Card of Thanks On behalf of he Fire Brig wish to convey heir Hunter for the dona tion of 25 to the funds in recog nition of their services at his re cent fire Fred Doyle Fir Chief W The Worn iely of the Sunday Bible P RuLb Heroine All are welcomed- Oh magnify he Lord with and let us exalt His Name to her Pastor Mis ill at the borne of Mrs B Hewitt Niagara Street on Wed nesday April at 3 p hi having mile ijoxc please bring them A lift will be presented a Moving Pictures Amateur gardener were in he the Speech from the Thr reduction of the duty on a to use dry cement pavements The Junior of the had a in the Tuesday High Callii Sunday School 9i5 A inder competent of Mrs will be made menage- from pastor Pray Without Ceasing was the morning lest Prayer is the power in lie world in reaching human heart The i doming of the Kingdom Tin choir sang an anthem Breathe an Evening Blessing and Mrs Sheward gave an lent rendering of My Task- of the Social Literary committee and a pi Tarn was given Girls which was of merit and lunch fol lowed The next weekly meeting he of Miss Hazel Simp son and the topic How Loved and Served will be akei by Miss Vickie Robinson Com Friends Last Monday Business and Social Reports from PrayerMeeting Social Missionary and LookOut were surrounded d ostensibly quite frequently the Wrights i which supplied an abundance throughout the entire At ten oclock the President hi ailed the Club and it i Mr J Ihe standing know lhal Methodist League The Young Peoples League held their weekly meeting or Monday evening with a fair at tendance Mr Herbert Huge and Mr Jackson addressed the Society or tario Tempt ed to Mr Jacks of lh the Inch iiteresf the lim present Act to the time when it as not in force and told icidents of which he knew irred in our own Town which the re all benefited resent ruling He also pointed the importance of each and Mr E Manning Taylor rendered a fully Next Monday he favorable for a large increase followed he filia tion of won the past dispersed with joke and songs and hours were rapidity Mr tiled upon to present the Bolton Cake to winners Messrs J and Fred Smith which he did in a very neat peech being careful to ize the fact that pres ent expected to have a goodsized it being a threestory cake ornamented Broughton did the honors of re nd being an knife proceeded to it while hungrylooting eyes eagerly watched the But lo and behold the beautiful cake was only a dummy and Ihe sell was Com plete However Mr made amends by substituting real fruit cake of most qualify and a couple boxes Rev J Cochrane who enter ed ihe room a short time was called upon and In ingled bun stone big get so excite Madams not dere at all An Slamaellc In I do not see her fall The Newmarket Canadian Girls Training have a Mother and Daughter Banquet in both Pres byterian and Methodist School- Judging Purchased Peroherons Mr Bii ird Sal last Boyds Livery purchased eleven horses ant Clydesdales broken to harness for use on farm is boarding tin Boyds Livery and hold for ad Business Change It is reported that Mr Hooker has bought out Mr Fancy Goods store Mr Hooker came here from and has been employed in Hunt store for years where h made many friends who will hop LINOLEUMS CONGOLEUM RUGS TAPESTRY FLOOR OIL CLOTH WINDOW SHADES Citizens and Farmers Dont Fall to Visit the Live Stock Train at Depot Tuesday Morning April the Jt Costs Nothing Good Friday Evening Dont make any engagement bat will keep you from the Church on Friday April when the Choir rtill be presented speech with lh follow at poems which were received with rounds of applause CUR UNO TERMS When Jenkins Joined the Curling Club his patient wife In open air would sure Thai i Thai i Public Worship mar lit I Church will be conducted by he pastoral the usual hours on Sunday April Miss May of Toronto will have a special message for the mothers of the congregation at the morning service The invited to Soma a song Of followed by Anions iivmn iHtees were given also Sec- ti There report all showing lisfaetory progress- After Hark Hark My Soul at P Hymns Green Hill had disposed of hort program of readings and was given followed by re- served by the Social committee and the balance of the passed very quickly and in playing games etc III Will enjoy Ills ceremony in the town of Indian Head he home of Mrs A McCon The particjpafing parl- were well and favorabl known Miss Grace and Leon Garrett Editor of the News the forme of immediate family red lo make tin- lying of the This was done P J Thakcr ritual of the The horn lly decorated in pink Find white and School Club rather put on weight I when his wife would how the time he used 1 mo night rather res started talking in nil is what he said lot I see I I sure this trick Well done old hoy took Dial pretty IicK Well thats lite time we set them hack thats pulling out I pulled things ail spell Trophy to he Pr- ne being requested to do and be again