Clerk Pay Sheet No 5 Expenses to Hamilton of Chairman Fire Light Com and Town Engineer Osbornes Account Ref to Clerk Bell Telephone Co W J Charily W J Tail Charity Pedestrian on the March 45 on the March 45 A B 1500 The President and of the Newmarket Ag Soci ety were heard with reference to the payment of a grant of passed by the Council of 1 Mr Osborne assured the Council that the Society needed the mon ey badly as the old floor in the Hall is dangerous and must be replaced Mr Pearson objected to the at larger during of the Mr Davis expressed opposition lo the bylaw altogether Tbe Mayor realized that while me dogs were a nuisance others household and opinion divided Ho lling to abide by the wishes of the Council Pearson and Mr Osborne gave instances where dogs run ning at large in the spring arid summer were a positive nuisance Harry Smith said that many complaints had been made to about the barking of dogs night particularly in the where there were people Mr Winger thought that it more important to the fW tied that the it and found good cove jacent woods and swarmed in the rush however most snipe shooting At night in early stubble near the ra would fairly alivi a the swamp Iway bridge a liability in the audited Mr Davis produced the motion the minutes of the Council howing that the grant was made he request was granted Petition Mr Osborne presented the of John and six thers of the corporation for electric current on Yonge St Referred lo Fire Light Committee sport enjoyed there in the eight- It i work l the bird giving beneath sponge Few gunners through Ihe surface Alas the snipe frequent But the longer marsh has go digging of the Trent Canal lowered- the water and the con tinued cutting of marsh hay on up the feeding Where a Ik dry Marsh by daylight make a church record lay evening the Junior I hold ils weekly devotional ig in Christian Church final the dale Christian Church Sunday March ing service will he held Ihe sermon Tor the be on The Churchs Obi The childrens topic will Jesus came down the The Sunday School ho A Pretty Good Play when they produced SuiJ- in a very creditable The play introduced Iho who a Saililarium with their sever al ail men and the part of Matron who was nicknamed Hunhhine was taken to by Miss Flossie Moore Mr The pastor ha n Adult Bibb- discussion W a of lown for a union Methodist Church will bo speaker Tuesday March 11th Ihe flat Marsh Hay Mas can and mink nowadays High created many trappers hay harvested with a Ihe bogs chief product- coarse grass unfit for foddei makes stuffing for furniture and mall losses Maskanonge great size and ferocity lurked in fhe reed beds of the Holland river Anglei a few lunge hut carp supplanted game ago some enthusiast mistaken as he who brought English rows into this fair land planted carp in a pond at Newmarket One day the pond overflowed Lake swarms carp days and lltcse fish almost Choke the Holland river as Un profitable in ho hulk to Toronto Buffalo for those who crave I hem During war iim moss such as composes itch of Holland hog was absorb if qualities Experts how- Hunk flic quality of its peal Pearson moved dogs bo not allowed to r large between 15th o am the of Mr Osborne moved in menl that the time be he 1st of April to the introduced last meeting of Council of a Town presented by the ByLa decided to refer the by law back to the Committee until full Council lo deal with the appointment Orders of the Day notion- was passed appoint ing Mr Pearson to interview the Board and obtain their to the money bylaws passed The Mayor called attention to Town Bj Laws which had nil been done since they were re by Iho late Jackson in and have the same printed for of the Council and Corpora about farmers selling fresh meal about Town contrary to bylaw Mr Pearson said that any per son who has complaint lo make lay the same before the and be has authority to Mr asked if Ibe was ready which was from Finance Com outstanding accounts Mr Pearson replied that lit introduce a motion later the matter Mr Winger objected to occupying a whole stall it the market and paying no Mr understood fhe he hucksters as the mor bore are the belter the The Market inquiry and arrange Motions Moved seconded by arson that Ihe Fire Light bring in a report a the supply of dec rent ByLaw who represented afflicted gout an in could hardly he sui in who when hi got Into trouble Probably Miss Statin- Ion had hardest par to play the hysterical lady and she did the others in the cast orbing Miss It Boyd Mr Erase Senior There will be an and Miss the leader Topic of Trifling with Life the Soul March at was by the pastor last week will meet in the School room of the lirislian Church The hoys Iheir fellowship any hoys fhe community who will show inkrest by being present Pastor practicable method has been yet devised Steamboats at the Landing A mere dilch swarming wit bullfrog- and wafer wrote John Gait of Canada Company when he glimpsed fhe 1825 Yet hat Toronto and the Northwest fo years street was built in expressly to reach the log fori Soldiers Bay hard by dllch between amount of bylaws together Carried Reports by Committees Osborne gave a verbal re the Firemens Hamilton which he and Engineer attended fating that the intormafh frost in frozen i locatk officii Mr Doyle said the Committee had the mailer hand and hoped lo complete the matter this year Mr Pearson presented a of the Town receipt expenditures last year under various heads and asked permis to have the same printed ii audited statement together with the assessment tax rale population He wished to have his figures confirmed by the au ditor before giving them lo the public Permission granted The Mayor called the fact that the Clerk was not collecting the Amusement Tax for the use of the Town Hall which proceeds