tons- Oar Local News vhdied of estate All but Thomas How HARD motoring try Hie I LARDS A Spoon in Every Box Price J T WRIGHT Ei Small Farm acre house sevenroomed Ireee spring wells good building lots Apply to Young Grade Tamwor bacon due In April purebred Holstsfn born in February Darn ha Botes Newmarket Juniors went to last Friday night for an exhibition game The locals There was lots of fun over the burlesque match on Tuesday night The Southern Beauties led by Billy won by a score of over the Irish Guards under the leadership of Alderman Harry Doyle all Fair Dates Midland Sept Sept Sept Sept 2 3 Sept Oct 3 Oct 8 Bradford Oct Friends Musical Club Held heir regular meet the Some of Mrs II Parrs meeting opened wit r Scott as leader gave a pretty which was well r Miss Ethel Wilson paper on An Folk Songs Mr Miss Parry gave a piano duet then gave a reading followed by some com the Folk Songs Against a Vote the Official Board oi odisl Church held in Room on Monday evening tion made by Jack seconded by Mr P carried testing against a pfebiscit referendum being taken this on the of the and the following Were appointed a Committee to draft a suitable resolution and pi authorities W Patters Barred Rocks GOVERNMENT I BUSINESS FOB SALE At or Application for Divorce la hereby that Anrili Murphy of the City In the County of York In tin Province of Ontario Woman will appJj to the Parliament Can at next session thereof for bill of divorce from her Godfrey Murphy of the City Toronto In the County of York the Province of Ontario on the ground of adultery at Toronto In the tenth day of A for the lurium be in gallery Rev J laige of the sled by ftevfl A J Mann of I he Presbyterian Church Graham of the Chi and back to you Monday acre farm on the Highway north of belonging to Mr formerly owned by Mr Office The Bell Co have stalled a Pay Station at the Town Police Office in he Mar ket Building It will be open hours Entrance from of Mr of the Works is very greatly appreciated He has a new Office Chair besides set of Index Cards and Files iso a very handy Road Map for and the United States It ft with special markings traced These gifts are Walker of Sutton H L Bustard of gets immediate Sold by The services in the Methodist on Sunday next will bo the direction of the Wo- ns Missionary Society The fpHowing speakers have been Bad Travelling From enquiry we ay from the m lea tba Whitchurch King- and East limbury while the are comparatively free from snow tbe Endeavor Society of the Church with a splen did attendance from both e Topic Dariges of Trifling with Life God and the Soul was plendidly taken by Mi give Margaret Rice and solos by Mr Hurt ley and Br Gilbert After he meeting everyone joined in games and had a social which was certainly much by Refreshments then served and the meet ing brought to a close We hope we may soon have an ther union meeting which rings out the Christian Spirit Regular meeting next Monday vening The topic will be by Miss West and Robinson will have of York County Hospital lit a dozen of the business Town met in the Board of Trade rooms on Wed- afternoon and after sing a proposition by to conduct the Hospital en- public institution they decided to accept the condition up So to is adopted when the a granted Mr Dew of the Bank of I made the by Chartc Mr J Harvey secretary Messrs W Eves P and Campbell were appointed to solicit additional members So each or 100 makes a Life Member A meeting of a members will be held irt tin Board of Trade Rooms nest day evening at oclock officers The date of iyn- iji the and south are utterly im passable for all hut sleigh tral holes are reported Andre Died Hi California Word was received here of the death of Mr Robertson at Los Angel on Sunday the 2nd Many of our older resident member Mr Robertson on a bakery and afterwards went ex info the fruit business both wholesale and retail mak ink regular Lake shore and other parts North York He married a New rket girl and had children If we remember right he out to Mr Henry to West Toronto Death of Mr After an illness of in fact not being able since last July Mr Moid passed He Hi his long Be ceased was alon am He ma I two daughters Mrs J of and of Coleman Mift Three brothers and th Columbia Lafayette Burke It Alex Alberta British Pontiac Michigan Archibald at Charle- Mrs Carey Alex Shiers and Mrs Jefferies all at Charlevoix Mich haying been an A Ga P The conducted by Mrs A P Addiaoi Mrs wives former pastors of this charge special invitation is extend by the members of tin Mis ALLHAHDS PARTY A party- everyone his hands to furnish of fun that linary Make invitation cards of an outstretched say that you enl provides band bidding alt hands party at the given