Our Local News If Lawn Bowling an tt a euchre and Fell and Ihejr expect 1 What Will Wo Ho Jesus Easier Ringing Oay Newmarket session of Division of the County of York took on the bench ere only half a dozen he list ami aoupje of jVhI all the ladies have leu at their homes kindly end to the Board of Trade on Friday evening- attention All brothers are requested to fend regular meeting of Pyra mid Lodge on Tuesday evening April at oclock when the Scarlet Degree will he conferred Sec L Ma the presented by Br sled about one ho a House Hughes sale at all with High I Childrens will- commence it A will sing and the Easier an hem Dies also the Tot lowing hymns Christ Ifr Lord ToDay am Let the Holy J Sain tans will be sung by Mis franc Church Benediction on Sunday even at oclqck during which the Choir will render appro League Dont fail 4o hear he interest- debate on night oi Resolved That Western Done More For The Pros Of The Country Than Ha Canada is in charge the Citizenship Department am special program is being ranged- Let he St Andrews E ie Young Peoples Society Presbyterian Church held Scott had charge of arid lb Mr Gardner gave the Topie My What They Western will have charge o the if fed on Woodhousi Food and at Binns Hardware Methodist Mission Circle The Methodist Mission Circle met on Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs J Niagara Board of Trade Wo Members Resign from Agri cultural Committee of Board or Trade The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Trade was held in Ihe Board rooms on Slonday night President J pre- ded The minutes of the last meeting were and on mo on adopted- Mr member of the Agricultural Committee of the Board gave a report of the Fair meetings which the Commit- attended There was no quorum at the first meeting of the Fair Board At the second meeting the President of the Fair Board i absent and Mr Eves was the chair This was a meeting were freely expressed on all aides The chief questions were Iho on which the Fair should be hold and wheth er he Fair should be a two op three day Fair The committee of the Board of Trade protested against the Fflir being held on Saturday If worked a hardship against the merchants and other day as profitable Before the Board of Trade Committee bad Ibis meeting the Fair Board had decided on a Saturday Fair Eves asked the Fair Board to consider motion This done and the meeting then air unanimously decided to set the Fair on three days other than Saturday In the interval of the next meeting of the Fair Board President borne had made a canvass of the merchants who lie reported at the next meeting were favorable to Saturday Fair Mr Osborne slat at this meeting that the hard connection with the management of IbeFfiir Fair 1 l lor are responsible for the j of tin Fa if they to hold the Friday and Saturday responsibility was entirely on their shoulders Personally Mr Keith was of Methodist Church Community Good Friday vice at A Rev Graham pastor of Christian church will preach and Ihe pas of the Presbyterian Friend Methodist churches will as till be conducted by the pastor will preach in Che mornin in tin subject Behold My Hands Mi s F Jones a turned instructive talk China and Articles of and familiar objects used Chinese home adding much the interest of Easter story wll be by Art and song The I- illustrated with the great masters Miss Jones is a Newmarket girl of whom we may be justly proud and we are greatly indebted to tier for her splendid talk Some numbers were added and refreshments served Mite boxes and thankofferings that have not yet been returned may be lefl at Mrs Duffys Main St Com Business Changes Realty Co report the following business changes the i Street and Charlie in Canada fart Of which have by the Easter for a period of five years and will theme The choir will sing an fit the building up as Cantata The j class restaurant Work is by Kevin are cordially wet- progress trig favorably Mr corned to these services Brown photographer has he would not attendance at the meet- leased the building formerly opinion that a Saturday Fair would draw a larger crowd than on any other day of the week- The generally regard Saturday as a holiday and they would on that account attend the Fair in much larger members If any members of a committee really want to re organization is better with out them He dd not believe forcing unwilling members to office Finally it moved by Mr y seconded by Mr Keith thai the resignations of Mr and Mr be accepted and that Mr and Mr Hewson be appoint- d in their stead on the Agrieultur- Committee of the Board of Trade Carried Mr read a letter from Mr Superintendent of the at re the or a battery car on the