broke nto rhyme as follows lots Newmarket Boy Gets Praise A special despatch from nipeg at the of the gam Saturday between Owen Sound and Calgary says As individual lights Graham and Cain stood out as stars of the first magni tude This pair a brilliant performance of defence play and at the finish they were com- pletcly exhausted hut showed the fighting spirit which gave their Dominion honors Farm- Jain is the third son of Mrs Cain- of Newmarket and past is the first in that he has played hockey familiar its AI i champion hit he bowls on Just about the ms to he the late The Interest in the old Jr Fred Chanller a tie with Mr decided hy a eplmd of pale blur King Principals room on The attendance was very good and Hie interest in various discussions well sustained tin out Mrs J Harvey the Club presided The meeting opened with community singing followed by two excellent papers Mrs 0 P Hamilton read a paper on Humane Education of Children and Miss Vickie Robinson read a paper on the cooperation between parent and teacher Among those who took part in the discussion on these pap were Mrs Mrs Mrs Arthur Evans Mis McKay Miss Staunton Miss Hob- at the Ihe bride el blue silk Gin i now in- what hell his wife say Ink Ill go down lo the and watch yon curl loday CURLINQ PHILOSOPHV orange sheaf of Miss Brooks the Ho- the Medical Act which and School children The lllirr amendments lo the Act which unacceptable was that which did not permitparents to give permission for medical atten tion or operations on child- ippy who had n made lie recipi- large and staff of aition is matter of heir The meeting also decided to barge a membership fee of folk of Indian Head excelled themselves warmth of their greetings gifts end off Headed the Mr ting decide in Minister of Health Dr to ask that a Mr Sterling Cndv was given In- privilege represent Hon J Davis in presenting tin handsome Davis Cup the oldest ophyin flic possession of The Ladies Str NEWMARKET bell of Bradford line between East and King north of Bradford road road and the ditch was full ler and the doctor found Merles dead and the other mar perished from exposun and being in water but was able get any clear idea the accident happened One battle of moonshine and empty in the buggy was a fairly good clue as lo the primary cause and Dr Wesley the Newmarket Markets Live Stock Markets Just Arrived New Spring Hosiery SILK and LISLE RIBBED In shades of Fawn Heather and Brown Reg HOSE SALEPRICE Fine All 8ILK HOSE Wide Top Fancy Clock Reg fop Heavy SILK HOSE Just the Hose for early Spring all shades to match shoes pr GLOVE SILK HOSE Brown and Navy only Regular at SILK HOSE Navy Log Cabin Brown Black Regular at Mr iiLo JlobiiaMle o In Juicily Ml called nil Im mi I lie all Ii Lyons anil Mr J its spoke ml of Ho of tin- Club Ibci ii veiling replied on lit half of Club in ANNOUNCEMENT WE HAVE APPOINTED NEWMARKET FOR Fence fence that preferred everywhere for its extra years of and economy of both erection and The fence with the famous Frost look and waved lateral wires that keep Frost Fence tight and under all of strain from stock wind and feather Dont tall to soo Frost Fence before you buy j FROST STEEL AND WIRE CO HAMILTON ONTARIO makers of and Bright Wire and Bale Ties Woven Wire Farm Faotory and Manufacturer Wire Supplies Just tay coming far 1 magnificent luncbeon Mien by Mr and On of Mr Oilman ftec- Mr Harvey a unani- of Dolton for generos ity in serving Iefreshmenls in his reply that long us and die Curling remained Mi- could upon a get a guard tliat guy The Silverware HEIRLOOM PLATE In Hell Me Himself I If lie dr wide a lie Bradford I will I may purchase piece by piece Watch and Jewelry Repairing We of your L ATKIMSOHICO lovsief and Optician had tots of rot he playing Ihe donalit interest applause the ice Proceed night everybody doolnring hut ft was one of be most they had enjoyed for many a month and CI for leaders in ho School Boom of on afternoon April com- at 33Q linder ho lead- hip of Miss May oclock Canadian Girls in of mass meeting bo held in the Chinch Sunday April fl ftt oclock girl Is invited to cm j Miss I I be any Reasons Front Many Users you were to ask the next fifty Ford owners you meet why they prefer Ford you would get a wide variety of answers Some would say Because they seem never to wear out others would answer Because they cost so little Many would reply Because I can get service any where and just as many Because it is the only car I can All would tell youBe they master a bad road in any weather a woman driver would respond Because I can drive it so easily From the fleetowners you would hear Because I can buy two or three or four Ford Trucks for the price of one big truck Wherever you might inquire you would hear expressed these basic reasons why Ford predominates why year after year Ford sales equal the total sales of all other See Any Authorized Ford Dealer CARS TRUCKS TRACTORS