time When your guests should find in about your rooms fin This the Dining Room the Cloakroom This A good the ade This Way Out game with which is one that re- heel stretched tightly near the top behind it and one thrust tin to After l tried the men and thrust their band through for the girl to guess I to say that all ring Handy should be articles tike handkerchiefs gloves and thimbles make prizes for the most sue Next have each player draw Of Mill hi employee of the Co for years and a workman of unusual ability the Factory was shut down on Wed nesday afternoon and the em ployees numbering over at tended the funeral in a body The service was held at his residence on Niagara Street conducted by Rev Parry of tbe Friends Church who Visited deceased during his assisted by Rev P Graham the new pastor of he Christian Church where the family are members The pall bearers were Messrs Ralph figu left hand award a prize for best draw ing A trial to determine the of each hand is also amusing Pass a bowl of nuts and let ev take as large a handful at possible The girl who holds the moat nuts wins a also does the boy who largest handful Another feat requires a bowl of beans placed at one end of th Let each player in tun to it thrust in his hand and ithc back of I then walks holding the bean the end adjudged the Again let each playe any quotations UjouI he Church and Rev 11 Pi TIH Lily Hail and Mr an people and thy rings hey of their faith in th religion the par the half of the en lhat have been left destitute because of the ra vishes of the Turks He ex plained that would bring an orphan boy from Armenia to Georgetown Orphanage and care for him till 18 years of age give him an education and farm and fit him lake his place his Big at Orange Hall The invitation from the ranches of the lion to attend heir 1 IO I readily accepted by hi ml a full house enjoy good things her brother Mr A driv rendered he and a favorite duel Li Watch Miss Clara II in good voice sang m i I Cottage Mrs two violin duets while their Master lie Comedian down the house hi Character song a Belle This gift- family s coming to id Is Rood health but who imagined sick should send you do en administer an antidote Dont waste time here Hang out plant of Bros Mills after WWjdrMteljr lo two boys tlie sum of 150 as raised by subscription in noting and the open amounted to of The local he adoption of two boys which avrs nearly to still he Mr McCu tell eon ma Provincial Savings Bank In Newmarket is the local r and he informed us fay morning that a Sunday impressed with possibilities of work that he subscribed to he fund That leaves less than to be raised It is hoped that Koine of our benevolently disposed citizens who did tend meeting will assist by voluntary contributions bo that the balance may be made up without ihe necessity oi a pcr- CO George town have aft been adopted the Ontario Society Intends lo bring another group of 50 out from Armenia the coming sum mer An appeal has been I Graham Newmarket Cemetery the relatives and ends attending he funeril Mrs of Mr Mr Mr Era Mr Ed Mi- Helen J Scott lh and this is being earnestly Dr has great hopes that something definitely will be done In this line In the near fu ture Rev Bros R White of P I Graham and J of Newmarket climax o dress he Invited to the and iii an appropriate manner presented him with a handsome Jewel suitably engraved his completion of his term office as Master of Caledonia O No to which he re cipienl made a suitable am and grateful reply A donated by Sis Johns and a boudoir cap by Sister and made were dis posed of the adding materially to the treasury of the Ladies Lodge llection for he at Richmond II will be forwarded to deserving institution toward insisting sided at the during he panied the t At the ler lull I Clark and or Mis of lr ami Gill ian Jaeger al of Social Evening of anil linn fiuiuls al fori in attendance and a evening was claimed for ever and under le of he llo to fee thai ho till Jill family introduced for foe the teals and Barnes An orii knowledge of lie names of 1 Si were carried off by i Mr- W Ames ami Mr Williams were awarded lie consolation prize Aid lit GASH By Sowing tin 4C No t abort of iti existence to total pn of Canada during years will un doubtedly add many to the agricultural wealth of the Derived From the Siberian The No derived from the Siberian In a targe nursery plot in the experimental grounds at the Ontario Agricultural College containing WORMS BOTHER HOUSES An Shorty AH bay from Two Inches De estriat4 Toronto pis Worms The popularly known Phi end are the most common affecting tho largo Intestine of Two of planted by hand at equal produced e vigor C plants these selected at grown In