benevolent purposes the manor should be looked after Moved Mr seconded by Mr that the fonder of Willis for Patrol Uni- form for Iho sum of be ac Carried Moved by Mr Osborne second ed by Mr that part of the business bo given to the Imperial Bank on the 1st April and he balance to the iBank of Montreal The Mayor did not favor the Ho would rather Iho whole business each to one Bank and lei each take Ha turn The more Banks deal office work Mr Davis strongly objected to be division of Bank accounts Mr Pearson said hat some years ago he had arranged with he Imperial Bank fake charge of the Fire Water accounts make all collections and pay ments and keep horn separate CLUNDY Ths Ladies Store NEWMARKET New Spring Dress Fabrics in All the Latest Shades CREPES PAISLEYS Nov Patterns and yd FANCY 8ANTOY In Henna Greys Fawn Navy French Blue Black Brown All Wool SO Inch DRESS FUNNELS for Wear In plain shades BO Inch DRESS FLANNELS In Checks for Sport Dresses and 8ults HOSE to Match Gowns In Silk Lisle and Silk and Wool and it would make reports The Mayor called upon satisfactory to include the t0 The Silverware Landing row south fork of the Hers entered a for Lake and Orillia on to in his lt- of the Holland Sir John Franklin Journeying from Toronto in launched can oes on his Jong journey lo the polar sea Later the steamer Beaver under plied on this route the iiifiiiiiuiiin also given regarding wafer Ply thought Ihe editorial in Era should he acted upon The ByLaw Committee polled a bylaw raise the q of at per cent and owners of fronting on the streels the sum of passed lis fhreo read- Mr one of the in fhe High School who had class at the Council meeting Mr was ideal way Ides The profits from wafer and used for re duction of rates to the users and extensions of the service as required not go into general funds of Ihe Town The Mayor said Hospital was a great convenience to Town and may be of greater service in he future The agreement made last year expired the old Council but as the Hospital had continued its service he saw no reason why the grant should not be continued with the same mnthly grant Of be continued for January and February upon the same agreement as last year opposed the Dr Dales said the institution as a public pital and he was willing to sub the accounts to a of the Council if necessary Mr referred to the ex nse of Ihe indigent poor The hi the agreement to Ihe liter and is still carrying or saw no reason why the at tent should not bo hy I age coach from Toronto fit Pauls during the play talent Mrs organ Was a and was greatly a her two A Brunton rid A Hoe The ydu are keeping up their rep HEIRLOOM PLATE to on yor table You may by Watch and Jewelr Impairing you and Optloli of Itov speak X Hi broad floating loaves off the 11 wrlfhe and flap as the wale were drawn away from them by the powerful action wheels in the middle of I am- remap that ft foot line at the ri Tailed find bottom olid mud In his Canada flap Dale ks of Iho Holland river as canal flowing through si marsh Conceive said the difficulty of steering a vessel in a it Is done every day tired A bylaw raise debenture for High School purpos es passed Us readings A bylaw to raise for sewers of whloh pnralion pays about one half and the owners of properly benefit led Ihe other half passed it three readings A was introduced lo t lionize the borrowing of m6nfos for Town purposos by overdraft in ihp Bank or Montreal and Iho Bank of Toronto r Lundy saw no reason why Imperial- Bank should not have a share of the Tdwns bust had hero and owned the properly which they occupied mfelllPitily after if is ascertain ed what money will be require after he sale of debenture provided for The carried Mr requested that fin iiiiimie report on fin required he Town a meeting of Council Dr Dales who came into tin Council some minute asked for he con iilion of customary gran lo he York County Hospital cases had been treated sine- he opening of Hospital and means of long poles slackening the hacking etc though rarely without running into he soft of the swamp follows Yeas Osborne Winger Davis Doyle Cane MEN WANTED Weakly Free Employment re- many positions open for men who will qualify for work as Garage mice Engineers Chauffeurs Electrical Battery or Tiro Welder Experts Also the SCHOOLS LTD King St Toronto Oct Branches and Employment service coast to coast Canada and Slates Some people dont believe In ad vertising because they say nobody reads he papers But let them get Into a scrape and you will find them flying round to the newspaper offices with the request please dont that Hide affair Newmarket Markets Incubator Time is Here shared in hi bylaw deceived The lo take public graphically it Is the proper place for Hospital and fl will confinue on tilt the public spirit behind assumes control It is now attracting a stream at visitors which Is a benefit lo business ot Town Mr Harvey who was present and is acting on Hospital Board was asked what is being done about taking the Hospital over as a Town said that a proposition Dr Dales had been accepted lo take possession of Hospital on the 1st of April but for said that the Hospital with the of Sept To make Railing a Succesj Start right with BUCKEYE INOUBATOn or BURNING BROODER We alee carry Oyster Shell Grit Rings Water Founts Phone SMITHS HARDWARE FARM HELP CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS will be an urgent demand all over Canada this year If yoa need farm help apply early The Canadian National Railways Coloniatloa Development through its representatives Great Britain Scandinavian I other European countries offers a free to farmers help as early possible In Order that they Will a Panada In time for Spring 1 OF 0EVEL0FHEHT CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY Que ARCHIVES OF ONTARI