Newmarket Era, 13 Jun 1924, p. 1

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3 The leading County Paper as well as the 01d No paper of North York unless paid Special Bargains AT B1NNS HARDWARE GENUINE OIL WINDOW SHADES 37 In x ft Cream or Green SHEEP SKIN MITTS one finger Reg for Quarts High Grade PAINT Red or Brown qt BABY CHICK FOOD Medium and Large Size and Folding GO CARTS Reg Price for only Dolly WA8HING MACHINES Reg for Genuine HOLLAND BULBS Watt for Until Grade ROOFING with nails and cement A FLOOR WAX Reg quality for We rent Floor Waxer and Polisher for Half Day HARDWARE FOR GOOD PAINTS AND VARNISHES Our Ottawa Letter Sir Henry ways Budgef turned very brief and mild i Collecting Sale Notes If you have any farm sale notes for collection you are invited to utilize this Banks collection service We will be glad to attend to details of collection for you when they fall due and deposit the money to your credit IMPERIAL BANK OV CANADA SOUTH END LUMBER YARD rant BIRCH Red and White LUMBER LATH SHINGLES P PEARSON standing the power the government itself ind simply to show thai on I- put businesslike open and fearless the National Railways ahead of political prestige arid partisan advantage Tile new committee will doal especially with closed business which means there will not be dragged publicity ILLEGITIMATE PARENTHOOD Dr J Shearer Five thousand Children are torn out of wedlock in Canada These children are badly handicapped for lifes struggle- They are inadequately supported often poorly educated socially ostracized Their Canada In law for the cat children born out of wedlock for he securing of justice to the mothers of such The Legislature passed the in thai year Manitoba the fol lowing year Alberta and Columbia in Prince Ed- ward Island in and tin present prospect that all other Provinces will adopt hi feel compels the to support the child to he standards of fe until it is Of and it i Wlllll III favorable light might affect the welfare left to he mother take the in in putting the law in nid This dirty rests with tin Superintendent of Child Welfan Henry Thornton branchline railways Canada rose in revolt- One newspapers gave the lead others followed and public required to report the facts of each such birth- The Judge clothed with power to decide of fatherhood with all before him and well to fix the amount of fin sibility of the falht the Uppe The House of Com joined in the demand for a hands off the National Rail roads policy members of the slated in very the THE CANE SONS GO LIMITED DEALERS IN- B Material Lumber Lath Shingles Posts Etc Doors Sash Flooring and Moulding Turning Sawing Dressing Etc The Cane Sons Co Limited in of all and were blocking Hie wheels of pro gress The Senate staged an press he and formal protest against this disregard of its an cient dignity and then promptly set its face in the opposite di- Every consideration shown lo the Counsel and engineering experts of the and several bills without demur The at least its alii the branch lni politicians win principle to personally care for turning her fitness Tim possible the child is as fair chance in life and father is compelled his just share of responsibility for The Fine Day and The days of the old Sharon of the Children of re recalled last Saturday inoon by the large crowd that gathered on the old Temple rounds which is now called Pioneer when they cel ebrated the anniversary of of David Wilson the architect of the Temple and the founder of the original society Interesting Address- In an interesting address Rev- Thompson Trinity Church struck Ihe keynote the thought of the saembly when he stated thai the was both unique and acred in its underlying motive f fanning he fires of reverence and appreciation for the sires of County Citizens The of Ihe pioneers who PREFERS COW TO BICYCLE Orangeviile June Here scientific aids he educational id adding that born the Temple of Peace at might eventually lead to at The work of pioneers in and forded ample for Canadians to be pio spheres of science social and spiritual welfare Thi had already the case will the University of Toronto whicl benefit of the who of the gratification of Ihe gathering said that the widening out of the Pioneers As had already permanent shape Two days of the pa Inde bills and pul public above partisan considerations are hoping that if will not revert lo former mistaken policy of criticism and obstruction Died on Duty Cariboo Mr lo principle and devotion to duty were wedded lo the most amiable raits of personality spoke seldom but when he spoke his opinions held the respect of men of all shades of political opinion in Ontario which third of Ihe population if Canada has been in operation or nearly three Tne latest report hat cases have been reported A large proportion of these cases are in pi I of them have been finally dealt with In oases it was im possible establish the patern ity child for lack of cor roborative evidence supplement ing the mothers In cases the parents were vol- In 31 cases rs specially desired Hint should be taken were settled by agreement the parlies concerned ilh Ihe approval of flu of Child Welti the Orangeviile Sun Dont you want to buy a bi de around your farm clerk ad he Is Theyr you a first- heap now I can But think replied tin the clerk around on a cow 01 know replied the farm- stroking his chin no more I guess than I would BOY RIDING BICYCLE KILLED BY AUTO June In an dent here was killed and injured St Calha automobile day night Miller It ding his old ith his chum the i of In- of Ihe County Judge ably over by compulsory order Of of birth from Ihe British Is lands an abnormal pronorlion Almost has been lecled and much more has been ordered paid but not ye due Factory Yards Huron St Newmarket fin I lie in hour or two be fore his death though not at all in good health and it will he a matter of sorrowful pride his nut the Union Sought Church Union n of it as a bill is still in and may slay ALL LINES OF iPRUGE and FIR LUMBER UR COIL BEFORE THE ADVANCES W HEVES HURON one Newmarke i