Onlario and Quality Com For sixteen years the experiments at the Co the following table gives results in maturity this aid to occur In horses tern- ed respectively Cur- and the Oxyurls The Oxyurls Is probably the mora common and some authorities ap pear to consider the to be but a variation of an ab normal form of the Currula general appearance and form they closely resemble each other the chief noticeable being their length of terlorly the body used in cooperative I length The Currula Is about while the Oxyurls is about four inches in length They are both distinctly in shape and made up of a body and tail The body Is the curved and thickest part ind forma attenuated by a whiplike long They inhabit the large more especially the colon and rectum and are sometimes present in large fully determined but It probable that Infection takes direct by ingestion of food and water contam inated with eggs which later hatched in stomach and Intea- la large numbers they 1 and rectum and the animal is to be frequently rubbing the and tall against any convenient may greatly Impair the gene health of tbe animal causing thriftiness and loss of condition variety characteristic symptom the hand He id the room in hat who has the back of his tbg promenade ally Still to questions about course the hostess prepare them in advance Perhaps her will this What famous lover shed himself a glove part of lie hand lingers What hand is a sool finger What fa belli What flow Mi implies that animal lias hands a liltle though other of wini kind When he flight of lj it for your follow inirUhe ha reads Tins Way Out doubtless all hands home for a evening HAD HUMBLE START at onetime tend cows The scholarly Hide will i wit I honest to anyone who doe not believe it He rocalled hose open court and the folio wiih talk Ik of the ho sanctuary The services ho a unit and It To accomplish this both choir ami bo provided and bo actuated e ideals of service to God J must exist be tween mmister and choir and a leapect and regard for each others part in he service essentials for success In choir work Wore hen briefly re viewed The pastors address was fol lowed by a reorganization of choir in whfch he following of- were elected President LI Ian Hart Treasurer Mr of the Robes Britiingor choir have purchased twenty new gowns and for of all the gowns speaking for lematfo can Mrs Mason Inograllludeoi the organization to IhrhosTand enjoyable and profitable evening while Dr performed a like duty for loo guests of the i be years ago am had slaughtered a doen i cows being driven across by a tenyearold boy was li by omM that and stated simply When I was a boy on driving cows I am at by myself ban when f fai had my He didnt w monkey with hi own ideas of Just as he has as a f- he anybody pros id ledge of hal trial Iho At of the mut then variety but seemed rather hard I StSF with al forked al them up the anybody who Is aoqualmod with I oro Job of What if I were one of those bands my dear who got up In t coffee Is would I connection with the Ontario the blued A Consistent Prize of threshed Toronto Winter the Ottawa Winter a Canadian National I the OAC No of good quality Ontario OAC No was early readout maturity In days and tho freest from mid to an average length of Inches The peas an average weight successfully tested in tive experiments on throughout Ontario In age yield bushels tension OA College plication Onion trolled by use of a pole consisting of oncquurtor In a gallon of boiling a pint of molasses added Crop rotation and dive Dont bo what you aint bo what you is If you Is not what you am Then you am not what you is If youre Juat a little tadpole Dont try to bo a frog If youre Just the tail Dont try to wag the dog You can always pass the plate If you cant exhort and preach If youre just a Utile pebble lo be the beach Dont bo what you bo what you is the dung being passed two ounces of turpentine given pint of raw linseed oil as a repeated once week as may be quired In addition injectlona I the rectum should given morning consisting of warm i should also be given I should be both ends They are of a whitish or tingulshed by their largesized and ponds eggs and noticeable In I Medicinal treatme live In expelling the chiefly Sulphate of Iron given for a week followed day by a purgative of aloes given as a of raw Unseed oil Tin continued longer If i given Id a plat given ln of from rams dally five days followed by physic Ont Vet College drams dally for four wed by a dose morning t off for station in good lie but he met one friend after another with result that ho missed the train Naturally he was very annoyed but he bethought himself of the tele graph office This was the ARCHIVES OFGNTAt TORONTO