line between Newmarket and Toronto Mr O E Tench advised that matter be followed up particular ly- in view of the increase in rates on the Hydro radial The rates had been advanced approximately per cent and Mr Tench contended that llii8 worked a hardship on tahe Mr said that be bad seen the increase in rates coming for a number of years Back in the city had expropriated the road with in the city limits and he had done his best to get the County Council to see the importance of taking entire system but his fellow for York Junior womett and Junior bra was held at Aurora on boys competed In Contest In tie Contest Miss Christ ine of with score of points of a possible won the highest Mis Lillian Hart of see- Edna Snfder oiy Fischer Hemphill mm LARGEST AND BEST STOCK IN NORTH stale heir views Mr Eves and Mr Doyle stood behind the resolu tion of the former meeting the balance of the Board declared in favor of Saturday After the mo- put President Osborne ask ed Mr to speak He said that he expressed his sorrow that the Board bad changed its deci- declared that it was in the best interests of the Fair Board d the community generally to hold the Fair on days other than The commit tee of he Board of Trade bad no selfish to serve He showed how the Fair on Saturday loss to merchants in t Ian considered that the committee of the Board of Trade was useless to the Fair Board Its members had no vole and their advice was regarded from a selfish viewpoint The only thing that they could do was withdraw and he would like to re commend lhat this committee of the Board of Trade be abolished Mr A Brunton said that Mr Dolan had stated the situation clearly The in what they regarded wa3 the best interests of the community was willing to act any capacity to bring the Fair out of a rut but party to any held during this week byhim next llo very gratifying and Theatre and has moved into the closing new quarters over the Toronto of the series will be held in Jobbing House The Heal the of the church on Friday night The choir will s Crucifixion Pastor ill also be located on the for at Registered StookSale Over people attended the ale of Cattle at the Farm on Yonge Street on Tuesday afternoon when 56 of registered animals sold at an average of about In this respect be sale was rather Mr- Shaw The following iff taken from Globe Sixty including about at if ispruaal hi- wellknown Farm 1 at yesterday higher Obtained lately in Mildred i May Fclio Sylvia blood Ides of Inr pedigree lie lop price going to Illinois next price i paid by for Ho Mr John lake imiuih- p mil Brown Studio and is fit ting lie premises up in an lee Cream and Parlor When opened he did When the city in pur chased the radial they took from system of its earning and they have left about of the cost of the operating within the County By the time the York County members had got terosfed in he purchase the road the city had started forits purchase The Bill to purchase the road never reached the County Council With the chase rigid the Bill permitted to increase its rates Where there are short hauls and heavy traffic there is some chance making the undertaking pay Dangerous level crossings in Newmarket were discussed lengMi but no action was introduced Iho sub ject of the early closing bylaw He said that bylaw should either be enforced or wiped out altogether Our public officers should see that the bylaw was enforced The mer chants should bo compelled lo keep It was moved by Mr Mr thai the ictiiry he infirm to tie Oiy Beta Stein Nellie Clark Katie Craig Elizabeth Clark Young of won in Willi of toUowed by Boynlon with ami Willi points Tom Hastings or Martham and Clark Young not feavlrig won the Specials previously will be sent to Chicago International this Fall The Junior Cup to New Judges was won by George who made a of Township Team of Junior Judges won the med als donated by Warden Card- house team being George and Jaol Specials In Books were by George Nelson and Jack The winners in the various classes are as follows Beef NEW RATINES In plain colors also In stripes and checks VOILES- GIN SHAMS Etc BRUNTONS CLUND Y The Ladies Store NEWMARKET Just Arrived New Spring Hosiery be and we trust the show their this I to Now by a and The boys and girls all pver Town have been practising for The Star content for Home time but the test did not come off till Tuesday at the King 111 from public schools and the Separate school arid the contests were held under the supervision of teachers and senior scholars age limit being from to ii years The content commenced at 1 oclock and continued till no not a party iu any ac tion which would be detrimental to any section of the community After he Fair