From wonders of famous Fruit Treatment ore only revealed when n1iilitliliiilliiivliiHifiuii from Madurnc Dame Montreal For three years I was troubled Nervous pepsin and Liver Troubles Then I taking Very j entirely well Fnntanvea is ho Juices of apples oranges figs and intensified and combined with tonics and forma fruit treat ment for Liver Kidney and a box at or sent by Limited Ottawa ISLAND Col Lennox Is range men I a Ad hold his again on Holiday Monday in August by lancing season opened at iy last Saturday evening I mil attendance and Stevensons or wan greatly ijjii The annual O picnic took place Beach on Do minion Day and a good crowd The ball gamps worn interesting and Ihe were contested especially the foot race the P officials and directors Vandorf PLUMBING and FURNACES kt MONEY TO LOAN 1200000 to lend on fawns First Mortgages Mortgages paid off or purchased Irwin SMITHS Plumbing ATTENDED TO TENDER Tenders will be received up t day of July addressed to the at Ont the purchase of Ihe north west quarter of lot number Con Township East belonging estate of the late William farm contains acres more or less and is fenced This Is good gesture land There la some ttuate about mites from and Holland Landing the purchaser will pay down per of purchase money on at Tender and balance within days thereafter without interest or any tender not aocepted Far particulars apply to Maries Administrator of Holt Ont or to for Newmarket icNic Grounds Having improved Park am cow prepared lo cater to all So fties hold Picnics this mummer BATHING OF FOR SPOUTS WOT AND COLD WATER FREE BOOTH particulars apply to On Wednesday Juno at oclock In MelltqUtst church Vandoir Miss Delia May was united in mar riage Id Mr George Brown son of Mr and Mrs Abijah Brown of UKbHdgo church way beautifully dec orated snowballs and ferns ceremony was performed by Thomas While of the church wearing a while do gown and Ihe custom ary bridal veil and orange blos soms was escorted the altar by faf1mr The Miss Mary of Lindsay wore pink organdie white liiltlo flower girls pisses Brown ami were in do with rose bud trimming Mr George of supported he bridegroom and Miss Marriott of Toronto played Iho wedding march ushers were Mr Wllmot Brown and Mt Brown brothers of tlio Af ter Iho ceremony a reception was held at the home of brides parents The happy couple will reside at Onl Aurora ami flood this year The Horticultural have decided to hold peony show Saturday July in the Town Mrs Tuesday for town the guests of Mr Chaidcs loft ill spend Alio summer with her ion Dr Charles Mr Fred of a visiting his father Mr I J Mr and Mrs am and Mrs E and son to for the week and Mr W J has in lot a new house Spruce The Garden PaKy will be held on lunsdav July at the home of Prof Greaves Gome and enjoy the him- and a good supper Mr Isaac O Toole has contract for carrying ho hail Rural No on July 1st A wedding was i- Mo- of ibe brother Mr Leslie Kerr Con- naught Avenue on June Ada Viola youngest daugh ter of Mrs Kerr was married lo Norman Johnson A son of Mr and Mrs E Johnson of this place Met hod Church conducted the ceremony in he presence of lie immediate ives The bride wore a dte gown over satin witih veil with seed pearl ant blossoms and carried a of American beauty roses he bride was atlended her malt twin cousins Lome and ficott dressed in while and carrying a has- of roses After the ceremony was and Ihe happy left amid showers of On their return they will in Aurora TEMPEIUNCEYILLE Certainly But first lot a word lo Ihe mother lio not lament her going nor worry about her safety Her coming in accord with he nature of things Country folk have assigning us oily dwellers and more work during tlio that we must draff lho youth of farm to help make the clothing tin the- from homo a fore marries which she and still more good to flpend lime of this in town Mentally shell broaden out like Mr wishes his U party lo do So speak of daughter as a privilege not us a Bui lo Hie young woman I say so here in the city that yon can always go homo a blithesome To do that I advise as to the of a house Do not think m within So many seek such thai he price is higher than more rt mole lodtfihys by just about price of the daily street car tic els And it ia healthy In ways to in a res Find some good woman who loronl a o make ends Hang up your picture of dad and momsey of Billy and Kale of and young fellow you left hack homo Go lo the libfary and take out a card row the biographies of Hannah More Jennie Lind Nightingale Frances and Susanna Wesley Select the can I you ask not knowing a soul You can You have the choosing You need not a chip floating on a sea of circumstances I a sorry for the helpless girl she must stay need not make the city a hell you can make ft a heaven can your your company That is if youhav tho will ii against the breezes over and sea from England How much a human than a Not widow of the late hip yea iiled lliert- one of you lion hut one where you choose wholesome chums a hear Christ preached Find young society hat is something worth while then do something in it Help some other young woman Bo the iido of some girl that worse off than you are Shun evilminded women 1 say women first because you will often find the to lor men sometimes for pay but more frequently from sheer There is a deal of humbug talk about he single standard of There should bo no double standard true but the new single but rather thai of the Vic Beware of youths call