acquired by the by the organization of leagues of lacrosse and baseball and South York the championship games to be frophy cups were presented of the Toronto Trans portation Commission presented of the lacrosse iliaiinuiship of the county while Albert J- pre sented a cup to be awarded to the l v iniiiiu Hi- l ball championship The latter cup was received on of last years leant by Keith representing for the year of the Cup- would be lb- aim of tin Aisoeiahon to make the notable for Ihe emi nence and fame of speakers singers and who wouh Walter in a touring car and struck thi boys at Church and Niagara ts The Miller boy died on the lo the hospital The Fisher lad carried the hos pital came to shortly after and tonight it was slated that he would recover is held waiting the Coroners Gertrude Alice Crozier aged of Jones Avenue Toronto was killed Sunday afternoon by a mo tor car owned and driven by Parish druggist St Toronto on the Highway near Burlington Mr Parish and his wife suffered considerable bruises and cuts from broken glass when their car overturned crushing the little girl to death Mr Malcolm James his occurred about three miles went of Palermo- MY was repairing SO Years Ago Prom Era June Ceo Abbs and Rev E Wednesday tie lafter straights Married At the Newmarket June Brown Miss Isabella Ja Jackson both of Wo Years Ago with his left for Philadelphia on Monday to spend with his cousin Bolton and a couple of friends from Toronto spent Sunday in own Mr Frank Foster from New York on account of the illness of mother Eva has return- after spending a couple at The Band back from the ify to Mrs of Dunkirk formerly Miss of on a months visit and Mrs and Miss of Bradford were guests Sunday by the side of the ditch i trip of roadway at Mr John and daughter spending his week with her who he hospital at Mrs opposite side of the road from where her fathers car a Dodge touring machine was standing Mr Parish who accompanied by his wife was driving in a Dodge roadster Windsor to at tend the Druggists Convenlion ale of void a brakes and turn ed pinning he little girl beneath he car The father with the assistance of others carried the child Lees farm house nearby she died ten min- afterwards Miss Nettie Forster played the wedding march Wednesday Mr and Mrs E Jackson are in Norwich visiting her brother for a few days Dr Hunter from Texas is spending a few days in Down George pUtved at on Saturday with of Bradford Hewitts Mr Arthur has pass ed his final M exam and se cured a position on the hospital in New York City goround ical attachment was a great direction for the hoys and girls it the North American hMel vard this week the G T approaches are now operated by cable undergo by Mil Mcta Wright Trinity Methodist Church who gers who sang Ann recitation of the poem of tor last night The en gine had reached the centre of the bridge when the entire struclure collapsed and when the men recovered from the they were struggling to themselves from wrecked fmhly of the Owen Sound are luded A bitter fight In the setJms unavoidable there emerge from a as as the incisure I rtoon pass into the delilieu chamber And whether or he Brown motion of Inst Wednesday providing for the reeindirig of the amendment carried which provided for year delay and carrying of natter into the Courts will for debate remains to Government Inepeotlon or Banks Tile Commons and no less country Is awaiting with a deal the of further detail of Hon Jas- ie Jfuik Act providing for Inspection of eil nk8 It in to the credit of the ity of banking Instflu- had warranlei general before The broad outlines of already placed as placed before opteof by wide powers reports fo lie used as the basis of isterial action in such as call for action The power will reinain wilh the Min- I has been The fall Burl sang OldFashioned Town accompanied by Mrs and Mrs T iss Dorothy a pupil Hughes School and gold medalist of he or the chool land silver medalist al the Empire Day concert sang Rachel Musical is were given by Snider J M Brown It was announced that legacy left by Ihe Into Win Crocker pastpnsidenf would be expended in placing portraits of past officers or Association in Sharon Temple officers of the Association pies- SCaswell historian and chairman of executive Jo shua Moore 1st vicepresident Doan United Stale of this will in the course of a and probably will f for fulldress debate in he Mr was to sign for Can liilulf of lealed hist and on Tnily and his ores ence again US in that ho has proved a dap- and Rumsdon presidents N Caswell liary J Watson el was given In by talent custom of feast days of the Children of adopted BE OBSERVANT entered llm study Meeiil the celebrated and him for it coal of I But you brought And then very much to lib she tilled hands allies apd pul the live coal lop No doubt ho learned an knew ashes a of heat but ho scon the fact verified such a manner Two boys of my acipiaiiitiiiee look a walk with pan he the middle of the lhal fly away I 111- tie of mud the oilier Are there drones as among bees Both are alike busy and it away with a burden plied the naturalist Tin you Ihoutfhl a donothing Had a moufhfut of water They reach nest together the one Els his of mud and other ejects the water upon it winch 1 f Then they ft upon nest nd how Ihhigs you that you it Hear sharply sold Sat urday at a dozen and Oc a lb handorgan with monkey at tachment did up the town on Tuesday carpenter Brown Lush Wm Perrin Waller Brodie W Low jr J Green Well Geo Haskell Fred Patterson and Andrew Altar At the residence of the parents Victoria St Newmarket June Pith by jv Emery Dr McMHIan Ho iss Emma Knowlos On May by Rev At the residence of brides father June Miss Jennings of Lloyd town to John At residence or the brides June 7lh by Rev J of to Miss AI the residence of the brides falfier Toronto by Rev J Miss Francis Pat terson to of Tomb In June 3rd Catharine relict of Grirfin aged years At St Michaels Hospital Onto June Win Sincere of Newmarket aged Al Perth TORONTO

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