Board had ignored he advice of the Agricultural Com- nil of Mi Ii TI III I- li fe that he could no longer be or the as a representative or Hoard of Trade Mr A said that be un derstood lhat when the Fair Board had decided on the dales of the Fair exclusive of Saturday the mailer was finally settled and he irprised when he had learned thai the original motion was Board of Trade members had been put on certain commit tees but they had no volo although icmbership might be of value lo the Fair He was prepared remain on and give what assistance bo could towards of the Fair Fred Doyle of the Fair Board stated that the made by the regard to the action Fair Board was quite correct but he did off the Car Moved Mr Keith run Mr that til- bill f rent he paid On motion flic idjmn Ed Note We are indebted I- editor of the for the vlded here being about not think that the Board of Trade siiould go the meetings with the idea that every suggestion which they made should be carried out by Hie Fair Board It the part of wisdom to so not FATAL AUTO SMASH ON KINGSTON eph- sly injured and St Tailor and Aziz both of Trenton as a result of the It train Montreal winking truck loaded with- were riding at Kingston Crossing at this Ambrose Canning Rogers Eric Moynlhan Dairy Harvey Byron Hill Jack Gee Leslie H Kane 3 Cliff Playter Jack The Competitions V by of Representative The truck sing continued be heir first suggestion was turned down The Board of Trade mem- the I bers could be of very great injured and I lance to Fair and be believed j He rails Taylor whose back wan to the windshield wan thrown through H the driver was thrown out left side of cabin on the truck and On other serious injuries Hong Kong April 12 A large number or Chinese aboard the steamer Lee bound for Hong Kong were fired on and robbed in the Canton River delta last night In the first plrallcnl attack since Of the anil regulations The Lee was accompanied by Sunning under the Pirates posing Invaded Ihe he bank While special guards officer returning the pirates ashore gang on Several were wounded rid ay in the thai they should sink slopping games for the gerral good of the hen- Fair They diouid uk to their gunfl and help lo make the Fair shed I Calf Brings Ally well conducted was attended by of people of buyers were it in oar were bidding herd al- tested for tu- wan credited Gallon trouble and rxpensse of miaefKdifid Iock into the it is it Ihe herd bad credited would in Mark a pupil in Miss lihrinkff division and the r at Jacks iorH a pupil in Holidays tin- practice for the contests a source or during recess as the would nol permit of iside games since the lo disappear 1efore lea at I by hoarded tin medical as However die ng Die I rain fire SILK and LISLE RIBBED in shades of Grey Fawn Heather and Brown Reg HOSE Fine All SILK HOSE Wide Top Fancy Clock Reg for Heavy SILK HOSE the Hose for early Spring all shades to match shoes GLOVE SILK HOSE Brown and Navy only Regular at SILK HOSE Navy Log Cabin Brown Black Regular 130 at 98c Heavy COTTON HOSE for Children 6 to 10 Ribbed Good Hose for School 39o SOMEBODY HAS VJirn an automobile owner of a ten something gees wr damage somebody has to matte good liable for th damage and the bills thai pile he has to pay unless protected by insurance Company bo your goodlawyer fbr full years ALSO INSURE YOUR CAR AOAIN8T FIRE THEFT OR COLLISION And be sure that you have a Substantial accident policy on your- own health We i It a pleasure to these different FRED ft LUNDY Incubator Time is Here CIROULAR SAW RUNS AMUCK Iln hud urged Hie Harvey two members to reconsider i action and to remain on the for the general institution He out the of Trade bud with the Fair inana- 1 The Silverware TO OWN it the members of their In The Board of Trade JrmUy trie the Board could render valuable service lo the Fair less the Fair obtained Hi the cooperation of all wai doomed to pass nut of and this would bo a to Mr Instant on and years of hud Ills right dislocated the broken in two places with to the elbow accident place at of Tiliomns who was cutting with o in the belt of be Inch flew nil the shaft wound around lie neck Max ted who was Tight with a Or COLONY BROODER We also carry Shell Grit Ring Water Founts Phone sflilTHrS HARDWARE Chewing Gum Aids Digestion hud HEIRLOOM PLATE You piece by piece Watch end Jewelry Repairing We a share of your ATKINSON 00 Jweer find Optician fell that he could i stated that the action of the Fair very detrimental to the interealfl of the business men of and ho asked that he be permitted to from committee If one cannot work In sympathy ft Is heller to resign Mr Keith secretary of the Board lhat lie up opinions nol vely tt