good sports Do not estimate the happiness of the reckless unconventional young be heading for by her lalk The i to the she You cannot defy which are the resume of mor al legislations resulting from all experience Keep your detective department alert Without losing faith in human najure at all watch for the tempter is your em ployer get a now If he is business keep your dig- and your sweetness Beware of men who would pose your defender against other Ella Wilcox said that some men defend a woman against Ihe of all males except them- immodesty in dress A brisk walk is better than rouge and powder Think of marrying Bat think and leisurely The chance- are about seventeen out of twenty hat you will marry he lily unless of course fellow hack homo keeps you I heard a socialist thai girls going to the be driftwood of lo No I Ask any depart of things One department was for nothing hut the making boxes to pack eggs in J Each case was divided into dozens of tiny compartments of which the partition could be lilted out and the long diili bo without getting broken m it way- In another part of 11 works chests were made holding different kinds of It inter laming pi spend day in and mostly lo bo found there and holidays playing with shavings or watching the machinery and chattering with bail and scorned greatly interested had concluded he do Our business Mr looked pleased Times had been rather hard him of late and fitting up of all machinery had cost him much money He was anxious to extend his business every possible and he said so In what waycan I servo you gentlemen be asked way My hero has new kind of for packing whiskey bottles but wo not the necessary plant for turning out boxes Now you have and if you will go in with us it will bo a affair for all of us See here i a model And the produced a tiny wooden mode and explained its advantages f Mr who listened and examined it leipn Harry looking on from It is capital far as patent is concerned I have nothing but fc but I cannot have anything to do it f And poilly why not asked lh in much surprise for yourself strict total abstain er and I could have nothing do with the manufacture of any article has to do with the wine or What folly 1 he cried Why man you may be a hun dred times an abstainer and oliil cases to hold whiskey hot ties Nobodys asking you I drink the whiskey But it was in vain the visitors argued Mr Jamieson was no lo bo against con and finally ihe genlle men went away in rather a hum or Father remarked Harry whci they had gone I dont sec why you couldnt have done that U cant prevent people by nol iking lie boxes for if you donl make thorn somebody else will so but my conscience ill be clear which makes all the difference to me said fa lilting down write a let Seeing he was busy strolled into the next shed where the process Ire loved best to watch was going on namely the strip Ping of tree trunks for veneering guiding the whole trunk was laid on in long strips The talking busily and did no Harry asked Blake the More nor I are make ever answered he other Bui tell you what Joe if he master had said yes hem folks its the saloon I lid have gone straight for this night icon as I was off my work Now just lets see says I to myself when I heard them talking if master thinks its lo make boxes to carry key then John Thompson neednt think none to drink But he stood firm and steady id I stand steady too dye see Joe nodded Same here he observed Ilg a very fine to preach to a fellow but likes a man thats good wood all through this log here I minds following the like A n A lire to The Rubber Company make a wide Variety of Automobile Tires No matter what type of car you drive or what your tire allotment isthe Dunlop dealer can attend to your needs Tires are standard Every one of them is backed up by the reputation of thirty years standing TIRE RUBBER GOODS CO LIMITED TORONTO Branches b IciEas I in papers on tho coast assort that Islander strict orders have been officers lo drink least an admission that tiquoi the cause of the Islander The New voice HER OWN CHARM A Scotch farmer a bachelor and a little past bis prime find ing his comforts life rather meagre on account of his indi gent circumstances decided that tho best thing he could do was lo marry a certain middleaged neighbor of his who did lack money Ho wooed and won and his es tate soon took on an air of great er prosperity of the first purchases he made with his wifes money was a When he brought it homo he called his wife out lo sec it After admiring the ani mal she said Wee Sandy if it been for my siller it been here Jenny replied Sandy if it been for your siller you been here yersel I BRANTFORD The Branford Windmill operates for at a year with one oiling turns on colter bearings has double running in oil and stands the brunt of the most violent storms The New Brantford has the strongest windmill tower in the world Many have been in service This is the best w yet made The Brant font it told J Newmarket Ontario LIFE In buying a motor car consider what thecost will be when divided over a period of years What is the cars refutation for satisfactory service after the first year After the second And after the third and fourth These considerations in the final analysis are the true basis of economy in motoring And it is this attribute of long life to which Dodge Brothers Motor Car owes its chief claim upon the unalterable loyalty of its owners H TEASDALE Aurora THOMPSON Newmarket The Feci II